
Saturday, January 14, 2017

BOOK SPOTLIGHT TOUR: Uplift by Natalia Terfa

Book Description:

No matter how old we are, where we live, or what we believe - there are times in everyone's life that cause us to struggle. An it's in those times that we want nothing else but a word of hope and instead are so often surrounded by trite platitudes and false promises.

This is not that.

This small book was written to be something different: to uplift those who need it, to bring grace and love and light to the darkest times, and to be a voice of hope in the world where hope is often at a premium.

Read it yourself and be uplifted, or gift it to someone going through dark days.
We all need a little hope in difficult times. This is just a place to start.

​Buy the Book: Amazon  

Author's Bio:

Natalia Terfa is a pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. She is passionate about grace, yoga, and reading. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband and daughter - the love of her life.

Connect with the author: Website  ~  Twitter for Book ~ Twitter  ~ Facebook

Interview with Natalia Terfa
  1. What genre do you write, and why?
I’d like to say I write in my own kind of genre, because I don’t think there are a lot of people out there writing about God the way I do… but if I can’t say that, then I’ll go with religion and spirituality.  
  1. What is your favorite kind of book to read in your free time?
I’m a sucker for a happy ending. I do read a lot of incredible books for my job… books about faith and life, and books about death and grief, but when I cozy up for a day of reading in warm blankets, I choose well-written love stories.  (Well-written is a SUPER important criteria.  Life is too short to read a crappy book.)
  1. What is important about your kind of writing and why?
As a pastor, I think the best thing I can do is be real.  So when life sucks, I think it’s important to talk about the reality of how bad things are, and why, without defaulting to reasons why or explaining that with more faith things will be better.  That’s just not real life. Real life is that when people we love die, it isn’t ok. It isn’t easy.  And it doesn’t help the grief to know that they are with God.  That’s honest and real and I think it sets my writing apart.  I don’t think God causes the bad stuff, I don’t think we can faith those things away either.  I simply think we have a God that promises to be with us and there is a lot of hope to be found in that one simple promise.  So I stay with that.  

  1. What makes your writing different from other kinds of spiritual writing?
I think people are looking for hope, and it’s sometimes really hard to find in the midst of cheesy platitudes and quick fixes.  I write to help give people a good foundation to stand on in those difficult times, and to bring hope while doing it.  There’s a lot of bad theology out there, and I think my writing brings hope without minimizing the darkness of hard times, without sacrificing good theology.  

  1. What are your hobbies?
I love to read, be in nature, cook, and do yoga.  I read to relax and remove myself from the real world, as I’m sure most avid readers do as well. I go out into nature when I need to reconnect to the created world and recognize my place in it.  I cook when I need to show my love to the people in my life, because there is little better than watching people I love enjoy what I cook for them. And lastly, I do yoga when I need to reconnect my mind, body and spirit all back to each other.  

Prizes: Win 2 copies of UPLIFT by Natalia Terfa or a $20 Amazon gift card (2 winners, open to USA & CAN)
Ends Jan 28
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love to read this book because I get depressed during the winter months and this sounds like a great book to read when I need to be uplifted.

  2. We all have dark times, my worst was during my 2 year battle with cancer. Now I am struggling with a botched carpal tunnel surgery, I have been out of work almost 2 years and have very limited use of my right hand, I'm right handed. My husband even tells me I used to be a much happier person. I could really use some uplifting.

  3. Thank you for highlighting my book on your blog! It it much appreciated - and I do hope your readers (and you) who need uplifting grab a copy or check out my website!

  4. Also, Teresa - I'm sorry you have had such a struggle over the last few years. It can be so hard to maintain a positive attitude or keep any semblance of hope during difficult times, especially during cancer treatment and the loss of activity. Oh it's so hard. My prayers are with you, and I hope you find some light, even the smallest bit, in the darkness.

    1. Thank you so much for your sentiments. I really appreciate it.
