
Thursday, June 4, 2015

CALMING THE CHAOS Blog Tour & Giveaway

Book Description:

Far too many people in contemporary culture feel they don’t have enough time to “get it all done.” The stress of this chronic overwhelm creates a disorganized mind that leads to a chaotic life. Based on her highly acclaimed “Energy Management” workshops, and drawn from over 25 years of counseling and coaching experience, professional trainer and speaker Jackie Woodside shares her breakthrough methods that lead to becoming the least stressed, most productive person you know!

In Calming the Chaos, you will learn the step-by-step skills and thought processes that lead to increased productivity and peace of mind. Jackie’s approach stems from the new frontier of human performance called energetic consciousness. Part philosophy, part psychology, fully practical application, you will learn:

• Why there is no such thing as time management and what to do instead.
• How to manage your energy instead of your time and stress.
• The three-step formula for managing every component of your life for the rest of your life!
• Why “to-do lists” are a set up for failure and what really works.
• “The Three Strikes Rule” that will end procrastination for good!
• How to always know that you have the time for what you want and need to do!

Many books promise to change your life. Applying these principles will make this a reality!

Author's Bio:

Jackie Woodside, CPC, LICSW is a psychotherapist, coach, speaker and author, specializing in the power of managing personal energy, rather than time or stress. An Amazon bestselling author of 'What If It’s Time for a Change?' and highly sought-after speaker on leadership and empowerment topics, Jackie conducts training programs for public, private and government sectors nationwide.
Connect with Jackie: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook

Author Interviews:
Jackie Woodside
Calming the Chaos

Q. You wrote a book called Calming the Chaos. That seems to be the most compelling topic these days. Everyone seems to be in chaos! How do you understand that and do you address this in the book?

A. Yes, I call it the cultural paradigm we are living in. Everyone is “crazy busy.” I point to a few factors to help people realize that this is not a personal weakness, but a cultural experience that we are having. This is the “information era” and 90% of the world’s data has been created in the last 3 years. The rate of data and information being created is accelerating at increasing rates. We are all undergoing “Information Fatigue” – constantly being inundated with more info, Tweets, posts and news. It is exhausting to try to keep up or process it all. “Having it all” has been up-leveled by “doing it all.”

Q. You address this in an interesting way in the book talking about why being “busy” is a bust. Say more about that?

A. Everyone is so busy that it is not even remotely interesting any longer! It doesn’t feel good to hear it from other people and we don’t feel good when we say it, and yet everyone walks around saying “I’m so busy!” It is a very low consciousness, low energy phrase. What people don’t realize is that there is a set of characteristics that go with being busy that we need to train ourselves out of. Those are things such as being disorganized, uncertain, scattered, stressed and overwhelmed. When people realize that they are in fact contributing to the “crazy busy” syndrome, it is the beginning of being able to change it.

Q. What do you suggest instead?

A. In the book, I write about being productive rather than busy. Just like there is an energy to the “I’m so busy” phrase, there is also an energy to the word “productive.” Right away most people can see and feel that “productive” feels better. It denotes being accomplished, organized, orderly, planned and focused. Anyone can develop the skill set that goes with being productive. It just takes an understanding of the difference and for people to see how much they are contributing to their crazy busy life.

Q. So how do people develop the skill of productivity?

A. There are many ways, but some of them are
o   Plan your day
o   Stop multitasking, but work in a focused way for 60-90 minutes at a time on something before shifting their attention and energy onto something else.
o   Take breaks between focused work sessions. Stop using mental focus for 10-15 minutes and get up, walk around, listen to music, call a friend or do some deep breathing and light stretching.
o   Turn off alarms, alerts and pop-ups.
o   Don’t answer the phone during the focused work periods.
o   Review your scheduled plan at the end of the day and move anything forward into another day and time slot of when you will accomplish anything you did not get to.

Q. What surprised you most about writing this book?

A. I never really can tell if my writing is any good when I am in the middle of it. It’s just my own mind mulling over the same writing over and over again. What has been a lovely surprise is the incredibly good feedback I have gotten from people far and wide on how this book and the exercises in it have really helped to inspire people to change and calm the chaos in their lives! 

Where to buy the book:
Author's Website
Barnes & Noble


Prizes: ​ Win one of 20 copies of Calming the Chaos (Open to USA and Canada) Ends July 4

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for taking the time to read and review my book, T!
