
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Virtual Blurb Blitz Tour for Weddings at Promise Lodge by Charlotte Hubbard with review

Weddings at Promise Lodge
by Charlotte Hubbard


GENRE: Inspirational (romance)



When Bishop Monroe is forced to confess the truth about his relationship with young Leola before the entire congregation, he can only pray that open hearts and minds will allow him a future at Promise Lodge—with Christine.


Excerpt Two:

“You look lovely in that deep red dress, Christine. It was all I could do to keep my mind on marrying Amos and your sister.”

When Christine turned, Bishop Monroe was standing so close she nearly bumped into him. She smiled up at him a little nervously, for he was tall and broad and extraordinarily handsome—and his dimples had come out to play. “Mattie wanted Rosetta and me to have new dresses with some color to them,” she explained. “And since Christmas was only a couple of weeks ago, we decided this red would be more cheerful than, say, the usual dark blue or gray or teal.”

“Mattie’s a wise woman—with admirable taste in color and husband material, as well,” he added. He held her gaze with his glowing green eyes. “May I have the honor of sitting with you at dinner, Christine? And spending the rest of the day with you, as well? Once we’re alone, I’d like to discuss some important decisions.”

Christine wondered if Monroe could hear how rapidly her heart was beating. Was her face as red as her dress? “I’d like that a lot, Monroe,” she said breathlessly.

The crowd around them seemed to disappear as he offered her his elbow. All Christine could see was Monroe’s attractive face, framed by wavy brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard—and those deep green eyes that focused so intently on her. What decisions could he possibly want to discuss with her? Did she dare hope he wanted her to become a permanent part of his new home, his new life at Promise Lodge?

My Review:
Weddings at Promise Lodge is the 3rd book in the Promise Lodge series. This is also the 3rd book I have read. Charlotte Hubbard has done an amazing job with this series. You feel like you at at Promise Lodge. The characters in the book feel like friends at this point.  You take a deep look into the lives of this little group of people. It's hard to believe that this book and these people are fiction. Charlotte makes them seem so real. This is my favorite book so far in the series, but I also said that after I finished book 1 and again after book to so when book 4 comes along I am sure I will say it again. The strange part is this is not usually the type of story I read, but I am hooked.

In Weddings at Promise Lodge the book starts out with Mattie and Preacher Amos finally getting married.  Christine and the new Bishop's relationship is really kicking into overdrive. Rosetta and Truman are still plugging along and talk to the Bishop about marrying them, even though she will be marrying out of their religion. Truman is a Mennonite. 

All sounds good and happy until new people and problems show up at Promise Lodge.  Preacher Amos is a bit skeptical about the new Bishop already but when a young woman Leola shows up pronouncing she is to marry him and that he has ruined her, the questions and doubts really start flying from Preacher Amos, but Christine stays steadfast in her loyalty to Bishop Monroe Burkholder and knows things will work out for them. There is something wrong with Leola though and everyone can see it but Amos. She has run away from home without her medication. So the Bender sisters band together to take care of Leola until her family can be reached and she be returned home. 

Then a beautiful blond girl Maria shows up. She wants to rent one of the apartments and bring her bakery building to Promise Lodge. Immediately Rosetta gets a bad feeling, especially when she sees how chummy Truman is with her. 

This book really runs the gambit of emotions, more so then with the other 2 books. There is love, loss, jealousy, happiness, sadness and so much more. It is a real rollercoaster, that I would love to ride again.  I cannot wait for the 4th book. 


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Many moons ago—like, in 1983 while she was still a school librarian—Charlotte Hubbard sold her first story to True Story. This launched her into writing around seventy of those “true confessions” stories over the years, and she’s been a slave to her overactive imagination ever since. Over the course of her writing career, she has sold nearly 50 books—most recently, Amish romance series she’s written as Charlotte Hubbard or Naomi King.
Charlotte lived in Missouri for most of her life, so her Amish stories are set in imaginary Missouri towns. These days she lives in St. Paul, MN with her husband of 40+ years and their Border collie, Vera.



Charlotte will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


  1. What do you like to do when you're not writing?

    1. Mai, I like to cook or crochet--and I'm very busy being a church musician, as well. Thanks for asking!

  2. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. You're welcome, Lisa! Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Teresa, thanks so much for featuring my book on your blog today AND thanks for the wonderful review! I love it when I convince a blogger/reviewer to read outside her usual world, and I love it that you find Promise Lodge such an appealing place to spend your reading time!

    1. You are so welcome!! I am in love with this series and cannot wait for the next book. Best wishes for you and all of your books!!

  4. I love your books. I hope I win

  5. What was your favorite book as a child? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  6. Fantastic post! I really enjoyed reading the excerpt and the review! Looking forward to checking out this book!

  7. Hope you had a fabulous weekend! Looking forward to reading this book!

  8. Congrats on the new book and good luck on the book tour!
