
Showing posts with label Vaping Products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vaping Products. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

Inhalable Energy Aid by NutroVape

This inhalable energy by NutroVape actually works. I was a little skeptical going into this but I am so glad now that I did. I carry this with me in my purse and when I feel like I need a little bit of a boost to keep moving I take a puff or 2 of this and continue on with my day. There are no chemicals and no nicotine in this. It is made of caffeine, taurine, and amino acids. You just take one puff of it and almost instantly you feel more with it, It does not make you feel high or nervous it just gives you a boost to move instead of wanting to set down. I really like that it does not give me the shakes and there is no burn out feeling when it wears off like energy drinks. This will last for up to 200 puffs of it. Since I only use it when I am dragging it should last me a few months.

I stopped smoking over a year ago and started vaping and feel so much better for it. Sometimes I do still get cravings for a cigarette, more for something to do with my hand that my vaping equipment does not cure since it is not cigarette shaped, So I have also found just holding this helps when those cravings hit. It is shaped like a cigarette and about the same size. So this is helping me in more ways then one.

  I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Worlds First Inhalable Sleep Aid | With Natural Melatonin, Passionflower, Chamomile, 200 Inhalations

I laid my cigarettes down over a year ago and started vaping and haven't looked back. I love the variety of flavors with vaping, I love being able to breath again, and I love not having to clean nicotine off of everything. So when I was offered a chance to test this new sleep aid vape out I really wanted to try. I am not one who sleeps all night through. I wake multiple times a night. Some nights I can look at the clock and go back to sleep other nights I end up getting up so I do not wake my husband. Some nights I can fall in to bed and pass out quickly other nights I lay there for hours.
I have been taking a puff of 2 of this for about 2 weeks now as I go to bed and I do believe it is really helping. It is not like taking a pill and you get all loopy then pass out. It has no drugging effect at all, I just am able to lay down and go to sleep. I have been sleeping much better also. there has been a couple of nights by head won't stop and I just take another puff. I keep it on my night stand.
This should last up to 200 puffs and like I said I have been using it a couple of weeks and it is still working. I will be buying more when this one does stop working though. I really love that there is no drugging effect and really there is no flavor either. There is no nicotine in this either, so even a person who has never smoked or vaped can use this.

  I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Coil Master coil maker

My husband is very happy with this coil master coil maker. He says it is very simple to use, and he can make up to 6 sizes of coils with this one set. I have not personally graduated to the mods that need home made coils, but he has. It is a lot cheaper to make your own. It takes no time at all either to make your own coils. Watch my video and  I will kind of show you how it's done.

 I received this product for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Herb Grinder Tool Large 4 Piece (2.5) Metal ­ Big Kief Catcher and Scraper by Flying Monkey

  Ok so I am probably not using this Grinder for the exact purpose it is being sold for but let me tell you it done a great job grinding herbs and spices for my dinner.
  There were a couple of burrs on the grinders but only took a couple minutes to knock them off.
  I am a from scratch cook, there are no boxed meals served in my house. I am also a budding Gourmet cook.  I really love using fresh spices and herbs. This is at the top of my list of favorite kitchen gadgets, and let me tell you I have tons of gadgets. I have a couple of spice grinders including an electric one, but this one works better then any of them. This one has 50 very sharp teeth and grinds everything perfectly. Took me a time or 2 of experiments to get the consistency down I wanted, but now that I have it I love it. 
  It is so easy to use, just put your herbs, spices, or whatever in the top chamber and twist a few times. The grinder is made of premium zinc alloy. The little spatula is also a great plus if you are looking for a fine powder. The ground herb/spice falls into a screened chamber, take the spatula and gently run it around the screen area and the fine powders or silt will fall to the bottom chamber, which holds about 3 tablespoons worth. This would make a great gift for anyone on your list who loves to cook or who grinds their herb or tobacco (since that is what this one is actually sold for)
  This one is amazing looking also. I love the flying monkey embossed into the top. 

 I received this product for free or  at a discounted price in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

InnoVaper Precision Ceramic Tweezers

Excellent quality tweezers. You can really get a hold to those teeny weeny parts and wires. These work great for more the RDA'a. The tips are ceramic so do not conduct any electricity which is well worth having. Nothing fun about getting bit, or shorting out expensive parts. The ceramic ends are screwed to the stainless steel upper part. These are about 6 1/2 inches long the the tips are pointed but yet flat, perfect for coils.
My husband is my vape mechanic and he is thrilled with them.
InnoVaper's Customer service is great also. I had to contact them about a loose screw and missing nut and they almost immediately got back with me and sent me a new pair.
I received this item during a promotion for testing and reviewing