
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Deadly Dram: A Whisky Business Mystery by Melinda Mullet

Deadly Dram: A Whisky Business Mystery
by Melinda Mullet

About the Book

Deadly Dram: A Whisky Business Mystery
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Alibi (September 4, 2018)
Print Length 300 pages
ASIN: B079R3PW46

Distillery owner Abigail Logan discovers that high spirits are no match for a cold-blooded killer as the Whisky Business Mystery series puts a fatal twist on stiff competition.
It’s been a year since globe-trotting photojournalist Abi Logan inherited Abbey Glen, a whisky distillery in the heart of the Scottish countryside. To her surprise, the village of Balfour already feels like home, and her new business partner, Grant MacEwan, continues to be too charming to resist. But Abi has a history of relationship disasters, so she struggles to avoid an ill-fated romance with Grant. Steering clear is hard enough on a day-to-day basis, but when the two head off to a whisky industry competition together, Abi panics. Five-star resort, four glorious days of nonstop whisky tasting, and a fatally attractive Scotsman—what could possibly go wrong?
The night before the award presentations, with foreign and domestic whisky makers at one anothers’ throats, two judges are found dead under mysterious circumstances. What started with three dream-come-true nominations for Abby Glen’s whisky soon turns into a nightmare for Abi. With a killer on the loose, she must call on her investigative skills to stop another murder—before she gets taken out of the running herself.

About the Author

Melinda Mullet was born in Dallas and attended school in Texas, Washington D.C., England, and Austria. She spent many years as a practicing attorney before pursuing a career as a writer. Author of the Whisky Business Mystery series, Mullet is a passionate supporter of childhood literacy. She works with numerous domestic and international charities striving to promote functional literacy for all children. She lives in Washington, D.C., with her family.
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Purchase Links

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Interview with Melinda Mullet:

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?  I like to think I have the reigns in the story. Occasionally the characters will take control when I place them in a certain situation and then I let them, but most of the time I stick pretty closely to my own outline.

Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.  The Whisky Business series is an armchair journey to Scotland for those who can’t get there themselves.  Scotland is a very special place for me and an important part of my heritage. I do my best to share a sense of the ethereal quality that comes with even the greyest days in Scotland. The watercolored tufts of heather that disappear into the mist of the braes and the grassy scents on the chill air. It’s a magical place and it always makes me feel as if I’ve walked through a door into Middle Earth. Combine the atmosphere with a strong female protagonist and complex story lines and I think it’s a great read. Best enjoyed of course, with a good single malt or a hot cup of tea.
Have you written any other books that are not published? I actually have not.  Single Malt Murder was my first book and it was taken up as a series last year, so I am still busy producing the books in the Whisky Business Series.  Book three is coming out now and book four will be out in the Spring of 2019. I am working on another unrelated book based loosely on my grandmother’s life.  She was one of sixteen children all of whom came of age in London between WWI and WWII. Several of her siblings made history on a grand scale but she did too in her own unique way.  It is less of a cozy mystery and more of a traditional slightly historical mystery so in that respect it is a nice change of pace from the Whisky Business series.

Pen or type writer or computer?  Computer and pen.  If a thought strikes when I am not at home I will write it out long hand in a notebook I keep in my purse.  I also edit on hard copy in multicolor flair pens. It keeps me entertained on the 14th or 40th run through.

Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?  I have been so touched by the fans who have embraced this whisky series.  It walks the line between a cozy and a traditional mystery, but the fans have been very receptive, even those who are not whisky drinkers or even fans of drink based mysteries have enjoyed the characters and the setting.  I couldn’t have done this without them. Cheers to one and all!

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September 5 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW

September 5 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST

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September 6 – Readeropolis – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

September 7 – Rosepoint Publishing – REVIEW

September 7 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT

September 8 – MJB Reviewers – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

September 8 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT

September 9 – The Power of Words – REVIEW

September 9 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT

September 10 – The Bookwyrm's Hoard – REVIEW, GUEST POST

September 10 – Mystery Thrillers and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

September 11 – T's Stuff – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

September 11 – Christa Reads and Writes – SPOTLIGHT

September 12 – MysteriesEtc – REVIEW

September 13 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

September 13 – A Wytch's Book Review Blog – REVIEW

September 14 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW

September 14 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT

September 15 – Varietats – REVIEW

September 16 – Bibliophile Reviews – REVIEW

September 16 – Mysteries with Character – REVIEW

September 17 – The Montana Bookaholic – REVIEW, GUEST POST

September 17 – Socrates' Book Reviews – REVIEW

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great book! Best wishes on your tour.
    What is your favorite part of developing characters?
