
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Blog Tour: GHOSTS OF OLD VIRGINNY by Milla van der Have with Review

Ghosts of Old Virginny Blog Tour Media Kit

About the Author

Milla van der Have (1975) wrote her first poem at 16, during a physics class. She has been writing ever since. One of her short stories won a New Millennium Fiction Award. In 2015 she published Ghosts of Old Virginny, a chapbook of poems about Virginia City. Milla lives and works in Utrecht, The Netherlands.



About the Book:

Author: Milla van der Have
Publisher: Aldrich Press (imprint of Kelsay Books)
Pages: 42
Genre: Poetry
Virginia city, Nevada has been drawing the adventurous for over 100 years. It has been the home of gold-miners, businessmen and writers. After the bonanza, Virginia City reinvented herself and became a ghost town that draws travelers and artists. And, as it happened, a Dutch poet.

Milla van der Have visited Virginia City in 2014, on a writer's residency to finish her novel. But once there, something happened: the Comstock got to her. In Ghosts of Old Virginny Van der Have explores the legends and history of the Comstock by reimagining them. These poems deal with being uprooted and leaving the known behind. They speak of miners, ghosts and horses and throughout of the comfortable tension of love, that greatest journey of all.

You can purchase your copy of Ghosts of Old Virginny at Amazon.

My Review:
The Ghosts of Old Virginny is a book of poetry. It is a very quick read but will stay with you long after you finish the last page. The poetry is very stirring. Some poems are sad, some are fun, some are love poems but all of them have to do with the Boom of Old Virginia City Nevada. The ghosts are basically memories of what used to be. The poems are each short but in those few lines they give you a great glimpse of the land, the animals, people, or whatever the poem is about.  I actually read the book twice. The first time I read it while my husband was watching TV the 2nd time was while I was home alone without the TV or other distractions. I actually got a lot more out of the book in peace and quiet. I did like the poems the first time but was really able to concentrate on their meanings more in the quiet.  

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