
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Angel Blue: Episode One by Jennifer Silverwood

Angel Blue: Episode One
Jennifer Silverwood
(Seven Deadly Sins, #1)
Publication date: August 17th 2018
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy
All Eanna wants is to forget the night she lost everything, but fate has other plans. A lifetime ago, the cursed burned her home and everyone she loved. Now, she’s haunted by a dangerous legacy.
Her guardian, Etlu, is determined to make Eanna into a queen, even if it means sacrificing his happiness. He pursues her into a human bar, but he’s too late to save her from herself.
Wil and his sister, Isabol, have been searching for the chosen princess. Wil finds more than he bargained for in Eanna, especially once her powerful guardian shows up. There can only be one outcome when chosen and cursed collide: a world bathed in fire and blood.
(Angel Blue is a serialized adult urban fantasy novel consisting of three episodes. This is season one of the Seven Deadly Sins series.)
For ten generations our people have been called the Chosen.
The first chosen were like gods to humans. We were the rulers, and kings among men. The world changed after what man called the Dark Ages. Power was shifting. Once we were leaders among the humans, heroes of old and men of renown, a vast sprinkling among the stars that I love. The world it seemed, was our own, to watch over and do with as we pleased.
We are a dwindling race now. Unlike the cursed, we are unable to blend in with the humans any longer, and for the past three centuries have remained in hiding. We live by the old ways and survive. Here, in the isolated northern forests of the new world, we thrive. Much has changed since then. Eleven hundred human years later, I still feel the pain of that night that changed the course of my destiny forever.

The Last Seven Houses
KURGAL – House of the Mountain

Led by NINURTA – Lord Who Completes the Foundation
The Kurgal live deep in the Himalayas. Here they are still revered by neighboring humans who make effort to protect them. The chosen keep the outside world from coming in. Etlu brought Eanna here a century after fleeing the Carpathian Mountains. It was a place familiar to them both with its impossible peaks but far more dangerous and foreign. Ninurta taught Eanna how to inflict pain and then heal it, he taught her self-control for her rage. Etlu meanwhile learned all he could of the cursed movements in the countryside. He built allies and led their armies for a time to prevent the giant beasts from destroying human villages. He began to realize that his House did not have far-reaching enough abilities of control and began to grow discontent even more with the Sarrum.

SHIIMTI – House Where the Wind of Life is Breathed in

Led by NINLIL – Lady of Airspace
The Shiimti, live deep in the jungles of India. There they still live, where they began a lost civilization man has yet to unravel. Their palace holds many of India’s treasures and clues that might possibly be directed back toward the chosen. Here Etlu and Eanna come to visit after they leave the Kurgal, to find a far larger House. Yet even more secretive. The only reason they are allowed inside is that both are considered pure blooded, but Ninlil sees secrets in Eanna’s heart. She is the first to have any inkling of just who Eanna is.
Among the Shiimti, women rule over the men, and there are three layers to every member. The first, is the outer persona they show strangers, welcoming but aloof and cool. The second, to those in the inner circle, the secrets deemed worthy to share. The third is kept guarded above all else, the soul. Shiimti is the only House that believes they all lay claim to their own souls. Because they face the present darkness every day in their jungles.

EBABBAR – House of the Rising Sun

Led by NINGISHZIDDA – Lord of the Artifact of Life
It lies hidden in a small oasis within Iran, where Sumer, the society the Watchers created, began. It is an underground city mostly, beginning from the base of a lost Ziggurat. The underground world is actually a paradise and a world of beauty. It is here that the Ebabbar keep most of the old relics and scrolls. It is the best defended and considered a safe haven by others of their society.

EKUR – House Which is Like a Mountain

Led by NINHURSAG – Lady of the Mountainhead
The Ekur are the most numerous of the Houses. They are also the proudest, for most lesser come from this house, and serve the “pure-blooded” chosen. To the Ekur, to serve is the greatest honor. Most of the soldiers and weaponsmiths also come from this House. Ninhursag, their Lady, is a proud warrior herself, and of extremely high stature, eight feet in height. Their base of operation is in Siberia and extends far into the north in lands that man deemed inhabitable.

EMEURANNA – House of ANU’s Hero

Led by The Sarrum
The Emeuranna are led by the Sarrum himself, and his people. This is the only surviving chosen castle in the Carpathian Mountains, sheltered far from the outside world. The old ways are kept mostly intact here, as is custom for the High Lord’s seat. Here the Council of Seven makes overall decisions for the rest of the chosen. They now have the best defense against the cursed.
ERESH – The Scented House

Led by NINIGIKU- Lord Bright Eyed
One of the last new world Houses left in power, hidden deep in the Amazon rainforest, and source of the legends of El Dorado. The richest of all the Houses by far. They are bronze-skinned and every one of them black-eyed. They have not intermarried with the humans hardly at all, there is no need. Unique to all other houses save the rumored lost eighth House, their memories are shared collectively if they desire, their movements always calculated. Any time they intermarry with other Houses it is a very chess-like move, to bring back strength to their kind. While staying among them, Eanna learns she is closely related to them.
GISNU – House Causing Light

Led by NINMULMULLA – Lady of Many Stars
The Gisnu were the first of the thirteen houses to journey across the lands to the ever growing and developing new world. They were also the first beings to settle there, after the Native Americans. Once based in the Northlands among the Vikings, the Gisnu set up their home in the north of what is now Canada. It is here that they have remained, and for a thousand years protected the forests, and peoples around them as best they could. They are more advanced than any of the other Houses, keeping themselves updated with the latest technology.

Author Bio:
Jennifer Silverwood was raised deep in the heart of Texas and has been spinning yarns a mile high since childhood. In her spare time, she reads and writes and tries to sustain her wanderlust, whether it's the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania, the highlands of Ecuador, or a road trip to the next town. Always on the lookout for her next adventure, in print or reality, she dreams of one day proving to the masses that everything really is better in Texas. She is the author of three series--Heaven's Edge, Wylder Tales and the Borderlands Saga--and the stand-alone titles Stay and She Walks in Moonlight. She plans to release her first serialized Urban Fantasy, Angel Blue in August 2018.



  1. My niece is going to love this one. Thanks guys!

  2. I love the cover and the blurb sounds and looks like a great book.
