When A Vamp Falls
War of Blood and BondsBook One
A.M. Griffin
Genre: Paranormal
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Date of Publication: 15-MAR-2018
Number of pages: 250
Word Count: 72k
Tagline: Ramsey will stop at nothing to keep Danya safe from harm—even go to war to protect the one he loves.
Book Description:
Danya Evans’s normal everyday life is turned upside down when one good deed lands her on the opposite end of fangs. The fangs happen to be attached to the sexiest man she’s ever seen.
She knows that she should stay away from the vampire who almost kills her, but everything about Ramsey calls out to her heart and soul.
Ramsey Moreau, a Vampire who has walked Earth for thousands of years has two regrets. The first is underestimating the two new vampires who’ve found their way into New Orleans and the second is stealing blood from the trusting human he can't get off his mind. His world is mundane to say the least, but when Danya is around he finds a reason to live and love again.
He'll stop at nothing to keep her safe from harm—even go to war to protect the one he loves.
Excerpt 2:
The door opened.
Ramsey stared in
awe at the beautiful woman in the doorway. Danya’s dark hair hung past her
shoulders. Her bangs were severely cut above her eyebrows. Generous lashes
framed vibrant green eyes. He’d thought that he’d imagined how pretty she was.
But no, she was even prettier.
awe at the beautiful woman in the doorway. Danya’s dark hair hung past her
shoulders. Her bangs were severely cut above her eyebrows. Generous lashes
framed vibrant green eyes. He’d thought that he’d imagined how pretty she was.
But no, she was even prettier.
While he looked
at her, drinking the sight of her in, she however, startled, screamed, then
tried to slam the door in his face. A well-placed foot stopped her before she
at her, drinking the sight of her in, she however, startled, screamed, then
tried to slam the door in his face. A well-placed foot stopped her before she
“You. You.” She
grunted as she pressed her body against the other side of the door.
grunted as she pressed her body against the other side of the door.
When that didn’t
work she kicked at his foot, trying to dislodge it. “No. No. No. You aren’t
work she kicked at his foot, trying to dislodge it. “No. No. No. You aren’t
He glanced down
at his body. “I’m very much real, sweetheart.”
at his body. “I’m very much real, sweetheart.”
Her eyes
fluttered closed. “This is all a figment of my imagination. I am delusional.
This is a symptom of anemia. One. Two. Three.” She took a deep breath, then
opened her eyes again.
fluttered closed. “This is all a figment of my imagination. I am delusional.
This is a symptom of anemia. One. Two. Three.” She took a deep breath, then
opened her eyes again.
He gave her a
wicked smile. “Still here.”
wicked smile. “Still here.”
Danya screamed.
Ramsey cupped
his hand over her mouth and wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her body
close to his. She smelled of vanilla and brown sugar. He leaned in to take
another languidly whiff. Delectable.
his hand over her mouth and wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her body
close to his. She smelled of vanilla and brown sugar. He leaned in to take
another languidly whiff. Delectable.
She opened her
eyes wide, and panic was behind them. He didn’t allow himself time to enjoy how
her soft body was against his. He had to get her back inside before she had
everyone on her floor spilling into the hallway to see what all the commotion
was about.
eyes wide, and panic was behind them. He didn’t allow himself time to enjoy how
her soft body was against his. He had to get her back inside before she had
everyone on her floor spilling into the hallway to see what all the commotion
was about.
Ramsey walked
her back into her room and used his foot to kick the door closed behind them.
He stopped only when her back was pressed against the wall. She shook with
her back into her room and used his foot to kick the door closed behind them.
He stopped only when her back was pressed against the wall. She shook with
First attack
her. Then scare her to death. Perfect.
her. Then scare her to death. Perfect.
A sharp pain hit
his palm. He pulled away from her mouth to see the red bite mark. “You bit me.”
Her bite didn’t do any damage, and the pain was gone already. His body worked
quickly to make the repair. It was confusion that made him pull away. He hadn’t
expected that.
his palm. He pulled away from her mouth to see the red bite mark. “You bit me.”
Her bite didn’t do any damage, and the pain was gone already. His body worked
quickly to make the repair. It was confusion that made him pull away. He hadn’t
expected that.
Another pain,
worse, like lightning, hit his groin. He doubled over and backed away.
worse, like lightning, hit his groin. He doubled over and backed away.
Being kneed in
the balls felt the same whether he were human or vampire. It hurt like hell.
“Why did you do that?” he asked in disbelief.
the balls felt the same whether he were human or vampire. It hurt like hell.
“Why did you do that?” he asked in disbelief.
The scared woman
that she’d been just moments before was gone, replaced by spit and hellfire.
She balled her fists and took a step forward to kick him in his chin. He’d let
her beauty distract him but recovered quickly and caught her bare foot mid-air
and pushed it, slamming her back against the wall. Before she could react, he
was against her body again and in her face.
that she’d been just moments before was gone, replaced by spit and hellfire.
She balled her fists and took a step forward to kick him in his chin. He’d let
her beauty distract him but recovered quickly and caught her bare foot mid-air
and pushed it, slamming her back against the wall. Before she could react, he
was against her body again and in her face.
“Why. Are. You.
Trying. To. Hurt. Me?” His nose was less than an inch from hers.
Trying. To. Hurt. Me?” His nose was less than an inch from hers.
Her stare turned
icy. “Because. You’re. Trying. To. Hurt. Me.” She punched his sides then
winced. “Ouch. What the hell are you made of? Steel?”
icy. “Because. You’re. Trying. To. Hurt. Me.” She punched his sides then
winced. “Ouch. What the hell are you made of? Steel?”
“Dammit. Stop
that.” He pinned her hands above her head.
that.” He pinned her hands above her head.
She wiggled in
vain, doing nothing but making his body react to hers. He lifted her arms
higher, raising her to her tiptoes. She tried to knee him again, but he blocked
her by maneuvering his hip and sliding his leg between hers.
vain, doing nothing but making his body react to hers. He lifted her arms
higher, raising her to her tiptoes. She tried to knee him again, but he blocked
her by maneuvering his hip and sliding his leg between hers.
He tried to
ignore her warm heat spreading over his thigh. “I’m not here to hurt you.”
ignore her warm heat spreading over his thigh. “I’m not here to hurt you.”
She stopped
struggling long enough to glare at him. “Really? What do you call this or what
you did last night?”
struggling long enough to glare at him. “Really? What do you call this or what
you did last night?”
He let out a
curse. “If I let you go do you promise not to attack me again?”
curse. “If I let you go do you promise not to attack me again?”
He didn’t believe
her. “I only came to make sure that you had recovered from last night. I didn’t
mean to take as much blood as I did.”
her. “I only came to make sure that you had recovered from last night. I didn’t
mean to take as much blood as I did.”
“Everyone thinks
that I’m crazy because of you.”
that I’m crazy because of you.”
“And for that I
apologize.” She relaxed a little. “So can I let you go now?” He really wanted
to keep her where she was, pinned against him, and take her. And if he didn’t
create space between them that’s exactly what he would’ve done.
apologize.” She relaxed a little. “So can I let you go now?” He really wanted
to keep her where she was, pinned against him, and take her. And if he didn’t
create space between them that’s exactly what he would’ve done.
She gave a short
He let go of her
hands and stepped away and kept going until he was against the wall, giving
them both space. He needed it so that his cock would go down, and she needed it
so that she wouldn’t feel threatened anymore. He also wanted to put room
between his balls and her knees.
hands and stepped away and kept going until he was against the wall, giving
them both space. He needed it so that his cock would go down, and she needed it
so that she wouldn’t feel threatened anymore. He also wanted to put room
between his balls and her knees.
“You bit me,”
she said again. “Why? I was just trying to help you.”
she said again. “Why? I was just trying to help you.”
“And you did, by
giving me your blood.”
giving me your blood.”
She held up a
finger. “Let’s make things clear. I didn’t give you anything. You took it.”
finger. “Let’s make things clear. I didn’t give you anything. You took it.”
Yeah, that
sounded about right. Hearing her say it made him feel even worse. “If I had
sounded about right. Hearing her say it made him feel even worse. “If I had
“The answered
would’ve been no.”
would’ve been no.”
“It was a life
or death situation. Without you I wouldn’t be standing here now.”
or death situation. Without you I wouldn’t be standing here now.”
She snorted.
“And that’s a good thing?”
“And that’s a good thing?”
“That I’m alive?
I should think so.”
I should think so.”
“Alive and
coming back to finish what you started?”
coming back to finish what you started?”
He raised a
questioning eyebrow.
questioning eyebrow.
She pointed to
her neck. “To kill me.”
her neck. “To kill me.”
“I hardly have
intentions to kill you.”
intentions to kill you.”
She crossed her
arms and leaned against the wall. She looked causal, even relaxed, but
arms and leaned against the wall. She looked causal, even relaxed, but
her muscles were
tight. She was getting ready for a fight.
tight. She was getting ready for a fight.
“Thank you for
saving me.”
saving me.”
“I could’ve
died. You left me with a hemoglobin of 4.4!” Then she pulled her eyebrows
together in thought. “What is it supposed to be normally?” she mumbled.
died. You left me with a hemoglobin of 4.4!” Then she pulled her eyebrows
together in thought. “What is it supposed to be normally?” she mumbled.
“Humans should
have a hemoglobin of—”
have a hemoglobin of—”
“I’m not asking
you, mister,” she snapped.
you, mister,” she snapped.
“Ramsey Moreau.”
“That’s my
name.” She clenched her jaws. He let out a light chuckle. “Nice to meet you,
name.” She clenched her jaws. He let out a light chuckle. “Nice to meet you,
Danya Evans.”
She took a step
to the side, sliding further away from him. “How do you know my name?”
to the side, sliding further away from him. “How do you know my name?”
He winked,
giving her a devious smile. “I heard your conversations with the officers last
giving her a devious smile. “I heard your conversations with the officers last
“Creep much?”
“And I suppose
that you couldn’t have found it in your heart to corroborate my story to save
me from the humiliation of being labeled crazy?”
that you couldn’t have found it in your heart to corroborate my story to save
me from the humiliation of being labeled crazy?”
“Ah, no.” She
cursed under her breath and kicked at the carpet. “But if you would let me,
cursed under her breath and kicked at the carpet. “But if you would let me,
I’d like to make
it up to you.”
it up to you.”
She turned her
head. “And how could you do that? You can’t give me my blood back.
head. “And how could you do that? You can’t give me my blood back.
The transfusions
took care of that.”
took care of that.”
“I want to take
you out to eat.” That hadn’t been his plan, but suddenly he didn’t want to
leave her. Yet.
you out to eat.” That hadn’t been his plan, but suddenly he didn’t want to
leave her. Yet.
About the Author:
A. M. Griffin is a wife who rarely cooks, mother of three, dog owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She's a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent life forms in distant galaxies.
For more information please visit www.amgriffinbooks.com
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Interview with A.M. Griffin
Where do you get inspiration for your stories? I was at Romancing The Capital Ottawa (RTC) and dreamed two nights in a row about the characters and their first meeting. I’m not a plotter, I usually write by the seat of my pants, but in order to make sure that I got it right, I put my dream to paper and later had to go through and finesse it a little (meaning I had to take out all of the crazy dream-y stuff).
How did you do research for your book? Luckily since I write mostly paranormal and sci-fi I don’t have to do much research. I build the worlds in my head and go with it. The only downfall to world building is that I have to keep track of it all, which I do in handy-dandy spreadsheets. If I forget a fact a reader will tell me about myself!
Do you have another profession besides writing? I do! I actually love what I do during the day and since it pays well that’s all I’m going to say about that. lol
If you could go back in time, where would you go? Um…back in time? Not for this girl. I would rather go to the future to see what my children and children’s children have done. I would also like to see if the aliens have overtaken us yet, things like that.
What is your next project? I’m currently working on the second book of the War of Blood and Bonds series. Which is about Vallus and Bride, two of the characters that we met in When a Vamp Falls. I’m only a quarter into it so I can’t give too much of the plot away, but will be able to say that Bride does not want to be caught up in the world of vampires and Vallus, bent on fulfilling a promise, can’t leave her alone (the sparks are flying!)
Congrats on the tour and I appreciate the excerpt and the great giveaway as well. Love the tours, I get to find books and share with my sisters the ones I know they would enjoy reading and they both love to read. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good read.
ReplyDeleteI liked the excerpt, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am excited to read this. This is my kind of story. (jozywails@gmail.com)