
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Man in the Needlecord Jacket

Genre: Adult contemporary fiction; Domestic Noir
Release Date: 28th May 2017
Publisher: Matador – An imprint of Troubador Publishing
The Man in the Needlecord Jacket follows the story of two women who are each struggling to let go of a long-term destructive partnership. Felicity is reluctant to detach from her estranged archaeologist husband and, after being banished from the family home, she sets out to test the stability of his relationship with his new love, Marianne.

When Felicity meets Coll, a charismatic artist, she has high hopes of being distracted from her failed marriage. What she doesn’t know is that he has a partner, Sarah, with whom he has planned a future. Sarah is deeply in love with Coll, but his controlling behaviour and associations with other women have always made her life difficult. When he becomes obsessed with Felicity, Sarah’s world collapses and a series of events is set in motion that will challenge the integrity of all the characters involved.

The Man in the Needlecord Jacket is a thought-provoking book, written from the perspectives of Sarah and Felicity. The reader is in the privileged position of knowing what’s going on for both of the women, while each of them is being kept in the dark about a very important issue.

Inspired by the work of Margaret Atwood and Fay Weldon, Linda explores the issue of mental abuse in partnerships and the grey area of an infidelity that is emotional, not physical. The book will appeal to readers interested in the psychology of relationships, as well as fans of Linda’s ‘Lydia’ series.
My Review:
Wow What a book. At first when I started reading I thought I may not really like the book but a few chapters in I really got into the book. I guess I had to get past the introduction stage. This book really does make you stop and think. The book is about 2 women who are are in destructive relationships. Te destruction kind of runs the gambit of types of abuse in a relationship. Beatings are not the only forms of abuse. This books really helps you explain your thoughts and feelings if you are in that type of relationship. You also get deep look into the 2 women who are living these relationships.  Linda MacDonald has really done an outstanding job of putting real everyday lives and feelings onto the pages of this book. I was quite surprised at how much it touched me in many different ways. I have a wonderful marriage this time around but not so with some prior relationships. I knew exactly how the 2 women felt. Yes it did bring up some of the pain from my past but made me hug my husband a little tighter and thank my lucky stars for the man I have now. 
Linda MacDonald is the author of three independently published novels: Meeting Lydia and the stand-alone sequels, A Meeting of a Different Kind and The Alone Alternative. They are all contemporary adult fiction, multi-themed, but with a focus on relationship issues.

After studying psychology at Goldsmiths', Linda trained as a secondary science and biology teacher. She taught these subjects for several years before moving to a sixth-form college to teach psychology. In 2012, she gave up teaching to focus fully on writing.
Linda was born and brought up in Cockermouth, Cumbria and now lives in Beckenham, Kent.
Twitter: @LindaMac1

First prize signed paperback book bundle of all of Linda’s 4 books with 3 recipe cards and a bookmark. (uk only)
Second prize signed copy of The Man in the Needlecord Jacket + 3 recipe cards and bookmark (uk only) OR  an ecopy of The Man in the Needlecord Jacket (International participants.)

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Blog Tour: Mother of Wolves by J Aislynn d'Merricksson

Mother of Wolves banner

This is my stop during the blog tour for Mother of Wolves by J Aislynn d'Merricksson. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 22 May till 11 June. See the tour schedule here

Mother of WolvesMother of Wolves (Evalyce Worldshaper #1)

By J Aislynn d'Merricksson

Genre: Sci-fi/ fantasy/ arcanepunk

Age category: Adult

Release Date: July 2, 2015


It is a year of awakening and change for Kalla kyl’Solidor - the Wolf Who Sleeps. After a fire wyvern attacks her home, she sets on a harsh path to self-discovery.

With the future of their world at stake, Kalla and her magister embark on a journey that will shake the foundations of De Sikkari and shape their destiny.

From the depths of Xibalba to the plains of Arkkadia, and the soaring heights of the sky continent of Argoth, they journey to claim their rightful place in the world, and to put an end to the source of the destruction before chaos claims the realm.

Book 1 of 4 in the Evalyce: Worldshaper series

You can find Mother of Wolves on Goodreads

You can buy Mother of Wolves here on Amazon

Excerpt 2
Vander stopped before her and she looked up at him. The War Mage's
face was flushed, and his lips were pulled back, baring his long
carnassial teeth. At his sides, his hands were clenched tight. Madness
glittered in his icy eyes.
Close enough... Kalla lunged, latching onto his wrist. Vander tried to
jerk away, but she'd already sent her power racing through him,
freezing his lungs. A look of surprise crossed his face. As he sank to
the ground a cold voice slithered through her mind.
G o ahead... end it... this one is of no use to me anymore... Go ahead.
Kill him. You know you want to...
Kalla frowned, gazing into Vander's now frightened blue eyes as he
slowly suffocated. Yes... she could finish it. There wasn't anything he
could do. She could implode his heart, fry his brain, or simply wait until
things stopped working on their own, and there wasn't a single thing he
could do about it. The cold look on her face was enough to drain the
fear from his eyes, replacing it with a look of utter hopelessness. His
ears wilted and his eyes fluttered shut, unable to face her empty
indifference. He lifted his chin, twisting his head around so that he
was almost facing over his shoulder. Kalla finally realized what it meant.
It was the gesture of a submissive wolf to one more dominant, baring
the throat in an act of silent supplication.
As his life began to fade, images came to the Healer's mind, much
as they might when a serious Healing was undertaken. A tiny child, the
seventh son in the family, and the only one not born with a twin. Not
only that but to be born scrawny and thin and oh so different, with his
odd red hair.
A young boy, four years old, beaten half to death for not being
strong enough or fast enough. And always the reminder that he 'didn't
belong'. The same boy, age nine, with two magi. He had the gift, surely
his family would be proud. They weren't. The father was willing to pay
to have the 'little freak' taken away. More memories followed, tracing
his life to present day.
The lifetime lasted a mere heartbeat before another mind tore
through hers in an explosion of power. It wiped away all traces of the
insidious voice urging her to kill the War Mage.
Let him go. Let him live.

J Aislynn d'MerrickssonAbout the Author:

Allemerra! That’s ‘hello’ in Argosian. Argoth is one of the countries of the world of De Sikkari, where my Evalyce novels take place. It is a vibrant world, as real to me as the mundane world here. The ‘J’ in my name stands for Julianna, but I prefer Aislynn.

I have a degree in anthropology you see. I approach my writing from the viewpoint of an anthropologist. My sister calls me a ‘biblioanthropologist’. I like the word. It fits perfectly! What are writers but consummate anthropologists? Writers must employ the skills of the ethnographer, the cultural anthropologist, the archaeologist, the linguist, and sometimes even the psychologist and the naturalist in order to weave their stories. I do not craft this world. I merely found the key to it and happen to have the skills (and courage) to share it with others.

I was destined for a career in forensic anthropology. A medical issue thwarted those plans and I ended up with a bachelor’s in archaeology, and later a master’s and a doctorate in philosophy. Along the crooked path away from what I found familiar, and into the unknown, I discovered a knack for poetry, and a gift for writing. I’ve honed these raw skills to something worth sharing, and found the key to a world I’ve fallen in love with.

There was a decade-long love affair with teaching, in which I crafted many of my own classes related to mythic studies, anthropology, archaeology, and ethics. My favourite class crafting was for an intro to mythology class. I did not want a boring listing such as Intro to Mythology. So…. I tweeted several famous people, authors, actors, and the like, the question- what would you name a class on mythology if you wanted to be creative. The last person I ever expected to respond was Mark Sheppard (Crowley on Supernatural. His response was ‘Bob’. So I took the challenge, and in the end, I had a class called BoB, a gift from the King of Hell. The full name was Blessing of Bragi, Bragi being the poet and keeper of stories in Norse mythology.

An observant person may notice that my eyes are heterochromatic. One is blue and one is hazel. Now, true heterochromia is rare. In my case it is a personal choice. That medical issue was a serious one. At the age of twenty, I lost my right eye and had prosthesis put in. That gave me the opportunity to express my eccentricity and insist on an eye that was a different colour. It also forced me to confront one of my greatest fears- that of losing my eyesight altogether.

I think I have Loki to thank for that. I follow a Norse spiritual path called Rokkatru. Brother Wildfire always has lessons for me. Fun fact-Loki is also known as the Lord of Laughter. My lessons generally are to teach me to laugh at the mild or major setbacks in life. It’s a lesson I’m slowly learning.

My crooked path has led me to a wonderful home in Northern California, where I live with my sister, bond-brother, bond-mate, niece, a guinea pig, and two kitty cats. Yes, we have a large house! Sometimes it feels a little crowded, but most often it is nice to have the closeness of family.

I spend my nights as an innkeep, which usually gives me ample time to write, or to read. I love to read! I was an early reader and I always have a book with me. That’s a passion that lead me to becoming a professional book reviewer, freelancing for several review groups such as the San Francisco Book Review. Such bliss! Paid to read! What could be better?

Synmerra! That’s good-bye in Argosian :)

Feel free to stop by Port Jericho! Always happy to see new people.

You can find and contact J Aislynn d'Merricksson here:

- Website

- Creativia page

- Creativia Mother of Wolves

- Facebook

- Twitter

- Goodreads

- Amazon

Interview with J Aislynn d'Merricksson
1. What is your favorite part of this book and why?

Hmm, well, I'd have to say the time spent on the Kujata, and on Argoth. Arkaddia and Argoth are two of my most favourite places.

2. If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?

Well, I've spent lots of time with my main characters. From Mother of Wolves, I'd love to spend quality time with Admiral Ventaal Karlgraffsson though. I'd enjoy listening to stories of his time with the Fleet, and to take a tour of the Kujata.

3. If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose?

The Sherlock Holmes stories. That's what I'd like to say. But then, that would have required me to be a white, male, doctor living in the Victorian era. Those were the confluence of traits needed to bring Sherlock to life, and further ensure his immortality. I am white...and a doctor, though not the right kind, but I am not male, and as much as I like reading about the Victorian era, I am under no delusions it would have been pleasant for me.

The truth is, Is want to be the author of the books that I am the author of. I love the world of De Sikkari. I don't think anyone else could have opened the door to it, no more than I could have opened the door to Middle Earth, or Vulcan, or a thousand other places.

4. Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination?

Yes and no. My theory of writing is kind of different, and in part, supported by theoretical physics. Indeed, my SO and I enjoy having philosophical and scientific discussions along these lines. He happens to be a theoretical physicist.

In a multiverse, infinite permutations exist. To me, authors of fiction open doors to new worlds, to planes perhaps just next door to our own, or many removed. The mind, or spirit, can journey free of the physical body. Dreams are an example. Shamanic journeywork. Heck, to a lesser extent, that happens with meditations, or when you get really lost in a good book.

I see authors more as biblioanthropologists. It really does take skills of a cultural anthropologist, an ethnographer, a linguist, perhaps psychologist or sociologist, maybe an archaeologist, to really bring stories to life. I don't see myself as able to weave world's from nothing. I found a key, I went exploring, I met people, real people to me, in my Imagination, and I wrote down (and am still writing down!) their stories.

5. What made you want to become a writer?

It wasn't at all planned. It just sorta happened. Kinda like Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock, when he is left alone for two minutes and 'accidently’ folds a dozen fancy napkin placements.

I was supposed to be an anthropologist. I still am, just not for cultures here. Finding the key to De Sikkari likely came from being open to the strange and unusual, and to giving credence to multiverse theory. That, and being a shamanic practitioner had already predisposed me to looking for the realms beyond the physical. Loving to read also likely played a huge part. I'm still very shy to tell people I'm an author. I'm more likely to say I'm a professional book reviewer and an innkeep, before author. I'm also, I realise, more apt to choose poet over author first. I've written poetry for far longer than I've written books.

Motherhood, Martyrdom, and Costco Runs TOUR

Date Published: May 15, 2017
Publisher: 33 Partners Publishing

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Join bestselling romantic comedy author, Whitney Dineen, as she discovers the three Es of parenting:

·         Exhilarating—when you first discover you’re pregnant.

·         Exhausting—when you realize you’ll most likely never sleep again--like EVER.

·         Explosive—OMG these kids spew from both ends!

And that’s just the beginning. Whitney shares the ridiculous highs and excruciating lows of her catapult into motherhood. Enjoy the ride as this new mom vows to give up profanity while falling in love with… you guessed it, Costco. Be careful, because if you’re anything like Whitney, you may just pee a little. 

Motherhood Martyrdom & Costco Runs takes the reader on a roller coaster of emotions as Whitney plummets into postpartum depression, desperately tries to get her kids to stop yodeling in public restrooms, and comes to terms with the fact she’ll never quite be queen of her own kingdom. Get ready to laugh, cry, cheer, and pat yourself on the back for the sake of mommies everywhere. And while you’re at it, stop by Costco for a case of toilet paper and a Very Berry Sundae. You won’t regret it!  

About the Author

While attending the University of Illinois in Chicago, Whitney Dineen was discovered by a local modeling agent and began an unexpected career as a plus-size Ford model. She modeled in New York City before moving to Los Angeles with her husband.
During “The Hollywood Years,” Whitney was bitten by the writing bug and started creating characters that are inspired by strong women with a great sense of humor. Her first romantic comedy, She Sins at Midnight, won a silver medal in the 2015 Reader’s Favorite awards. Her second, The Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan, is a finalist in the 2016 RONE Awards, won a silver medal at the 2016 Reader’s Favorite Awards and won Honorable Mention at the London Book Festival. Her third chick-lit book, Mimi Plus Two, is causing all kinds of controversy and who the heck knows where it will land. Although, it was a finalist in the Reader’s Favorite Awards and a Runner-Up at the London Book Festival.

In addition to her love of chick-lit, Whitney has also written a series of adventure books for middle readers. The first two books in her series, Wilhelmina and the Willamette Wig Factory and Who the Heck is Harvey Stingle? are both available now. Book three, Beware of the Basement, is due to be released in the spring of 2017.

Whitney and her husband, Jimmy, have relocated to the beautiful Pacific Northwest to raise their children, chickens, and organic vegetables.

Contact Links

Purchase Link

Reading Addiction Blog Tours

Bella Italia by Camille Taylor blitz

Bella Italia
Camille Taylor
(Heavenly, #1)
Publication date: May 30th 2017
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Small-town wallflower, Adelaide Montgomery has lived an uneventful life—until she witnesses the murder of her best friend…

Adelaide clings to the simple security of a home and a wish for family—desires that sent her former fiancé into another woman’s arms.

Happy to remain in Heavenly, Australia for the rest of her life, she reluctantly gives in to her best friend, Rachel’s pleading to join her on a trip to Italy. A decision which will alter her life forever.

Gorgeous men can be deadly killers in disguise…

When her best friend returns to their hotel suite with two male companions the night doesn’t go as planned and Rachel is murdered in cold blood.

Able to identify the killer, Adelaide finds herself a target, barely escaping with her life.

In order to protect his witness, Rome Inspector Antonio Cardellini hides Adelaide at his family’s winery. Though Antonio is a professional and Adelaide is under his charge, his feelings quickly surpass the limits of his job. Knowing one day she will return home, he struggles to distance himself, but the trial and his family continue to throw him and Adelaide back together.

Will Antonio put his badge above his heart? Or will he risk it all—his career, Adelaide’s life, and the possibility of a future together—all for a chance at love?

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo


She stared into his deep blue eyes, feeling the warmth of them. Her stomach somersaulted. Holding him this close was dangerous. She tried to warn herself but her body refused to listen to the commands her brain was sending out. He watched her intently. What was he thinking? Her heart beat sped up until it was pounding in her chest. The heat from his body liquefied her muscles and his manly scent, so intoxicating to her filled her lungs.

Pressed up against him, she could feel every hard pane of his chest. Her breath caught in her throat as desire flooded her. She shifted, an urgent ache gathering between her legs. Her mouth dried even as her belly quivered. Moving her hands from around his neck, she cupped his jaw.

Adelaide swallowed with difficulty. He wasn’t pushing her away—nor was he encouraging her.

Insufferable man.

Whatever happened between them would be her choice she knew. She—Adelaide Montgomery—for the first time in her life needed to make the first move and the idea both thrilled and terrified her.


She cut him off when she crushed her lips against his. She didn’t think, just felt. Allowing desire to take her where it wanted to go. While afraid of rejection, the fear of always wondering ‘what if’ overrode her reservations and made her bolder than she’d ever been before. She took what she wanted, and she wanted him.

His lips were soft beneath her own as his hand on her back pushed her more firmly into him, stoking the fires within, feeling almost brazen as she sucked on his tongue and he moaned.

She deepened the kiss, one hand sliding into his hair and tilting his head for better access. His tongue rasped against hers, sending delicious tingles down her spine. She had never kissed like this before—never had been kissed like before. What more had she never experienced before? It was one thing to be told what you were missing, it was quite another to be teased with the promise.

Antonio’s hand slowly inched up her thigh and beneath the towel, finally resting on her bottom. A hot rush of liquid heat pooled between her thighs. Every touch made her feel beautiful and cherished. Her body burned with delicious heat, a firestorm of sensation and yet she didn’t want to put it out, only to feed the flames more until it was consuming her. Until her entire consciousness was blind of all things except this burning need.

Author Bio:

Camille Taylor is an Australian sexy romantic suspense author who lives in the Nation’s Capital with her fluffy sidekick. She spends her time reading, writing, blogging and procrastinating on Pinterest looking at nail art, books, home improvement tips and cake decorating. A bookworm, she enjoys most genres, particularly romance and mysteries and is HEA chaser so you’ll always find one in her books. She started writing at sixteen and is currently working on her Harbour Bay and Heavenly Series, both set in Australia. Camille is also an incurable genealogist and has traced her heritage to England, Scotland, Ireland and Russia. She loves scrapbooking, hockey, tae kwon do and travelling.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Newsletter



Lady Knight by T. Nathan Mosley

Lady Knight
The Knight Case
Book One
T. Nathan Mosley

Genre: Fantasy/Urban Fantasy

Date of Publication: January 27th, 2017

ISBN: 9781520470863

Number of pages: 229
Word Count: 84,819

Cover Artist: Ruben G. Ramos

Book Description:

Detective Cameron Knight does not believe in magic. It's kind of hard to when you're a single(-ish) mother in a high stress job that pulls you from bed at all hours of the night. One of these nights, though, Cameron encounters a magician. Not one of those guys who pulls rabbits out of hats, but a real, true magician. Of course she doesn't believe it. Until Mathias reveals to her a world that is full of magic, Knights, kings, and more.

Following the writings of one of the most powerful magicians to have ever lived, Mathias escaped to Earth, running from Knight Captain Emil Rouland. Emil has been tasked with bringing Mathias before the King of Draeca to face the King's justice.

But Marek, a magician and enemy of Mathias, has other ideas. He sees this as his big break to finally exact his revenge on Mathias and become the hero he's always wanted to be. Little do they all know, however, the cost of traveling between Earth and Draeca has a terrible cost.

The fate of both worlds will hang in the balance as Vee, a being of immense power and evil, plots to conquer one, or both, of the worlds.

"We found
someone - a man. He's... not quite right, and he's got this weird costume on.
Said he knew about the explosion. Thought you'd want to try talking to
him." The kid said. Cameron exchanged a look with Kim and pulled the
cigarette from her mouth, sighing. It would have to wait.
where is he?" Kim said.
talking to the paramedics, they're saying it's dementia, uh, maybe caused by
shock or something. I'm not a doctor."
what we pay them the big bucks for. Good work, uh..." Cameron inspected
the officer's name badge, "Officer Winsley. Off you go." Cameron
nodded to him and patted him on the shoulder as she blew past him, heading for
the ambulance. The 'costume' Winsley had reported was actually a set of long,
flowing green and gold robes that draped off the man. A heavy cloak was set
about the man's shoulders, and he spoke calmly to one of the paramedics as they
asked him questions.
eyesight is perfectly fine, madam. This is the third time you've put that
lightstick into my face - I kindly request that you cease immediately."
The man said, and the paramedic looked to the detectives with a shrug.
"He checks
out. No signs of drug use that I can see, physically healthy, just..." The
paramedic made a spinning motion with her hand, one finger pointing at her
head. "He's all yours." She said.
The man stood as
the detectives approached, his head bowing to them so deeply it bent his
shoulders and torso towards them. "I know not who you are, but please
allow me to thank you for getting that... vulture, away from me. Poking and
prodding with her..." he waved a hand, "instruments." The man
was strikingly handsome, and Cameron couldn't help but notice how focused and
intense his blue eyes were as he regarding them. His black hair was slicked
back with some sort of gel, and it was cut close to his head - just long enough
to be styled and flare out slightly behind his ears and along the back of his
"That's her
job." Kim said as Cameron took the time to light her cigarette, puffing on
it as Kim continued, "She's a paramedic. She wanted to make sure you were
"Ah, a
healer! I beg pardon, I did not understand her ways, and this word...
'paramedic'. It is foreign to me," he said, a look of worry crossing his
face. "Please, assure her I am quite alright. Perfect in all of my
faculties," he paused as Kim and Cameron shared another look, "Well,
except, I cannot seem to find my staff, but it will turn up sooner or later I
cut it out. Enough of the jokes," Cameron said, and the man frowned at her
in confusion, "How about we start from the beginning. Who are you, what
are you doing here, and what do you know about the explosion?"
The man's face
brightened some, and he swept into a low bow, leg forward and one hand on his
chest as the other swept out to one side. "I am Mathias, Lord of the House
of Relain, personal magician to His Majesty King Lerrad Olmsith of the Kingdom
of Draeca, and..." Mathias frowned, "Well, that is who I used to be.
I am now an outlaw by decree of King Lerrad, but I suppose that is not what you
are inquiring about. I brought myself here as I was fleeing from his soldiers -
you understand I am sure, it is difficult to corner a magician," he
finished with a wink at Kim.
Cameron put a
hand on Kim's arm as she took a long drag from her cigarette, stopping Kim from
decking the wacko. "Alright, let me get this straight. You're, what, some
sort of wizard? And you want us to believe that you brought yourself here,
yes, of course. The signs are evident," Mathias said, nodding towards the
warehouse. "My apologies about the, ah, building there. An unintended side
effect of my hastily constructed spell. I believe in my haste I may have made a
mistake in the incantation. It would also explain the disappearance of my
staff..." He said, his tone turning thoughtful as he spoke.
"Can you
give us a moment?" Cameron asked.
"But of
course," Mathias said, bowing his head towards them again.
The detectives
stepped away from the man and Cameron dropped her cigarette, smashing it into
the pavement with her shoe. "Okay. What the hell." She said.
clearly lost his mind. The explosion knocked him into something and he
snapped," Kim said.
"He didn't
have a mark on him, Kim. No dust, no ash, nothing," Cameron pointed out.
okay, but - wait, you're not saying you actually believe him?"
"No, of
course not! Magic and spells and kings... Ridiculous, of course. Okay, how
about this: He sets a bomb, gets clear, and then the shock of what he's done
makes him conjure some crazy fantasy."
"What, like
repression or something?" Kim said, glancing back at Mathias - if that was
even his name. He was standing patiently, watching them with his hyper-focused
eyes and his hands clasped behind his back.
Maybe it started before he even knew what he was doing. Got caught up in his
fantasy and doesn't really know what's going on."
Works for me. How do we handle him?"

along, for now." Cameron said, frowning towards Mathias. He returned her
frown with a wide, toothless grin. She looked back at Kim and sighed, pulling
another cigarette from her pocket. "It's gonna be a long night."

About the Author:

T. Nathan Mosley was born and raised in Woodstock, Georgia. He is an avid fantasy and science fiction fan and gamer. He lives in Roanoke, Virginia with his two cats and dog that he tries constantly to avoid spoiling too much. His primary genres include general fantasy and urban fantasy, though he has played with the idea of science fiction on occasion. He is currently studying to become a professor of mathematics.


Interview with T Nathan Mosley
Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
I pull inspiration from many sources. Sometimes it’s a song, sometimes it’s a place, sometimes it’s a book I’m reading, and sometimes it just comes to me while I’m writing. I find that my inspiration ends at the beginning of a story – after that, it’s actual work to flesh out the idea and the characters.
How did you do research for your book?
Google is my best friend when I’m doing research. I don’t tend to do actual research, libraries, interviews, and so on, but if I can’t find the answers I’m looking for in a few searches, I do what I do best: make it up.
Do you have another profession besides writing?
I have a day job that pays the bills, but that’s about it. I would love to be able to support myself with writing one day.
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
The 1990s were a wonderful time. Some might say that it would be nice to visit Victorian England, or even further back, but I can’t help but be realistic. Technology was coming into its prime in the 90s, and the music was stellar. I’d buy into Apple stock at the time, if I could.
What is your next project?
My next project is book two of The Knight Case, Knight Captain. It will focus on Emil, one of the main characters from Lady Knight, and his world. If you find yourself disliking Emil, don’t worry, I have plenty of things to torture him with in Knight Captain.

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Offer expires on June 17th, 2017.