
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

VBT Stranded in Love by Victoria Grant

Stranded in Love
by Victoria Grant


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



If a gold medal was awarded for Worst Day Ever, Laney Calderone would win it today, hands down. She’s
just discovered she's pregnant, her fiancé abruptly dumps her when she tells him, and her new car refuses
to start as a brutal snowstorm hits Toronto.

Good Samaritan Tyler Hammond offers to take her home; however, with the heavy snow falling and his
patience dwindling, Laney’s gold medal day isn’t over yet.

Storms intensify both outside and in as Laney finds herself inexplicably attracted to this tall, dark and
very handsome but infuriating stranger.

Can Laney fight her unwanted yet increasing desire for this man long enough to get through the
relentless storm? And will Tyler let her walk out of his life as easily as she came into it?


Excerpt Two:

Tyler’s hand on her shoulder. She turned to see his smiling face.

“Come dance with me,” he said softly. He took her hand, as his mesmerizing energy propelled her
down the kitchen steps and into a dream world. Spellbound, she felt his skilful arms take control, one
sliding firmly around her lower back, the other gently clasping her hand. They began to sway to the
music and Laney felt his body stir and seductively caress hers as they moved effortlessly around the
room, his tempting scent swirling around her. Laney closed her eyes filling her senses with this
wondrous moment.

The song ended and she opened her eyes to find Tyler staring at her. He bent slightly and lowered his
lips to hers.

Laney waited for her offended sense of decency to come storming through and push him away, but
instead, her arms found their way around his neck, fully savouring the sensation of his strong body
pressed against hers. Unlike his first kiss, which was rough and raw, this one was warm and soft. His
tongue tenderly probed her mouth sending a provocative invitation to all her senses. Her knees nearly
buckled as she answered his invitation. Tyler sensed her hunger, caressing her tenderly in his arms.
She moaned softly and felt him shudder slightly as he moved his body closer to hers in a fascinating


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Born in England to a Monty Python-loving dad and a Lawrence Welk-loving mum - tea drinkers all - we
moved to Canada when I was seven. "Say book, say look" my new classmates would hound me just
so they could have a good chuckle at my accent. But being incredibly shy, this was a great way for me
to make friends.

My love of words and a creative imagination prompted English teachers to urge me to write for a living,
especially after I got a letter from the Prime Minister who thanked me for writing to him!  So cool for a

Through the years, I wrote while I earned a living as an Administrative Assistant in various companies;
then I owned a Wedding Coordination business for six years (talk about romance!), all the while being
happily married to the love of my life.
These interesting jobs plus wedded bliss gave me oodles of ideas for romantic plot lines, tall, dark and
handsome heroes and feisty, beautiful heroines, and, of course, the happily ever afters.

I currently live in Mississauga and spend time with family and friends, and struggle daily with the wine
and chocolate that somehow magically appear in my house...

And, amidst the endless cups of strong tea, while the dead parrot sketch and Cole Porter songs whirl
around in my brain, I write. I will always write romances because I love creating fascinating characters
whose lives I can make completely miserable before I give them their happily ever after.

Social Media Links:

Buy Links:

Interview with Victoria Grant

1. Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?
I like to live with the notion that I’m directing them, but once in a while they do tend to take over and lead me to places I hadn’t imagined - so I let them - just to see what happens. If I like it, I make it work, if I don’t like where we ended up, I guide them back to where I need them to be. It’s important I don’t deviate too much from the outline for each novel in the series.

2. Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.
Stranded in Love is a must read because it’s a sexy, sizzling contemporary romance novel from a new author – which means I have a unique style in presenting all the elements that readers of this genre come to expect and enjoy. It’s filled with laughter and tears and starts when Laney and Tyler, the main characters, are both having a really rotten day and are forced together to wait out a brutal snowstorm. They have a few intense arguments, they dance together in the firelight, and have fun with a spontaneous snowball fight. And there’s an emotional finale with a fitting happily ever after. It’s getting some fabulous reviews, so I hope your readers will take the plunge and dive into the world of Toronto’s wealthy and powerful Calderone family.

3. Have you written any other books that are not published?
Yes, but they will be published within the next few years. The Calderone Family Romance Series contains 6 full-length novels, with Book #2, Write to Love, available early next year. The story revolves around the youngest Calderone brother, Noel, the playboy of the family, and violet-eyed KC Dunlop, a spirited and indomitable murder mystery author.
I’m currently working on Book #6, the final book in this series, which tells the story of the parents, Eve and Boyd, and the complications they had to conquer to find happiness.

4. Pen or typewriter or computer?
I write mostly on my computer, because my typing is faster than my handwriting. But I do have a notepad and pen in almost every room of the house for when inspiration hits.  And I’m heading out on vacation soon and don’t plan on taking my laptop with me, so that might prove interesting, I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle total withdrawal from it. Lol!

5. Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?
Thank you for reading this Blog.  I hope you’ll take a chance on a new author because Stranded in Love is a sexy, urban, romantic comedy, and each subsequent novel in the Calderone Family Romance Series will be just as much fun to read. And I’d love to hear from you, so please drop me a line and let me know how you liked my debut novel.

Thank you for hosting this Blog.  I enjoyed my visit.


Victoria Grant will be awarding 3 signed paperback copies of the book to randomly drawn winners (North
America Only) via rafflecopter during the tour.