
Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Ticket Blitz by Fred Shackelford

Mystery, Thriller
Publisher: Black Opal Books

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The Ticket is the story of a frantic and perilous search for a missing lottery ticket worth $241 million. The lives of a corrupt gambler, a retired detective, and a woman in hiding intersect as the ticket is about to expire.

Channing Booker, a compulsive gambler, drug abuser, and philanderer whose marriage is failing, finally gets lucky and wins the Mega Millions lottery. Expecting an imminent divorce, and hoping to hide his new fortune from his wife Susan, Channing devises a scheme to have a friend claim the $241-million jackpot and secretly return the money to Channing after the divorce is final. But Susan flees with all of her possessions, including the rare book in which Channing hid the winning lottery ticket. With time running out before the lottery ticket expires, Channing launches a desperate search to find Susan, but she’s covered her tracks well, fearing his retribution. In need of money to fund her furtive new lifestyle, Susan begins selling off her worldly goods, including her rare books, unleashing a chain of events that puts not only her life in danger, but that of her new love as well…

Praise for The Ticket:
"Threaded within the plot twists are other stories of secondary characters, some hapless, some heroic, that in the end knit together to create a terrific, satisfying read." - Publisher's Weekly (Publishers Weekly, an independent organization, reviewed The Ticket in manuscript form prior to publication.)

"I know it is a reviewer's cliché, but The Ticket is a page turner. Once I began reading, I couldn't put it down until I learned the fate of 2, 6, 9, 17, 55, 12. Economists are not great forecasters, but I predict that readers of Shackelford's first novel will demand that he supply more titles in the future." Kenneth G. Elzinga: aka Marshall Jevons, author of the Henry Spearman mystery novels and Mystery Writers of America Edgar judge for the Best Mystery Novel of the Year

"The hunt for the lost lottery ticket is exciting, dangerous, and fun. Fred Shackelford juggles a cast of characters who are resourceful, driven, complex, potentially lethal, and always entertaining. The villain, Channing Booker - the name is a great pun -- is both amusing and frightening in his evil ways. The author works insights about the law into the quick moving plot, and he keeps readers tense about impending dangers. For fans of thrillers and of le-gal novels, Fred Shackelford artfully marries both genres in this superb début." John Jebb, author of True Crime: Virginia

"The Ticket takes you into the mind of a true sleazebag. Channing Booker wins a jackpot lottery ticket one day and loses it the next. This blunder sets off a captivating chase, keeping the reader guessing at every turn. Fred Shackelford, the author and a keen legal mind himself, weaves obstacles throughout, confronting his protagonist with colorful characters who thwart Channing's progress and confound his oily maneuvers. Channing is a jerk, no doubt; so why do we keep hoping he'll win? Maybe, we want a sequel! Beware! The cunning suspense herein will disrupt your sleep. A breathless read! Janet Martin, author of The Christmas Swap



Channing Booker’s hand trembled as he held the slip of paper. Bleary-eyed from a Friday night of drinking and revelry, he wasn’t sure if what he saw was real. In the darkness of his study, he stared at the Virginia Lottery’s website in the pale glow of a smartphone screen. Slowly he read the six winning Mega Millions numbers one more time. He had been playing the lottery for at least a decade but had little to show for it—until now.
Glancing back and forth between the winning numbers on his smartphone and a row of digits on the slip of paper, he confirmed that his ticket was a winner. Tonight’s projected jackpot was $239 million, but with a flurry of last-minute ticket buying it may have inched up another million or so.
Knowing he had beaten odds of 303 million to one, Channing hoped his luck would hold when the final results were announced. Surely no one deserved a windfall more than he did, and he pondered the injustice that would befall him if someone else held a lucky ticket. His elation began to ebb as he considered the possibility that he might have to share his jackpot with another player. It ebbed even further as he realized that his new fortune, in whatever amount, would have to be divided between him and the woman who was sleeping upstairs.
Channing began to contemplate the radical changes that his sudden stroke of luck would bring. He was al-most certain that Susan’s lawyer would be filing divorce papers soon, and until tonight he had dreaded the monetary implications of being single again. His few remaining assets would be snatched away by an irate wife, a greedy divorce lawyer, and a hostile judge. But they can only take what they can find.
He would wait until the divorce was final before cashing in the ticket, speeding the litigation along with magnanimous concessions and generous settlement offers. At least they would seem generous coming from a man whose apparent wealth had dwindled. Without children, there would be no protracted fight over custody or child support. He could wrap up the whole sorry process in a couple of months, grab his lottery winnings, reclaim his Mercedes, and retire with his favorite girlfriend to an is-land in the Caribbean.
As he leaned back on the couch, his pulse rate gradually returned to normal, and the shock of seeing the winning numbers on his ticket subsided. Minutes passed as he reveled in his vision of a carefree future. The house was silent, except for the gentle purr of Tony, the resident Siamese cat, who was curled up in a ball at the other end of the couch. Unfazed by the silent drama that was unfolding before him, Tony watched placidly as his master stared at the ceiling. A sliver of moonlight peeked through the curtains and cast faint shadows around the room. Channing set the winning ticket on the small mahogany table at the end of the couch and gazed at it for several minutes.
His thoughts turned to the practical implications of his plan. He knew that when he cashed in the lottery ticket his win would be a matter of public record. Virginia’s lottery rules required jackpot winners to appear at a press conference, shake hands with an official, and accept an oversized replica of a check. Although he had no expertise in family law, he suspected that Susan’s lawyer could reopen the divorce case and seize much of his new for-tune. His precarious legal position called for a more sophisticated plan to preserve the money until it could be secretly deposited in an offshore bank account.
He assumed that he could count on help from one of his drinking buddies, Sully Pendleton. A local attorney who practiced out of a small office downtown, Sully was Channing’s closest confidant. The two of them had collaborated on a commercial fraud case some years ago, and a friendship developed and grew over time. In addition to drinking and pursuing women, they shared an interest in professional football and often attended Carolina Panthers games together.
In fact, Channing was planning to leave with Sully the following Sunday morning to see the Panthers play the Falcons. On the way to the game he would ask Sully to safeguard the ticket until his divorce was final, and then wait a decent interval before cashing it in, as if Sully were the lucky winner. Sully could take a percentage off the top, plus enough to pay the taxes that would accrue, and then quietly wire the balance to an account that Channing would open at a bank in the Cayman Islands.
Channing hoped his friend would accept a share of eight to ten percent for his trouble, but if he wanted more, the additional expense would be worth it. A matter of this delicacy required the sensitivity and discretion that only Sully could bring to the task.

About the Author

Fred Shackelford is a Virginia attorney who lives on farmland that his great-great-grandfather purchased in 1817. Before writing his début novel The Ticket, he published Judges Say the Darndest Things, a collection of humorous excerpts from legal opinions. Fred is a graduate of the University of Virginia. (Go Wahoos!). In addition to winning honorable mention for the Eric Hoffer Award, The Ticket was a finalist for the National Indie Excellence Awards, a finalist for both the Clue Award and the Mystery & Mayhem Award from Chanticleer Book Reviews, and a quarterfinalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest.

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Book Blast Dog Town by Debbie Richardson

Dog Town
by Debbie Richardson 

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Debbie L. Richardson will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Harry loves to race around the streets of Dog Town. When he stumbles upon the lost city of cats, he finds himself in a race against Dog Town’s fastest canine, Grizzly.

The winner of this race will have the power to save Cat World, or destroy it.

Harry wants to win, but there is one small problem. The race is in the ocean, and Harry is terribly afraid of water.

Can Harry overcome his fear of the water and save Cat Town?

Read an Excerpt

HARRY snapped himself out of the trance.

“Run!” he yelled, and every dog did exactly that.

But they took off in a disorderly fashion, like a handful of wound-up toys had been released onto a slippery surface.

Kevin started running first, but he became caught up in chasing his tail. He twirled and twirled, creating a mini tornado.

Teena barked so violently she propelled herself backwards. She only managed to stop when she bumped up against a six-foot-high stack of hubcaps. The metal discs came hurtling toward the dogs at an alarming speed.

Harry saw Teena jump out of the way. Then she reached for Pablo’s collar. She tugged and tugged, but her brother’s feet might as well have been concreted to the ground.

“Pablo!” Harry urged. He cried out again, more urgently this time. “Pablo! Run!”

Pablo stared at the big dogs as though he was hypnotised.

“Pablo!” Teena cried, pulling harder on his collar.

By now, Kevin’s mini tornado had taken on a life of its own. Wispy tendrils clutched madly at anything in reach, but they grasped only air. Seemingly angered by this, the vortex pulled itself into the shape of a bowling ball and made a beeline for Pablo and Teena.

About the Author:
Debbie L. Richardson has published fiction novels as D L Richardson. She has published three young adults supernatural fiction novels, and science fiction and supernatural thrillers for adults. This is her first children’s book.

She was born in Dublin, Ireland and grew up in Australia. It was always crowded and noisy in the family home. At one stage there were also three dogs, a cat, a budgie, and three mice living with seven people the same house.

Debbie learned to find a quiet space within books.

She now lives in the south coast of New South Wales with her husband and a small dog named Teeka.

Facebook page:



Barnes and Noble:



Debbie Richardson will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow the tour and comment; the more they comment, the better their chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:

Fay's Wish by Dee Carver

Fay's Wish 
by Dee Carver 
Genre: Paranormal Romance 

Shayla, Princess of the Fay, must begin the journey to discover her true power by leaving the island. If she's successful, she will become queen. Her plight won't be an easy one, for there are those who would use Shayla as a means to solidify their own position of power. 

Kyle, Shayla's guide in the human world, is destined to bring hope to the Fay even though his own future seems bleak. With Kyle by her side, miracles can happen, offering the promise of the return of the magic. 

Once that happens, nothing is impossible. 

My name is Dee, I am a mother of 5 amazing children and grandmother of 4 beautiful babies. I began my writing career in 2004 because of a dream about a dress. 

My First Novel, La Roe’s was published in 2005 and nominated for the Golden Rose Awards the following year. It has been re-released and is available on Amazon and multiple platforms via Books2Read

My Second Novel, Fay’s Wish was published in 2006 and re-released December 2019 and is available at Amazon and multiple platforms via Books2Read

Both La Roe's and Fay's Wish would not have been re-released except for the amazing editing help from Cindy, Personalized Marketing Inc manager. 

My 3rd Novel Chocolate Seduction of the Cursed Seduction Series is currently being revised for future publication. 

I have also Ghost Written 2 additional books, and written hundreds of articles. 

I enjoy spending time with my children, being a grandmother, sitting down to a good book, and learning more about the career that has changed my life. I have been working online since 2005, beginning my journey as an Author, then a Reviewer, Freelance Publicist, and then found a love for websites, coding, most recently WordPress. While here be sure to check out some of the Videos made by me. Take a look at some the Links I have Collected. 

I am also the Owner and CEO of Personalized Marketing Inc. 

If you are looking for Personalized Marketing Inc click here

Education: University of Phoenix 

2017 – B.S.A.I.T. with Advanced Software Development Certification 

2020 – M.B.A. with a Concentration in Marketing Certificate 

eBook Copy of Fay's Wish & La Roe's Curse 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Excerpt Tour Shakespeare Burning by Charisse Moritz

Shakespeare Burning
by Charisse Moritz


GENRE: YA Romance, (mature)



He’s the boy who wants to disappear.

One mistake and seventeen-year-old Shake LeCasse lost everything. Now there’s no going back and no way to move forward. The once-popular Varsity hockey captain is living in the basement of a grandmother he barely knows, ditching school, avoiding friends and working hard on self-destruction.

She’s the girl nobody sees.

Cleo Lee survives however she can. Lie, cheat, steal, whatever it takes, and saving Mr. Popular isn’t part of the plan. Telling him the truth about the night that destroyed his life is downright dangerous. She needs to keep quiet, be smart and let the guy she’s been half in love with since middle school throw away a future she’d do anything to have. Too bad she sucks at playing it safe.


EXCERPTS (Exclusive Excerpt):

This kiss is like no other:

His eyes zero in as he prowls toward me. I’m still not used to it. The sight, sound and smell of Shakespeare LeCasse makes me feel like a tourist in Rome. He’s so beautiful, he’s overwhelming. I keep expecting someone to warn me not to touch. There should be velvet ropes around him and signs forbidding flash photography.

I almost back away. Almost. He bends down, takes my hands and links them around his neck, where my fingertips tangle in hair so unbelievably soft, it’s like petting a bunny. Then he grabs me by the hips. As he picks me up, my legs wrap around his waist and my chest crushes to his. He is a slab of granite. His head tilts, dark lashes resting against his cheeks, lips parting and … hello … Shake is kissing me, really and thoroughly kissing me. This is insane. Unbelievable. Amazing.

This kiss is like no other. We’re creating something brand new and just ours. Like a snowflake, maybe millions of them all swirling so gently. It’s magical. Then his tongue sweeps in, leads mine in a slow dance, and we escalate into a frenzy of want.

There’s no thought of coming up for air. His hands find my ass and squeeze. My fingers dig into his curls and give them a tug. A rumbly growl spills from his mouth into mine, shoots a tingle through my veins and my thighs cinch him tighter. I could kiss this boy for hours and never get enough. I might spontaneously combust, but I swear my panties are wet enough to put out the flames.

I’m nipping at his lips, his jaw, kissing every square inch I can reach when Shake abruptly sets me down and steps back. I start to move in, but he holds me in place with hands at my hips. Maybe he doesn’t want me? Maybe I have bad breath, suck at kissing, or he’s done the math, and my four measly letters just aren’t enough. But no, he’s got a whole Big Bad Wolf thing going on, huffing, puffing and looking hungry. His eyes are eating me up. For once, I know what he’s thinking. I’m thinking it too. When he licks his bottom lip, my knees turn to pudding.

I wanna take my time with you,” he says, and I’m convinced this boy is a genius. He has the best ideas. I am totally on board and would love to hear the details of this plan.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Emily Award Finalist and Melody Of Love Award Finalist, Charisse M Moritz divides her life between upstate NY and northern Florida. When not barricaded inside her writing cave or enjoying every possible minute with her husband and three kids, you’ll find her listening to 60’s music, singing offkey and looking for new reads.



Charisse Moritz will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Don't Mess With This Witch by Liz Lorow

Don't Mess With This Witch 
by Liz Lorow 
Genre: YA Fantasy 

Genevieve Howe is a 16 year-old witch incarcerated in a magical juvenile detention center. She’s not a bad kid, she’s just a really lousy witch. Sometimes her random thoughts unintentionally turn into actual spells, causing all kinds of trouble. 

Now the administration needs Genevieve’s help to find a student/inmate who escaped. Why her? Because there’s something ‘wrong’ with Genevieve, and she seems to be able to do what others can’t. 

If she can find Logan, will she turn him in, join him on the run, or find some other way to help without violating the code of honor among magical misfits? 

A comedic fantasy romp about incarcerated teen witches, the one that got away, and the one sent to find him. 

Elisabeth grew up in Massachusetts and spent most of her life in the Boston area. She went to art school and nursing school, then eventually after taking a few more courses convinced the University of New Hampshire to give her a degree in behavioral science. As a psych nurse for several years, she believes in the healing powers of laughter and love. 

She recently made her longtime dream come true, living in Coastal Florida with her amazing superhero husband and their two lovable cats. If you haven’t heard from her for a while, she’s probably sitting on her balcony, mesmerized by the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. 

$10 Amazon gift cards – 4 winners 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Healing Hearts by C.B. Clark

C.B. Clark
Western Romantic Suspense 

from loss and heartbreak, Stella King is desperate to escape painful
memories. The position of nanny on an isolated ranch in British
Columbia's rugged Chilcotin Plateau seems the answer to her

rancher, Dawson Wheeler, has worked hard to overcome grief and build
a predictable world for his young daughter. The last thing he needs
is the all-too-attractive Stella disrupting the smooth running of his
ranch, especially now that disturbing incidents are happening on his

his land against those who want to gut it will be a challenge, but
the biggest threat of all may be to his heart.

author, C.B. Clark has written six romantic suspense novels published
by The Wild Rose Press. C.B. has always loved reading, especially
romances, but it wasn’t until she lost her voice for a year that
she considered writing her own romantic suspense stories. She grew up
in Canada’s Northwest Territories and Yukon. Graduating with a
degree in Anthropology and Archaeology, she has worked as an
archaeologist and an educator. She enjoys hiking, canoeing, and
snowshoeing with her husband and dog near her home in the wilderness
of central British Columbia.

the tour HERE
for special content and a giveaway!

One Wild Weekend With Connor by Lexi Hart

One Wild Weekend with Connor 
One Wild Weekend With Connor Book 1 
by Lexi Hart 
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense 

Her dirty little secret is about to make headlines..... 

When a ruggedly handsome ex-con arrives bleeding on her doorstep, Evelyn is too busy saving his life to consider why he was out during a storm. 

Alone, and trapped inside her cozy beach house with no way to call for help, Evelyn is forced to confront more than her growing attraction to the dangerously sexy Connor. 

When the storm clears and Connor leaves after an incredible weekend, Evelyn tries to forget the man she can't have again. 

But forgetting is impossible when Connor is accused of a crime only she can prove he didn't commit. 

If you love Alpha Male Protectors, Opposites Attract, Accidental Romance and Steamy Action Adventure stories with a HEA...The One Wild Weekend Series was written for you! 

If you're looking for the next Christian Grey you WILL NOT find him here. You WILL find hot men who know how to protect and please, smart woman, and unpredictable plot twists in a standalone. 

Warning: R-18 for language, content and scenes that WILL keep you up nights and MAY cause you to spontaneously combust... 

Lexi Hart is the alter ego of an otherwise boring housewife who writes standalone unconventional contemporary romance stories in her downtime.

When she's not fulfilling all her wild fantasies writing romance, she's living them at home with a hot dude, who just happens to also be a kick-ass dad and husband.

If you love Alpha Male Protectors, Opposites Attract, Accidental Romance and Steamy Action Adventure stories with a HEA...The One Wild Weekend Series was written for you!

If you're looking for the next Christian Grey you WILL NOT find him in Lexi's books.

You WILL find hot men who know how to protect and please, smart women, and unpredictable plot twists in each standalone.
Warning: Lexi writes R-18 rated romance for language, content and scenes that WILL keep you up nights and MAY cause you to spontaneously combust... 

$50 Amazon Gift Card 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!