
Showing posts with label Lola's Blog Tours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lola's Blog Tours. Show all posts

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Fated Memories by Joan Carney

Joan CarneyFated Memories
by Joan Carney
Genre: Historical Romance/ Time Travel Romance
Age category: Adult
Release Date: April 15, 2016

A woman, a war, a vision of the future past...

Burdened with the scars of a tortured childhood and a shattered romance, Kitty is being forced to resign from the dull, anonymous job she’s been hiding behind. With her life in shambles and her friends moving on without her, she jumps at her cousin, Maggie’s, invitation to visit.

However, Maggie’s new boyfriend, Simon, has a secret that accidentally hurls the trio a hundred and fifty years into the past. Trapped in the midst of the bloodiest war in American history, and acutely aware their actions might trigger a butterfly effect on the future, the events that unfold will require more mettle than Kitty’s ever had.

You can find Fated Memories on Goodreads

You can buy Fated Memories on Amazon. This book is part of Kindle Unlimited.

Joan CarneyAbout the Author:
A transplant from the concrete sidewalks of New York City to the sunny beaches of Southern California, Ms. Carney enjoys writing stories about women who are strong—whether by nature or circumstance—and the men who love and respect them for who they are. Things that make her happy are rainy days (too much sun is a bore), writing the perfect first line, family get-togethers, reading books that grab her heart, and finding new connections in her genealogy research. Bold coffee and dark chocolate fuel the artistic fire inspired by her family, friends, and psycho, lizard hunting cat.

You can find and contact Joan here:
- Website
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- Goodreads

My Review:
Fated Memories is by Joan Carney. This is my first book by her and I was drawn in on page 1. I enjoy time travel books and love the Civil Wat era. This book had both and a couple of romances. I would love a series personally.

In the book Kat is unhappy with her life and job. She is ready to give up her independence and move back home to get a fresh start. When her cousin Maggie asks her to come stay with her. Kat jumps at the chance. Maggie's dying Grandmother asks for some things in a hidden room in her old house. The house had been sold a few years before so Maggie decides to break in to find this hidden room. Once there they find the room and amongst the things in the chests they find an old necklace. Little do they know the powers this necklace possesses. 

Maggie's New boyfriend has had images or more like memories from a past life of being in the Civil Wat in 1861. Maggie buys into it but Kat just can't wrap her head around it. Past lives are just not in her belief system. 

One night the trio goes out to a bar, there a drunken co-worker or Maggie's shows up and starts trouble. This moves to the parking lot. There he goes after Maggie and the chain to the locket is broken with Maggie holding it in her hand Simon grabs both ladies and starts to run away as he does he is thinking he wished they were back in 1861 and this wouldn't be happening. 

The trio wake up in an empty field lost and bewildered. They soon find out they are in 1861 in the middle of the Civil War. None of them know how or why. They just know they need to figure out how to get home. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Waltz of Devil's Creek by Justine Carver

The Waltz of Devil's Creek banner

This is my stop during the book blitz for The Waltz of Devil's Creek by Justine Carver. The Waltz of Devil's Creek is a new standalone historical fiction book set in 1947.

This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 26 October till 8 November. See the tour schedule here.

The Waltz of Devil's Creek
The Waltz of Devil's Creek
By Justine Carver
Genre: Historical Fiction
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 20 October, 2020

Judith Campbell is dying, and she cannot take the painful truth about where her son came from to the grave with her. While on her deathbed in Atlanta, Georgia in 1994, Judith tells him the tragic story of his conception, and which of two men his birth father could be: the young man who professed his love to her, or the pastor who assaulted her.

Set in the Deep South in 1947, The Waltz of Devil's Creek digs into the dark crevices of racism and women's rights during a heated political climate in an era of segregation. Combined with Judith's lack of social stature, and at a time when reporting sexual assault was unheard of, every injustice is stacked against her from the very beginning.

But there is a light in Judith's young life: her best friend, Joseph Bird, who has loved her since childhood. Joseph stands up for Judith when no one else will and proves that even in the darkest of times, a light is always burning.

You can find The Waltz of Devil's Creek on Goodreads

You can buy The Waltz of Devil's Creek here:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Kobo


“But Mrs. Bird,” I said, looking over at her, “God don’t want people like Pastor Allman.”

She just looked at me for a moment, and then a smile slowly lit up her eyes again.


The voice snapped Mrs. Bird and me from our moment, our heads simultaneously jerking toward the living room.

When we heard Joseph’s feet stomping against the floor as he ran down the hallway, Mrs. Bird and I dropped the dishtowel and the plate and hurried out of the kitchen.

“YOU GET YER DUMB ASS OUT HERE!” a second voice shouted, “OR WE’RE COMIN’ IN TO GET YOU!”

“That’s the Woodson brothers,” I told Joseph’s momma.

“Don’t you go out there,” she warned him as he thrust his big feet into his shoes. “I mean it, Joseph, don’t you go out that door!”

He flung the front door open anyway, and before he could step outside, the Woodson brothers jumped on him in the doorway.

“Joseph!” I screamed.

“Get out of my house!” his momma shrieked.

The whole house shook as the three fought; a small table underneath the window beside the door fell over, shattering the flower vase atop it; fists swung and legs kicked, and cuss words flew.

“You little piece of shit, you burned up my truck!” said the blonde-haired brother.

“I’m gonna kick your nuts right up yer throat!” said the brown-haired one. “What tha hell were you thinkin’ boy?!” Thwap! When his fist pulled back, his knuckles glistened with Joseph’s blood.

“Let go of him! Let go! Let gooo!” I dug all ten of my fingernails into the blonde’s arm, trying to stop him from pulling Joseph out of the house.

His momma was on the other side, screaming as she worked, unsuccessfully, to beat them off with a broom. The blonde shoved me away, and I fell onto my butt on the porch as they dragged Joseph down the steps and into the front yard.

“Don’t you touch my son!” Mrs. Bird roared, and the broom came down hard on the brown-haired one’s back.

He whirled around, seemingly unfazed by the blow, and yanked the broom from her hands and tossed it.

They nearly beat Joseph unconscious.

Mrs. Bird ran next door and called Sheriff Woodson, but he never showed; he’d stayed out of all the incidents between Joseph and his sons. But Joseph wouldn’t have had it any other way.

About the Author:
Justine Carver was born and raised in the Southern United States on a heavy dose of creek-wading, lightning-bug-catching, and Saturday morning cartoons. She is a full-time writer, all-the-time reader, and every now and then, she pulls her head out of the clouds long enough to remember how much better it is up there.

You can find and contact Justine Carver here:
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Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Name of Red by Beena Khan

The Name of Red banner

This is my stop during the book blitz for The Name of Red by Beena Khan. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 1 till 7 July. See the tour schedule here.

The Name of RedThe Name of Red

By Beena Khan

Genre: Literary Fiction/ Contemporary Romance

Age category: Adult

Release Date: 15 May, 2020


Two strangers on the same path.

Survivors. Companions.

They will be each other’s salvation.

On a rainy, winter night, a mysterious woman in a red dress seeking shelter comes inside the restaurant Kabir was busy working in —primarily the bar— and night after night, drink after drink, she comes back to the same spot. That is where he sees her for the first time.

Hundreds of patrons around her try to speak with her daily, but she dismisses them. It appears she wants to remain in a blissful peace alone with her booze and books. After seeing the mysterious woman reading a book, and because of his shy nature, Kabir gains entrance into her life by anonymously leaving books with notes for her.

The Name of Red is the story of two strangers, two different personalities who meet on a winter, rainy night who challenge each other. They have a connection which blossoms into a friendship due to their fondness of books. But they both have secrets that can bind them together or threaten their newfound relationship forever.

You can find The Name of Red on Goodreads

You can buy The Name of Red here:

- Amazon US

- Amazon UK

- Amazon CA

- Amazon AUS

- Barnes & Noble

You can watch the trailer for The Name of Red on Youtube

Beena KhanAbout the Author:

Beena Khan lives in a suburb in Queens, New York in her apartment. She is 27 years old from Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. She is an immigrant who moved to New York when she was five years old. She currently holds a Masters Degree in Developmental Psychology from Cuny School of Professional Sciences. She enjoys reading, writing, and netflixing. This is her debut novel.

Her website is Sign up for her newsletter where you can subscribe for book news, writing tips, upcoming releases, and exclusive content!

You can find and contact Beena Khan here:

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There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of The Name of Red. Ten winners will win an e-copy of The Name of Red by Beena Khan.

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

Monday, June 22, 2020

Wedding at White Sands

Wedding at White Sands banner

This is my stop during the book blitz for Wedding at White Sands by Catherine Mann. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 22 till 28 June. See the tour schedule here.

Wedding at White SandsWedding at White Sands

By Catherine Mann

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Age category: Adult


Private Investigator Allie St. James needs the case of the century to pay her bills. She doesn’t need a seven year old client who claims someone’s trying to kill his dad. But somehow her soft heart lands her at a corrupt Florida Key’s resort and into a fake marriage with the boy’s hunkish – widowed – father.

Entrepreneur Jake Larson lost his wife in a car accident that left him with injuries ending his career as an agent for the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations. He has no use for relationships, not even for his matchmaking son. But since White Sands Resort scammed his parents, Jake reluctantly agrees to assist state police in their investigation. Even when protecting his cover means getting close to a pretty female private eye who’s disrupting not only his case, but also his very peace of mind!

You can find Wedding at White Sands on Goodreads

You can buy Wedding at White Sands here:

- Amazon

- Barnes & Noble

Garment bag slung over his shoulder, Jake walked though the Miami International Airport parking lot, clearing his senses with a breath of sticky, saltwater air. He peered through his sunglasses to check the rental tag. He jingled the keys with a toss and a catch while he searched the lines of vehicles.
Two cars in, he heard a woman singing softly. The hair on the back of his neck prickled. A sense of foreboding gripped him by the throat. Even lilting along the breeze, the voice held a too-familiar quality.
Three cars later, he spotted a flash of brown hair bobbing in time with the off-key crooner.
Up a row and one car over, he found Allie St. James sitting on the hood of a green sedan. His green sedan. Why wasn’t he surprised?
She tipped her face to catch the late-afternoon rays, knees clasped to her chest, eyes closed. Her singing dwindled to a hum, drawing his attention to the graceful arch of her neck.
She rocked almost imperceptibly, her feet arching and relaxing within leather sandals. A stray curl caressed her shoulder. The ever-present backpack dangled from her elbow, a small suitcase resting beside her on the hood. Apparently, she planned to stay a while.
And her arrival couldn’t be coincidental.
“Afternoon, Ms. St. James. Lost again?” Jake draped his hang-up bag over the roof of the car. Her lashes fluttered, and she directed the power of her near-purple eyes toward him, rattling his already shaky restraint.
“I guess I should have turned left instead of right at the Florida panhandle.” Allie unfolded her legs, stretching her arms overhead and yawning with the lazy reach of a kitten warming in the sun. She presented a dangerous mix of innocence and sensuality.
Still, he couldn’t trust her. Too many people depended on his visit proceeding without a hitch. “And you’re here because?”
“I have a case in the area.” She slid off the hood, landing with a hop beside him. Her hair threatened to spill loose before settling off-center.
“Oh, really?”
Her gaze scurried away from his. What was she hiding?
Allie plucked at her shirt. “Whew, the sun was really starting to heat up that metal. Anyhow, I’ve had this trip planned for a long time. And yeah, when I was, uh, browsing around your office yesterday I noticed you had a ticket to the same place. Is that bizarre or what?”
“Or what.”
“Well, I think it’s closer to divine providence.” She shrugged her backpack into place. “Some creep stole my wallet while I was buying lunch which leaves me officially stranded. I cried all the way through my burrito, mind you. Then I remembered that little ticket sitting on your desk and figured you could help me until I can get some money wired.”
This was almost fun, wondering how her mind would twist around the next convoluted story. He leaned against the driver-side door, instinctively favoring his right ankle. “Is it just another coincidence that brought you to the hood of my rental car?”
“Don’t be silly. What kind of rock head would believe a story like that?”
“Only an idiot.” Jake pulled a tight smile.
“Absolutely.” She nodded, another lock of hair sliding free from the lopsided topknot. “I told the lady at the rental desk that I’m your wife.”

Catherine MannAbout the Author:

USA Today bestseller Catherine Mann writes contemporary romance for Harlequin, Tule, Sourcebooks and Berkley. With over seventy-five books released in more than twenty countries, she has won a RITA Award, the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer’s Choice Award, and the Bookseller’s Best Award. She’s also celebrated six RITA finals, an RT Reviewer’s Award finalist, three Maggie Award of Excellence finals and a Bookseller’s Best win. After years moving around the country bringing up four children, Catherine has settled in her home state of South Carolina. The nest didn’t stay empty long though as she is active in animal rescue. Catherine enjoys hearing from her readers and can be found online frequently on Facebook.

You can find and contact Catherine Mann here:

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There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Wedding at White Sands. Three winners will each win an e-copy of Wedding at White Sands by Catherine Mann (US Only).

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

Monday, May 18, 2020

Mac and Millie Mysteries series by JB Michaels

Mac and Millie Mysteries series banner

This is my stop during the book blitz for the Mac and Millie Mysteries series by JB Michaels. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 18 till 24 May. There is a tour wide giveaway during this blitz. See the tour schedule here.

The Christmas Walk CaperThe Christmas Walk Caper (Mac and Millie Mysteries #1)

By JB Michaels

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Age category: Adult


Add 'Catch a killer’ to your Christmas to-do list!

Meet Mac, a retired hero cop with writer’s block and a penchant for trouble. What holiday hijinks will he get himself into?

Probably a murder investigation.

Meet Millie, a local banker and former college athlete who may have a trick or two up her sleeve. What Christmas conundrum will she be brought in to solve?

Again, a murder mystery.

In this delightful cozy mystery set in downtown Geneva, Illinois, our sarcastic and savvy sleuths will seek justice for the untimely death of the owner of the beloved and charming retail mansion: The Tiny Wanderer.

It’s time to stroll on Third street. Immerse yourself in beautiful Christmas décor. Drink some hot chocolate and help solve the Christmas Walk Caper.

You can find The Christmas Walk Caper on Goodreads

You can buy The Christmas Walk Caper here on Amazon

The Valentine Dine or DieThe Valentine Dine or Die (Mac and Millie Mysteries #2)

By JB Michaels

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Age category: Adult


Cupid’s arrow can be deadly!

Mac is back at the Tiny Wanderer. Barely making any progress on his manuscript, his distraction, and procrastination prompt him to buy two tickets to an interactive dinner theater event: The Valentine Dine or Die.

Will art imitate life or death?

Definitely death.

Millie ponders a big career opportunity at Salem Bank. After work, she joins Mac for their romantic albeit unorthodox date. Will the dinner show ease her mind and lower her stress?

Not at all.

From the Tiny Wanderer to the Potter House, Third Street to the Fox River, the Geneva winter makes the dead body of a prominent real estate contractor even colder.

So, stick close to your Valentine, keep warm, embrace, and get cozy because your favorite conundrum cracking couple is back in The Valentine Dine or Die.

You can find The Valentine Dine or Die on Goodreads

You can buy The Valentine Dine or Die here on Amazon

The Swedish Days SwindleThe Swedish Days Swindle (Mac and Millie Mysteries #3)

By JB Michaels

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Age category: Adult


It is Summertime in Geneva and the living’s easy.

Millie and Mac return to Third street to enjoy the simmering season’s marquis event, Swedish Days.

Will our dynamic duo get to enjoy this Geneva event?

Or, will the day’s fun lessen with murderous detriment?

At this point, you know the answer.

When a body bobs in the Fox River, Mac and Millie set aside their date to help solve the case of the deathly swimmer. As they examine the body, multiple downtown Geneva businesses report theft of their daily earnings.

A coincidence? Perhaps.

The unique shopping, delectable ice cream snacks, carnival rides, and concert vibes do little to lessen the impact when someone dies. As the evening fireworks are set to kindle, the Geneva Chamber of Commerce falls victim to the Swedish Days Swindle.

You can find The Swedish Days Swindle here on Goodreads

You can buy The Swedish Days Swindle here on Amazon

Mac and Millie Mysteries series

JB MichaelsAbout the Author:

I am JB Michaels, award-winning and USA Today Bestselling Author of two series: Bud Hutchins Thrillers and the Tannenbaum Tailors.

I have spent my life in the study of story from riveting novels to the slam-bang action-packed world of comics to the examination of film history, I have spent a lifetime learning and examining the elements that make a story incredible. This steadfast dedication has led me to writing stories of my own.

I am married and with a son, I have a great love of family. I hope that you enjoy my bestselling books that mash genres from thrillers to science fiction to fantasy!

You can find and contact JB Michaels here:

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- Bookbub

- Instagram

There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Mac and Millie Mystery. One winner will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card (US Only).

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Spent Identity by Marlene M. Bell

Spent Identity banner
This is my stop during the blog tour for Spent Identity by Marlene M. Bell. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 4 till 24 May. Scroll down to enter the tour wide giveaway for a chance to win a prize package. You can see the tour schedule here.

Spent IdentitySpent Identity (Annalisse Series #2)
By Marlene M. Bell
Genre: Mystery/ Suspense
Age category: Adult

To find her missing aunt, she has to unearth the secrets of the past. But lies and deceit run though the very heart of their town…

What started out as a promising relationship with adventurer and tycoon Alec Zavos has fizzled into an uncertain future for antiquities expert Annalisse Drury. Returning to Walker Farm in Upstate New York to see her Aunt Kate should have been a welcome homecoming and distraction. Instead, she finds the childhood home she expected to inherit is for sale, without her permission. What’s worse, Kate’s ranch manager makes a gruesome discovery in the barn: the body of an unidentified man, dead by foul play.

Annalisse turns to Alec for help. She and her aunt shelter on his estate in the Catskills while the authorities canvass the scene. But when Kate herself disappears without a trace, Annalisse fears the worst: that one of the many secrets of her hometown has ensnared her family—a secret someone is willing to kill for to keep hidden.

You can find Spent Identity on Goodreads

You can buy Spent Identity here:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Apple Books
- Google Play
- Smashwords
- 24 Symbols

Spent Identity won the 2020 Independent Press Award for Best Mystery!
Spent Identity award winner

First book in the series:
Stolen Obsession (Annalisse Series #1) by Marlene M. Bell
Stolen Obsession
“People die, but legends live on.”

- Goodreads
- Amazon
- B&N
- Apple Books
- Google Play
- Smashwords
- Kobo

Marlene M. BellAbout the Author:
Marlene M. Bell is an award-winning writer and acclaimed artist as well as a photographer. Her sheep landscapes grace the covers of Sheep!, The Shepherd, Ranch & Rural Living, and Sheep Industry News, to name a few.

Her catalog venture, Ewephoric, began in 1985 out of her desire to locate personalized sheep stationery. She rarely found sheep products through catalogs and set out to design them herself. Order Ewephoric gifts online or request a catalog at

Marlene and her husband, Gregg, reside in beautiful East Texas on a wooded ranch with their dreadfully spoiled horned Dorset sheep, a large Maremma guard dog named Tia, along with Hollywood, Leo, and Squeaks, the cats that believe they rule the household—and do.

You can find and contact Marlene M. Bell here:
- Website
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- Bookbub
- Goodreads
- Amazon

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Spent Identity. One winner will win a prize package (US Only) with a total value of $350. The prize package contains the following items:
- 1000 piece puzzle (High Tide)
- Large Beach tote. Handmade in US
- Jewelry Organizer with author’s logo (key design) Made in US
- Vintage silver cuff bracelet (Greek Key design)
- Autographed copies of both books in the Annalisse Series
- Companion lined notebook.

Spent Identity Giveaway prize package

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Flaca by Leslie DJ

Flaca banner

This is my stop during the book blitz for Flaca by Leslie DJ. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 20 April till 3 May. See the tour schedule here.

FlacaFlaca: an honest account of a Latina with an eating disorder

By Leslie DJ

Genre: Non-fiction/ memoir

Release Date: 20 February 2020


After an intervention during the summer of 2018 Leslie finds herself in a treatment center for an eating disorder she was unaware she had. In her own words, Leslie DJ, author of That Girl and Luz digs deep into her own struggles and battle with anorexia and bipolar II disorder in a brave and sometimes comical account of her life.

You can find Flaca on Goodreads

You can buy Flaca here on Amazon

Leslie DJAbout the Author:

Leslie DJ was born to write, photographs of her holding pen to paper can be found within the confines of this book. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the New School of New York and is an on-air talent at 94.3 FM WBMB Baruch College radio. She is the host of two podcasts including Sinister Girlz a female-centric music podcast that promotes local talents in music and could be found on Stitcher and Apple Podcast. She is a native New York and resides with her pet Chihuahua, Joey and precocious parrots Perry and Cocoa.

You can find and contact Leslie DJ here:

- Website

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- Goodreads

- Instagram


There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Flaca. One winner will win a signed copy of both "That Girl" and "Luz" by Leslie DJ (US and Canada only).

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Ultra Squad by Julia DeVillers

Ultra Squad banner

This is my stop during the book blitz for Ultra Squad written by Julia DeVillers with art by Rafael Rosado. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 20 till 26 April. See thetour schedule here.

Ultra SquadUltra Squad (Ultra Squad #1)

Written by Julia DeVillers

Art by Rafael Rosado

Publisher: Justice Studios

Genre: Graphic Novel/ Superheroes/ Science Fiction

Age category: Middle Grade


“Funny, fun, and lots of heart. I’m an Official Member of the UltraSquad!”—Max Brallier, NYT bestselling author of The Last Kids on Earth







When an evil force from the far reaches of the galaxy threatens Earth, the UltraSquad, a secret superhero team, with a mission to save the universe through teamwork, positivity, and justice, is enlisted to battle the overly smug villain. Along with their bizarro-cute extra-terrestrial sidekicks the Pallies, the kick-butt girls employ their magical ultra-superpowers to save the universe! This first book in a new graphic novel series inspires girls to reach for their dreams, work together, and make a difference.

Meet the Ultra Squad!

- Posey (Pink): She loves acting and has a passion for fashion, especially anything with sequins and glitter! Her motto is “Born to shine!”

- Anna (Turquoise): She is a gymnast who loves to stay active both through sports like lacrosse and rock wall climbing. Her motto is “Girls run the world...and the galaxy!”

- Lyric (Purple): She lives for music and her guitar and also loves writing poetry and volunteering at the dog shelter. Her motto is “Girls rock!”

- Sky (Green): She is super plugged into technology and loves science experiments (like slime!). Her motto is “Problem? Problem solved.”

You can find Ultra Squad on Goodreads

You can buy Ultra Squad here:

- Justice Store

- Amazon

- Barnes & Noble

- Indiebound

Ultra SquadUltra Squad Under the Strangebow (Ultra Squad #2)

Written by Julia DeVillers

Art by Rafael Rosado

Genre: Graphic Novel/ Superheroes/ Science Fiction

Age category: Middle Grade


An evil, strange rainbow! A former nemesis! And four girls who look exactly like the UltraSquad! It’s an epic battle on an alternate universe for the UltraSquad, a secret superhero team, with a mission to save the universe through teamwork, positivity, and justice. Can the girls and their sidekicks, the Pallies, once again save the world and make it a better place through teamwork, positivity, and unstoppable fierce girl power?

You can find Ultra Squad Under the Strangebow on Goodreads

You can buy Ultra Squad Under the Strangebow here:

- Amazon

- Barnes and Noble

- Indiebound

Meet the characters from Ultra Squad:

Ultra Squad characters

Check out some artwork from Ultra Squad:

Ultra Squad artwork 1

Ultra Squad artwork 2

Ultra Squad artwork 3

Praise for the Ultra Squad series:

“Funny, fun, and lots of heart. I’m an Official Member of the UltraSquad!”—Max Brallier, NYT bestselling author of The Last Kids on Earth

“A super-fun, super-adorable, super-bighearted read! I want to be part of the squad, my daughters want to be part of the squad. And so will readers!”—Sarah Mlynowski, NYT bestselling author of the Whatever Ever and Upside Down Magic series

“UltraSquad is ultra-fun. We’re lucky we have these girls to save the universe!”—Cindy Callaghan, author of Just Add Magic and Saltwater Secrets

“Quirky, funny, exciting, sweet!”—Michael Buckley, NYT bestselling author of The Sisters Grimm series, and Finn and the Intergalactic Lunch Box

“Four best friends who save the world? Yes, please. I'll follow the UltraSquad anywhere! —Lauren Myracle, co-author of the NYT bestselling Upside-Down Magic series

“The UltraSquad show us what we knew all along: girls will save the universe! These four talented besties are armed with super smarts and generous hearts. Intergalactic villains, beware!”—Christina Soontornvat, author of The Diary of an Ice Princess series and A Wish in The Dark

“Ultra Squad for the win! A graphic novel with heart, brains and lots of camaraderie. Oh, and four brave girls who rock the world with their super powers and smarts. A high-energy, thrilling ride!”—Ronald L. Smith author of Black Panther: The Young Prince and The Owls Have Come To Take Us Away

“I read this book straight through! There were great plot twists! I loved all of the characters. Bob was my favorite sidekick character. I'm so excited to read the next novel!”—Ava Lilian, Los Angeles, age 8

“Sophia was so excited to finish reading the book that she took it to school so she could read it there, too! It always makes me happy when the girls discover a book that they just don’t want to put down!” –A mom from Charlotte, NC

“I found myself in the book as "Lyric," whose passions are music and writing poetry. These girls rock!”—Elisakh Hagia: Los Angeles, age 13

“My students love being a part of the Ultra Squad—boys and girls! Highly recommend." –Mrs. Deskowicz, Troy, NY

About the Author:

JULIA DEVILLERS is the bestselling and award-winning author of more than two dozen middle-grade and teen novels including How My Private Personal Journal Became a Bestseller, Liberty Porter First Daughter, and Girlwise. She also created the first retail branded book series for girls, Tween Brands (Justice/Limited TOO), and USA Today called it "a novel approach for retailers." She has appeared on the major television networks and in the New York Times as an expert on tween girls. She lives in Ohio with her husband and their two children. Visit her at:

You can find and contact Julia DeVillers here:

- Website

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- Goodreads

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- Instagram Ultra Squad

- Instagram Justice

About the Artist:
Born in Puerto Rico and based in Ohio, Rafael Rosado is a veteran of the animation industry. He is currently a storyboard artist for Warner Brothers, Disney, and Cartoon Network.

You can find and contact Rafael Rosado here:

- Instagram


There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Ultra Squad. 3 winners each win a prize package (US Only). The prize packages include: the 3 Ultra Squad books + a $25 Justice gift card & an Ultra Squad hat.

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze By Veronica Elle Butler

Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze banner
This is my stop during the book blitz for Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze by Veronica Elle Butler. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 25 till 31 March. See the tour schedule here.

Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze
Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze
By Veronica Elle Butler
Genre: Fantasy
Age category: Middle Grade
Release Date: 25 March, 2019

Twelve-year-old Chloe Rose lives a quiet, happy life in her hometown Wilmoton, but she’s haunted by the same nightmare night after night—one with guns and swords and lost fathers. When another brewing battle has her town preparing for war, Chloe’s fears are made into a reality. Promises are left unfulfilled, her family is torn apart, and she must leave her comfy life in Wilmoton behind when she and her mother move into the King’s palace. Living in a castle seems like a dream come true, like the new beginning they need, but Chloe’s not convinced. After a series of altercations, Chloe Rose is kicked out, more desperate for hope than ever. To restore what she’s lost, Chloe travels to an enchanted maze where wishes come true and fairies rule. But with evil forces working against her and her new friends, can Chloe complete the trials of the maze or will her heart’s desires be left unfulfilled?

Chloe Rose and The Enchanted Maze is a powerful story of bravery, friendship, grief, and love.

You can find Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze on Goodreads

You can buy Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze here:
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Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze is a perfect story for children in military families, mixed race families, or for readers looking for more #ownvoices stories. Discussion questions and teaching materials are available.


The wind sang through the meadow under the open bright skies of Wilmoton, the land advanced confidently with warmth. Each new day, the promise of spring drew near as wildflowers rose from the earth. The Langerfield battle had ended two years ago, and peace had once again returned to Wilmoton. So, Chloe Rose spent some time alone in her special place. 
This was where she felt lighter and happier; its warmth spread to her heart. Here, Chloe’s favorite spot was on a little hill in the middle of a meadow that overlooked Wilmoton. It was one of the most beautiful views that her hometown had to offer. 
Surrounded by gentle whispers of nature, it was also Chloe’s special place to draw flowers and pick them for her mother. The sun glared down at her from the sky, and the breeze brushed her sun-kissed skin while she let her curly brown locks down. She smiled with every twirl on her dress on the soft-bedded grass. For a moment, everything was peaceful and her heart had a steady, calm beat. Here, she was not afraid of what haunted her thoughts, that which caused her to squeeze her eyes shut to make go away. Nor did she worry about the nightmares that came every night after those thoughts. Everything is brighter and calm here, Chloe thought now.
As time crept up on her, Chloe finished her drawing and brushed the pencil shavings and eraser crumbs from her dress. She walked down the slope of the Meadow and back home to her mother, Catherine. She picked some rosebuds for her mother—Mom likes to watch the petals expand slowly as they bloom. She also grabbed the sketch of her view of the meadow, which she made for her father, Michael. 
Chloe’s affection and admiration for her parents were unfathomable. She liked to believe her father had superpowers. Her father was the captain of the Wilmoton’s army. The ongoing dispute between Wilmoton and Cottondale was as old as time. A dispute over land and who owns what and who was the first one on the more fertile land. 
Cottondale’s features ranged from cracked sidewalks and deteriorated houses that either had weathered paints along their walls or were in ruins from previous conflicts. Remnants of broken swords and shields littered its fields. The people of Cottondale showed no inclination to repair these damages. Instead, they carried on with their lives in the only way they could, with the hope of reusing the broken swords and broken shields, whenever the situation would inevitably call for it again. 
Wilmoton was a quaint town with unsurpassed colorful cottages and a huge bell tower named “Armstrong” at the heart of its harmonious infrastructure. The women learned to sew and weave every day in workshops. The people of Wilmoton were hardworking, and it showed. It was the type of place where almost everyone knew each other and people greeted each other with a smile. Wilmoton was ruled by King Francis II, a kind king who protected his people. 
Apart from the never-ceasing war between Wilmoton and Cottondale, Chloe loved living in her hometown. As she skipped along the sidewalk, her pink gown flared up and down in the wind with every bounce. She soon spotted Mr. Andrews with the evening newspaper— a worried look on his face.  
   The Andrews family lived a couple of cottages away from the Roses, and their two daughters Chloe Rose and Thyra Andrews were best friends. Like Chloe’s father, Albert Andrews was in the army, too. 
During one of the many conflicts between the two towns, someone abandoned a baby in a wicker basket on the boundaries of Wilmoton. Disturbed by this little bundle of joy’s being abandoned, Mr. Andrews hurried back to his home with the baby, showing her to his wife, Ava, who had no child of her own. Ava Andrews was overjoyed, so they adopted the baby and named her Thyra.
Upon seeing his worry, Chloe waved her hand to say, “Hello, Mr. Andrews!” Her broad smile revealed her glittering brown eyes, which could cheer up any sad face on a normal day. This time, it did not. 
“Hello, Chloe,” Mr. Andrews replied in haste, his whole face lit up with worry and confusion. Chloe did not know how to interpret the look on his face, so she continued home. 
Catherine Rose was the envy of almost all the women in Wilmoton. Not because of her luscious, black hair or delicate porcelain skin. Not even because of her high cheekbones or dainty nose that perched so delicately above her rosebud lips. No, she was the envy of the town because of her advantageous marriage to the captain of the army.
“Go and wash up for dinner, dear,” Catherine told Chloe as she entered their cottage. 
Wanting to rid the image of Mr. Andrews’ uneasiness from her mind’s eye, Chloe’s thoughts turned to her wonderful day in her happy place. She held out her hand with a bunch of rosebuds, “I picked these for you, mother.” 
Catherine smiled, but disquiet sat in her eyes when she replied, “Thank you, my sweet girl. It’s impossible to have a dull day around you. You lighten up any room! I hope you’re hungry for some delicious shepherd’s pie.” 
Chloe glowed with delight. She loved shepherd’s pie. “Shouldn’t we wait for daddy?” She peered at her mom with a curious look as she tilted her head to the side. 
“No, honey. Daddy will be home later. Come, let’s eat for now,” her mother suggested. Although there was evidence of warmth in her voice, her eyebrows were creased with worry. 
Chloe was unaccustomed to see such anxiety on her mother’s face. The distress she saw there mirrored that of Mr. Andrews earlier. I wonder if mother and Mr. Andrews have the same thoughts. Something’s up, I can feel it …but what? …  Maybe mother would tell me if I asked. Picking up on the trepidation in the air but not knowing how to address it, Chloe cupped her elbows with her hands and asked her mother, “Is something the matter?” 
Catherine let out a deep sigh as her heart skipped a beat. She was tempted to explain what had been published in the evening newspaper, but she did not want to worry her little eight-year-old. “No, we’ll be all right.” She couldn’t quite believe her own words as she sat across from her daughter's cute, puzzled face.  
Despite Catherine’s platitudes, Chloe wished she could read her mother’s mind. I bet it’s the Queen. Everyone knows she’s been sick for a while now. She doesn’t make appearances anymore. Chloe’s mind then revisited that thought that haunted her nights, another idea nagging at her brain. She quickly shook it from her mind, Surely it can’t be; it must be some bad news about Queen Anne.
Her mother sat at the dinner table with her apron on. She checked the clock: He was late. Her food tasted like dust, so she placed her spoon on a napkin next to her dinner plate and turned her gaze to the evening sky, staring at the gray skies outside the kitchen window as the street lamps came on. 
“May I be excused, mother?” Chloe asked, bringing Catherine’s mind back to the present. 
“Yes, darling. You may.” Catherine’s eyelids drooped with worry. She didn’t notice that Chloe never touched her shepherd’s pie either. 
Chloe’s steps were now rather heavy as she dragged herself to her bedroom and prepared for bed—she no longer skipped with happiness as she did earlier. Like her mother, Chloe was unsure of what this night would bring.
Catherine looked down at the table and saw Chloe’s
untouched dinner. Once again, she sighed deeply and checked the clock on the wall. Her heart weighed down with worry. Catherine sat up and waited for her husband. Meanwhile, Chloe remained in her bed and dwelled on that other thought. What if dad’s in trouble? What if those nightmares are real? Mom definitely knows something, but she won’t tell me because she thinks I won’t understand. So, Chloe thought up ways to take her mind off the wave of thoughts that clashed her mind. She picked up her favorite book on botany, but it only piqued her interest further since it was her favorite subject. She got out of bed and walked out of her room to check on her mother. She plodded into the kitchen and stood in the doorway. “Is dad home yet?” Chloe asked. 
“No. What are you still doing up?” 
Chloe told the truth, “I couldn’t go to sleep.” 
“Me either. Come here.” Her mother cuddled her. 
“Why can’t you sleep, mom?” Again, Chloe wanted to know the heaviness that had fallen upon the night. 
So, Catherine decided to be as honest as she could. “Well, I am waiting for your dad to get home. Once he does, we will know more for sure.” 
Chloe let out a yawn and adjusted her position in her mother’s embrace. They snuggled up with the beautiful quilt that Catherine had just finished the day before and eventually drifted off to sleep.
As thunder clapped angrily in the distance in the wee hours of the morning, someone barged into the Roses’ cottage in a hurry, causing both Catherine and Chloe to jump from their sleep. 
“Daddy!” Chloe leaped out of her mother’s embrace and ran straight into her father’s arms. 
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t make it to dinner last night. I promise, after this, I will take the whole day off just for you. What do you say?” Michael asked as he searched his daughter’s eyes for an answer. 
“I haven’t told her yet,” Catherine confessed.
“Told me what?” Chloe asked. 
Her father spoke up again, a small smile on his face, “We have to protect Wilmoton once again. I have to protect you from the villains next door. I worked all night to map out our strategy. I didn’t want to leave without bringing a goodbye kiss with me.” 
Michael was a hero to everyone in Wilmoton. When he led and won one of the greatest battles between Wilmoton and Cottondale, he became even more popular. He looked every inch the courageous warrior, with strong, broad shoulders, glossy hair, and bronzed skin. His facial features appeared as though every detail had been chiseled to perfection. He had the strength of three men put together coupled with a heart as soft as wool. 
Upon his declaration, Michael kissed Chloe on her forehead and placed a pink rose in the palm of her hand, turning then to Catherine to warmly embraced her with a kiss to her forehead, too. “I will be back before you know it, Chloe!” 
“I know, Daddy. You always come home.”
Michael embraced them again and dashed out. He hated saying goodbye to his girls.

Veronica Elle Butler
About the Author:
Veronica Elle Butler is a Middle-Grade Author. Growing up, her childhood dream job is to become a doctor like most children but her life path leads her to a different role; wife, mom, twin daughters in a nutshell . She conceives the idea of an Enchanted Maze one night after reading bedtime stories to her twin daughters. She wants to create a world she could share with her daughters and other children as well, so, she begins to map out her story on a notebook every night when it’s quiet without distractions. Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze pulls the reader into a world of mystery that overlaps our mortal world all consisting of grief, pains of rejection, a curious twist of fate, heart of courage, and forming lasting friendships, she delivers an unforgettable adventure to her readers. She’s an avid scrabble player, enjoys documentaries and, learns along side of her husband the roles of a Military Man when she’s not writing. She enjoys spending time with her daughters and being a Mom. Her twins absolutely love Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze and she hopes every child would fall in love with it as much as they have. To find out more you can follow her on Twitter @MazeEnchanted. Her debut novel Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze will be available in Spring 2020.

You can find and contact Veronica Elle Butler here

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