
Friday, May 10, 2019

Thou Shall Not Anthology

Title: Thou Shall Not: A Dark Ten Commandments Anthology
Authors: Yolanda Olson ~ Murphy Wallace ~ M.R. Leahy ~ Ally Vance ~ Charity B. ~ C.M. Radcliff ~ C.L. Matthews ~ Natalie Bennett ~ HB Jasick & Faith Ryan ~ Michelle Brown
Genre: Dark/Depraved/Delicious Romance
Release Date: Coming Soon
Cover Design: Cassie Chapman from Opulent Designs

The devil whispered in our ears. We listened. We obeyed. We sinned. 
Shall we repent? Or shall we take you down with us? 

Thou shall not have any other gods before me. 
Thou shall not make yourself a carved image.
Thou shall not take the Lord's name in vain. 
Thou shall remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. 
Thou shall honor your mother and father.
Thou shall not murder. 
Thou shall not commit adultery. 
Thou shall not steal. 
Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 
Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s house.


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