
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

VBT: Take Me As I Am by Charmaine Ross

Take Me As I Am
by Charmaine Ross


GENRE: Contemporary Romance


Forget the whole billionaire tycoon thing: Kate Moore is a billionaire’s daughter, and she knows first-hand that they’re not all romance novel worthy. Her father is brilliant, inflexible, and brutal – and nothing she’s ever done has been good enough for him.  Her one chance to take over the massive Moore’s Hotel Corporation is restoring the run-down Burnham Beeches in beautiful Sassafras to its former glory. To that end, she hires David Wright, a talented landscaper with an unparalleled eye for beauty and an unparalleled talent for distracting her from her goal. 

David really needs this job. He needs the contract, the Moore’s name on his portfolio, and the money to pay for his ailing father’s health. Everything he’s worked for is now within his grasp, and he’s going to reach for it with both hands. What he doesn’t need is the diversion, or the temptation, presented by his new boss. 

Neither David nor Kate are free to follow their own desires, but they’re powerless to fight their growing attraction. But they come from very different places; perceptions will have to crash, misconceptions will have to collapse, and they will have to face their own personal challenges before they find their space to meet in the middle.


Excerpt Two:

She rested the side of her head on the doorframe and yawned. Her eyes half closed as she watched him and he was caught in a lasting gaze that made his stomach clench. She was all soft and luscious and a sexy woman beneath that bristly exterior.


He hadn’t realised he’d been standing here, staring at her. ‘I want to talk to you about tomorrow’s plans. I need to make an early start. I want you to tell me if you don’t like something. I like to be up-front.’ He stepped towards her. One small step. So close he felt her body warmth reaching for him.

‘So do I.’ Her voice was so soft. So gentle it seemed as though it caressed him.

He shouldn’t be standing here so close to her because that would mean he had no control over what his body wanted and he couldn’t let that happen. The reasons. Remember them. His mind searched desperately. The first one. It was …

But when he breathed in, her scent was in the air. It was sweet and feminine and warm and set his blood on fire so that it raced through his veins screaming with an unquenchable need. He couldn’t move, was hypnotised beyond physical ability.

‘If there’s anything you think of I can do …’ Like take her in his arms and kiss her. Just a little kiss. A taste. The slightest of touches. Lips to lips.

‘I’ll tell you.’ Kate’s gaze dropped to his mouth and flicked back to his eyes. A quick movement, but one he didn’t miss.

Feminine perfume stirred in a slight breeze. He almost groaned out loud. He needed to keep space between them. She was off-limits. Beyond touch. He needed to keep himself in line. Reaching to the depths of his most steadfast will he stepped back.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

My first foray into romance was as a fourteen year old where I fell hopelessly and eternally in love with my hero as only a teenager can. Instead of watching movies and staying up late, I would go to bed at eight thirty and continue my very romantic, very safe, love affair.

Since then, I have fallen in love with many heroes, some less safe than what my teenage brain could possibly imagine. After earning a Fine Art’s Degree, a Diploma of Secondary Education and a Diploma of Marketing, I worked as a Graphic Designer in various advertising agencies as well as in-house marketing roles and am currently involved with digital marketing and everything web in my current position. But I always return to writing.

Although I have travelled, I always return to my home town of Melbourne and live with my husband, two children and two cats in the ferny-greens of the Dandenongs. If I'm not working on my latest romance and falling in love with yet another hero, you’ll find me reading, watching and basically indulging in my addiction to any story on any media type I can get my fingers on.

Check out my web site to download and read two fun, flirty novellas - the best news is they're free - plus free chapter downloads from all of my books, as well as updates on my latest news @

Contact information:

Interview with Charmaine Ross

As a kid did you write or make up stories?
I have always been interested in writing since I can remember. I used to sit up and night and fill pages, usually inspired by movies like Indiana Jones. Then I went on to write about boys and boyfriends. It was quite safe having a boyfriend right out of your imagination. I imagine my mother thought so too.

Where does most of your Character inspiration come from?
I like putting people in a situation and then think about what type of person would this be particularly challenging for. I think that makes for interesting characters. I want my characters to freak out, be uncomfortable. Be tortured. Bwa ha ha. LOL

Do some qualities of your characters come from real people?
Of course, I look at past hurts, past events, and how their backgrounds would have turned them into the people they are today.

What was the inspiration for your book?
I’ve always been intrigued by the Burnham Beeches in Sassafras, in the Dandenongs in Melbourne and have wanted it to be restored to its former beauty. I didn’t have enough time, money or logistical prowess to do it myself, so I wrote about my heroine who was more than capable of undertaking a job like that. The gardens surrounding the Burnham Beeches are absolutely beautiful and would have been stunning in their nineteen thirties glory. I needed a lean, toned, muscular landscaper for that job and so my hero was born.

In this book, I wanted to turn the tables on the rich man / ordinary gal plot and so made my heroine a billionaire’s daughter, having been groomed for luxury and educated in the best schools money could buy, and my hero a sexy, hard-working, yet salt-of-the-earth man. My favourite scene is when my hero strips off his shirt in the summer sun, my heroine can’t ignore the sizzle in her blood or the voice in her head that tells her that what her body wants is a bad idea. A very bad idea. 

Add in some sexy spice, some differences of opinion, undeniable physical attraction and you have ‘Take Me As I Am’.

What is your favorite spot to write?
I love writing in my favorite local café. I let them bring me coffee and muffins and they let me use their electricity. Win win situation.

What advice would you give budding writers?
Don’t give up. Only listen to constructive advice. Don’t ask your Mum or your best friends for their opinion of your books. Be open minded about honest advice. Join a critique group. Join the RWA.

Thank you so much for having me here and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading a bit about me. As a thank you to your readers I’m offering two free fun and flirty novellas on my web site when you subscribe to my very sporadic email. I also have free sample chapters on my web site. It’s worth a look@


Charmaine Ross will be awarding a copy of the e-book Take Me As I Am (international) to three randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

  2. Hi Mai - we meet again! LOL

    I am a plotter. I have to have a plan before I start to write. I have to know where the story is heading. I think I write a stronger, tighter plot that way.

    cheers, Charmaine

  3. Big thank you to T's for hosting me today. cheers, Charmaine xx

    1. You are very welcome. Best of luck to you and your book.

  4. I really enjoyed the interview.
