
Sunday, January 17, 2016

US Art Supply 12" Tall Tripod Easel Natural Pine Wood (Pack of 4 Easels)

These small easels are great for painting smaller pictures on a table or desktop. They are also great for displaying artwork. These are natural wood so could be painted or stained. There are 4 in the package. There are no instructions but they do go together pretty easily. All of the hardware and wood is included. These are 12 inches tall when put together. There is a 2 piece shelf system for holding the artwork, which also doubles at a stabilizer for the legs. The front 2 legs are pinched in between the 2 pieces of wood. There is also a chain included which goes from the stabilizer/ shelf to the back leg.
  I have used several products by US Art Supply, and all of them have been made of quality materials. This set is no different.

 I received this product for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing well i didn't aware about this before.
