
Showing posts with label Children's book Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children's book Reviews. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Join us for this tour from July 27 to August 7, 2020!

Book Details:

Book Title:  PINTO! Based Upon the True Story of the Longest Horseback Ride in History by M.J. Evans

Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  243 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

Publisher:  Dancing Horse Press

Release date:   October, 2019

Content Rating:  G. This
book is taken from the actual journals that were kept by the men on the
journey. There is no bad language or explicit scenes.

Book Description:

In 1912, four men, calling themselves the “Overland Westerners,” decided fame and fortune awaited if they embarked on the longest horseback ride in history. Their goal was to visit all forty-eight state capitals over the course of three years and complete their journey at the San Francisco World’s Fair on June 1, 1915. Facing rugged roads, raging rivers, thieves and near starvation, the men went through seventeen horses. Only one horse completed the entire journey…Pinto, a little horse with a heart as big as the whole country! This is Pinto’s account of his arduous adventure.


Book Details:

Book Title:  In the Heart of a Mustang by M.J. Evans

Category:  YA Fiction (Ages 13-17),  359 pages

Genre: Contemporary Coming of Age

Publisher:  Dancing Horse Press

Release date:   October, 2017

Format available for review:  print, mobi file (for Kindle), gifted Kindle copy, ePub, PDF, NetGalley download

Will send print books out:  USA

Tour dates: July 27 to August 7, 2020

Content Rating:  PG. Some suggested violence but not explicit

Book Description:

boy is told that his father was a brave and virtuous man, a soldier who
traded his life to save the lives of countless others. He was the man
that Hunter needed to emulate. The only problem is the whole story is a
lie, all of it. The truth, which Hunter discovers as he begins his
sophomore year of high school, is that his father has actually spent the
boy’s entire life in jail, paying his debt to society, but not mending
his ways. A wild mustang mare, is rounded up by the BLM. The spring
rains had been sparse, the forage on the plains even more so. The mare
and her herd are rescued from certain starvation and placed for
adoption. In a sandy corral at Promise Ranch, a home for troubled
teenage boys, the boy and the mare meet. A weathered, old cowboy brings
them together – a mentor for one, a trainer for the other. The bond that
forms between boy and horse becomes one that saves the lives of both.

My Review: 

This is the 2nd book I have read by M.J. Evans. This is such a meaningful but yet sad story and I really enjoyed it. Yes this book is more geared towards teens and young adults but even us Granny's can and do enjoy it. There is a message in the story that a lot of parents could stand learning. I also love how M.J. Evans shows us the truth in training horses. Her knowledge of horses is not just a made up version. 
In the book Hunter learns that his /father is not what he thought he was. His whole life he has been told about his Hero Father only to find out he is actually in Prison. Hunter's life goes into a tail spin after this. He ends up into drugs and trouble. When he is sent to Promise Ranch, a home for troubled teenage boys he finds his best friend in the form of a horse. There is a special connection between man and beast. Hunter and Mustang Sally will need each other to save their lives. 
If you love horses you will love this book no matter your age. 
Meet the Author:

Award-winning author M.J. Evans grew up in Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Upon graduation from Oregon State University, she spent five years
teaching high school and middle school students. She retired from
teaching to raise her five children. Mrs. Evans is a life-long
equestrian and enjoys competing in Dressage and riding in the beautiful
Colorado mountains. She has published fourteen books, most of which are

Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Twitter Facebook  ~ Pinterest Instagram ~ Goodreads
Tour Schedule:

July 27 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of PINTO! / guest post / giveaway

July 27 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 27 - My Journey Back – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / guest post / giveaway

July 28 – Splashes of Joy – book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 28 - She Just Loves Books – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

July 29 – Svetlanas reads and views – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

July 29 - Adventurous Bookworm – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 29 - Krisha's Cozy Corner - book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 30 – Splashes of Joy – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / guest post / giveaway

July 30 - My Reading Journeys – book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 31 – Literary Flits – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 31 - T's Stuff - book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 3 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 3 - T's Stuff - book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

Aug 3 - My Journey Back – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 4 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 4 - She Just Loves Books – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 5 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 5 - Adventurous Bookworm – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 5 - My Reading Journeys – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 6 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 6 - Blooming with Books - book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 7 - Svetlanas reads and views – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Enter the Giveaway:


Friday, July 31, 2020

PINTO! by M.J. Evans

Join us for this tour from July 27 to August 7, 2020!

Book Details:

Book Title:  PINTO! Based Upon the True Story of the Longest Horseback Ride in History by M.J. Evans

Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  243 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

Publisher:  Dancing Horse Press

Release date:   October, 2019

Content Rating:  G. This
book is taken from the actual journals that were kept by the men on the
journey. There is no bad language or explicit scenes.

Book Description:

In 1912, four men, calling themselves the “Overland Westerners,” decided fame and fortune awaited if they embarked on the longest horseback ride in history. Their goal was to visit all forty-eight state capitals over the course of three years and complete their journey at the San Francisco World’s Fair on June 1, 1915. Facing rugged roads, raging rivers, thieves and near starvation, the men went through seventeen horses. Only one horse completed the entire journey…Pinto, a little horse with a heart as big as the whole country! This is Pinto’s account of his arduous adventure.


Book Details:

Book Title:  In the Heart of a Mustang by M.J. Evans

Category:  YA Fiction (Ages 13-17),  359 pages

Genre: Contemporary Coming of Age

Publisher:  Dancing Horse Press

Release date:   October, 2017

Format available for review:  print, mobi file (for Kindle), gifted Kindle copy, ePub, PDF, NetGalley download

Will send print books out:  USA

Tour dates: July 27 to August 7, 2020

Content Rating:  PG. Some suggested violence but not explicit

Book Description:

boy is told that his father was a brave and virtuous man, a soldier who
traded his life to save the lives of countless others. He was the man
that Hunter needed to emulate. The only problem is the whole story is a
lie, all of it. The truth, which Hunter discovers as he begins his
sophomore year of high school, is that his father has actually spent the
boy’s entire life in jail, paying his debt to society, but not mending
his ways. A wild mustang mare, is rounded up by the BLM. The spring
rains had been sparse, the forage on the plains even more so. The mare
and her herd are rescued from certain starvation and placed for
adoption. In a sandy corral at Promise Ranch, a home for troubled
teenage boys, the boy and the mare meet. A weathered, old cowboy brings
them together – a mentor for one, a trainer for the other. The bond that
forms between boy and horse becomes one that saves the lives of both.

Buy the Book: ~ B&N ~ Books-A-Million
Book Depository ~ IndieBound
Add to Goodreads

My Review:
Wow what a book. Yes this is a middle grade aged book but even this Grandma got into it. I love how M J Evans gives Pinto a voice. Pinto is a horse. This book is a true story that I have never heard of.  With the twist of giving you the story by the horses point of view
 you also get an account of a historical event that took place between 1912 and 1915 in the USA. This book is taken from the journals and community records such as newspapers. 

The story covered in the book is about 4 men who decide to cross the country stopping at the Capitals of 48 states and end up at the San Francisco Worlds Fair in 1915. Along the way they come across many hardships, weather, bandits, starvation, and more to complete the Longest Horse Ride in History.  Along the way all of the horses they rode on except Pinto were hanged out at different places. Pinto hung in there and is the only horse to complete the full journey of 3 years and 20,300 miles. 
Meet the Author:

Award-winning author M.J. Evans grew up in Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Upon graduation from Oregon State University, she spent five years
teaching high school and middle school students. She retired from
teaching to raise her five children. Mrs. Evans is a life-long
equestrian and enjoys competing in Dressage and riding in the beautiful
Colorado mountains. She has published fourteen books, most of which are

Interview with M.J. Evans :

1. Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story? This was a new writing experience for me as the story didn’t come out of my head. Rather, it is based upon a true story…the experience of others. It is a historical fiction mainly because it is told from the horse’s point of view. Nearly all of the events depicted in the story really happened. I had to create some filler when things were missing from the actual accounts related in the journals. For example, one newspaper article from the time said that a couple of horses died on the journey. Some journals are missing, but of those still in existence, the men made no mention of a horse dying. So, I made up the stories of one horse dying of colic (very common and believable,) and one dying of a rattlesnake bite. My vet gave me the details of how that would happen. So, to answer your question, the characters ran this story and Pinto just told it for the men.
2. Convince us why you feel your book is a must read. I think the lesson that people can take away from this story is what makes it so valuable. Too many of us just give up when things get hard or don’t go the way we want. The Overland Westerners never gave up. They carried on and actually completed the arduous task they began, seeing it through to the end. Yet they didn’t get the fame and fortune they expected. How would any of us have reacted? Probably not well. We can all learn from what they did even though they faced tremendous disappointment.
3. Have you written any other books that are not published? Well, if you count the book that is now in process, yes. However, I am just now awaiting the print proof on my next book: “Mr. Figgletoes’ Toy Emporium.” It is a fantasy for middle-grade. It is supposed to come out in October.
4. Pen or type writer or computer? When I am home, I compose on my computer. If I am traveling, I take along a legal pad and a pen.
5. Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans? I want you to know that I appreciate the time you invest in reading my books and I try very hard to make your reading experience both enjoyable and inspiring. I want to leave something good in the world. Writing can be a lonely job, especially for an extrovert like me. So, when I get a letter (email) from you I am encouraged and motivated to keep going. I also appreciate those who take a few minutes to post reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Goodreads. Those reviews really help. 

A dog in a field

Description automatically generated

Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Twitter Facebook  ~ Pinterest Instagram ~ Goodreads
Tour Schedule:

July 27 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of PINTO! / guest post / giveaway

July 27 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 27 - My Journey Back – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / guest post / giveaway

July 28 – Splashes of Joy – book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 28 - She Just Loves Books – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

July 29 – Svetlanas reads and views – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

July 29 - Adventurous Bookworm – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 29 - Krisha's Cozy Corner - book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 30 – Splashes of Joy – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / guest post / giveaway

July 30 - My Reading Journeys – book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 31 – Literary Flits – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 31 - T's Stuff - book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 3 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 3 - T's Stuff - book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

Aug 3 - My Journey Back – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 4 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 4 - She Just Loves Books – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 5 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 5 - Adventurous Bookworm – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 5 - My Reading Journeys – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 6 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 6 - Blooming with Books - book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 7 - Svetlanas reads and views – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Enter the Giveaway:


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Monkey with a Tool Belt Blasts Off! by Chris Monroe

Chico Bon Bon is an adorable Monkey and the star of this Children's book. In the book he is blasting of to Space on an adventure. He and his friend Clark are headed to the Superstar Space Station to fix the broken Moon Malt Machine in their snack bar. Chico Bon Bon has his trusty tool belt with him which is equipped with all the tools a Monkey would need to fix just about any machine. When they get to the Space Station and take a look  at the malt machine, Chico Bon Bon couldn't find anything wrong until a small purple things zipped out the machine and took off around the stations. When they finally catch it they find out it is alien named Zootie. Her ship has broken down and she landed on the station, but was hiding because she didn't know if she was safe or not. Chico decides to go look at her ship and fix it so she gt back home.

This is a fun story and if you think about it teaches a bit about helping others and being friendly.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher via and chose to leave this review.

Cowboy Jesse by Nancy Kelly Allen

Cowboy Jesse is a easy to read Children's adventure, they also helps with counting. Cowboy Jesse along with his faithful companion Whisker's are trying to hide from Aliens. At first there is 1 Alien, then when they change hiding spots there are 2, and so one through out the book. This is a fun short book. The Illustrations really drag the kids into the story. I love that it is also educational but in a very fun way.

I have the Grand Kids this week so will be posting a few Children's book reviews over the next few days.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher via and chose to leave this review.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Alycat and the Tournament Tuesday by Alysson Foti Bourque

Join us for this tour from March 17  to April 6, 2020!

Book Details:

Book Title:  Alycat and the Tournament Tuesday by Alysson Foti Bourque

Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  32 pages

Genre:  Children's Picture Book

Publisher:  Mascot Books

Release date:   March 17, 2020

Content Rating:  G

Book Description:

A “Mom’s Choice Award Winner”! Alycat’s brother, Bugsy, is playing in a
golf tournament with some of his friends, and wants to use his lucky
ball to win the game. But when Alycat forgets his lucky ball at home,
Bugsy learns what luck is really all about. Can Bugsy win the tournament
without his lucky ball? Alycat and the Tournament Tuesday is part of
the Alycat Series:

Buy the Book:

My review:
Alycat and the Tournament Tuesday  Is the 4th book in the Alycat series by Alysson Foti Bourque. I have read a couple other books in this series also. Each book is amazingly illustrated with bright colors and cute animal characters. Chiara Civati does an amazing job with the illustrations. The illustrations draw the kids attention and for the most part tells the story right along with the words.

Each book in the series not only tells a cute story but it teaches a lesson. At the back of the book there is also a list of definitions to the golf terms from the book. I personally do not know much about golf other then you hit the ball into the hole basically. I did not know what Mulligan meant but now I do.

In the story It is Tournament Tuesday. Alycat's brother Bugsy plays golf. He feels he has to have his "Lucky Ball" in order to win. When he forgets his ball at home and Alycat by mistake grabs the wrong ball, she tries to fix it by coloring a star on the ball with a marker. All is well and good and Bugsy is having the game of his life, until the ball lands in water and the star washes off. Bugsy is positive he will never win. But his family remind him he has worked hard and practiced hard, and so far has played the whole tournament extremely well with out the ball. SPOILER: He wins!!

Meet the Author:

Alysson Foti Bourque is the author of the award-winning Alycat series.
Alysson earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from
the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a Juris Doctor degree from
the Southern University Law Center.

After practicing law for six years, she traded in writing trial briefs
for writing children’s books. Alysson enjoys public speaking
opportunities at schools, conferences, and festivals nationwide. She
hopes to inspire people of all ages to follow their dreams and believe
in themselves wholeheartedly.


The Alycat Series has won several prestigious awards including:

Three Mom’s Choice Awards®

Benjamin Franklin Digital Award, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)

Best Book Award Finalist

NY Big Book Award

Reviewed by Midwest Book Review

Southern Festival of Books Panelist

Louisiana Book Festival Featured Author

Connect with the author: Website  ~  Twitter   Facebook  ~  Instagram ~ Pinterest

Interview with Alysson Foti Bourque

  • In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper? Yes! The first book of the Alycat series, Alycat and the Thursday Dessert Day, was written one night on loose leaf paper after tucking my kids into bed. I have kept those papers to remind me of the excitement that I had as my imagination spilled over onto the paper. 

  • If you’re a mom writer, how do you balance your time?
    I write when my kids are at school and once they go to bed. I always bring a notebook to their activities so that I can write down ideas or thoughts that cross my mind. 

  • How were you as a kid? I was a “march to the beat of my own drum” type of kid. If I found something that excited me, I gave that certain something 100% of my time. When I was about six years old, I was a flower girl in my aunt and uncle’s wedding and wore the most beautiful taffeta and lace dress! I was so smitten with that dress that I wore it for every single picture day at school until it no longer fit me. So, my grade school pictures are basically all the same—except that year that I added a crown and wand to the ensemble. I’m not sure how I kept friends. 
  • What do you want children to learn/take from your books? I want young children to use each book as a tool to help them creatively solve their own problems and learn how to cope with tough situations. By incorporating imagination, kindness, and creativity into their daily lives, they will have the skills to conquer the world!
  • What advice would you give budding writers? Research as much as you can online. There are many forums out there that provide guidance for new writers. Also, read as much as you can! You can learn a lot from other author’s writing styles.  Work hard and keep at it. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. 

Tour Schedule:

Mar 17 - Working Mommy Journal – book review / giveaway

Mar 17 - Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway

Mar 18 – The Pen and Muse Book Reviews – book review / author interview

Mar 18 - Gwendalyn’s Books – book review / author interview / giveaway

Mar 18 – Books, Dreams, Life – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway

Mar 18 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway

Mar 19 – Over Coffee Conversations – book review / giveaway

Mar 19 - eBook Addicts - book review / giveaway

Mar 20 – A Mama's Corner Of the World – book review / giveaway

Mar 23 – StoreyBook Reviews – book review / giveaway

Mar 24 – Svetlana's reads and views – book review

Mar 24 - Laura`s Interests – book review / giveaway

Mar 25 - Library of Clean Reads – book review / guest post / giveaway

Mar 25 – Rosco's Reading Room – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway

Mar 26 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway

Mar 26 - T's Stuff – book review / author interview / giveaway

Mar 27 – Books Direct – book review / guest post / giveaway

Mar 30 – She Just Loves Books – book review / author interview / giveaway

Mar 31 – Bound 4 Escape – book review / giveaway

Apr 1 – Bookworm for Kids – book review / giveaway

Apr 2 – – book review / author interview / giveaway

Apr 6 - My Journey Back-The-Journey Back – book review / giveaway


Friday, July 5, 2019

HOT SEAL Hero by Lynn Raye Harris

Title: HOT SEAL Hero
Series: HOT SEAL Team #7
Author: Lynn Raye Harris
Genre: Military Romantic Suspense

Release Date: July 5, 2019


fears for her life.
risk his to protect her.
in love? Not part of the plan…

Cooper is on the run from an abusive ex. Living in a new state, with a new
name, she’s ready to focus on rebuilding her life. She’s got a job she loves, a
new home—and a sexy Navy SEAL neighbor who makes her pulse flutter in spite of
her determination not to get involved. But when a threatening message arrives,
her dread about what her ex will do if he finds her forces her to make a

Ryan “Dirty
Harry” Callahan is protective by nature. When he meets Chloe, it’s clear she’s
skittish about something. When he learns why she ran from her old life, his
first objective is to keep her safe. His second is to make sure she knows she
can trust him—and that she’ll have a posse of Navy SEALs at her back if she
ever needs them.

When the
attraction between Ryan and Chloe explodes, they’re stunned by its
intensity—and helpless to resist its seductive heat. Everything is finally
going right for Chloe—until her worst fears come true. With Chloe missing and
her life on the line, Ryan will stop at nothing to get her back. Before he
loses the woman he loves forever.

Purchase Links



Ryan “Dirty
Harry” Callahan woke to the sounds of someone shouting and the beeping of a
large truck backing up. His head throbbed as if someone inside chiseled away at
his temples. The shouting and beeping continued and he groaned. Where the fuck
was he?
He cracked
an eye open and pain shot behind his eyeballs. He tried again, slowly. This
time, he paid attention to his surroundings. He was in his own bed. What the
hell had happened?
Then he
remembered. The party at Money’s place, Ian Black, and a whole lot of drinking
and laughing. He’d indulged too much, which wasn’t something he ever really
did. He usually had an iron will about alcohol and he guarded himself
yesterday—shit, yesterday had been different.
Had Neo
gotten drunk too? Had they taken an Uber, or had someone brought them home?
They shared a house, though they each had their own floor. The kitchen was on
his floor, but he didn’t smell coffee.
He dragged
his hand across his body and reached for his phone. Outside, the shouting and clunking
continued. The beeping had stopped, but now the noise was just as bad.
He picked
up his phone and squinted. Noon? It was fucking noon?
He dragged
his body upright, groaning. Then his gaze landed on the bottle of water and the
two horse sized Motrin sitting beside it. Neo had written a note, which meant
Neo hadn’t been as drunk as he had.
Gone to
the range. Take these, bud. Eat some cereal if you can. Man, you were drunk as
grabbed the pills and twisted open the water, downing them both. He finished
the water and lay back, wishing his head would either split and kill him or
stop pounding. The doorbell rang and shattered whatever peace he was trying to
find. He lay there like death warmed over and prayed they’d go away.
he climbed from the bed, grabbed his Sig, holding it at his side, and stumbled
down the hall toward the door. He wished like hell he had the basement floor
today, but it wasn’t to be.
stop pressing that bell,” he yelled at whoever was on the other side. And just
yelling it made his head threaten to split wide open. He reached the door and
peered through the peephole.
A woman
stood on the other side, arms crossed, foot tapping as she waited. He jerked
the door open and growled at her.
“What do
you want?”
Her eyes
widened as they climbed from his midsection to his face. Then they widened some
more. “Oh. Oh goodness, I am so sorry.” She held up both hands as if to ward
him off. He squinted at her, because the light was killing him, but what he
could see looked nice.
golden-brown hair, wide eyes, a pretty pink mouth. Her skin was tanned. She
wore a loose T-shirt and shorts with flip flops. Her legs were long, long, long
for a small girl. He’d be interested if he wasn’t so fucking hungover.
Across the street,
a moving van sat kind of cockeyed in the street. His truck sat next to the
curb, right in front of where the van needed to go.
It dawned
on him what she wanted. “You want me to move the truck, right?”
She stared
hard at his face. “Um, yes? I’m sorry, you clearly look like you’re ill or
something, but—” She waved a hand behind her, didn’t move her eyes from his.
“I’m moving in today and the van can’t get into the driveway.”
He shoved a
hand through his hair. “Fine, I’ll get the keys.”
He turned
and went over to the kitchen counter, found the keys and dropped the Sig, and
headed back to the door. She was still standing there, back turned as she
yelled something at someone across the street. He stepped onto the porch and
she turned around again. Squeaked as her gaze dropped and then she dragged it
up to his face again.
“I, um, oh
dear,” she said. And then she laughed, throwing her hand over her mouth and
giggling in a way that made him frown. Pretty laugh, though.
“I’m sorry.
Really. But, um—” She waved her hand in his general direction. “Shouldn’t you
put on some pants?”
Ryan stood
there, puzzling over her words. Then he looked down—and discovered he was
completely and utterly naked. He was standing on the front porch in front of
God and everybody, holding his keys, his dick standing at half-mast like a
tired old soldier who couldn’t quite make it work.

Author Bio

Lynn Raye Harris is the New York Times and USA Today
bestselling author of the HOSTILE OPERATIONS TEAM SERIES of military romances
as well as 20 books for Harlequin Presents. A former finalist for the Romance
Writers of America's Golden Heart Award and the National Readers Choice Award,
Lynn lives in Alabama with her handsome former-military husband, two crazy
cats, and one spoiled American Saddlebred horse. Lynn's books have been called
"exceptional and emotional," "intense," and
"sizzling." Lynn's books have sold over 3 million copies worldwide.

Author Links

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

THAT’LL DO PIPPIN! by Anne Kaufmann

THAT'LL DO PIPPIN! by Anne Kaufmann


Author: Anne Kaufmann

Publisher: Brownridge Publishing

Pages: 68

Genre: Children’s Picture Book

Pippin and Nigel are two charming puppy brothers who live on a
wonderful farm. They are best buddies and do everything together. They
are full of mischief, energy and fun! Pippin is the smaller puppy who
wants with all his heart to be like his brother Nigel. Nigel is brave.
Nigel is strong. Nigel is smart. One day, the puppies escape from their
yard into the woods where they experience many adventures. Nigel is
always there to help and protect Pippin. Then Pippin solves a dangerous
problem all by himself and learns that it is okay just to be Pippin.

This story teaches young children the importance of believing in
themselves and that they each have their own wonderful gifts and

My review:

This is a cute Children's book written by Anne Kaufmann. It is about dogs. Who doesn't love dog's? I do I have 2. When the book first begins 5 of 7 Boarder Collie puppies leave the liter for new homes. Nigel and Pippin remain. This is Pippin's story. Nigel and Pippin are brothers and best friends and they are opposites. Nigel is loud and rambunctious while Pippin is meek and quiet.  Pippin wants to be just like Nigel. The main idea of the story to me is finding your hidden courage. When Nigel gets in trouble with a large ram Pippin saves the day.

This is an amazing feel good story and the kids loved it. The pictures in the book which there are a lot of them are all done in watercolor. They are adorable pictures. We all enjoyed the book and can't wait to see what adventures Pippin and Nigel get into next.


Pippin had a
wish. He wanted to be like Nigel. Nigel was brave. Nigel was strong. Nigel was
smart. Everyone admired Nigel.


Anne Kaufmann is both the illustrator and author of the Pippin and Nigel
adventure series for young children. She is the also the author of
“Glenn Gould: Sketches of Solitude.” Anne is a former teacher librarian.
She studied English Literature at Wilfrid Laurier University and the
University of Toronto. Her passions include music, books, animals and
creating nature journals. She has shared her life with dogs, horses,
cats and birds.A nature lover, she spends many hours exploring the
forests north of her home and walking her dogs, Indy, Maya and Pippin.
She loves spending time with her horse, Aria. Some of her favourite
childhood memories include summers at her cottage on Lake Simcoe,
settling back on the family couch reading while listening to her dad’s
weekly String Quartet group, playing with her dogs and wishing for a
horse. She is currently working on the third book of the Pippin and
Nigel Adventure series and  a historical fiction novel on the great
Canadian horse and Kentucky Derby winner, Northern Dancer. She lives in
Ontario, Canada.