
Monday, August 1, 2016

APPHOME USB Cup Holder Car Charger

I have tons of car chargers, they are actually all over my car. I am now in the process of removing them all since I received this awesome cup holder charger. I have a small car and it only has 1 cigarette lighter so plugging in more then one charger end is impossible. With this cup holder charger it has 2 built in plug ins and 2 built in USB ports. Now I can plug my phone and Mp3 player into the USB ports and I can also have my GPS and my car deodorizer plugged in all at once. I am thrilled with this charger. It fits perfectly into one of my 4 built in cup holders and does not bounce around or out of the spot. I like that it also has power buttons so when I have nothing plugged into one of the ports it is not live. This is also easy to take with me if I change vehicles. When we go on vacations and day trips we usually go in my husbands car. I can just unplug this and put it into his car. I will be getting a 2nd one of these for his car though so I don't have to remember to put it back in my car each time.

I received this product during a promotion free for my honest review and they are 100% my own opinions. I received no compensation for this review and I am not required to give a good review. I am also not associated with the seller in any way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice blog...Thanks for sharing this useful information about chargers….keep it up
    car chargers
