
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Echo of Eternity by Skyler Patterson #timetravelromance

of Eternity
Zulu Chronicles

Genre: Paranormal Romance/Epic
Fantasy/Time Travel
Date of Publication:  January 2020
ISBN: 9781687892270
Number of pages: 349
Word Count: 77,000 words

Book Description:

Trina Loveless is a young,
beautiful female Lawyer living in New York City. She has it all. She is
wealthy. She has the glamorous clothes. The flyest exotic supercars! She has
jewelry and the multi-million dollar Penthouse. She and her girlfriends are living
their best lives in Manhattan. She is a savvy Lawyer, yet Trina has no luck
with men!

Trina is searching for that one,
perfect love in all of the right places. All she finds is playboys and
creeps!  She continues to be cheated on,
and disrespected by men. Trina is biracial. She is half African American and
half Irish. Her father hails from Africa, her mother is from Ireland. Trina has
never met her father’s family. Trina goes to Africa to locate her relatives on
her fathers’ side of the family there. Trina undergoes a life-changing journey
of cultural awareness and self-discovery. She meets her relatives that are of a
legendary tribe of African Zulu warriors. She begins a pilgrimage and an epic
journey across the continent of Africa, to reach her ancestral tribal clan.
Trina while searching the tribal history of her ancestors finds herself somehow
200 years into her past in ancient Africa .

Trina finds herself in the middle
of the rise of the legendary African King Shaka
Zulu! She finds herself in the middle of tribal warfare and slavery!
Trina falls hard for a handsome young African Prince named Adawande. But the
Zulu’s think she is a spy! Also the tribal monk/sorcerers called The Shama
Majite might want her dead! 

How would Trina get back to 2019!
And could she leave the love of  her
life, that  she could  not find in the  21st century?

Bear witness to an epic, time-
traveling, romantic adventure like no other! Filled with love, lust,
skullduggery, sorcery, and the paranormal. A romantic tale for the Ages!

Excerpt from Chapter 1 TRINA LOVELESS

I was a loser at
love until I won. But first my heart was broken in my dreams. My young, red
heart broken in a dream. A nightmare of bliss. It was strange. But was  my
dream  a  nightmare
or  a  bliss? It was both. How could this be? Let me
tell you. First there was the strangeness that happened before the nightmares.
It all  began with  that
clock  that  I
bought to  place in my  kitchen upon the  wall. Now I didn’t need a clock. I mean they
are practically obsolete as everyone uses cell phones nowadays to check the
time. But I having recently moved into my incredible  Penthouse decided   that
I  should  have
a  nice  clock in my kitchen. I  placed
it right above my kitchen
table  to  gaze up at in the mornings, while I  sipped upon my coffee.
Everything was
fine at first. It “tic-tocked”. Then one morning I awoke and the clock was on
the floor.  So I just placed it back up
on its nail and all was well right? Wrong. When I returned from the office that
night guess what? That clock was back on the floor! Again! What the hell!
What did I do? I
hung it more securely with a bigger nail.
And the next morning it was on the floor again! That’s when I took that
friggen clock and tossed it in the garbage! I tossed it down the garbage chute
in the hallway! I heard it slip and slide into its glorious disappearance! I
went to bed that night and slept well. When
I  awoke in the  morning to
get my  eggs  and bacon what did  I
You guessed it.
There it was up there on the wall again! What in the hell?! Was I becoming
delusional? Maybe it was my hard partying.
I will admit me and my girlfriends we partied hard. But what of it?  Maybe it was the alcohol.  But no! I mean  I  did
see that  damn  clock
on the ground  after I  placed it securely on that nail! I saw it
again as it slid down that garbage chute.
I gazed up at
that thing. I sighed and I could hear it “tic-tocking”.  Suddenly that clock it stopped! I froze
in   horror as I saw the hands slowly
reversing! That did it! “What in the hell is happening here”! yelled I!  My hands are on my head!  I snatched
the   clock  off of
the  wall and  tossed
it to  the  ground! The clear plastic cover shatters! It
is slow-motion shattering like a hundred, broken dreams! I stomp upon it!
Pieces are everywhere upon the kitchen floor! I swept them up and tossed the
broken clock into the trash.
I awoke the next
morning and well guess what? I look up and there it is! Again! In perfect,
working condition tic tocking! I give up!
Was it the alcohol that I might be drinking too much of? Is it the drugs
I sometimes partake of on the weekends with my girlfriends? Was it the
marijuana and those assortment of pills?!
No! I know I am not crazy! Not yet anyway! I was  going
to tell my   girlfriend  about
this,  but  kept it to myself so that  she
would not  think  me
full- blown  “coo-coo loco”!  
So  when
I  sat  there
in the kitchen  eating  supper
with  my  best
friend  Gabrielle  Goodlyn . I said not a word about that
damned- haunted clock!  And I was free of
any other “Paranormal Happenings” until that clock fell down and landed on the
kitchen table! “Boom”! “What the hell Trina”?! exclaimed my girlfriend
Gabrielle. And worse! It was the way that clock fell! It glided off the wall
sideways and fell on the table! It didn’t fall down straight as gravity had
promised! “Boom”! It knocked over our wine glasses! The red wine spilled upon
the floor! “What the hell?!! Girlfriend your Penthouse is haunted! Get a
priest! But damn! I wouldn’t leave the floor to ceiling glass windows and
swimming pool for no friggin ghost!” said she. And then there was the thing
about those nightmares!  Oh yes! I every
few days would wake up in the night in a cold sweat. 
And what a
bizarre dream. I am lying on my back upon the ground outdoors somewhere!  I am on some type of battlefield! What?!
Why?! I stare upwards and I can see vultures circling above me! I am wearing
some sandals, tiger loincloths and I am clutching a spear. Really?!
Loincloth?!  A spear?! Why! What the
hell?!  I slowly raise myself up and I
see nothing but smoke! As I look around I see dark - skinned people in front of
me and behind me! Thousands! I hear animals!
I hear drums! Loud drums! Tigers are roaring!  And
then  I  am in
slow-motion spinning, twirling  a
long  spear hand  to
hand in the air! I gaze in front of me and I can see 3 females in long
red, hooded robes! Side by side they are standing! Their backs are to me. Their
hoods are drawn over their heads! Their hands are moving in some, slow-motion
-graceful -synchronization!  Their long
robes of red are snapping in the winds. Suddenly their hands explode into a
sizzling electricity! Then their hands are bursting into flames and black smoke
is whooshing off of them! It was as if they were casting some incendiary spell
of sorcery! Suddenly I run ahead of them! I lunge forward! I am slow-motion
throwing my long spear into smoky darkness!
Suddenly a man’s
dark body falls towards me from the smoke! He falls on his side with my spear
right through him!  I pull it out and I
spit on his corpse! I yank an elephant mask off of his face! His face is in
that wide-opened stare of death! What?!
Why did I do that?! What in the hell kind of dream is this anyway?! And
then I hear it! Shrieking elephants stampeding towards me! Elephants?! 
Why?! What in
the hell?! Beneath my feet, the ground is shaking! I can hear some female voice
chanting/singing in African speech! But who is singing?! Drums! I can still
hear them now! Loud! They are everywhere! Who is playing them! The ground it
rumbles more beneath my feet! I lose my balance! I fall down! Suddenly I see a
tall, dark, muscular, shirtless, man in loincloth approaching me! He emerges from
the smoking darkness!  He is bald of
head. He is calling out my name! He is reaching down to me!  He picks me up! He is kissing me! His tongue
is in my mouth!  Mist and black smoke
block his face from my view!  We slowly
collapse down to the ground!  His strong
arms wrap round me! Holy Shit! He is still kissing me! 
I cannot see
anyone’s face! I cannot see his face! Damn!
We are on the ground! We are kissing! It feels so good! He moves slowly
between my legs! He cups my face with his two hands!  But wait! Those elephants are still bearing
down on us! They are about to crush us and stampede us when suddenly! Suddenly!
Suddenly I wake up! Damn it! But what does it all mean?! The clock?! The
battlefield?! I am afraid yet enthralled at the same damned time! Who was that
man?! Who were those 3 women?! I am breathing heavily. I gaze around my
darkened bedroom. I  just knew  that  I  needed
to  buy some  friggen sleeping pills because   I
loved  the  part of my
dream  that had  HIM  in
it!   I told Gabby about my nightmares.
Do you know what she told me? she said:
“Girl, you know
what it means is that you are gonna quit your cushy job as a lawyer and get a
minimum wage job at the Bronx Zoo!! Tee Hee Hee—“
“---Oh you got
jokes huh”. I respond.
 Who am I?
My name is Trina Loveless. I am a wealthy, young, bi-racial, African
American female lawyer living in Manhattan. I love New York City. Oh my life!
My plight: Can I learn to love less the material things. Things like Vanity,
Jewelry and Money. Can I instead learn to love more about my own true- self?
Can I learn more about what makes me, me? Can I learn more about my culture and
how my past has made me who I am today? Can I refrain from making unwise
decisions? Can I stand up for myself and others without doubting myself? And
most important of all:  Can I find a true
love? Does true love even exist?  Yes, I
live in New York City. The city that never sleeps.  I should know. Me and my girlfriends we party
so hard that we don’t sleep! Yes that’s always me stumbling into work on
Mondays. I ask myself how did I get so trashed?! Oh, yeah it was the “Comedy
Nite’ on Wednesdays. “Happy Hour/Buffet” Thursdays. That House music club on
Fridays. That Hip –Hop club Saturday, and that meringue club in the “Boogie
-Down Bronx’ on Sunday! You know the place
where the  guys  rub
you  so  close you
swear  you  just
had sex!  And where you could have
sex in the bathroom if you got lucky! The music is pounding! The lights
flashing! My world is slow-motion now. We are the partying people dancing in
the flickering, neon darkness. Us with our hands in the skies! Us dancing!
Touching! Kissing men! My world speeds back up. Us exchanging Facebook and
Instagram with the fly ones and telling the creeps: “Fuckouttahere!” Us in the
bathroom smoking the Mary- Jane-Juanna and popping the Xanax pills.
  And that’s how I stumble into Monday. But
what of it.  I sometimes go to church on
Sundays and pray away all the sin. My Irish mom she says:’ Stay in Queens! The
suburbs! Trina why live in Manhattan? In her Irish Gaelic. You wanna try and be
like “Sex and the   -Urban folk—‘
“---Hell no!
Mom, I just wanna have sex IN the city! Tee hee hee”!
“My daughter has
a potty mouth”! says she. “Tell it to the judge mom! I do”! That’s me on Monday
at the Law firm of Clarke, Williams and Levitz. That’s me in my office checking
my caseload. I fight the law cases. The cheating husbands. The reality show
stars caught in Bloomies shoplifting. The murder trials... The rape cases. The
“Black Lives Matter” cases and the very sad soap opera that is my love life. Or
my lack of a love life…
I would tell you
that I am just like any other girl. I struggled like everybody else. I chased
boys and boys chased me. And I guess you could say that I was daddy’s little
girl. My dad he doted on me. Mom said he protected me and made sure that he was
always there to fight our battles. Until my father needed to fight his own
battles. My dad was a soldier. He fought in the Desert Storm war of the 90’s.
He fought battle after battle there. And then one day my father lost his
battle... That day was June 8, 1995. He died from his injuries from the war. I
was born earlier that year. And that  was
when I  began to  realize
that I  would need to  fight my own
battles. My mother accepted the folded flag that draped over daddy’s
coffin. The soldiers trumpet echoed in the air. And somewhere along the line, I
began to help others fight their battles. I became a lawyer. I was a loser at
love until I won…

the Author:

Skyler Patterson is an
independent author from New York City. He began writing in 2016.

Skyler  had never
written  any type of  book
before  and  woke
up  one morning and  decided
to  write  himself a

Skyler Patterson’s books have given
him fans from all over the world.  He is a
versatile writer  who  writes  adult
fiction as well as YA.   

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