
Monday, March 7, 2016

VBT: Loves of our Lives by A.C. Chenier

Loves of our Lives
by A.C. Chenier


GENRE: Romance



For Katie Benjamin, finding the perfect soul mate was just a fairy tale until a chance encounter on a train changes everything. What she discovers takes her on a journey that spans lifetimes.


Excerpt Two:

“I want you to think about some things over the next few days and weeks. I want you to clearly look inside yourself and ask what it is you want, not what anyone else wants or expects from you. Meditate on it. Pray on it, if that works for you. But make sure that any action you do or do not take is based on what is right and good for you. Not Katie. But the real and true you. You’re starting to see her in your life on a daily basis. Talk to her. Find out what she wants you to do. Then follow through on your heart and soul decision. Only then can you know that what you are doing is right for you, the true you. Not Catherine, not Elinor, not Katie, or any other human body you have inhabited. Do what is right for the authentic and real you.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I am a CPA, CGA and live in Southern Ontario. After working for many years in the high pressure worlds of banking and IT, I decided that it was time to have a change in pace. Leaving Toronto behind I embarked on a new career in retail sales. The change was wonderful, but I felt something was missing.

Then, the unthinkable happened, and I was widowed at 46. That was a truly life altering experience. In time, I was introduced to the books and work of Dr. Brian Weiss. I discovered in his research a new purpose in life, and was driven to start writing, something I had always enjoyed, but never thought of as a career choice.

And now here we are in 2015, and my first novel is ready to be published. My second, also in the Past Lives series, will follow shortly.  I continue to write and dream of a future that I had never even considered in my wildest dreams.


Interview with A.C. Chenier
Teresa, I’d like to thank you for hosting my blog tour today. I’m happy to answer some questions for you about myself and my writing. I enjoy sharing my experiences in writing my debut novel, Loves of our Lives.

As a kid did you write or make up stories?

Not really. I do remember in about grade 4 or 5 that we had an assignment to write a short story. I really liked sci-fi/fantasy at the time, so do recall that I wrote a story set in space with monsters and all. The only thing I can clearly recall is being panned on the work. I know that I was really disappointed in the grade. I soon put aside any thoughts of being creative and concentrated on math and science from that point on. I was convinced that English would always be my worst subject; and sure enough, it always was.

Where does most of your Character inspiration come from?

I really don’t know where my characters come from. They seem to spring to life as I set my fingers to type about them. Some come from dreams, or at least some of the scenes I create come from dreams. I meditate almost every day as well. Sometimes when I come back and reground, a new character has come to life in front of me.

Do some qualities of your characters come from real people?

Absolutely they do. I can’t believe that any writer is completely immune from including traits of people they know in their stories. So much of what we write is our own experiences. So while I can’t say “Ward is so and so”, I can certainly say that all my characters have a piece of people I know in them.

What was the inspiration for your book?

The real inspiration for me was reading the book “Only Love is Real” by Dr, Brian Weiss.  Dr. Weiss is one of the leading therapists living the US working with patients using past life regression as a way to heal them. He has written many books about the process and his patients stories, starting with “Many Lives, Many Masters”. However, it was reading “Only Love is Real” that truly inspired me to write books about past lives, and soul mates reuniting through time. The entire concept just spoke to my love of romance novels, especially historical ones, and yet incorporates a contemporary plot as well.

What is your favorite spot to write?

Well, last year, when I was first writing this book, I happened to be in Florida on the Atlantic coast. I was able to sit in my room, with the balcony door open, and hear the waves crashing on the shore....together with all that warm salt air.  That has been my favourite spot so far. I’m hoping at some point to build a nice studio to work in, preferably on a lake or river. I want to be able to separate my writing from my normal living accommodations.

What advice would you give budding writers?

Keep at it.  Don’t believe the naysayers, most especially the ones in your own brain. I’m an accountant by training.... how more logical and “boring” can it get? And yet, here I am with a book published, and another ready to go.

I’ll also say; expect that the writing itself is the easiest and quickest part of the entire process. It took me 4 weeks at most to write “Loves of our Lives” in its first draft. It took 12 months to get the book revised, edited and published, and that was using self-publishing.... and now it’s the marketing work to get the book noticed. So expect the business aspects of publishing to consume a lot more of your time than the writing itself.



The author will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.


  1. My oldest sister has me looking for great romance books for her to read. This sounds like one of them. Thank you for the opportunity at winning

    1. I'm happy you found this book. And good luck in the draw.

  2. Thanks for the opportunity and for sharing this book :)

    (Ana M on Rafflecopter)

  3. How much research did you do to write this book?

    1. I did a lot of research while I wrote this book. Firstly I did read all of Dr. Weiss's books about past lives. The real influence was "Only Love is Real", but also "Many Lives, Many Masters". I did attend his workshop in Chicago in September of 2014 just as I was starting to write this book.

      For the historical sections of the book, Google was my best friend! I spent hours combing through multiple resources on the timelines. I try to blend my storyline in with historical facts to bring a solid background for the characters to work within. The amount of information available is quite incredible. Google is just about the best library and encyclopedia around!

  4. Thank you Teresa for hosting my blog tour today.

  5. Very interesting excerpt. Something we should all follow.

  6. Enjoyed the excerpt and interview, sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Eva. I know you've been following many of the stops on the tour.

  7. Great post, I enjoyed the interview! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview

  8. I enjoyed the interview. I'm glad your disappointing grade on your short story didn't put you off writing. Thank you for sharing your book.
