
Showing posts with label middle grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label middle grade. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2020

The Dragon's Song by Binh Pham & RM Clark

Middle Grade

Date Published: October 19, 2020

Publisher: INtense Publications, LLC

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Eleven-year-old Bao Dang remembers watching in horror four years earlier as Communist soldiers dragged his parents from their home. Now an orphan, he begins a journey to escape the oppressive government of South Vietnam. The owner of a small boat, paid in gold, smuggles Bao and his cousin, Binh Pham, down the Saigon River at night to the South China Sea, where he and over one hundred other "boat people" pack into a trawler designed to hold fewer than thirty. For six days, they face danger from the police, weather, and pirates, not to mention the constant threat of capsizing as they take on water while living only on dry, rationed rice.

Bao, Binh and the others hope a refugee camp in Indonesia accepts them, but there's no guarantee. Word has it they may be turned away and even towed back out to sea to starve. Eventually finding a safe haven, Bao harnesses the power of music to heal and help endure months of harsh and dangerous living while he and Binh await word from relatives in the United States, hoping they'll obtain the ultimate gift: freedom.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Thursday, September 10, 2020

DragonMan Series by Ted Lazaris

DragonMan is not
your typical Superman/Batman comic-style adventure. 
It is about the
adventures of Luke Starr, a superhero, yes, but he is so much more
than that.
These are all
stand-alone adventures, He and his sisters solve crimes and
mysteries. They run Starr investigations detective agency.
The audience for these books range from 7-16 years old, but can
still be enjoyed by people of all ages. 
The amazing story of
DragonMan was born at the dawn of the 21st Century, when the world,
about to change forever, watched in disbelief as four passenger
airliners crashed, not only into buildings and a field in Shanksville
Pennsylvania but into the American certainty that the horrors of the
outside world could not touch them at home.
It was into this world
that a new kind of superhero emerged, one for whom the lines between
good and evil are blurred. Is he friend? Or is he foe? No one knows
for sure. What they do know, however, is that as a friend there is no
one better.

Adventures of Luke Starr
Series Book 1
Ted Lazaris
Middle-Grade Fantasy 

for pre-teens all the way up to an adult, who want to forget about
work tomorrow and lose themselves in a great story.

amazing story of DragonMan was born at the dawn of the 21st Century,
when the world, about to change forever, watched in disbelief as four
passenger airliners crashed, not only into buildings and a field in
Shanksville Pennsylvania but into the American certainty that the
horrors of the outside world could not touch them at home.

was into this world that a new kind of superhero emerged, one for
whom the lines between good and evil are blurred. Is he friend? Or is
he foe? No one knows for sure. What they do know, however, is that as
a friend there is no one better.

Poseidon Encounter
Series Book 2

Ted Lazaris's first fantasy adventure novel, Dragonman, the
Adventures of Luke Starr, the reader was introduced to the likable
Luke and his seemingly normal way of life growing up in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin. Luke was portrayed as a quiet, average kid plagued by all
the inherent problems of the typical American teen: dealing with a
crush on a girl he's too shy to approach, pesky sisters constantly
poking their noses into his business, bullies at school and exams to
study for. But Luke, readers soon discovered, was burdened by a far
greater weight than any of his peers, as he struggled to come to
terms with his birthright as The Chosen One, savior of the distant
world of Spellville. Not only that but, like hapless Peter Parker
forced to juggle his complex life as Spider-Man while pursuing his
love interest and his not-always-easy career, Luke had to learn to
harness the enormous powers of Dragonman, his super alter-ego, a
persona that regrettably did not come with an instruction manual.

this second, action comic-like installment, Dragonman: The Poseidon
Encounter, Luke seems to have come to terms with his legacy and
appears well in control of his superpowers--which he will be called
upon to use this time around to save the world from an evil demon who
seeks to claim the souls of every human being on earth.

mood of impending danger is set from the very first page when author
Ted Lazaris takes off his gloves to delivering a knock-out of an
opening scene: Five-year-old Bobby Blakely, running downstairs on the
morning of his birthday, finds not the hoped-for brand new bicycle as
a gift, but rather an enormous blue whale that has somehow "washed
up" in the small lake on his parent's isolated farm. While many
consider the whale's appearance a hoax, others believe it to be a
sign of impending Biblical doom. And it is enough to rouse Luke's
suspicions that worse is about to happen--which it does.

a pace that never flags, Poseidon Encounter unfolds in a complex
thread of differing tales, from an old-fashioned detective murder
mystery to a science fiction fantasy, all neatly stitched together by
an intriguing cast of characters, both good and evil and
not-exactly-as-they-seem. An imaginative writer, Lazaris blends
magic, mysticism, religion, and the fast-paced action of the comic
book world into a book that fans of the first Dragonman tale will
find hard to put down.

of the Unknown
DragonMan Book 3

superhero fiction is all about the power of love and faith to
overcome the evil that lurks in the darkness, whether we know it or
not. The superhero fantasy asks the questions we’ve all asked at
one point or another, was life really created the way the bible says?
Or could it be that mankind as we know it is the remnant of a past
civilization which once lived on another planet – or even deep
below the surface of our own? This adventure tackles these questions
with a good sense of unbiased investigation, and at the same time,
opens our eyes to the powerful issue of ‘What If?’

hopes and prays they will survive the night, retaining dominion over
their own world. While the other will wage war in ways mankind can
scarcely imagine, in a gruesome fight to end all life on Earth. The
bloody heroic war to determine mankind’s fate, battles between man
and beast, journeys to other worlds, the power of the mind over evil
forces, and the triumph of love.

of Man
Book 4

did the Anunnaki come here? Did they create human hybrids? What is
their plan for earth? And for us, the human hybrids? Why did some;
the original humans (Bigfoot) resist?

we survive what is yet to come? -- Those who look for the truth,
already know -- those that fail to search, are lost -- but those with
an open mind will soon come to know...The Descendants Of Man.

of the story information that was obtained to create this story is
believed to be true by many people around the world -- Fact or
fiction -- You decide.

Descendants Of Man
from Ted Lazaris

DragonMan Book 5 


of being fully explored or understood.


inscrutable, incomprehensible, enigmatic, indecipherable,
impenetrable, obscure, esoteric, mysterious, mystifying, deep,


2.(of water or a
natural feature) impossible to measure the extent of.

most people, the definition above is just a word expressing similar
definitions and nothing more. But when a bizarre sequence of events
draws not only the United States but every world superpower on the
globe into the threat of World War III the word takes on a whole new
meaning. The President is Missing... And all the world can do at this
point is watch as the horror and mystery slowly begin to unravel,
revealing the UNFATHOMABLE.

Experiment in
DragonMan Book 6 

Starr: Milwaukee boy. Crown Prince of Spellville, aka DragonMan

years ago, Luke discovered that he was the Chosen One of Spellville,
a magical alternate dimension. He used his abilities as DragonMan to
fight against the ruthless Unter. With the help of his
great-grandfather Alaba and the other wizards of Spellville, Luke
banished Unter into the inescapable Eon Vault. All was well.

a Supernova lends Unter the power to break free…

the Evil One is back and stronger than ever.

by his previous defeat, Unter will hit Luke where it hurts most.
Followers. Friends. Family. Kidnapping one of Luke’s sisters and
his girlfriend Jenny Anderson, Unter will take one hostage on Earth,
the other on Spellville. While the Dragon is distracted by his loved
ones in peril, the Evil One will begin to terraform both worlds for
his dying race.

Luke must make a
choice: the Earth or Spellville, his sister or the woman he loves…

cat-and-mouse game with no rewards, only consequences.
young hero must quickly adapt to this experiment in terror or watch
his world be destroyed by a god-like being bent on revenge.

is running out, Chosen One. Tick tock… Tick tock…

The Awakening
DragonMan Book 7 

the distant past, long before people populated the Earth, and before
animals roamed the planet, something terrifying and cunning made its
home in the vegetation covering the planet like a soft green blanket.
Lying in wait for millions of years this species continued to evolve.
Patiently crossing over and manipulating the genetic code of
different species. And now, this perfect omniscient being... born
from oblivion, has awakened and is ready to feed... God No Longer
Rules Supreme... IT'S COMING.

The 13th Sign

DragonMan Book 8

13th Sign is a chilling journey down a cosmic path, as ancient as
creation itself. And in the final confrontation with the past,
present, and future, The 13th Sign will ultimately determine if life
on Earth will go on, or perish... the future is now in the hands of
those who believe.

Fear No Evil

DragonMan Book 9

bodies have been turning up all over the place, and the public is
scared as hell. Eight murders in a span of six months, all committed
in the same brutal manner, and still, nobody has a clue as to who
this malicious killer is and the body count is rising.

Starr, a private detective working out of his Milwaukee office with
his two sisters, are busy with less sinister cases at the moment. He
doesn't know it yet but he is the only one who can stop this
relentless psychopathic killer.

his girlfriend, Jenny Anderson, a reporter, gets too close to the
truth she finds herself in mortal danger.

quickly enlists the help of her boyfriend Luke Starr and Homicide
Detective John Logan to not only catch this psychopathic genius, who
is always one step ahead of everyone else but to keep her alive for
the biggest story of her career.

the clues unfold, Luke discovers not everything is-as-it-seems. And
what appears at first to be a serial murder spree might just be the
beginning of the end of the human race. Can Luke discover the truth
before it's too late? Time is running out.

author of the DragonMan Series I would like to share with you, my
lifelong struggle with dyslexia.

have always struggled with the problem. In school, it was always
terribly difficult for me to read what was right in front of me. And
reading, writing, and spelling still to this day remain difficult for
me. One thing I've learned despite having this learning disability, I
can accomplish my goals, if I don't, get overwhelmed by the big
picture... I just take things one step at a time.

Face Of The Unknown, authored by Ted Lazaris, who created DragonMan
and wrote the series of novels, has accomplished the amazing feat of
debuting at NUMBER #1 on AMAZON KINDLE, ahead of David Baldacci and
James Patterson novels.

Follow the tour HERE
for special content and a giveaway!

$50 Amazon

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Trouble Blows West by Monique Bucheger

When Monique isn’t writing, you can find her playing taxi driver to one or more of her 12 children, plotting her next novel, scrapbooking, or being the “Mamarazzi” at any number of child-oriented events. 

Even though she realizes there will never be enough hours in any given day, Monique tries very hard to enjoy the journey that is her life. She shares it with a terrific husband, her dozen children, twelve grand-darlings, too many cats, and many real and imaginary friends. She is the author of several books in three series and hopes to write many more.

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Putting her body in motion before her brain is in gear creates a mountain of problems for 12 year-old Ginnie West. She is certain that defending her twin brother, Toran, from the biggest bully in sixth grade was the right thing to do. But Ginnie couldn’t be more wrong.

She quickly figures out that Toran doesn’t appreciate being rescued by a girl any better than Pierce likes being knocked down by one. When Pierce seeks revenge on Ginnie, Toran sets aside his anger and helps her plot a playback prank at Pierce’s house.

Sadly, Ginnie learns that Pierce has a reason for being a bully when she sees his dad drop him to the floor like a ragdoll with one awful blow to the chest. Realizing he's a boy in big trouble, Ginnie switches gears and decides to be his ally, even if he won’t let her be his friend.

What reviewers are saying about this book:
*Like Anne of "Anne of Green Gables," Ginnie is a character you can't help but love.

*I couldn't put these books down. I was not only entertained, but inspired.

* An excellent book that deals with the sensitive topics of bullying, abuse and forgiveness. It is action packed and full of raw emotions.

*Bucheger does an amazing job of writing this story but without giving a cookie cutter answer to the problems Ginnie faces.

And now for the New Cover

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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

FINDING HOME by Corinne Joy Brown & Ginny McDonald

Join us for this tour from August 3 to August 21, 2020!

Book Details:

Book Title:  FINDING HOME by Corinne Joy Brown and Ginny McDonald

Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  130 pages

Genre: General Fiction

Publisher:  Loose Cayuse Productions

Release date:   June 2019

Content Rating:  G. There are no expletives, sex scenes or bad language anywhere.

“Born in the flatlands of Rock Springs, Wyoming, newborn mustang Pahaska
tells the heart-wrenching story of her separation from her mother and
the wild horse herd she was born into. Captured by strangers, her entire
world has disintegrated. Penned in the filthy, manure-filled confines
of a horse hauler’s trailer, her life is changed forever. Finding Home, a
2020 Spur Finalist for Juvenile Fiction, is a brilliantly written story
about the adoption of the mustang “Curly Girl” by a teen who has always
dreamed of having her own horse. Ginny McDonald’s illustrations convey
fine detail and emotion in the images of the horses, bringing each one
to life. This heart-warming tale will appeal to those with a love for
animals.” - Joni Franks, RoundUp Magazine, Western Writers of America

“This beautifully written and illustrated book will appeal to any animal
loving young reader. Differences (equine and otherwise) are applauded,
working through complicated human relationships, a philosophical, well
balanced approach to difficult issues (wild horse roundups), and
positive animal training techniques are included in this educational,
riveting new book!” - Nancy Sachs, Director Platte Valley Pony Club

“To see the world through the eyes of a newborn filly as she grows into
adulthood, or an excited young girl in search of her first horse, is a
treasure found in Corinne Joy Brown’s novel Finding Home, a
story of loss and recovery told in a brilliant way. The illustrations by
Ginny McDonald help to refine the wonderful writing which places the
reader squarely in the experience of Curly Girl and Jesse, her adopter. Finding Home
is a wonderful story for our time, in consideration of the wild horses
whose freedom is threatened across the West and the people who adopt the
captured ones into loving homes.” - James A. Holmes CEO and Executive Director, Cherokee Ranch and Castle Foundation

Book Description:

For every girl or boy who owns a horse, or wished they did, Finding
brings all the drama and beauty of America’s wild horses to the
middle-grade reader.

A coming-of-age story and a tale about friendship, trust and
understanding, both horse and owner have powerful lessons to learn.
Together, young Jesse Nolan from Colorado and her wild mustang, Curly
Girl, rounded up in Wyoming, discover what it means to rely on oneself,
as well as those who love you most.

Buy the Book:

Finding Home

Amazon ~ B&N

Meet the Authors:
Ginny McDonald is an award-winning, professional Colorado
illustrator and a longtime advocate for wild horses. She is the adopter
of an American Curly mare, and more recently, a second mustang named
"Lil Bit". Ginny's skill in the use of Prismacolor pencils brings this
story to life with rich detail and heartfelt emotion.


Denver native Corinne Joy Brown is a multi-published,
award-winning Colorado author, magazine editor and freelance writer
focused on the West ." Recent publications include "Young Rider",
"Cowboys & Indians," and "Working Ranch." She's also been a horse
owner most of her life. Corinne is committed to teaching the next
generation about the power of horses to teach and heal. "Finding Home"
is her eighth book.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Facebook 

Author Interview with Joy Brown & Ginny McDonald
Q What was the hardest character to write in this book? The easiest?
 A: The hardest character to write was Jesse's father, a man who loves his daughter so very much and yet, doesn't know how to reach her. Coping with a mid-life crisis, a career change and trying to find himself, he leaves wife and daughter to sort it all out. I had to think long and hard about how to create this character so he still appears loving and reliable. The easiest character? Why, Jesse of course. I was 13 once. And I have adored and ridden horses since I was a kid. Jesse came to life immediately. 
Q: In the book you make a reference to "Wild Horse Annie". How did you come up with this idea?
A: I had known about this amazing woman, a champion of wild horses, for years but it took Ginny, my co-writer and illustrator, to remind me of just how important she was to the survival of our wild herds in general. A mere citizen, she was one who pushed for legislation to protect them from mustangers (men who killed wild horses for profit) and other hunters. It seemed important to tell the modern history of what has transpired in the last 50 years. Children need to know.
Q: If you could cast yourself as a character in the book, who would you  be? 
A: I'd like to be Curly Girl, as difficult as that seems, being  born wild and learning how to adapt to a new life and a new friend. I can only imagine what learning to trust another foreign species feels like. Horses are loyal and faithful to handlers they feel comfortable with. I would like to experience Curly Girl's feelings, learning she could live out her life with someone who cares for her . 
Q: The book is set in the Front Range of Colorado and Southern Wyoming. Have you ever been there?
A: Yes, I've been through both areas. Colorado's front range communities are set, in part, amidst richly forested foothills . The town of Evergreen is idyllic, in the nearby mountains, close to Denver. It seemed a perfect setting for this story. Besides, Curly Girl actually started her life in Colorado there. I've been to Wyoming too. Harsher land. We tried our best to keep it real.
Q: What is the last great book I've read?
A: I'm in a book club I started over 25 years ago. We read a major work of literature every month for 10 months each year by writers from all over the world. This past spring we read "Bless Me Ultima" by Rudolfo Anaya who recently passed away. I loved it. More recently, I read "A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles. Incredible. I learned a lot about Russian history.
Q: What advice would I give to a budding writer? 
A: Follow the heat. Write about whatever you feel passionate about. Don't worry about syntax and structure. Get that first draft out and clean up later. Once you find your starting point, nothing should stop you. 

Tour Schedule:

Aug 3 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway

Aug 3 – Corinne Rodrigues | Booksnista – book spotlight / giveaway

Aug 4 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway

Aug 4 - Splashes of Joy – book review / guest post / author interview / giveaway

Aug 5 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway

Aug 5 - My Journey Back – book review / author interview / giveaway

Aug 6 – I'd Rather Be At The Beach – book review

Aug 7 –T's Stuff – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway

Aug 7 - Books for Books – book spotlight

Aug 10 – Reading Authors Nework – book review / giveaway

Aug 11 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway

Aug 11 - Priya's Lit Blog – book review / giveaway

Aug 12 – Older & Smarter? – book review

Aug 12 - Read and Review – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway

Aug 13 - A Mama's Corner Of the World – book review / giveaway

Aug 13 – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway

Aug 14 – Rosepoint Publishing – book review / giveaway

Aug 14 - Writer with Wanderlust – book review / guest post / giveaway

Aug 17 – authors.ace – book review

Aug 18 – Bound 4 Escape – book review / giveaway

Aug 18 - Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight

Aug 19 – Krisha's Cozy Corner – book review / guest post / giveaway

Aug 19 - Library of Clean Reads - book review / giveaway

Aug 20 – My Reading Journey – book review / guest post / giveaway

Aug 20 - Pen Possessed - book review / giveaway

Aug 21 – Svetlanas reads and views – book review

Enter the Giveaway:

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Join us for this tour from July 27 to August 7, 2020!

Book Details:

Book Title:  PINTO! Based Upon the True Story of the Longest Horseback Ride in History by M.J. Evans

Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  243 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

Publisher:  Dancing Horse Press

Release date:   October, 2019

Content Rating:  G. This
book is taken from the actual journals that were kept by the men on the
journey. There is no bad language or explicit scenes.

Book Description:

In 1912, four men, calling themselves the “Overland Westerners,” decided fame and fortune awaited if they embarked on the longest horseback ride in history. Their goal was to visit all forty-eight state capitals over the course of three years and complete their journey at the San Francisco World’s Fair on June 1, 1915. Facing rugged roads, raging rivers, thieves and near starvation, the men went through seventeen horses. Only one horse completed the entire journey…Pinto, a little horse with a heart as big as the whole country! This is Pinto’s account of his arduous adventure.


Book Details:

Book Title:  In the Heart of a Mustang by M.J. Evans

Category:  YA Fiction (Ages 13-17),  359 pages

Genre: Contemporary Coming of Age

Publisher:  Dancing Horse Press

Release date:   October, 2017

Format available for review:  print, mobi file (for Kindle), gifted Kindle copy, ePub, PDF, NetGalley download

Will send print books out:  USA

Tour dates: July 27 to August 7, 2020

Content Rating:  PG. Some suggested violence but not explicit

Book Description:

boy is told that his father was a brave and virtuous man, a soldier who
traded his life to save the lives of countless others. He was the man
that Hunter needed to emulate. The only problem is the whole story is a
lie, all of it. The truth, which Hunter discovers as he begins his
sophomore year of high school, is that his father has actually spent the
boy’s entire life in jail, paying his debt to society, but not mending
his ways. A wild mustang mare, is rounded up by the BLM. The spring
rains had been sparse, the forage on the plains even more so. The mare
and her herd are rescued from certain starvation and placed for
adoption. In a sandy corral at Promise Ranch, a home for troubled
teenage boys, the boy and the mare meet. A weathered, old cowboy brings
them together – a mentor for one, a trainer for the other. The bond that
forms between boy and horse becomes one that saves the lives of both.

My Review: 

This is the 2nd book I have read by M.J. Evans. This is such a meaningful but yet sad story and I really enjoyed it. Yes this book is more geared towards teens and young adults but even us Granny's can and do enjoy it. There is a message in the story that a lot of parents could stand learning. I also love how M.J. Evans shows us the truth in training horses. Her knowledge of horses is not just a made up version. 
In the book Hunter learns that his /father is not what he thought he was. His whole life he has been told about his Hero Father only to find out he is actually in Prison. Hunter's life goes into a tail spin after this. He ends up into drugs and trouble. When he is sent to Promise Ranch, a home for troubled teenage boys he finds his best friend in the form of a horse. There is a special connection between man and beast. Hunter and Mustang Sally will need each other to save their lives. 
If you love horses you will love this book no matter your age. 
Meet the Author:

Award-winning author M.J. Evans grew up in Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Upon graduation from Oregon State University, she spent five years
teaching high school and middle school students. She retired from
teaching to raise her five children. Mrs. Evans is a life-long
equestrian and enjoys competing in Dressage and riding in the beautiful
Colorado mountains. She has published fourteen books, most of which are

Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Twitter Facebook  ~ Pinterest Instagram ~ Goodreads
Tour Schedule:

July 27 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of PINTO! / guest post / giveaway

July 27 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 27 - My Journey Back – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / guest post / giveaway

July 28 – Splashes of Joy – book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 28 - She Just Loves Books – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

July 29 – Svetlanas reads and views – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

July 29 - Adventurous Bookworm – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 29 - Krisha's Cozy Corner - book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 30 – Splashes of Joy – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / guest post / giveaway

July 30 - My Reading Journeys – book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 31 – Literary Flits – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 31 - T's Stuff - book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 3 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 3 - T's Stuff - book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

Aug 3 - My Journey Back – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 4 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 4 - She Just Loves Books – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 5 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 5 - Adventurous Bookworm – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 5 - My Reading Journeys – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 6 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 6 - Blooming with Books - book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 7 - Svetlanas reads and views – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Enter the Giveaway: