
Friday, April 29, 2016

VBT: Eolyn by Karin Rita Gastreich

by Karin Rita Gastreich


GENRE: Fantasy



In a land ravaged by civil war, the Mage King Kedehen initiates a ruthless purge of the magas. Eolyn, last daughter of the magas and sole heiress to their forbidden craft, seeks refuge in the South Woods.

When she meets the mysterious Akmael, heir to the throne of this violent realm, she embarks on a path of hope, seduction, betrayal, and war. Desire draws Eolyn toward Akmael’s dark embrace, but fate binds her to Corey of East Selen, a cunning mage whose ambition challenges the limits of love and loyalty.

Can she trust either man?

Hunted in a realm of powerful wizards and brutal deceptions, Eolyn must find her own path to freedom or she will burn on the pyre.

"Vigorously told deceptions and battle scenes, with a romantic thread." -Publishers Weekly


Excerpt Two:

The Hunt for Eolyn

Eolyn lunged at Akmael, hand raised to strike him. He caught her wrist in a vice-like grip that gave pause to her fury.

In the silence that followed, Akmael measured the heat under Eolyn’s skin, the rhythm of her pulse, the condensation of her breath against the cool night air.

“Eolyn.” He did not bother to hide the note of surprised hope in his voice. “Are you jealous?”

She wrenched free of his hold. “Your magic is a disgrace! You have allowed your abilities to be twisted to foul ends. Dragon did not grant us these powers to invoke fear or take advantage of those weaker than ourselves. And our festivals are meant to celebrate the heritage of Moisehén, not to reinforce your authority, much less your sexual prowess.”

“That may be the case, but your question about the third night of Bel-Aethne…It did not arise out of concern for the proper interpretation and practice of magic. Did it?”

Eolyn cheeks flushed, but she lifted her chin. “There is no place for jealousy in a maga’s heart.”

Akmael did not let her finish. He caught her lips in his. In an instant the spark granted to them as adolescents was reignited. Akmael wrapped his arms around her, inhaling her honey and wood aroma, intertwining his fingers in her silky hair, exploring every delicate contour of her face and throat. The force of his passion pushed her back against the raw trunk of a large tree. His hands traveled insatiable over the landscape of her body, at once familiar and new.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Karin Rita Gastreich writes stories of ordinary women and the extraordinary paths they choose. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri, where she is part of the biology faculty at Avila University. An ecologist by vocation, Karin has wandered forests and wildlands for over twenty years. Her past times include camping, hiking, music, and flamenco dance. In addition to The Silver Web trilogy, Karin has published short stories in World Jumping, Zahir, Adventures for the Average Woman, and 69 Flavors of Paranoia. She is a recipient of the Spring 2011 Andrews Forest Writer’s Residency.

Twitter: @EolynChronicles


Interview with Karin Rita Gastreich
As a kid did you write or make up stories?
Oh, yes. The first story I remember writing was based on a dream I had when I was a little girl. I was walking with two friends in a medieval town. As the clock struck noon, everyone began to disappear, shutting themselves up in shops and homes. We soon realized that at midday, a dark and terrible knight came riding through the village, and woe to anyone caught in his path. Panicked, we began to look for hiding places of our own. I became separated from my friends. Just as the terrible knight came galloping around the corner, I found a cellar and slipped inside. He came after me. I crouched in the shadows, terrified of making any noise as he searched around me. And then…

Mom woke me up, because I had to go to school. Aaaaargh!

I was very upset because I really wanted to know the end to my dream. So that day, I drew scenes from the dream (maybe I was too young to write?) and set the pictures by my bed in hopes of picking up the story where I’d left off. Of course, that didn’t work. So, I wrote my own ending, and I’ve been writing ever since.

Where does most of your Character inspiration come from?
Everywhere. People I meet. People I see on the streets. Characters in movies or other books. Celebrities. My own imagination. A good character can pop up at any moment, often in the most unexpected of places.

Do some qualities of your characters come from real people?
While it’s fair to say that many of my characters are inspired by real people, in the writing of a story, every character assumes his or her own personality in the end. By the time I finish a novel, my characters bear little resemblance to who or what first inspired them.

What was the inspiration for your book?

Eolyn had many sources of inspiration, but at heart was my desire to write an epic fantasy in which women played complex and meaningful roles. Coupled with this, I also wanted a woman protagonist who could be strong, even triumphant, without wielding a sword.

What is your favorite spot to write?
Once a year I go to Virginia Beach with a group of women friends who are also writers. That is hands down my favorite place to write.

What advice would you give budding writers?

Enjoy the journey. The best part of writing is writing, and sharing your stories.  If you always remember this, and keep it at the center of your goals and experience, you will find success as a writer.



Karin will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Book Blitz for: Gatekeepers by Destiny Blake

The Snow Princess Release Day Blitz

snow-princessThe Sea Princess is determined to drive the he’e from the mer capital. Namaka’s people have lost battle after battle, never able to stand up to the might of the octopus god-king’s army and magical powers. To win the war, Namaka turns to the brutal nanaue--weresharks feared by mer and he’e alike.

But the nanaue live on the island of the Snow Princess, Poliahu, a sorceress quick to anger. If Namaka is to succeed in recruiting the weresharks, she must first deal with this new Princess and her powers of mist and cold.

Poliahu doesn’t care about nanaue or he’e or politics. Her passion is the Art, taught to her by the snow spirits who raised her. Driven ever deeper into the Art, Poliahu is determined to become a sorceress unlike any other in history. She’s poised to do it, too, as long as she can keep the power of the Art from consuming her.



The Snow Princess
by Matt Larkin

Worldsea Era #3


Incandescent Phoenix Books

Publication Date
March 28, 2016

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The Worldsea Era Series

The Seventh Princess The Burning Princess The Snow Princess

About Matt larkin

Matt LarkinMatt Larkin is an American fantasy and science fiction author. He lives in Florida with his wife Juhi and daughter Kiran. With a background in philosophy and publishing, Matt started a small press dedicated to top notch speculative fiction. He adores mythology and history, passions he conveys through his mythic fantasy novels. His works include the Skyfall Era, the Ragnarok Era, the Worldsea Era, and Sins of Angels.

Got a Question? I'd love to hear from you. Email me at:

Author Links

website facebook twitter goodreads Amazon icon

Safety Manual Can Tin Opener by ikeenway

I have an electric can opener and use it most of the time. Some times the power goes out during our summer storms and we also like to go out to the lake for picnics. So I wanted a quality can opener for those times. I have one now. This can opener is great. It is easy to hold and easy to turn. This cuts the top of the can right below the lip of the can instead of pocking a whole in the top side of the can and taking off the lid so to speak. The can opener does not have or need a sharp blade but works great. You don't have to mess around trying to get the can opener lined up correctly, just pinch it onto the can and turn. This really is a great alternative to using a electric can opener.

I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Vogek 4 Ports USB 3.0 Hub

I have 3 USB ports on my laptop. One for some reason is unusable, the wire never seem to hold it tightly, one has the dongel for my mouse, that leaves me one for everything else. I like to hook my cameras, my tablet, my phone, USB drives and other things to my laptop and sometimes I want to transfer files from one to the other or both. So having this 4 port USB hub is perfect for me. The transfer rate is very quick and I really love that. The hub is small and easy to carry with me. You do not need drivers or software to install this. It measures about 2 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches by .6 inches. I have a Lenovo laptop and a HP desktop and it works great on both computers.

I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Cos2be 5 In 1 Survival Bracelet

Awesome survival bracelet. My Son In Law and Daughter love to camp. They were both excited to see this bracelet. This is a 5 in 1 bracelet. It has a compass, 10 1/2 feet of rope when the bracelet is unwound, a whistle, a fire starter made from magnesium, and a scraper that can cut through small items and also be used with the fire started to create the spark. The bracelet is 9 inches long with a plastic break away buckle. This really is a great bracelet. I will be getting me one since I gave this one to my Son In Law. I want one to keep in my car. I live in the middle of the Ocala National Forest and some places we go there is just miles of trees and no traffic. Would be nice to have something just in case.

I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Thunder® LED Car Lights Bulb

My husband replaced my burnt out map light in my car with one of these bulbs and I wish now my car had of came with this type bulb. The light is so much brighter then the one that was in my car and I personally really like that. I don't really use my light for reading maps or have them on while driving but when I get in and out of the car at night I like having the light. These are a little longer then the standard bulb but the area in my car they fit fine. There are 4 bulbs in the package.

I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Venstone X2 Iconic earphones

I am very happy with my pair of earphones from Venstone. The sound quality is very good. These are noise isolating earphones and they really do keep out most really loud noises and pretty much all regular noises. I listen to my mp3 player all day at work and these work great for blocking out most of the noise around me. I also like to either watch you tube or Netflix on my laptop in the evenings when my husband is watching shows on TV that do not interest me. I can hear my shows perfectly without having to listen to bombs blasting, engines roaring or whatever other noises are coming from the television. This comes with 3 sets of ear bud covers in 3 different sizes, so they fit very comfortably. The wires are cloth covered and in my experience these tend to last longer before the wires break. I go through a lot of earphones at work with the wires getting caught on things but these have last a few weeks now with no problems at all.

I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

tour for The Part That Doesn’t Burn by Sam Poling

The Part That Doesn’t Burn
Goetia Series
Book One
Sam Poling

Genre: Dark Fantasy

Publisher: Tirgearr Publishing

Date of Publication: March 23rd, 2016

ISBN: 9781310401916

Number of pages: 319
Word Count: 97,000

Cover Artist: Cora Graphics

Book Description:

In an overpopulated city-state where technology and magic are forbidden by the corrupt church, young witch, Mirabel Fairfax, plots the creation of a deadly plague to cull the burdensome rabble.

That is, until she falls in love with the very alchemist she has been deceiving.

Now, with soul-hungry geists flooding the city, the church scrambling for their prey, and her own mind at war with itself, Mirabel must decide what she's fighting for before she loses everything to the evils of Autumnfall.


Mirabel waited in the darkness.  Each passing second made it exponentially less likely the power would return.
“Mirabel? Did we lose power?” Felix’s voice quivered in the darkness.
“It should return momentarily.”
They waited. Mirabel could practically feel Felix’s demeanor evaporating.
“Unbelievable, the singular time I am protecting company on the geistlines, a train dies. We are not coal powered. We are coming to a stop. Perhaps your pessimism rang true. Sour fortune must have followed you from Haugen. We need to leave.”
“L-leave? As in, leave the train, and go out there?”
“Felix, without power the only thing stopping a geist from swooping in here and taking your face off is nothing. One hundred percent nothing. Essentially, we already have the cons of being outside, along with the narrow space of being inside. Not a survivable combination.”
Without hesitation Felix took to gathering his tools, and corralling them into his bags.
“No time for that.”
She tugged him out of their room and through the train car. One side of the car featured the cabins. Asleep and unaware, no one else left their rooms. Windows with their blinds drawn and a faint cyan shimmering through adorned the other side.
“They’re lining both sides of the tracks. How long do we have?” said Felix.
“Geist behavior is a constant mystery, even to me, but eventually some will strike. Even those with eternity run out of patience.”
They reached the door to the next car and Mirabel mashed on the panel. Nothing. No power, no doors. She tried the manual handle, but it wouldn’t budge. If only Miss Perfect-Priestess were here, then the door wouldn’t be able to fly open fast enough.
“Oh bother,” she said.
“Door haunted too?”
“Handle denies me. Seems rusted, and I wonder if they automatically power lock.”
She could barely make out Felix’s nervous wince. “I wouldn’t expect that, Mirabel. Emergency situations would turn fatalities.”
“That is not happening with us.” She put her weight on the lever. It didn’t amount to much, and the lever knew it.
“Let me try.”
Felix consisted of average build and height, if not a tad lanky. Certainly not the strong type. Petite Mirabel stood quite small, a whole head shorter, also not the strong type, but she expected she could generate more strength. The alchemist didn’t have the mind for it.
“Felix, darling, put your hands here.” She directed his hands next to hers. “Press down on three, yes?”
Violet light washed over the handle they gripped before she got to “one.” She didn’t have to turn around to know its source. It traveled up her arms and across the door. If another passenger had opened a blind, the light source wouldn’t be nearing them.
“Three-three-three,” she shouted.
Felix threw down on the handle alongside her. Perhaps he did have the mind for it when terrified. With a shriek the lever punched into the open position, and the partners threw their hands into the crevice at the door’s left.
“Get the blasted thing open. Pull, Felix, do not look back.”
She made a mistake. Everyone looks back when instructed not to. He turned his neck and got an eyeful of something that forced a spate foul language. Such words didn’t suit him. Pulling with whatever force her slender arms could muster, she joined his blunder and looked over her shoulder.
A geist, two-thirds down the corridor, drifted closer. Its face partially lifted from its head, hanging a few inches from where it belonged. The glowing wisp mimicked the body it used to have, but poorly. The translucent skin melted and slid ever downward. She knew the face would contort any moment: the precursor to assault. And it had the gut-wrenching violet hue. Of all the geists to enter first, it had to be a damned giftgeist. She had no hope of generating enough magic to destroy it before it reached them.
The broken door started to grind open. She fit her thin body part way into the opening. Her heels dug into the carpet and her back braced against the door’s narrow edge, with her hands pressing against the wall. “Felix, pull.”
The geist twisted into a monster far fiercer than before; its face warped into elongated grief and its jaw stretched to the side to give a dry, raspy howl. Passengers meandering into the hall heard it. They slung their own screams and ran the opposite way. The worst decision during a geistline incident: running toward the rear of the train. They wouldn’t live long.
She reached above her head and flicked her fingers. “You want electricity, you fromping door? H-have some.” More white flashes fluttered between her fingers with each flick. “Come on, I had this spell mastered yesterday.”
“Mirabel? Mirabel,” yelped Felix. “It’s-it’s coming.”
“Simmer. I am focusing.”
“Focus faster!”
With a final flick, current rushed from the witch’s fingertips up into the door mechanisms. She had no idea what it accomplished, but the lights around the immediate vicinity flashed, including the door panel. Her left hand dropped and swatted it. The door grinded opened halfway before its lights died again. Halfway gave them more than enough space. The partners darted through into the next car. Glancing back, Mirabel saw the geist stop and turn to its side. Another passenger had peeked out of their cabin an arm’s length from the specter. It shot from Mirabel’s view before the rattled cries of a man and woman reached her ears.
Felix stopped as abruptly as the geist had. “It’s attacking someone.”
“Keep moving.”
“Mirabel, you’ve got to do something, there are three cars full of people back there.”
“And we are the only valuable ones.”

About the Author:

Sam Poling has been writing fantasy and science fiction for the thrill of it his entire life, from short stories to screenplays. His love for each of the subgenres led to dedication to writing genre-skirting fiction with all the elements that make up the human condition. He holds a strong enthusiasm for medical studies and currently works as a medical assistant in a large clinic while taking classing for nursing. He also serves on a health and safety committee, including disaster preparedness and infection control. His interest in epidemiology and medical science tends to spill over into his writing endeavors.

Author’s site:

Author’s Page

Twitter: @SamuelPoling



Blast for A Kiss and a Dream by Linda Andrews

Kiss and a dream

A Kiss and a Dream by Linda Andrews

She escapes with a dead woman's name and finds sanctuary with a widower reeling from his wife's betrayal. Can a love built on lies survive the truth?

Gretchen Foltz honors her late father's request and ends up locked in the workhouse by her greedy brother. Dreaming of a home and freedom, she embarks on a dangerous winter journey. She awakes in a stranger's home. Hiding behind a lie, she discovers a man worthy of her trust.

Kian Bryne is struggling to feed his four children. The last thing he needs is to rescue a woman stranded on the ice and running from her own demons. With his rich in-laws threatening to take custody his children, he'll make a desperate alliance to keep his family together. When a simple kiss shatters their agreement, he's left yearning for more.

Can they untangle the lies before someone separates them forever?

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In this scene, Gretchen learns that Kian has a secret dream to be a carriage driver on the island. She has a dream of her own and knows the power of them, so she is determined to help him achieve his goal.

"It was a stupid dream. I should sell it, ta pay ya." Kian jerked the covering into place and turned away.
"Nein. No." She followed him. "Dream is not stupid. Dream is good."
She slowed down to hit the correct sound at the end. Just so he understood.
He yanked pieces of oak from the pile near the door and dropped them into her pail.
"I help you vith your dream." She pulled out the bigger pieces and returned them to the stack before tugging the handle from his grip. Selecting the right size for the cook stove, she filled her bucket. "You see."
"Why?" He stared at the wood pile and huddled in his jacket.
She didn't want to think too hard about the why. Instead, she clasped the pail to her chest and hustled for the door.
He beat her there and pushed back the snow, so she could squeeze through the opening. Before she exited, he stayed her with a hand on her arm. "Why?"
"Because I have the dreams, too. And you are helping to make them true." She ducked under his arm and walked into the cold. More than he knew. Maybe more than was safe for her heart.

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Linda AndrewsAuthor Linda Andrews

Linda Andrews lives with her husband and three children in Phoenix, Arizona. When she announced to her family that her paranormal romance was to be published, her sister pronounce: “What else would she write? She’s never been normal.”

All kidding aside, writing has become a surprising passion and she’s followed that passion into history, the future, and beyond. Sometimes, she incorporates her science background and other times, she allows the magic of love to take center stage in sweet historicals.

Website * Twitter



Blast Giveaway

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 5/11/16

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.


Book Blast for The Dawning of Scarlett by Jennifer Osborn

The Dawning of Scarlett
by Jennifer Osborn


GENRE: YA Paranormal


As a pale revenant—the vampire faction believing all life is sacred—sixteen-year-old Scarlett Ellis has learned to hide in the human world. She goes to night-school, works at a coffee shop, and her uncle Chasem trains her in martial arts. No matter what, she has to be prepared, because when she turns seventeen, she’ll be of Dawning age—and her biological father Apollo vows to see her dead first.

Expecting her Dawning to be impossible, she accepts the fact that she will become a rogue, forever hunted by revenant renegades and outcast by her own people. Scarlett thinks she’s prepared for this—until the curly-haired Nicholas Lightener walks into her life and asks her out on a date.

Torn between her feelings for Nick and the danger of the revenant world, Scarlett’s strange life is turned inside-out when she’s kidnapped and forced to do the one thing she swore she’d never do. Plus, she has no idea whose memories keep appearing in her dreams, or if they can even help her. Determined to free herself from a death sentence, Scarlett must fight to become who she was born to be.


Excerpt Two:
He moves so fast it’s almost a blur. I force myself to quit thinking, quit reacting to every action and strike, but I do succeed in keeping him from hitting my body. After a few minutes of the blistering attack, I find my strength flagging. I become slower, and Chasem takes advantage of it, hitting me hard on the shoulder, and I drop one of my Kali sticks. Chasem drops both of his and reaches out, lifting me by the neck toward the wall, pinning me hard against it.  

"Never, ever give up! Do you hear me? Never!" he screams, his hot breath on my face. I squirm and struggle to get free of his grip but find I'm stuck.

His gaze is fierce, his lip curled up in a snarl. "Fight!" he screams again, but it's as if I can't convince myself that I can get free. My visions starts to darken from the lack of oxygen, and Chasem releases me. I collapse in a puddle, heaving hard and coughing, trying to suck air into my lungs though my burning throat.

I see Chasem pace for a few moments with his hands on his hips, like he doesn't know what to do. All around him, the mirrors tremble slightly, as if they’ll shatter at any moment. Chasem reaches for his water, takes a quick drink, then hurls the bottle toward the wall. I've never seen him like this. He’s usually so contained—tough, but contained. Now, he seems like a caged lion.  

He turns towards me and leans down. "You can't be like this, Scar. You can't. You have to keep fighting, no matter what. Do you understand? It will be a matter of life or death. Never surrender, do you understand?"


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

After working in the legal and technical fields for many years, Jennifer Osborn took the plunge into full time writing in 2015. She is the award-winning author of The Shilund Saga and The Sentinel’s Insurgency.  When not writing, she listens to a different muse and creates paintings and collages of all sorts.

She lives in the Cincinnati area with her husband, three dogs and two cats.

You can find out more about her at

Facebook:  AuthorJenniferOsborn
Twitter: hondagirljen
Instragram: hondagirljen



Jennifer will be awarding a digital copy of The Dawning of Scarlett via iBooks to 3 randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour.

Book Blitz for: Bait (Order of the Spirit Realm #1) by Kasi Blake

Pink Hair Straightener Ceramic Detangling Brush from DROK

I love my new hair brush. I have really frizzy, curly, thick hair and it does what it wants to do not what I want it to do. This brush has changed that for me. Now My hair is a whole lot calmer and only takes a couple minutes longer then to just my hair with a plain brush. I no longer have to spend forever blow drying my hair then using a flat iron then a curling iron to put some curl back in my hair. This brush heats up in about 90 seconds. Then just brush your hair as normal just a little slower. I do use a conditioning spray for heat while using the brush. I can leave as much curl to my hair as I want by actually curling around the brush as I go through my hair. The brush has an LED screen to see when the brush is on and to set the heat needed. I go all the way to the hottest personally but someone who has either not as thick, frizzy or curly hair can use the lower heat.  The buttons are on the side of the brush handle and I do hit them a lot but they don't seem to change with bumping. This has an auto off which I love sometimes I go in and turn the brush on then find myself tied up in something else and forget the brush, lucky for me it turns itself off.

I am in love with my hair more then I have been ever. Its thanks to this brush and DROK

I received this product free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.