
Friday, July 31, 2020

PINTO! by M.J. Evans

Join us for this tour from July 27 to August 7, 2020!

Book Details:

Book Title:  PINTO! Based Upon the True Story of the Longest Horseback Ride in History by M.J. Evans

Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  243 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

Publisher:  Dancing Horse Press

Release date:   October, 2019

Content Rating:  G. This
book is taken from the actual journals that were kept by the men on the
journey. There is no bad language or explicit scenes.

Book Description:

In 1912, four men, calling themselves the “Overland Westerners,” decided fame and fortune awaited if they embarked on the longest horseback ride in history. Their goal was to visit all forty-eight state capitals over the course of three years and complete their journey at the San Francisco World’s Fair on June 1, 1915. Facing rugged roads, raging rivers, thieves and near starvation, the men went through seventeen horses. Only one horse completed the entire journey…Pinto, a little horse with a heart as big as the whole country! This is Pinto’s account of his arduous adventure.


Book Details:

Book Title:  In the Heart of a Mustang by M.J. Evans

Category:  YA Fiction (Ages 13-17),  359 pages

Genre: Contemporary Coming of Age

Publisher:  Dancing Horse Press

Release date:   October, 2017

Format available for review:  print, mobi file (for Kindle), gifted Kindle copy, ePub, PDF, NetGalley download

Will send print books out:  USA

Tour dates: July 27 to August 7, 2020

Content Rating:  PG. Some suggested violence but not explicit

Book Description:

boy is told that his father was a brave and virtuous man, a soldier who
traded his life to save the lives of countless others. He was the man
that Hunter needed to emulate. The only problem is the whole story is a
lie, all of it. The truth, which Hunter discovers as he begins his
sophomore year of high school, is that his father has actually spent the
boy’s entire life in jail, paying his debt to society, but not mending
his ways. A wild mustang mare, is rounded up by the BLM. The spring
rains had been sparse, the forage on the plains even more so. The mare
and her herd are rescued from certain starvation and placed for
adoption. In a sandy corral at Promise Ranch, a home for troubled
teenage boys, the boy and the mare meet. A weathered, old cowboy brings
them together – a mentor for one, a trainer for the other. The bond that
forms between boy and horse becomes one that saves the lives of both.

Buy the Book: ~ B&N ~ Books-A-Million
Book Depository ~ IndieBound
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My Review:
Wow what a book. Yes this is a middle grade aged book but even this Grandma got into it. I love how M J Evans gives Pinto a voice. Pinto is a horse. This book is a true story that I have never heard of.  With the twist of giving you the story by the horses point of view
 you also get an account of a historical event that took place between 1912 and 1915 in the USA. This book is taken from the journals and community records such as newspapers. 

The story covered in the book is about 4 men who decide to cross the country stopping at the Capitals of 48 states and end up at the San Francisco Worlds Fair in 1915. Along the way they come across many hardships, weather, bandits, starvation, and more to complete the Longest Horse Ride in History.  Along the way all of the horses they rode on except Pinto were hanged out at different places. Pinto hung in there and is the only horse to complete the full journey of 3 years and 20,300 miles. 
Meet the Author:

Award-winning author M.J. Evans grew up in Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Upon graduation from Oregon State University, she spent five years
teaching high school and middle school students. She retired from
teaching to raise her five children. Mrs. Evans is a life-long
equestrian and enjoys competing in Dressage and riding in the beautiful
Colorado mountains. She has published fourteen books, most of which are

Interview with M.J. Evans :

1. Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story? This was a new writing experience for me as the story didn’t come out of my head. Rather, it is based upon a true story…the experience of others. It is a historical fiction mainly because it is told from the horse’s point of view. Nearly all of the events depicted in the story really happened. I had to create some filler when things were missing from the actual accounts related in the journals. For example, one newspaper article from the time said that a couple of horses died on the journey. Some journals are missing, but of those still in existence, the men made no mention of a horse dying. So, I made up the stories of one horse dying of colic (very common and believable,) and one dying of a rattlesnake bite. My vet gave me the details of how that would happen. So, to answer your question, the characters ran this story and Pinto just told it for the men.
2. Convince us why you feel your book is a must read. I think the lesson that people can take away from this story is what makes it so valuable. Too many of us just give up when things get hard or don’t go the way we want. The Overland Westerners never gave up. They carried on and actually completed the arduous task they began, seeing it through to the end. Yet they didn’t get the fame and fortune they expected. How would any of us have reacted? Probably not well. We can all learn from what they did even though they faced tremendous disappointment.
3. Have you written any other books that are not published? Well, if you count the book that is now in process, yes. However, I am just now awaiting the print proof on my next book: “Mr. Figgletoes’ Toy Emporium.” It is a fantasy for middle-grade. It is supposed to come out in October.
4. Pen or type writer or computer? When I am home, I compose on my computer. If I am traveling, I take along a legal pad and a pen.
5. Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans? I want you to know that I appreciate the time you invest in reading my books and I try very hard to make your reading experience both enjoyable and inspiring. I want to leave something good in the world. Writing can be a lonely job, especially for an extrovert like me. So, when I get a letter (email) from you I am encouraged and motivated to keep going. I also appreciate those who take a few minutes to post reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Goodreads. Those reviews really help. 

A dog in a field

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Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Twitter Facebook  ~ Pinterest Instagram ~ Goodreads
Tour Schedule:

July 27 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of PINTO! / guest post / giveaway

July 27 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 27 - My Journey Back – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / guest post / giveaway

July 28 – Splashes of Joy – book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 28 - She Just Loves Books – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

July 29 – Svetlanas reads and views – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

July 29 - Adventurous Bookworm – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 29 - Krisha's Cozy Corner - book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 30 – Splashes of Joy – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / guest post / giveaway

July 30 - My Reading Journeys – book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

July 31 – Literary Flits – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

July 31 - T's Stuff - book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 3 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 3 - T's Stuff - book review of PINTO! / author interview / giveaway

Aug 3 - My Journey Back – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 4 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 4 - She Just Loves Books – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 5 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 5 - Adventurous Bookworm – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 5 - My Reading Journeys – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 6 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of In the Heart of a Mustang / giveaway

Aug 6 - Blooming with Books - book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Aug 7 - Svetlanas reads and views – book review of PINTO! / giveaway

Enter the Giveaway:


Dark Secrets by Avelyn Paige & Geri Glenn

Release Blitz

Series: Dark Protectors MC #2
Release Date: July 31, 2010

Cover Designer: Simply Defined Art

Years ago Shelby Dawson fled, with nothing but a broken heart and a baby on the way. She never expected to see him again. She sure as hell never wanted to need him.

Until her daughter meets the wrong man online.
Until her daughter is taken.

When Shelby shows up at the clubhouse, drenched in rain and crying over her missing daughter, he wants to hurt her like she’d hurt him.

But when he discovers the missing daughter is his, he’ll rain down hell on whoever took her, and he might just find redemption in the process.

One-Click Your Copy!

My Review:
Dark Secret is the 2nd book in the Black Hood MC series and the 2nd book I have read. Book 1 Dark Protector was a really good book but  Dark Secret is even better. I couldn't put the book down. Avelyn Paige & Geri Glenn have done a great job together on this series and I cannot wait for book 3.

In the book Wyatt Hayden or Hashtag is the main character.  On the day of his Patching party 13 years ago the love of his life Shelby just disappears on him without a word, note, or phone call. Hash never got over her. Now 13 years later Hash is setting at the bar in club when he looks up to see Shelby standing there. Shelby has walked back in to ask a favor from Hash. Her daughter which also happens to be his daughter has gone missing. Hash doesn't know he is a father so everything is thrown at him at once.

He takes on the favor and does what he can to find his Daughter Hayden and along the way He and Shelby try to piece back their relationship. Hoping against hope they find their daughter before it is to late.

Catch up on the series with Dark Protector

Blair’s life isn’t perfect, but she has a plan. Find a new roommate, finish school and finally start the future she’s been working so hard for.

And then he knocks on her door. One unwanted visitor is all it took to crush her reality and leave her living in fear. But at least she’s living, thanks to the help of a good Samaritan.

A very sexy, tattooed and motorcycle-riding man with a dog that looks as savage as he is sweet. GreenPeace saves her. He makes her feel safe. He makes her feel a lot of things she’s never felt before.

But, the danger’s not over. Her attacker is still there, lurking in the shadows and waiting to strike again. GreenPeace will put his life and his club on the line to save the captivating woman that’s stolen his heart. But even that might not be enough.


Avelyn Paige

Avelyn Paige is a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who writes stories about dirty alpha males and the brave women who love them. She resides in a small town in Indiana with her husband and three fuzzy kids, Jezebel, Cleo, and Asa. Avelyn spends her days working as a cancer research scientist and her nights sipping moonshine while writing. You can often find her curled up with a good book surrounded by her pets or watching one of her favorite superhero movies for the billionth time. Deadpool is currently her favorite.

To learn more about Avelyn's books,

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Geri Glenn

Geri Glenn writes alpha males. She's a USA Today Best-Selling Author known for writing motorcycle romance, including the internationally bestselling series, the Kings of Korruption MC.

She lives in the Thousand Islands with her two daughters, one big dog and one terrier that thinks he's a Doberman. Before she began writing contemporary romance, Geri worked at several different occupations. She's been a pharmacy assistant, a 911 dispatcher, and a caregiver in a nursing home. She can say without a doubt though, that her favorite job is the one she does now-writing romance that leaves an impact. She loves homemade cookies, copious amounts of coffee and Diet Coke by the case. 

To learn more about Geri's books,

Radley's Home For Horny Monsters by Annabelle Hawthorne

Radley's Home for Horny Monsters 
Horny Monsters Book 1 
by Annabelle Hawthorne 
Genre: Erotic Modern Fantasy 

Read the story that won both Best Erotic Fantasy and Best Erotic Story by a New Author in the 2018 Clitoride Awards! 

"If you like sexy fantasy, and I do, this is one great read." -Piers Anthony, author of the Xanth series 

When Mike Radley inherited a mysterious old house from a long-lost relative, he wasn't sure what to expect. 

He didn't expect a sexual encounter with the nymph in his bathtub. 

He really didn't expect to discover a house full of affectionate monsters. 

And he definitely didn't expect a pair of witches bent on stealing the home's magic from him. 

Welcome to the Radley House. Expect the unexpected. 

Disclaimer: This erotic fantasy contains graphic sex scenes with mythological beings. 

Book Trailer 

** Coming Soon! ** 

Radley's Labyrinth for Horny Monsters 
Horny Monsters Book 2 

Annabelle Hawthorne lives somewhere deep in the Rocky Mountains and spends her days working hard to write you some of the best erotic literature money can buy.

When not writing, she spends time with her family and can always be found within spitting distance of some form of coffee. 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 

Kindle Paperwhite – 1 winner

$20 Amazon giftcard– 2 winners 

The Man From Milwaukee by Rick R. Reed

The Man From Milwaukee 
by Rick R. Reed 
Genre: Horror, LGBTQ 

It’s the summer of 1991 and serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer has been arrested. His monstrous crimes inspire dread around the globe. But not so much for Emory Hughes, a closeted young man in Chicago, who sees in the cannibal killer a kindred spirit, someone who fights against the dark side of his own nature, as Emory does. He reaches out to Dahmer in prison via letters. 

The letters become an escape—from Emory’s mother, dying from AIDS, from his uncaring sister, from his dead-end job in downtown Chicago, but most of all, from his own self-hatred. 

Dahmer isn’t Emory’s only lifeline as he begins a tentative relationship with Tyler Kay. He falls for him, and just like Dahmer, wonders how he can get Tyler to stay. Emory’s desire for love leads him to confront his own grip on reality. For Tyler, the threat of the mild-mannered Emory seems inconsequential, but not taking the threat seriously is at his own peril. 

Can Emory discover the roots of his own madness before it’s too late and he finds himself following in the footsteps of the man from Milwaukee? 

**Get the book for 40% off when you buy from the publisher !!** 

Book Trailer 1 

Book Trailer 2 

Real Men. True Love. 

Rick R. Reed is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than fifty works of published fiction. He is a Lambda Literary Award finalist. Entertainment Weekly has described his work as “heartrending and sensitive.” Lambda Literary has called him: “A writer that doesn’t disappoint…” Find him at Rick lives in Palm Springs, CA, with his husband, Bruce, and their fierce Chihuahua/Shiba Inu mix, Kodi. 

$20 Amazon, Ebook copy of my horror novel, THIRD EYE (1 winner each) 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 

Sum Of All Tears by Kim Cresswell

Sum Of All Tears Book 3 
by Kim Cresswell 
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal Thriller 

A destroyed world. A discovery that will reveal the dark truth.

In the third exciting installment of the Sum of all Tears series, the last of humanity needs a hero as chaos rises to dangerous levels inside Liberty, threatening the future of civilization.

Fans of The Day after Tomorrow, Mad Max, Divergent, and The Hunger Games will enjoy this enthralling post-apocalyptic dystopian series with a paranormal twist. Join the epic life-and-death battle for survival today!

**On Sale for only $2.99!!** 

Series book trailer 

Sum Of All Tears Book 2 

In the second exciting installment of the Sum of all Tears series, a new enemy rises. Surviving the cold is only the beginning.

Weeks after a failed climate change experiment triggers a new Ice Age, a dangerous resistance is growing at Liberty, the Mars prototype biodome settlement in Rhode Island after Graysen Marx is removed from power.

Trying to cope with the reality of the icy new world, August and a group of survivors are forced to make a perilous journey to Boston in search of biofuel but the lawless landscape and killing cold are more than just a breeding ground for deadly scavengers foraging for food.

When August discovers additional information about her father's climate change experiment and Graysen Marx's involvement, she learns that a young survivor who can predict the future may hold the key to the future of civilization. And August and her friend's paranormal abilities may not be enough to save what's left of humanity from what is about to come.

Fans of The Day after Tomorrow, Mad Max, Divergent, and The Hunger Games will enjoy this enthralling post-apocalyptic dystopian series with a paranormal twist. Join the epic life-and-death battle for survival today! 

**On Sale for only $2.99!!** 

Sum Of All Tears Book 1 

They said it wouldn't happen. Everything would be better. They were wrong.

After a climate change experiment goes terribly wrong, August Madison, finds herself resurrected in a frozen wasteland.

With most of the world's population and food sources annihilated, depraved nomadic gangs patrol the lawless landscape as outlasters claw for survival.

Amid the chaos, Graysen Marx, iron-fisted leader of the domed settlement Liberty, emerges from the catastrophic event with his own agenda.

When August crosses his path, he sees an opportunity he must exploit.

She sees an evil she must destroy.

Fans of The Day after Tomorrow, The Handmaid's Tale, Mad Max, and The Hunger Games are sure to enjoy this enthralling post-apocalyptic dystopian adventure with a paranormal twist. 

**On Sale for only $2.99!!** 

Kim Cresswell resides in London, Ontario, Canada and is the bestselling and award-winning author of the action-packed WHITNEY STEEL series. Kim recently signed a 3-book German translation deal with LUZIFER Verlag for the first three books in the series: Reflection, Retribution and Resurrect. The popular series will be published in German beginning in 2018. 

Her debut romantic suspense, REFLECTION (A Whitney Steel Novel – Book One), has won numerous awards: RomCon®’s 2014 Readers’ Crown Finalist (Romantic Suspense), InD’tale Magazine 2014 Rone Award Finalist (Suspense/Thriller), UP Authors Fiction Challenge Winner (2013), Silicon Valley’s Romance Writers of America (RWA) “Gotcha!” Romantic Suspense Winner (2004), Honourable Mention in Calgary’s (RWA) The Writer’s Voice Contest (2006). 

LETHAL JOURNEY won RomCon®’s 2014 Readers’ Crown (Thriller) and was a finalist in From the Heart Romance Writers (FTHRW) Golden Gate Contest (2003). 

She also published two Kindle Worlds novellas (Jet: Oblivion and Jet: Duplicity) featuring characters from her Whitney Steel series and JET from Russell Blake’s New York Times bestselling JET action thriller series. You can read Russell Blake’s interview with Kim at

Kim recently signed with Joel Eisenberg at Council Tree Productions, a feature film and TV development company located in Los Angeles, California. The ASSASSIN CHRONICLES TV series is based on her upcoming 4-book paranormal/supernatural thriller series: Deadly Shadow, Assassin’s Prophecy, Invisible Truth, and Vision of Fire. 

Prize #1: 1 Winner of the Ultimate Romantic Thriller Ebook Library

Prize #2: 1 Winner of the Ultimate Romantic Thriller Audiobook Library (Audible US or UK) 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!