
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Ghost in the Gardens by HL Carpenter

Welcome the 1-week Virtual Book Tour for The Ghost in the Gardens (A Flower Girl Mystery) by HL Carpenter.

About The Ghost in the Gardens:

Until the first spooky visit, ten year old Chrysantha Howe doesn't think about ghosts. She thinks about plants.




She has her future planned out, and that future includes plants. Chrys is going to be a plant scientist like her uncle and her favorite teacher, and she's determined to find the very rare Coralroot orchid.
The ghost is not in the plan.
But when her teacher disappears and the police suspect her uncle was involved, Chrys has to figure out what the ghost is trying to tell her—before it's too late.

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Book Details:

Genre: Middle Grade Paranormal Mystery
Page Count: 152 pages

Publisher: Mirror World Publishing (

Order Links:
Mirror World Publishing:  Ebook  Paperback

Read an Excerpt:
I ran.
Barkley raced beside me. We dashed over bridges and along winding paths. We ignored all the garden signs and the early morning visitors. A woman in a red hoodie yelled at us to stop running. I didn't answer. Explaining would have slowed me down.
The mulched footpath for visitors curved right beside a tangle of scrub oaks. I turned left instead, onto a blade-thin unmarked gap in the dense growth. The path led to South Garden, a five-acre field at the edge of the Botanical Gardens.
Tomorrow I was supposed to collect samples from South Garden and start a list of the plants I found. Compiling a database was the goal of the month-long survey Ms. Winger and I had designed for my summer project.
I had a secret goal too. I was going to find a Coralroot, one of the rarest plants in this part of Florida. The Coralroot was kind of like a ghost. It was so rare hardly anyone had ever seen one. Botanists bickered with each other over whether another specimen would ever be found.
I didn't know who was right. But according to my research South Garden was exactly the kind of place the Coralroot liked to grow.
The shiny barbed leaves of a holly bush clutched at my jeans as I plunged through the woods. The ground was squashy, layered with rotting leaves and fallen branches. I tripped and almost lost a sneaker in the soft matted loam. I grabbed a tree so I wouldn't fall, pushed my glasses back into place, and kept running.
Beneath the thick stand of trees, the air smelled of dirt and mold. The overhanging canopy blocked the helicopter from view, but the thump and roar of the straining engine marked its path.

Meet the Author:

Florida-based mother/daughter author duo HL Carpenter writes family-friendly fiction. The Carpenters write from their studios in Carpenter Country, a magical place that, like their stories, is unreal but not untrue. When they’re not writing, the Carpenters enjoy exploring the Land of What-If and practicing the fine art of Curiosity. Visit to enjoy gift reads and excerpts and to find out what’s happening in Carpenter Country.

Connect with HL Carpenter: