
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Release Blitz: Lethal Temptations by Nancy Haviland with review

Lethal Temptations Tour Banner
Lethal Temptations
by Janine Infante Bosco
Tempted, #5
Publication Date: May 24, 2016
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance, MC Romance
Lethal Temptations 3D Cover

Purchase ($1.99 or #FREE with #KindleUnlimited): Kindle | Paperback

Synopsis: BLACKIE
My name is Blackie, I’m the vice president of the Satan’s Knights MC and I’m an addict.
I’ve been trading one addiction for another for as long as I can remember.
I make no apologies for my addictions, nor do I try to hide them.
Until my latest addiction threatens to destroy not just me but her.
For the first time I want to fight the need and not gravitate towards it. I try to deny it and not succumb to it but I’m a prisoner to her purity.
I’m Satan’s soldier, a demon dressed in leather.
She’s an angel, innocent and full of light, she’s my lace.
A temptation so lethal neither of us may survive but, every demon craves an angel.
Guide me to the light.
Take me from the dark.
Give me back my life.
Let me share yours.
They are the selfish words of an addict and they are my truth.
My name is Lacey Parrish and I have a secret, one I’ve tried to deny for a long time, one I’ve tried to spare the world from.
I am a manic-depressive.
Just like my dad.
Some days I’m high on life.
Most days I try to escape it.
People think they know me, they think they see me but the truth is no one knows who I really am. No one sees the real me… a broken girl with a mind that betrays her.
Except Blackie.
He’s my savior, the man who silences my maker.
He’s my knight in shining armor, the man who puts my life before his.
He’s my leather and I’m his lace.
Two broken souls that have the power to heal one another.
This is our story, an unapologetic tale full of temptations.
A love story called Leather and Lace.

My Review: 
  I loved Blackie in Uncontrollable Temptations the 3rd book in the Temptations series. In this book I just wanted to swoop him up and bring him home with me.
  Blackie is the Vice President in the Satan's knight motorcycle club. In years past the club sold drugs and Blackie lost his wife due to an overdose from his drug stash. Blackie is an ex addict himself. In Book 3 he while trying to protect the club president's girlfriend and get rid of some bad guys was forced back into the drug life. Blackie is also sleeping with the club president's daughter. He knows that Lacey and him are forbidden, and with the drug problem he should just leave her alone. And he really does try to, but love is love, and a whole new kind of drug.
  I love this whole series by Janine Infante Bosco. Each book in the series stars a different set of characters while featuring the rest of the club members from the other books in the series. I love how she lets you continue to follow these characters through out the series.  She really brings everyone in these books to life. 
  This series can be read as stand alones but by reading the series you get so much more and really ind of form a bond with the club members. 
Review Teaser


Dear Readers,

Blackie and Lacey’s love is not an easy story. It’s not about fluff and if you’re looking to escape the reality of the world, this book is not for you. Lethal Temptations is true to its title and while there is a love story between the hero and heroine there is an individual story being told about each character.

Blackie is a drug addict.

Lacey is mentally ill.

They each suffer with the demons that haunt them.

Both issues are very much alive in our world and most of us will experience the torment of addiction and, or, mental illness. If not in ourselves than possibly through the people we love.

The smiling person beside you who appears perfect may be suffering in silence, afraid of what society will say or more than that, afraid of admitting their truth.

If you or someone you love suffers from addiction or mental illness, it’s never too late to find your voice and seek help.

My wish for those in need is that they find hope within the pages of Lethal Temptations because, you’re temptations are only lethal if you allow them to be.

Be heard.

Your voice is your weapon against the things that drag you down.

May is mental health awareness month, let’s turn society around and make it our bitch and save the fractured souls that struggle on a daily basis.

Below you will find links on both addiction and mental health.

Thank you for reading,

The Keith Milano Memorial Fund was established to help raise awareness about the devastating and deadly disease that is mental illness. Keith’s spirit and laughter is kept alive through our efforts to increase awareness about mental illness and to raise money for education and imperative research. Keith often struggled with society’s perception of mental illness. Our hope is that by having the strength to say that Keith was “Bipolar” we can strip away the stigma and help others to be more open about their disease.
Keith Milano Memorial Fund
140 Adams Ave Suite B-12
Hauppauge NY 11788
Direct Donation:

Addiction Angel

Addiction Angel
646-404-0637 (24/7) – Dedication to helping addicts kick their addiction
I AM ON A MISSION.... Education and knowledge is key.... Most families and loved ones need guidance and I am here.... if you or your loved one is struggling don't hesitate to call Addiction Angel.... Licensed and professional volunteers and help is available, call 646-404-0637 (24/7)
Professional interventions
NARCAN training
Resources to treatment
Inpatient / outpatient
Detox, Therapy
Support groups for families and sibling groups
Educational drug awareness forum "SCARED STRAIGHT"
Drug awareness presentation for schools/ parents
#angelonamission #nursescare #stopthestigma #recoveryispossible #addictionangel
Lethal Temptations 3D Cover


Lethal Temptations 3D Cover

MEET “BLACKIE” aka #NickBennett

Nick Bennett Model Author Signing
“Blackie” (model Nick Bennett) will be signing at The Tempted and Tantalizing Author Event in Staten Island, NY on 9-30-2017.
Stay tuned for more information on ticket sales, attending authors, VIP offers and much more.
Like the #TNTNYC17 Facebook page to keep up on the current information about the event.
Lethal Temptations 3D Cover




Lethal Temptations 3D Cover


Janine Infante Bosco
Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild.
Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself.
She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.
WebsiteFacebookTwitterPinterest GoodreadsNewsletterAmazon


Lethal Temptations Tour Giveaway Graphic


Monday, May 30, 2016

Release Blitz : Ultimate Vengeance by Nancy Haviland

Ultimate Vengeance Blitz Banner

Ultimate Vengeance
by Nancy Haviland
Wanted Men, #4
Publication Date: May 31, 2016
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Mafia Romance, Organized Crime

Ultimate Vengeance Cover

Purchase: Kindle | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | B&N | Kobo | iTunes

Synopsis: To a young Russian girl raised to respect and fear the Bratva, gaining the attention of the impressive Sovietnik from a ruling organization was a terrifying thing. Alekzander was a dangerous temptation Sacha Urusski had no hope of resisting. Predictably, her heart was decimated and she was left bleeding…with a precious reason to go on. But when Alekzander bullies his way back into her quiet life and offers a confession that absolves him of his sins, rather than celebrate, Sacha is forced to acknowledge an alarming truth; she has now become the villain in their story. Or so she thinks. When the most damaging secret of all is revealed, her final hope dies and she’s left with no other recourse. She must run.

Sixteen months ago, Alekzander Tarasov made the mistake of his life when he annihilated his relationship with his soulmate. At the time, protecting her was his only thought. Now, after attempting to live without her, his focus has changed. He wants her back where she belongs. And he’ll stop at nothing to drag his curvy angel away from her new life and so deep into his world of violence and uncertainty she’ll never find her way out again.

Through a deluge of secrets and lies, disillusionment and broken faith enters a world where loyalty and trust reign. Will Alek and Sacha’s battered love be strong enough to survive? Or will it be a sense of duty that inexorably binds them together in the end?

Ultimate Vengeance Full Jacket Cover

EXCERPT - No Place to Hide (Ultimate Vengeance)

No. She couldn’t get Alekzander into trouble with the law simply because he’d stopped loving her and had chosen to move on without telling her first. She should. She should spill every little secret she had, not that there were many. But she never would. Despite everything, he was her daughter’s father.

Then again, she thought, feeling ill, if it came down to it and she had to choose between keeping Lekzi in her life and Alekzander’s freedom, well, there was no choice. But until then…

“That would not work because I was never personally aware of anything he or his family did that might have been illegal. For all I know, their intimidating reputation could have been created simply to make themselves feel special.”

She saw Justin’s head turn her way but didn’t meet the look because then he’d see she was lying through her teeth. He tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel.

“This may sound insensitive, but why didn’t you go back home to your family when things fell apart here?”

Wishing he could drive faster, she answered honestly. “I am an only child, and, as you know, my parents are gone. But even if I had someone there, at that time, I could not afford to go home.” He frowned in confusion, so she went on, her cheeks heating. “While I was with Alekzander, I did not work, or go back to school as I had planned. When I left Russia, I dropped out of my fourth year of university,” she explained. “But I had every intention of applying to colleges here so I could finish my liberal arts degree. I had planned to go into the field of Human Resources, but, as I said, I did not.” She moved on because she could hear how defensive she was beginning to sound. “Alekzander enjoyed having me at home, and I enjoyed being there for him.”

Shame coated that last bit, revealing how little she thought of the decision she’d made back then. She should never have given up her independence. She suspected that had much to do with what had happened.

“So he kept you broke and dependent on him?” Justin questioned as they came out of the tunnel and traveled the relatively empty streets of Queens heading for Sunnyside.

“No, of course not. He was very generous. I had credit cards and a bank account that I could use freely.”

Feeling small, she wanted to add that she wasn’t a parasite, but hearing herself, she found she couldn’t. Her and Alekzander’s first real fight had been about her working to save the money she would need to return to school. He’d convinced her it wasn’t something that had to be decided right then and had quieted her protests by saying they’d discuss her education later. It had always been later. And she’d let him get away with discounting her future. Had she not been such a pushover, so eager to please him, would things have been different?

“I did not use his money after things ended,” she murmured.

“Why? Any other woman, especially a pregnant one, would have withdrawn a large chunk of cash—especially because as a Tarasov he could certainly afford it—and lived off it until she was back on her feet. Why didn’t you?”

“Because I did not want his money. I did not want anything from him.” She shifted, grinding her teeth at the warble in her voice. It signified weakness, and that embarrassed her. “Anyway,” she said, sneaking in another common word Americans used regularly. “How could I go home when I did not have enough money to buy an airline ticket, to rent an apartment once I got there, and to live until I found a job? I could not. So I stayed here where it had already become familiar. And Lekzi and I have done fine without him. Our life is simple, but that is all we need.” She might not have two homes and a private jet, but despite having to save most of her earnings, she was providing for her daughter, and she was proud of that.

When they eventually turned onto her street, she tried not to think about what it would cost her, financially and emotionally, to start over again. Another new city, no friends, no job, no place to live. And it would be so much worse this time because she was dragging her innocent daughter along, making her baby suffer for the sins of her parents…

The world stilled for a split second before Sacha felt the impact of her reality hit with the force of a punch.

A group of well-dressed men milled about in front of her apartment building. Two were on the sidewalk speaking with a uniformed NYPD officer while another two stood in front of the main entrance of the three-story walk-up.

Oh, God. “I told you.” Her whisper was eerily accepting. “He has come for me.”



UV Own You Teaser


UV Most Dangerous Man Teaser






Nancy Haviland

Nancy Haviland, author of the bestselling organized crime series, WANTED MEN, writes about her alpha mobsters and their ladies from her home near Toronto, Ontario. She fights for space on her keyboard with her arrogant kitty named Talbot, and adores her Tim Horton’s coffee; as any self-respecting Canadian would. She writes contemporary romantic suspense but will happily read anything that involves two people smooching.

A member of Romance Writers of America, Nancy is represented by Nalini Akolekar of Spencerhill Associates, and is published by Montlake Romance/Amazon Publishing.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads | Newsletter | Amazon Author Page


Ultimate Vengeance RB Giveaway Graphic


Book Blast for Stare Him Down by Riley Murphy

Stare Him Down
by Riley Murphy


GENRE: Contemporary Erotic Romance



This Dom’s life is turned upside down when he agrees to enter into a modern-day marriage of convenience with a woman who’s sassy and vanilla.

Only problem?

She’s not vanilla. And the side of sassy she comes with is sure to get them both into trouble when he finds out.


Excerpt Two:

One deep breath later, she squared her shoulders and sent up a silent prayer that James was still in the front hall waiting for her so she could make a grand entrance. The more she put herself in front of him the less likely he’d be able to turn away.

Oh yeah, when she rounded the corner on the stairway landing, James was there and he certainly wasn’t looking away.

Not even a blink over his rapidly descending scowl. Which told her one thing.

She’d nailed the outfit.


James waited until Mickey stopped on the bottom step. They were almost eye-to-eye between the boots she was wearing and the additional inches afforded by the stair riser. “Did I misread the invitation?” He let his gaze flicker down to her snugly fit bustier. “Are costumes required?”

“Nope, just for me. Don’t you like it? The kids are going to love it.”

No he did not like it. And as for the kids? “Is this an all-boys hospital?”

She made a face that said he was being a jerk, and then tilted her head as though assessing him. “Why would you ask that? Because Wonder Woman is a babe?” She straightened her head and glared at him. “Superheroes are not to be sexually coveted.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and glared right back. “Says who?”

“Says every mother and father ever.”

That made him grin. “Oh. I suppose you went to Comic-Con and took a survey when those mother and fathers were drinking their costume-coiffed faces off, before they sexually coveted each other in their hotel rooms at the end of the evening?”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Riley Murphy writes sexy, humorous, and emotional romance, happy ending guaranteed. An optimist, she believes life is amazing, people are complicated, but in a good way, and we should never stop learning. Riley currently calls Florida home with her gorgeous husband. She has two phenomenal kids, one adorable-to-the-max grandchild, and a very bossy pooch.

When Riley’s not working she enjoys reading, oil painting, and getting to the Sunday crossword before anyone else does, so she can fill-in all the easy answers first, and pull the smart card with the family.

Things Riley loves:

Writing books

Connecting with readers

Doing giveaways for her readers

Things Riley Hates:

Laundry. Seriously. She’d rather slam her fingers in a car door than do the dreaded bleach load.

A few of Riley’s favorite reviewer quotes:

If you love intellectual mind candy, read Ms. Murphy’s work!

Creative, profound and soul searing scenes abound...

One wonders if Ms. Riley is in the sex therapy and marriage counseling business as a day job. The D/s part of this story is Fabulous.

If Riley wasn’t an author she’d be an international spy with top-level security so she could have a peek at Area 51 and decide for herself if those green guys are for real. Failing that, she’d likely go with chicken sexer.

You can visit Riley website at:


Riley will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ssking Large Foldable Travel Duffel Bag

This duffel bag is very nice. It is large enough to pack just about anything in. Can even be used as a over night or weekend bag. I have it with me on vacation and am using ti at the minute to hold our dirty clothes. I love that this has 2 long straps on it great for carrying over the shoulder. The zipper seems to be very strong. Inside there are a few compartments. These compartments are great for carrying all kinds of things. If using for a over night bag you can put your personal care items in the slot. Carrying it to the beach it's great for putting your sunscreen, water bottles or whatever in. I love this bag. I love that I can toss it in the washer and dryer when it gets dirty as well.

I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Prefer Green 5-Size Multi-Color Food Storage Container Set

I really like this set of nesting bowls. They are great for left overs and packing lunches. The bowls are microwave safe, but the lids should not be put in the microwave. These bowls can go in the refrigerator and freezer. These bowls also dishwasher safe.

There are 5 bowls in the set. The bowls are almost clear with a white milky look that you can see through to tell what is in the bowl. Each bowl has a different color lid. The lids are vibrant and bright colors. These would be great for portion control also. The bowls are not 100% leak proof, so I wouldn't pack soup for lunch but they are great for thicker items, like the consistency of white gravy. They are great fro pasta's, meats, and other solid foods. I really love that they nest so they don't take up a lot of room, my kitchen is small so these are great.

I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Friday, May 27, 2016

VBT: Take Me to the Willow by Shelly Brimley

Take Me to the Willow
by Shelly Brimley


GENRE: Historical Fiction

BLURB:In defending his life-long friendship with Charlie, Will may have inadvertently had a hand in the growing chaos that leads to the horrifying night when his familiar world is shattered.

When Will Wright, the eighteen year old son of a small-town Arkansas sheep herder in 1905, begins reading his mother’s journal, he is inspired by its startling content to start putting his own experiences to paper for posterity. An unsophisticated but principled young man, Will is becoming increasingly aware of the hatred that exists in the world. When he begins his own journal, Will can’t know what events are to take place in the next five years – from his mother’s battle with a life threatening illness, to his embarrassments of learning how to be in love for the first time, to witnessing Charlie’s fate at the hands of the bigoted townspeople. While part of him wishes the pain in those pages didn’t exist, he knows that the original purpose for keeping the journal has been realized - to show his kin how he became the man he is. He will probably never go back through and read again the pages he’s written, but someday, someone will, and they will see that along with the hurt, Will’s life had been one that knew true joy, absolute love, and undying friendship.


Excerpt One:

I’ve only been in this cell for three days, but it feels like a might lot longer than that. I know what I did wasn’t considered proper by most folks down here in the South, but I don’t regret doin’ it. And I’d do it again, if I had the chance. Charlie never did anything wrong. He’s just colored. Not much he can do about that, and even if he could, I suppose he wouldn’t want to anyhow. I didn’t feel it right that Charlie be ignored when all he came to do was buy feed and tools like the rest of us. So when Eli Carver said he don’t take no “colored” money, I thought it best to point out that he must be blind as a bat since Charlie’s dollar and my dollar are both the same shade of green. And when I held the two right in front of Mr. Carver’s face and politely asked him to show me the difference, he later told Sheriff Coleman I was threatenin’ and causin’ a disturbance. When I heard that, it just made my blood boil, and I decided Eli Carver needed to be taught a lesson. I went back to that store, although Charlie tried to get me to leave it be, but the next thing I knew, I was holdin’ Eli a foot off the ground against the door to his very own supply store. If Sheriff Coleman hadn’t been right there, I might have been able to argue my side, but there’s no point arguin’ against proof and common sense. Besides that, Sherriff Coleman is known for his feelin’s about colored people, so I knew I was beat before I started. I suppose I just didn’t care.  


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Shelly Brimley was born in Flagstaff, AZ, where she lived most of her life until moving to Mexico to study abroad. After graduation, Shelly did some volunteer work in Africa and completed her graduate degree while working in an adolescent drug treatment center. After acquiring her Master’s degree, she worked as a counselor at a residential shelter for children who had been smuggled and trafficked into the USA from different countries around the world. She also taught English to adult refugees before resigning to raise her children. Shelly wanted to use her experience working with others as a source of inspiration in her writing, offering a voice for those who are not typically heard or considered.

Website link –

Author Facebook-


Amazon – On sale for only $0.99 until May 22

Interview with Shelly Brimley

Do you have any tattoos?  Where? When did you get it/them? Where are they on your body?
  • No tattoos.

Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
  • For the past six years, my life has been a whirlwind of raising a young family. Two years ago I was contemplating the idea of having another baby, raising my two little girls, and working on another revision of Take Me to the Willow. Things are too different today. I’ve had a baby boy since then and have published my book. Now I’m working on the sequel and trying to keep up with the needs of my family.

How long have you been writing?
  • I’ve written little things here and there, but I got really serious about writing five years ago.

What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?
  • I would strongly encourage them to dive in! I would suggest getting into a really great writer’s critique group right away, attend regularly, and develop a thick skin. I would talk to them about the realities of being a writer… that it’s very difficult to be criticized, it’s difficult to get picked up, it’s difficult to self-publish. But if you are passionate about writing, then you write! Take classes, read and learn how to improve, go to seminars and conferences.

Tell us something about your newest release that is NOT in the blurb.
  • There were a couple of personal experiences in my own life that shaped the final scene of the book. I had written the scene prior to these things happening, then went back and rewrote it. Now every time I read that scene it makes me cry.


One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Blog Tour: GUN MOLL by Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner

Gun Moll Tour Banner
Gun Moll
by Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner
Gun Moll, #1
Publication Date: May 23, 2016
Genres: Interracial Romance, Erotic Romance, Organized Crime
Gun Moll Cover
Purchase: Amazon (#FREE with #KindleUnlimited)
Synopsis: James “Mac” Maccari’s career in the mafia is at a standstill. As the best solider in his Capo’s crew, all he wants is to be noticed enough to get Made in the Pivetti Crime Family. But instead, his Capo’s interests seem more focused on keeping his solider hidden from the boss, and every other Made man he can. Seemingly stuck right where he is with no chance of going up, Mac doesn’t know what will finally get him the attention he needs to earn his button.
Until she shows up and all eyes are on them …
Melina Morgan survives—that’s just what she does. She’s never been able to depend on anyone but herself to keep her safe and get things done. When a chance encounter puts her in a bad situation with the cops and the mafia, Melina has no choice but to put her faith in the hands of a man that not only infuriates her with his cocky arrogance, but catches her interest, too. Playing pretend in a fake relationship with Mac doesn’t seem all that terrible, until pretend turns real and bullets start to fly.
A man is nothing without his woman …
When the attention on Mac and Melina turns from bad to worse, and someone in the Pivetti Crime Family decides the couple needs to go, they know they’re fighting an uphill battle alone. But making it to the end alive means Mac could get what he’s always wanted, and Melina might find what she didn’t even know she needed.
Together, they’ll make waves the mafia has no choice but to notice …


 Gun Moll 3D Cover


Gun Moll Teaser 1


Bethany-Kris is a Canadian author, lover of much, and mother to three young sons, one cat, and two dogs. A small town in Eastern Canada where she was born and raised is where she has always called home. With her boys under her feet, snuggling cat, barking dogs, and a hubby calling over his shoulder, she is nearly always writing something … when she can find the time.
To keep up-to-date with new releases from Bethany-Kris, sign up to her New Release Newsletter here:
Website • Blog • Twitter • Facebook • Goodreads • Pinterest • Mailing List • Amazon Author Page


Erin Ashley Tanner
Erin Ashley Tanner is the creator of stories featuring fierce females and the men who love them.
Erin is the author of Goddess of Legend, the first in her Demi-God Daughters paranormal romance series. The follow up, Goddess by Chance was released in November 2014.
Dirty Little Secrets, a light organized crime romance was released in June 2015. Her next release, an Organized Crime Romance, Devious Little Lies is scheduled for release in June 2016.


GUN MOLL Tour Giveaway Graphic
