
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Book Blast Diary of a Lost Witch by Reut Barak

by Reut Barak

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly dawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

GENRE: Fantasy Blog
Visit to begin the story featured on Reut Barak's new blog

Molly is in trouble. Running away from home to escape the dangers of her coven, she ends up in Edinburgh at a time of Corona. Homeless and running for her life, she must find a new coven and get the help she needs to protect herself, or she is not going to make it back.

Read a Blog Entry:

April 13

The weekend was long, and I ended up having to sleep outside in the park. There was one guy on gumtree that said he was able to host people, but he seemed creepy. There were two more ads that didn’t reply to my email, but otherwise, it was impossible to find a place to stay.

There is a spell called the Tent spell. It makes a small fixed space safe, invisible to the outside world. You won’t be seen or heard there, and you can use spells inside. When I had given up trying to find a normal bed for the night, I figured I might as well head for one of the parks and cast it there. The park I slept at was called Arthur’s Seat. I found some dense trees at the bottom of it, near the small lake.

Inside my “tent” I cast a mattress and blankets, which were supposed to be comfortable, but I slept horribly. I kept waking up, fearing that someone might accidentally step in and discover me. Someone mortal who would ask a lot of questions, or worse, someone with magic.

It was a relief when the morning came, and I finally opened my eyes to hear the birds, and a few runners. It was also a relief from my dreams, of the terrible things I had left behind.

I dreamt that the witches of May’s coven had found me here, and taken me back to Alice. She had a plan for me, to make an example of me for leaving.

I woke up covered in cold sweat, and sat up for an hour thinking, before I was ready to fall back to sleep. I needed to find another coven and fast. There would be a few here in Edinburgh, but unlike back home they didn’t meet in the park during weekends. At least not in the one I’d been sleeping in. I had hoped to bump into a coven that way. That would have justified my homelessness.

This morning was different, though. I was on my way back to a groceries store I found, where the kind seller let me charge my batteries so my new phone doesn’t run out of power. He’d even told me where I could find a local sim card, and I texted the new number back to my moms.

It was really early morning. The store would just be opening. I was walking down the empty streets, when I saw something.

It was a girl, about my age, walking her dog. She had a sweater with a university logo, and the dog suddenly pulled hard on the leash. She cursed, falling straight on her right knee, and then screamed from the pain and cursed again. I rushed to her to help her up, and then I saw, or rather felt something. Something inside her was spreading warmth from her heart towards that knee to heal it. And there was only one way I could sense such a phenomenon. She was using magic.

Molly Evans

About the Author:Following a short stint in the military, Reut graduated as a trained Opera Singer from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, and then worked in Berlin, singing church music by Mozart, Haydn and Bach. While arranging concerts in the city and managing artists, she discovered her passion for business. She joined fellow entrepreneurs in the 2013-2014 class at the University of Oxford, with a scholarship to study business (MBA), where she founds that creativity goes far beyond art. She later had a taste of corporate life, seeing the inside workings of some of the world’s largest finance, energy and manufacturing companies, and wrote for National Geographic. Leaving the world of corporate drama behind, she now pursues her dreams of becoming a fiction novelist, a self-published vegan author, blogger and youtuber. She first arrived in Scotland as a hiker, eager to explore the mysterious highlands, where she got her inspiration for her books and blogs.

Well, no not really… The true story is:

Once upon a time…

Reut was born in Camelot in the year 1201, following the famous explosion of the northern dragon tower. She has a degree in fantasy and science fiction from the University of Atlantis and this record can be found in the central library, now twenty thousand leagues under the sea. She likes phoenix riding, dragon fighting and painting the roses red. And Grimm’s Fairy Tales.


Lost Witch Blog:

Start reading from the beginning of the diary:





The author will award a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly dawn winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ollow the tour and comment; the more they comment, the better their chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here: