
Thursday, January 17, 2019

A Merman's Choice Sea of Love Book 1 by Alice Renaud

Merman's Choice
of Love Book 1
Alice Renaud

Fantasy Romance

centuries the shape-shifting mermen of the Morvann Islands have lived
incognito among humans. But one of them, Yann, has developed some bad
habits. Like rescuing humans, even when doing so risks revealing his
true nature. When he fishes Alex out of the sea, he doesn’t expect
her to reappear eight months later, and turn his life upside down by
asking him to be her guide.

is determined to fulfil a promise to her dying grandmother, by
gathering pictures and stories of the Morvanns. But she soon
discovers that, on these remote Welsh islands, legends have a habit
of becoming true!
the course of a few days, Yann and Alex grow close. But some mermen
hate humans. Their hostility, and Yann’s secret, threaten to tear
the couple apart just as they are discovering that they are soul
mates. Can Yann overcome the obstacles in his path and make the right

99 cents!!**

was born and brought up in Brittany, Western France, my father was
French and my mother British (from Wales). I moved to London, UK, in
1997, where I now live with my husband and son. I have been writing
since I was 14. I got quite a few short stories published in UK
magazines, before moving to longer fiction. I wrote three
contemporary romance books, but didn't find a publisher for them. I
then realized that mermen, sea witches and water demons were a lot
more fun than sheikhs and billionaires! My first two paranormal
romances did not find a publisher either, then I wrote A Merman's
Choice, which was accepted for publication this year by Black Velvet
Seductions. It is the first book in a fantasy romance trilogy
inspired by the landscapes and legends of Brittany and Wales. I love
reading and writing stories, and sharing them with anyone who's

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


  1. Thank you Teresa for hosting me and my book!

  2. It looks like a fun book! I cannot wait to read it :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you Teresa! The cover is by Jessica Greeley at Black Velvet Seductions, I think she captured perfectly the romantic and mysterious atmosphere of the book!
