
Friday, April 3, 2020

Excerpt Tour Shakespeare Burning by Charisse Moritz

Shakespeare Burning
by Charisse Moritz


GENRE: YA Romance, (mature)



He’s the boy who wants to disappear.

One mistake and seventeen-year-old Shake LeCasse lost everything. Now there’s no going back and no way to move forward. The once-popular Varsity hockey captain is living in the basement of a grandmother he barely knows, ditching school, avoiding friends and working hard on self-destruction.

She’s the girl nobody sees.

Cleo Lee survives however she can. Lie, cheat, steal, whatever it takes, and saving Mr. Popular isn’t part of the plan. Telling him the truth about the night that destroyed his life is downright dangerous. She needs to keep quiet, be smart and let the guy she’s been half in love with since middle school throw away a future she’d do anything to have. Too bad she sucks at playing it safe.


EXCERPTS (Exclusive Excerpt):

This kiss is like no other:

His eyes zero in as he prowls toward me. I’m still not used to it. The sight, sound and smell of Shakespeare LeCasse makes me feel like a tourist in Rome. He’s so beautiful, he’s overwhelming. I keep expecting someone to warn me not to touch. There should be velvet ropes around him and signs forbidding flash photography.

I almost back away. Almost. He bends down, takes my hands and links them around his neck, where my fingertips tangle in hair so unbelievably soft, it’s like petting a bunny. Then he grabs me by the hips. As he picks me up, my legs wrap around his waist and my chest crushes to his. He is a slab of granite. His head tilts, dark lashes resting against his cheeks, lips parting and … hello … Shake is kissing me, really and thoroughly kissing me. This is insane. Unbelievable. Amazing.

This kiss is like no other. We’re creating something brand new and just ours. Like a snowflake, maybe millions of them all swirling so gently. It’s magical. Then his tongue sweeps in, leads mine in a slow dance, and we escalate into a frenzy of want.

There’s no thought of coming up for air. His hands find my ass and squeeze. My fingers dig into his curls and give them a tug. A rumbly growl spills from his mouth into mine, shoots a tingle through my veins and my thighs cinch him tighter. I could kiss this boy for hours and never get enough. I might spontaneously combust, but I swear my panties are wet enough to put out the flames.

I’m nipping at his lips, his jaw, kissing every square inch I can reach when Shake abruptly sets me down and steps back. I start to move in, but he holds me in place with hands at my hips. Maybe he doesn’t want me? Maybe I have bad breath, suck at kissing, or he’s done the math, and my four measly letters just aren’t enough. But no, he’s got a whole Big Bad Wolf thing going on, huffing, puffing and looking hungry. His eyes are eating me up. For once, I know what he’s thinking. I’m thinking it too. When he licks his bottom lip, my knees turn to pudding.

I wanna take my time with you,” he says, and I’m convinced this boy is a genius. He has the best ideas. I am totally on board and would love to hear the details of this plan.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Emily Award Finalist and Melody Of Love Award Finalist, Charisse M Moritz divides her life between upstate NY and northern Florida. When not barricaded inside her writing cave or enjoying every possible minute with her husband and three kids, you’ll find her listening to 60’s music, singing offkey and looking for new reads.



Charisse Moritz will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.