
Monday, June 1, 2020

STONE by Kelly Gendron

Title: STONE
Series: Daring the Kane Brothers #5

Standalone Series
Author: Kelly Gendron
Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance

Release Date: June 1, 2020


She’s waited a long time to confront me, and after one
red-hot kiss, I wonder what’s going to happen when she realizes she can’t have
what she wants

JAGGS showed up about a year ago. She’s feisty
and difficult to ignore. She befriended my brother, and my family loves her.
But the sexy spitfire hates me. She thinks I don’t know why she wants to
destroy me or why she appeared out of nowhere, but I do

With his dark amber eyes and smooth whiskey voice, this
drug-fueled rock star has somehow become my addiction

So what if he has a black belt in playing guitar, if he’s an
Army vet who can deactivate bombs, or that he bubbles over with hotness? He’s
the man who ruined my life, and no matter how tempting STONE KANE might be, I
plan to crush him.

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He stares
at the Keurig for a long hard second.
“You know
how to use it, right?” I snicker.
“Yeah.” He
scowls at me. “Where’s those things?”
“Yeah.” He
half growls.
“Up in the
cupboard.” I nudge in the direction. He continues to stare at me. And all I can
think about is what he might have going on in those lounge pants. Dammit, why
did he ask me if I was going to get in bed with him? As if!
The truth
be told, it brought me back to the day in the storage room when he was screwing
one of his groupies. It’s not like I haven’t imagined what sex might be with
the philandering rock star. I just convinced myself it would suck.
He smiles
at me as he had when he nearly pulled the sheets back.
Is he
messing with me?
I know he
hates me as much as I hate him. Is he trying to be lewd? Trying to turn me off
or on? Neither will work as I only have one feeling for the man—hate.
Still, it’s
strange. He’s never paid me any attention. He’s never struck up a conversation
or looked at me for that matter. He usually acts as if I don’t exist. So what’s
with the sexual advances and all the fake smiles this morning?
going on here?
 I watch him get the pod and prepare himself a
cup of coffee.
He takes a
sip. “Ah, that’s good,” he says in a low, sexy raspy voice. He takes another
sip and another, then sets the mug down on the counter and turns to me. “Thanks
for last night. I was really fucked up.” His tone more sober and sincere.
“Yeah.” I
clear my throat, instructing my eyes not to look at his chest or anything else
other than his face. “Like I said, I didn’t want to tell my best friend his
brother died on my watch.”
He flicks
his hair from his face. “Crash is your best friend?”
It’s the truth. He’s one of my only friends. I haven’t been this close to
anyone since Jenny was killed. Crash and his family mean a lot to me, so that
must be why I didn’t let Stone die last night. It’s not like I don’t want him
dead, but the second I got the opportunity to have what I want, I did
everything in my power—which was grabbing a pillow and sleeping on the floor,
so not much—to keep the asshole alive.
He takes a
step toward me, bringing his hard-to-resist aroma closer to my nostrils. “You
two ain’t sleeping together?”
“Not that
it’s any of your business.” I set my mug on the counter, and he takes a step
closer. My back straightens.
“No. I
suppose it ain’t.” His eyes roam to my mouth, pausing for an unspoken salacious
moment. “But I know what you want.”
Yeah, you
dead. “What’s that?” I smirk, his eyes making it back to mine.
He smiles,
reaches for his mug, and takes another sip of coffee. I shake my head, staying
focused on his face. I wonder what he looks like beneath all that scruff and
hair. His eyes, the color, it’s brighter, softer, and lighter than I thought,
but like the smooth whiskey color, the effects are no doubt the same, and too
much of those eyes could alter my thinking. And I’ve already concluded that I
hate the way my body reacts around him.
He sets the
mug down and takes another step toward me. His hand comes out. Not sure what
he’s going after, I grab his wrist and squeeze hard.
“I was
going to check your mug to see if you needed another cup,” he says with a husky
chuckle. “Do I scare you?”
No.” I release his wrist. “Repulse? Yes.”
He bends
until our heads are level. I get another whiff of his fuck-me-hard scent that
clings to him like sweat and sex. I’m quick to swallow down the unbridled
desire attempting to stir in me. His eyes lower to my mouth, then slowly move
back up. I watch, sensing an attack of some kind. He leans forward. “I’m going
to kiss you…

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Author Bio

"Bad boys, give 'em a little time and
experience, and they will evolve into misbehaving men!"

USA Today Bestselling Author,
Kelly Gendron is best found tucked away in a quiet suburb in upstate NY writing
her steamy, blush producing contemporary romances. But, when she’s not creating
HEA stories, you may find her at her day job with her nursing cap on a little
sideways. If you Google Kelly, she’ll pop up there as well. And please google
her. Kelly loves to hear from her readers and to meet new people! 

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