Title: Beauty and Wreckage
Series: Broken Crowns Book Two
Author: Natalie Bennett
Genre: Paranormal Romance
A sadistic king made of darkness and death.
A rising queen full of fury and pain.
A rising queen full of fury and pain.
Armies will form, sides will be chosen, and one will conquer the other.
Murder, betrayal, political and sexual intrigue enter the treacherous world of ruthless royals.
Beauty & Wreckage must be read after the prelude: Beauty & Rage. Broken Crowns is a twisted PNR series not meant for the faint of heart. Contains explicit steam and various dark theme
Natalie Bennett is the creator of erotic stories that always come with a warning label. She writes about depraved alpha a**holes and women that love to hate them. Her books don't follow any specific tropes, have no set word counts, and tend to deviate from traditional HEA's.
When she isn't in front of her computer she's spending time with her husband and their three little boys.
Natalie is an avid fan of caramel frappes, horror movies, Shameless, and of course, reading.
You can find Natalie on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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