
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

VBT Who's Your Daddy? by Caren Crane, Jeanne Adams, and Nancy Northcott

by Caren Crane, Jeanne Adams, Nancy Northcott


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Presenting three tales of secrets revealed and histories uncovered by DNA testing.

Brown-Eyed Boy by Caren Crane

A carpenter discovers his father isn't actually his father. Coming to terms with the truth reaffirms his place in his family, but it also leads him to love with an old friend's sister and helps him find a path for his life.

Lost in Time by Jeanne Adams

A lawyer learns his grandmother had a secret marriage before his father was born. With the help of a talented genealogist, he tracks down his ancestry. Will he find the truth about his grandmother's secret before whoever's trying to kill him succeeds?

Worth Waiting For by Nancy Northcott

A burned-out spy goes home for a holiday and re-encounters the woman he never dated but never forgot. As he and she grow closer, he learns her niece, his ex-girlfriend's child, bears an uncanny resemblance to him. When the truth comes out, it will alter three lives.


Excerpt Two:

From Lost in Time by Jeanne Adams

Derek opened another box in his late grandmother’s attic. His name jumped out from the first document.

Derek Jacob Millington, Juris Doctor

His commencement announcement from Yale law. Gram and Pops, who’d been a lawyer too, had beamed with pride that day. Below it, bundled envelopes and greeting cards filled the box. He’d have to sort through it downstairs, in better light.

“Jesus, Gram, did you keep everything?”

There was no answer from the swirling dust motes. Banker’s boxes lined the attic three deep and three or four high on the long axis of the house. He’d barely made a dent.

He swigged from his Coke, then returned to his task. His grandmother would’ve been the first to tell him the job wouldn’t get done by staring at it.

Derek crab-walked under the eaves to retrieve another box. His hip ached. He was still recovering from a serious car accident and probably should’ve started with something less strenuous. But the boxes were easier to face than rooms haunted with the scent of his beloved grandmother’s perfume.

The latest box was tattered and dusty. He flipped the lid expecting another box of letters or ancient tax returns.

Instead, the fat leather photo album on top creaked open to a shot of a bride and groom. The groom wore a morning coat; the smiling bride a lacy gown.

The bride was his Gram, but the groom wasn’t his Pops.

The groom was Derek’s dark-haired twin.

“Oh. My. God.”


AUTHOR Bios and Links:

Jeanne Adams writes award-winning romantic suspense, fantasy/paranormal, Urban Fantasy and space adventure that’s been compared to Jack McDevitt and Robert Heinlein. She also knows all about getting rid of the bodies. Both traditionally and indie published, Jeanne has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine. She teaches highly sought after classes on Body Disposal for Writers and Plotting for Pantzers, as well as How to Write a Fight Scene with her pal Nancy Northcott. Twitter: @JeanneAdams Instagram: @JPAGryphon


Caren Crane began writing warm, witty contemporary romance and women's fiction to save herself from the drudgery of life in the office. An electrical engineer by training, she longed to create worlds where things were any color except cube-wall gray. She still works in a cubicle, but gets to hang out with witty, fabulous people whenever she's writing, which greatly encourages butt-in-chair time.

Caren lives in North Carolina with her wonderful husband and semi-feral rescue cat. She has three fiercely intelligent, gorgeous grown children, having neatly side-stepped her mother’s threat that she would have children Just Like Her. You can find info and excerpts at


Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman.  Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, history, and genre fiction. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes (and sometimes the magic) she loves in the books she writes.

She’s the author of the Light Mage Wars/Protectors paranormal romances, the Lethal Webs and Arachnid Files romantic suspense series, and the historical fantasy trilogy The Boar King’s Honor. With author Jeanne Adams, she co-writes the Outcast Station space opera series. Website: Twitter: @NancyNorthcott

Interview with Caren Crane, Jeanne Adams, and Nancy Northcott
Hi, Teresa! Thanks so much for hosting us today. Here are our answers to your questions:

1. Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reins of the story?

Caren Crane: I am a pantser, so I don’t plot out the entire story. I just know where it’s headed, but I let the characters show me the way there. So, they don’t hijack it so much as direct it.

Jeanne Adams: What a great question! In some stories, I feel like have the reins of the story, but in the case of Derek and Alexis, the characters just leapt to life and ran away with the story. The small subplot was superb fun as well, with the jealous ex-girlfriend. She became more of a character than I had expected her to!

Nancy Northcott: I generally feel that I have the reins. I plot the overall story before I start writing because it helps me focus the character arc when I know that once I reach point A, I need to go to B and what that point is. Sometimes, however, the characters pull a different way, maybe a way I want to run with. When that happens, I readjust. It’s all about the illusion of control!

2. Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.

Caren: I think everyone is incredibly curious about their own DNA and the story it tells about them. Reading about other people discovering things they never knew about themselves is deeply compelling to all of us.

Jeanne: This is always a tough question to answer for any author, I think. I love the story because Derek is just doing the tough task of going through his grandmother’s things after her passing and discovers a deeply buried family secret. Haven’t we all wondered sometimes where we came from? Why do we like the things we do? How do we fit in the family? These three DNA stories explore that theme in fun, exciting ways.

Nancy: I think there’s always room for a story about how people cope, how they decide to do what’s right when their worlds have been upended. All three novellas in this book explore that theme.

3. Have you written any other books that are not published?

Caren: I have a couple of manuscripts that will never be published. They were among my first efforts and I don’t have the stamina to rewrite those stories. One was really interesting to me, because it was a time travel, but that subgenre is well-represented without me piling on!

Jeanne: I’ve written a number of books that aren’t yet published. Some are just awaiting polishing or editing, others a bit of updating because I got rights back from my New York publisher. Others––just a few--–will forever stay “under the bed” because they were books where I learned how to be a writer. They’re never going to be ready for prime time! Ha!

Nancy: Oh, definitely! Some of them would need too much revision for me to put them out in the world. Early efforts are often very rough, and it’s often easier to take the same story and write a new book than to update the old version. Others need less updating but don’t fit with the current direction of my work. Those may eventually make it out of the virtual storage locker.

4. Pen or type writer or computer?
Caren: I do everything on the computer. Writing longhand certainly unlocks a different part of your brain, but I only resort to it if I’m incredibly stuck and cannot move forward.

Jeanne: I start with pen and paper to get the ideas down and the armature of the plot down. Otherwise, it’s computer unless I get seriously stuck. If I get seriously stuck, sometimes I’ll go back to pen and paper until I get through the stuck place.

Nancy: I do my plot chart on a giant piece of paper with markers. After that, though, it’s all computer. I can’t write fast enough by hand. The one exception, though, is when I get stuck on a character. Then I take a yellow pad and a pen and free-associate, writing down everything that pops into my head. Some of it actually is usable!

5. Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?
Caren: I’m sorry you guys are still waiting for the fourth Cross Springs novel. It’s been done for more than a year, but for whatever reason, I’m still sitting on it. I do plan to get it out this summer, though. It’s a story I love!

Jeanne: The most important thing to ever say to fans and readers is THANK YOU!! Thanks for buying, for being interested, for posting great reviews, for asking for more. Thank you for caring about the characters I create. And, of course, thank you for buying books (mine and other people’s) so we can continue to do what we love to do!

Nancy: My story, Worth the Wait, is part of my Arachnid Files spies series. It’s growing slowly, but it is growing. Also, thank you all for caring about books and checking out ours!


One copy each of Kick Start by Caren Crane, Dead Run by Jeanne Adams, and Danger's Edge by Nancy Northcott.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rita! We hope you'll like it! Have you ever done your DNA?

    2. Thanks, Rita! We had fun with it.

  2. Thanks for hosting us on T's Stuff today, Teresa! It's so fun to read what everyone wrote about the same questions. Thanks too, to Goddess Fish!

  3. Teresa, thanks for featuring us today! I learned things about Jeanne and Caren from this post that I hadn't suspected.
