
Monday, April 20, 2015

My Review : The Publicist by Christina George Audiobook

The Publicist audiobook by Christina George, and narrated by Lisa Cordileone. 
I was given a copy of this audio book for my honest review.
First let me say that I loved listening to Lisa Cordileone as she read. She has a very expressive voice, your could hear the smile in her voice when the character was smiling. She done an amazing job with each of the characters, she as great at keeping you fully involved and feeling what the character was feeling. i will be looking for more books read by her. 
Now for the story. This is the 1st book in Christina George's Publicist series. Kate Mitchell is a publicist in a large and respected New York publishing firm. She is surrounded by crazy authors all day everyday. In the opening scene of the book she is called because one of her authors is fixing to take a dive off of a building because she got a bad review. Kate runs to the rescue and talks her down. Throughout the story you get a lot of detail on the career as a publicist and personally if it is close to being the way it is, I never want to be a publicist. Kate goes through a lot trying to keep her authors happy as well as her bosses. She has to think quick on her feet. 
 I personally do not like books about cheaters and cheating, just need to put that out there. Ms. George takes you through the gambit of thoughts and feeling both players have in the affair though and lets you decide whether to love or hate them, whether you want to think they are justified in cheating or not.
   Mac is a editor at the same company and has his eyes set on Kate. Mac is married. Mac tries to make his affairs sound like they are ok, because his wife and him have not been really married for years, she no longer wants the relationship aspect but he cannot divorce her, because it would kill her. I don't buy his excuses but whatever. Anyway Kate falls for him and they begin their affair. She ends up in love with him, even though she knows it isn't right. 
 Then enters Nick. Nick is the nephew of a very close friend of Kate's. during Nick's visit from California his Uncle passes away, and the friendship that was starting between Kate and Nick turns into a night of passion. Kate really likes him but she is in love with Mac. 
 Kate is very indecisive as to these 2 men, she has Married Mac on the one hand and long distance Nick on the other hand. Kate's friend Grace ties to talk sense into Kate about the men, and Kate promises to break it off with Mac, but her heart won't let her. 
  When it comes to an end though, She definitely left it wide open for book 2. Talk about a cliff hanger. When you get the Publicist go ahead and grab book 2 Shelf life too.
  All in all the story was very good, fast paced and was more fiction then romance. I really liked it. 


  1. Thanks for this candid review, I really appreciate it. And I agree - Mac was a tough character to write. Also, so was Kate - her waffling was often called into question :-) Thank you again!

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