
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Awen Storm by O.J. Barre

Awen Storm 
Awen Trilogy Book 2 
by O.J. Barre 
Genre: Urban Fantasy 

2042, Reptilian aliens plot to destroy Humanity.

Awen Order of Druids has named Emily Hester as its new leader.
Unfortunately, she's no heroine, and her magic needs work. Her
long-awaited date with the druid priest has ended in disaster. Now
she's stranded on a ledge in Zoo Atlanta with a dragon breathing down
her neck.

the Reptilians are amassing inside the planet. They despise humans.
They have no souls. And if they find a way out, our world is doomed.
Can Emily escape and seize her magical powers? Or will Earth be left
to the mercy of these monsters?

is the second book in the
delightful Awen trilogy. If you like original stories with imperfect
heroines, you’ll love O. J. Barré’s pre-apocalyptic urban
fantasy with engaging characters, intriguing world-building, and a
fascinating storyline.

visit the near-future in which a secret society of druids defends
Earth, and reptilian aliens rule the vast world beneath us, buy Awen

Sale now for only $2.99!**

Awen Rising 
Awen Trilogy Book 1 

2042, evil Reptilian aliens plot to destroy Humanity. Only one Druid
can save our world.

is going wrong for Emily Hester. She's lost her fiancé, her nerve,
and her career as a Disaster Specialist. Now a storm wielding witch
is on her trail. She needs a new identity and somewhere to run.

Emily doesn’t know is that the Awen Order of Druids is searching
for her. Nor that she’s their only hope for saving the world. Can
the druids’ dragon keepers find Emily in time to claim her legacy?
Or will the reptilian horde overwhelm our world?

Rising is the first book in the exciting Awen trilogy. If you
like original stories with imperfect heroines, you’ll love O. J.
Barré’s pre-apocalyptic urban fantasy set in a magical world with
explosive action, strong-willed characters, and a great plot.

be whisked away to the near-future with druids and dragons, and nasty
reptilians with technology that rivals ours, buy your copy of Awen
Rising today.

Sale now for only $2.99!**



O.J. Barré hails from the lushly forested, red-clay hills near Atlanta, Georgia. From birth, O.J. was a force of nature. Barefoot and freckled, headstrong and gifted, she was, and is, sensitive to a fault. Books became her refuge as a young child, allowing O.J. to escape her turbulent alcoholic home on adventures to untold places and times. Her daddy's mother was a Willoughby, making O.J. a direct descendant of William the Conqueror. Her Awen series is a love letter to that distant past. 

$25 Amazon 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 


  1. Hi Teresa, thank you for hosting today's stop for Awen Storm's book tour! It's an honor to be featured in such fine literary company. I see that you also do reviews. I'd love to hear your thoughts on Awen Rising and Awen Storm! Have a wonderful summer, and again, THANK YOU! Olivia/O. J.

  2. Very cool looking cover, nice job!

    1. Hi Carl, thank you for stopping by Awen Storm's book tour and commenting! I'm glad you like the cover! Would love to hear your thoughts on the insides, too. If you're interested, I'm looking for reviewers. Thanks again, Olivia/O. J.

  3. I like the covers for this series! :)

    1. Thank you, CJ! I appreciate you stopping by Awen Storm's book tour and commenting! I'm glad you like the cover. If you're interested in reading them, I'm looking for reviewers. If so, my contact info is up above, or just comment here and I'll reply. Thanks again, Olivia/O. J.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Leonie! I'm glad you like the covers! If you're interested, I'm looking for reader/reviewers, too. My contact info is up above if so, or comment here and I'll reply. Thanks again, Olivia/O. J.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Gwendolyn! I'm glad you like the covers! If you're interested, I am looking for reviewers for both books, too. If so, my contact info is up above or you can comment here and I'll reply. Thanks again, Olivia/O. J.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
