
Monday, September 25, 2017

NBtM: The Bridesmaid's Checklist by K.T. Castle

The Bridesmaid's Checklist
by K.T. Castle


GENRE:   Contemporary (New Adult) Romance



Kassandra is a single, independent woman who prides herself on her own success. But when she’s asked by her best friend Laura to be the Maid of Honor in her wedding, Kassandra finds herself questioning her lifestyle. Helping Laura plan the wedding is no problem—she’s done it before for all their other friends. The first time was a blast, the second super fun, but doing it without receiving any help from the rest of the girls gets old really fast. 

The whole event kicks off with the worst kind of surprise when Kassandra discovers who her friend's fiancĂ© really is, and she's torn between supporting Laura's future happiness and hiding the deeply buried, intimate past she shares with the groom-to-be. Struggling to be the bigger person and do all the hard work on her own, Kassandra finds surprising comfort in Josh, the best man in the wedding and someone she's been avoiding for years. He's charming, thoughtful, handsome, and the worst kind of womanizer, but she just can't seem to stay away. All the while, Kassandra can't help wondering if the wedding could be any more clichĂ©—until she finds unexpected ways to change things up a bit.


Excerpt Two:

“Why are you here, Josh?” I couldn't hold back my curiosity any longer.

“What do you mean?”

He seemed completely caught off guard by my direct question, and I had to remind myself that he couldn’t see inside my head. I really didn’t know what I wanted to hear, but Edward’s words kept coming back to me. Maybe Josh only wanted to sleep with me, nothing else—although it seemed like a lot of trouble for only a night of pleasure.

“Do you really only care about getting into my pants?” I asked, bordering somewhere between a pleading glance and a glare.

Josh seemed to relax a bit before he answered me. “You know I do. But not in the way that moron phrased it. I don’t want you thinking about it like that.”

“You have no idea what I’m thinking,” I quipped.

“I don’t,” Josh said quietly. “I wish I had a clue.” Then he stepped closer to me and tilted his head. “And obviously you don’t know how I feel about you, either.”

“Then explain it to me.” I didn’t try to back away from him this time.

This time he looked at me with different eyes. I didn’t see myself broken in them anymore.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

K.T.  Castle  is  an  author/artist  on  a  quest  to  find  the  words,  forms,  and  colors  to materialize    the    worlds    and    people    of    her imagination.    She    never    saw    herself    as    an incurable romantic, but lately, that's what she finds herself musing about.  Love  is  found  everywhere, regardless  if  it  comes  from  a  nice  person,  an ass — mundane or even vampire. When  she's  not  busy with  work,  in  front  of  a computer  placing  many  thoughts  in  order,  she makes her best to be creative or relax with a good book and a snack. Some of her favorite characters are Sookie, Rule and Shaw, Bella, Edward, Clary, Jace, Wrath, Hollywood, Blaire, Woods, Ethan, the Sleeping Beauty, and Ariel.
Get to know her more on her social media pages.
Instagram: @k.t.castle
Google+: +K.T.Castle
Pinterest: KTCastle_author

The Bridesmaid's Checklist is on sale for only $0.99.
The Bridesmaid’s Checklist Series
Laura’s Wedding
Marisol’s Wedding

Interview with K.T. Castle
Hello!!! Thanks for having me over again, T.
I’m excited about going on tour for the first time, specially because I get to meet great new people :)

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
To be really honest, I can get inspiration from many different sources. Probably the biggest way of getting inspired is by observing everything around me. I’m one of those people that enjoys looking at the world around me, and, if there’s something that catches my eye, I like to create a “background story” of what I believe it’s happening.

How did you do research for your book?
Google and Pinterest are my allies.
I begin by creating a new Presentation on Google Slides, and as I go brainstorming, I write down questions and ideas that I need to clarify. Such as, what were they wearing? Where do they live? And I start Googling for answers.
I also have different Pinterest boards with sources and ideas. Now I’m a bit smarter about how I save everything that catches my eye. I have a board call “Inspiration” for those things I find interesting even if I don’t know how I’ll be using them.
Feel free to visit my Pinterest page and look at my boards :)

Do you have another profession besides writing?
Yes, I do.
I’ve been working in Education for the last eleven years. First as a teacher, I taught mainly English Language Arts (Reading/Literature, Spelling and Grammar) anywhere from sixth to tenth grade. Some years I even taught Math, Science and French.
Some years later I was offered a position to coordinate Pre-K and Kindergarten levels up to second grade. I interacted with parents, teachers and students. We had children as little as eighteen months. I have only love and respect for all those little children.
For the last four years I’ve been working as the assistant principal of the school. I’ve never imagined myself in this position but I enjoy it immensely. I get to work with all school departments and have a wonderful team of coordinators that work along with me to the benefit of all our students.

If you could go back in time, where would you go?
It is difficult to choose a certain part of my life and go back, since that would mean that I have to leave my present aside. Besides working at a school I have a beautiful family that consists of my husband, my teenager boy and my schnauzer pup. It’s hard to choose anything else but them, even if I do miss my kid as a baby from time to time ;)

What I would love to do, is to visit all the places I used to live and have my family visit. On my late teens I had the opportunity to live in Taiwan for almost two years. I loved the island and the family I created for myself there. It is actually there that I started my career as a teacher.

Then I lived and work for Walt Disney World in Orlando in my early twenties. I had so much fun and made many good friends. Visiting Disney is soon going to become a reality, since I’m visiting Orlando with my family in January next year. I’m so excited to show my family the place I once lived and work.

What is your next project?
There’s plenty of ideas I have for new books to write, but I have to say that The Bridesmaid’s Checklist series immediately comes to mind. Books 1 and 2, Laura’s and Marisol’s Wedding, are already published. I would love for you to read them and contact me after you do. It’s always nice to read what others have to say about my writing. The third book of the series, Natalie’s Wedding, is in hands of my editor and it should be published in early 2017. I also have plans to write two more books to finish the series, Denise and Kassandra need to have their wedding too.

And there’s also many projects aside from the BCL series. I have a paranormal romance that I wish I can publish soon. I also have some new ideas for contemporary and new adult romance… and who know, maybe one then I’ll even write some young adult books :). Then there’s also translations, I have spanish rough drafts for Laura’s Wedding and Blood Lust (my paranormal romance).

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Alternate questions:
1. What is your favorite part of this book and why?
Wow, my favorite part. I have to say it is the engagement party.
Kassandra has been planning Laura’s Wedding since day one without much support of the rest of her friends. Even if she’d like their help, she is also proud of everything she does on her own. But when the engagement party arrives and she goes to the place to check that everything is okay, she has a major meltdown because so much is wrong she can’t even get her head in order.
Kassie isn’t the kind of girl who asks for help easily, so having her call out on her friends wasn’t easy for her. It was even more difficult for her to hear that they’re all busy and they can’t attend to her SOS. But she does receive help, and it’s from the least expected person.
The reason I chose this scene is because you see Kassandra and Josh interacting freely for the first time, it's when Kassie realizes that she can count on him for real. And I love that even if everything that was wrong was set right by them both, there’s still situations that Kassie doesn’t expect when it comes to him.

2. If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?
I guess it would depend on the kind of day I wanted to have :)
If Josh and I were single, I would definitely go on a date with him. He’s simply such a nice guy!! Not to mention that he’s smoking hot. He’s fun to be with and has great conversation skills. We could probably go have dinner in Santa Monica and then enjoy the sunset and a walk down the beach.

If I wanted to have a girls night out, I would definitely call Natalie. She’s the sweetest girl in the universe. She always thinks of the needs of the people around her and does her best to accommodate them. There’s always this aura of happiness around her. We would definitely go shopping, have lunch somewhere nice, and end the day at her place with a nice conversation over some wine.

Here are some pictures of my Fantasy Cast for BCL3.

BCL3 Fantasy Cast.png

3. If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose?
Now this list is long!!!
There’s so many good authors out there.
I wish I was as creative as Cassandra Clare. I absolutely adore the world she created for the Mortal Instruments and the Shadow Hunters. I love her books and how she brought to life so many great characters.
Then there’s also someone else I admire as a person and a writer, and that’s Jay Crownover. First of all, I have the biggest crush on her characters, I’m in love with like half of the boys in her series The Marked Men and Saints of Denver. Her stories are so real to me; I feel as if I know the characters she’s created and they’re people I would love to meet in real life. I’m one of her biggest fans, I follow her everywhere on the internet and hope to meet her in person one of these days.

4. Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination?
Part and part.
The name of the characters are based on some of my best friends in junior high. Laura, Marisol, Denise and Natalie are people that were part of my life and I wish I could see more often. They know about the book and that I “borrowed” their names. But their personalities are nothing like those of my characters.
I’ve been fortunate to meet many different people throughout my life, and I’ve hand picked traits from them to create my characters. But, sometimes those girls surprise me when I think I have them figured out.

5. What made you want to become a writer?
It wasn’t something that I planned of becoming. Creativity has always been a big part of my life, mainly in painting and drawing. I would have expected to become an artist. Writing wasn’t even in my peripheral vision, but in many ways I’ve always written. I started writing short stories and comic books when I was younger, of course the art and cover were a big part of the process.
Then, when I was teaching junior high and read Twilight to see what my students were up to, I was fascinated with the book and I remembered how nice it was to read. Somehow, while I was studying and started my family, I forgot how much I enjoyed reading when I was younger. After reading many different books there was a little voice telling me that I had many stories to tell and why not give it a try. This was close to nine years ago, and since then I’ve finished writing 4 book (2 published) and have 4 other stories that I’ve started writing.

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Thanks for giving me the time and space to share a little something about me. I had lots of fun answering your questions and hope to visit again soon.


K.T. Castle will award paperback copies of The Bridesmaid's Checklist Series and a $10 Amazon GC (US/Mexico only) to one randomly selected commenter and digital copies of The Bridesmaid's Checklist Series and a $10 Amazon GC (international) to a second randomly selected commenter.   In addition, a randomly drawn host will receive a signed copy of The Bridesmaid's Checklist: Laura's Wedding (US/Mexico only -- a digital copy will be substituted for international winners) and a $10 Amazon GC.


  1. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Thank you for having me over, T!
    Hope you all have a great day.

    I'm at work, so I'll check for comments as often as I can. I know you guys aren't shy, so I'm looking forward to answer all your questions :)

    1. My pleasure. Best wishes to you and your book.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for visiting, Victoria!!
      Have a great week :)

  4. What is your favorite book of all time? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Hi, Joseph!

      I have plenty favorite books, today I'm going with Twilight, hehe. How about you?

      Best of luck!

  5. Hello! I enjoy reading this post <3

    1. I'm glad you liked it, Susanti.
      Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. the books look great. thanks for hosting.

  7. I have enjoyed following this tour and look forward to checking out this book!
