
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Viking King’s Vendetta by Sky Purington

King’s Vendetta


of the Dragon



Genre: Time Travel
Fantasy/Shifter Romance

Date of Publication:  August 13, 2018


Number of pages:  260
Word Count:  83,000

Cover Artist:  Tara West

Book Description:

Taking a few months to reflect on
what she truly wants from life, Emily returns to her family home in Winter
Harbor, Maine. Yet she should have known her ties with ancient Scandinavia and
those with dragon blood would catch up with her. Moreover, that her connection
with the man she loves would be impossible to ignore. Something soon proven
when he pulls her back in time to tenth century Norway.

Determined to help his people
defeat a dark prophecy, Viking Sven Sigdir returns to his homeland to find two
regions minus their beloved kings. Leaderless, both clans look to Sven to rule.
Though willing to rise up, he must first uncover the root of the prophecy. That
means reuniting with the woman who holds his heart and setting forth on a perilous

Sven and Emily navigate not only
their feelings for one another but the burgeoning prophecy that might take it
all away. Will they be able to conquer their new adversary before it's too
late? Or is this just the beginning of something that will change life as they
know it? Find out in Viking King's Vendetta, an action-packed adventure ripe
with sizzling passion, epic battles, unexpected twists and memorable

Excerpt 2 (Spicy/Dragon)

Arms crossed
over her chest, Emily turned on Sven. “So what’s going on? What am I missing?”
He started to
talk then stopped. Then he started again before stopping again. She was about
to coax him along with some select words, but he finally came out with the last
thing she expected. And when he did, his voice wasn’t quite right.
“Did your mother
ever talk to you about going into heat?”
Oh. Odin. Help.
“Enough said,”
she managed before she strode after the others, her cheeks on fire. Of course,
her mother had talked to her about that. It meant her inner dragon was
ovulating for the first time. Something that happened long after her human half
Damn it, what
crappy timing.
This meant not
only would she attract non-related dragons from miles away but be in
full-fledge lust herself anytime now. When that happened, her inner beast would
seek out the male dragon that appealed to her most and have sex with him. And
she had no doubt whatsoever who that would be.
Meanwhile, she
was getting ready to walk into a lair full of non-related male dragons.
As if they
didn’t have enough problems already.
“Gods, why now?”
she muttered, shaking her head. She could already hear Bodhrán drums pounding
in the Ancient’s Lair they were so close. She could smell the unique smoky
scent of far too many virile male dragons in one place.
“It will be all
right,” Sven assured, catching up with her. “If you have any questions—”
“Sven!” she
interrupted him. “I don’t have any questions, and if I did, you’d be the last
one I’d ask.”
“Because…I don’t
know.” She shook her head, not looking at him. “It’s not something I want to
talk to you about at all.”
In some ways, a
dragon going into heat for the first time was as daunting as a girl getting her
menstrual cycle for the first time. You were told what to expect, but it was
still all so strange and life-changing. In that female dragons typically did it
in their twenties made it that much more bizarre.
“I’ll stay by
your side when we arrive at the Ancient’s Lair,” he assured, clearly bracing
himself for impact based on his furrowed brows and downturned lips. “You’re
already alluring but this…” He shook his head, obviously set to go to battle if
need be. “No one will touch you that you don’t want touching you.”
She stopped
short at that, surprised. “You mean to say you’d let another male dragon lay
with me if that’s what I wished?”
If his jaw got
any tighter, it might just snap off. Yet, he said what she needed to hear.
“Yes.” He
managed a jerky nod even as his dragon eyes flared in defiance. “We are
friends, and I support you in all things. Even this.” His voice grew more
strained. “You are a grown woman and a mature dragon. You should be able to
make your own decisions. Especially about something so important.”
Funny, she knew
he was saying what she wanted to hear, but hell if it didn’t irk her. “You do
realize male dragons can’t control pregnancy when female dragons are in heat?”
“I am aware,” he
said, his voice low and gravelly now. He was deeply distressed by the
conversation but hanging in there. “I’m also aware that your behavior will
change while in heat. You will grow more…aggressive.”
“I’m aware.” She
arched a brow. “Are you ready for that?”
“I have little
choice.” He went to take her hand but stopped, likely fearing a repeat of
before. “Like it has always been between us, I will stand by your side and keep
you safe. Not as a controlling friend but as one who understands this might be
a difficult period of adjustment for you and you may need advice.”
she eyed him for another moment before she nodded thanks and they kept moving
along. The truth was she was in uncharted waters and couldn’t be more grateful
he was here. Sure, it could get a bit tricky when she got all super lusty, but
she knew Sven would keep her at arm’s length. He understood the boundaries she
had set until she was ready.
Yet as they
continued on and she kept a discreet eye on his tattoo, she found herself more
often looking at the muscular definition of his strong arms. At the width of
his broad shoulders. Then her eyes would wander down his cut body, and she’d
find herself wishing he wasn’t wearing that sleeveless tunic. Then they’d go
lower, and she realized she could do without the leather pants too.
Then her
thoughts would go even further.
How strong a
dragon he was. How big and beautiful he became.
She bit her
lower lip hard and kept forcing herself to look ahead, well aware that it was
beginning. That her thoughts were becoming far more erotic and at an alarming
rate. More so, she realized that this all might be more than she was ready for
when they arrived at the entrance to the massive tavern at the heart of the
Ancient’s Lair. When far more male dragons than she anticipated looked her way.

About the Author:

Sky Purington is the bestselling
author of forty novels and novellas. A New Englander born and bred who recently
moved to Virginia, Sky was raised hearing stories of folklore, myth, and
legend. When combined with a love for history, romance, and time-travel,
elements from the stories of her youth found release in her books.

Purington loves to hear from
readers and can be contacted at Sky@SkyPurington. Interested in keeping up with
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the feature! :-)

    Sky Purington
