
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Stirrings in the Black House By: Ambrose Ibsen

I love Ambrose Ibsen's book and this one is no different. He spins a super creepy story in Stirrings of a Black House, just as he has done with all of his other books I have read/listened to. Joe Hempel narrates this book and does an awesome job with all the characters and heightens the creep factor.

In this book Emil inherits his Uncle's house. Not sure why since they were never close Emil heads for the house to start a new life. he gets way more then he bargains for at Weatherby House. Not only is it creepy it is set out of the center of town and also the townspeople tend to stay clear of the house and the legend of what happened there at one time.

After a while Emil stats to wonder if he is going crazy with the piano music and other noises at night, and lets not forget the apparitions he sees.

Emil stats to research the house and the legends involved. He gets more then he bargains for in the end.

I received this book from the Author or Publisher to read and review. The gifting of this book did not affect my opinion of it.

The Dan Diaries by D.D. Marx

Book Details:

Book Title: The Dan Diaries by D.D. Marx (The Beyond Series Book #4)

Category: Adult Fiction; 200 pages

Genre: Chick-Lit

Publisher: Beyond Dreams Publishing

Release date: April 6, 2018

Tour dates: May 14 to June 8, 2018

Content Rating: PG-13 (minimal swearing)

Book Description:

Dan Sullivan was the best friend of Olivia Henry when his life was taken in a tragic car accident. Shocked to be on the other side, Dan navigates his way by learning his new role in eternal life. His first assignment is as Olivia’s guardian angel. He has the crucial role of guiding her to her pre-defined destiny. Dan’s death throws Olivia into a tail-spin which causes her to veer way off course. He understands the enormity of the challenge when he hears the mechanism by which he can communicate. He’s only allowed to use signs and symbols to get her attention and cannot interfere with her free-will.

Every time he thinks he’s close, something throws her off track. He’s forced to start over by convincing her to trust in their enduring, unbreakable bond. Olivia can feel Dan’s presence but is still reluctant to believe the messages he’s sending. She is fearful of falling in love again at the risk of losing another soulmate. Can Dan persuade her to trust in his love from afar so she can finally receive the happiness she truly deserves?

Buy the Book:

Meet the Author:

D.D. Marx is a contemporary romantic fiction writer and blogger. Marx is a graduate of the University of Dayton, as well as the Second City program in Chicago, where she currently resides. A proud aunt and self-described hopeless romantic, Marx has always had a knack for humorous and engaging storytelling. Her pen name is a dedication to her beloved friend Dan, who continues to guide and inspire her in her daily life.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Pinterest

Interview with D.D. Marx  
Where do you write?
I felt like goldilocks writing this series. I couldn’t find my perfect spot to be in the zone. I didn’t like to sit at my desk because I work from home and it killed my creativity. Coffee shops are too distracting. I have a big fluffy chair in my room, but it didn’t have any support, so it would hurt my back. Then, finally, with The Dan Diaries, I rented a space at a co-working location called “The Workplace” and it provided the perfect amount of inspiration and comfort.
In today’s tech savvy world most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper?
I do not write on paper, but I do keep notes on my phone.  Creativity comes in spurts and at random times, so I need a way to capture it in the moment. I might see something or overhear something that gives me an idea for dialogue or a scene.  When I am ready to sit down and write, those notes get translated into an outline.
Favorite travel spot?
I love to travel but also enjoy switching it up. This way I can experience new places and embark on different adventures.  If I were forced to choose a spot, it would be anywhere tropical with sand, sun, beach and an ice-cold cocktail in my hand.
Favorite dessert?
I am not a huge dessert person. I am the ‘bring me more bread’ or ‘keep the chips and salsa coming’ kind of girl so I am usually way too full by the time I get to dessert.  If pressed, I would enjoy a few bites of key lime pie or a molten chocolate cake.
What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you?

I’m blessed with so many people in my life that make me laugh. I was out with a cute boy, for the very first time, and I wasn’t twenty steps out of the car and didn’t see the step up into the restaurant and fell flat on my face. I mean, I didn’t brace myself, just dead weight falling to the ground at warp speed.  It broke the ice and we had a belly laugh. Before I got up he was convinced I lost my two front teeth but survived without a scratch. I may not be made of class but I recover well.
Enter the Giveaway!
Ends June 16, 2016

1st Prize: Win the complete Beyond series (4 ebooks total / open int'l / 2 winners)

2nd Prize: Win the complete Beyond series (4 paperback books total) and a Shine Bright Journal (open to USA only / 1 winner)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Bridge of the Gods A Generation Son Chronicle by C.J. Rose

of the Gods
Generation Son Chronicle
C.J. Rose

McAlester is a teenage boy living in San Diego, California. His
father died when he was a child. Leaving him to become man of the
house, living with his mother and younger sister. On his 18th
birthday he discovers a power that has been held dormant until now.
He is unsure what to do with it in the absence of this father’s
guidance. His best friend Gwen, who claims to be oblivious, knows
more than she is telling. Can Luther figure out how to use his power
and help the Gods like they ask with just the help of his best
friend? Or will the lack of guidance from his father prove to be more
than young Luthor can handle?


Has he taught you nothing?” she asks. 
I can’t answer her, not out of fear, but out of awe. For someone so small, she held herself with strength. 
Are you hard of hearing as well?” she asks. 
I still cannot answer her. There is no wind, but her chestnut brown hair floats in the air. Her eyes match the color of her hair, and her lips the shade of a red rose. She comes just under my chin and wore a simple cream dress with a gold ribbon sash. 
Turn.” She says. 
As I turn she steps up to the pit and slowly raises her hands. As she does, the flames grow just enough to light the area around us. With a slight childish giggle, she is gone. 
Quite fascinating for someone so small is she not?” He asks. 
Aphrodite just gives a snuff of her nose in a sound of disagreement. 
Who is that?” I ask. 
You, my dear, have just met Hestia.” Aphrodite proclaims. “She can be such a show off sometimes.” 

Generation Son Chronicles Official Companion Cookbook

your taste buds come along on a ride through some of the most classic
to the old world recipes. These recipes follow the character of the
Generation Son Chronicles series as well as some of the favorites
from the people involved with the books.


Mr. Zephyr’s Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 (15 ounce) can garbanzo beans (drained)
1/3 cup tahini
½ cup roasted red peppers (diced)
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
In a food processor, combine garlic, garbanzo beans, tahini, and lemon juice. Blend until mixture is smooth. Add roasted peppers and basil; process until the peppers are finely chopped, and mixture looks even in color. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer hummus to small bowl, cover and chill until you are ready to serve. Upon serving, add extra peppers to the center.

J. Rose lives in Central Illinois. Originally from just south of
Chicago, Rose is not married and has no children. The passion for
writing took root in high school where she began writing song lyrics
and poetry. On top of literature, Rose has a keen love for all things
nerdy and sci-fi. On a quiet night, you can find her curled up with
an episode or Doctor Who, Arrow, Firefly, and more. C. J. also
belongs to a theatre organization located in her town. The devotion
to musicals and theatre has led her to be a part of over 10 shows as
an actress, and over 20 as a staff person. Lastly, because she wasn't
busy enough, C. J. has her own bow company where she sells hair bows,
bowties, scarves, lip balms, key fobs and more.

When it comes
to her writing, it was an itch that needed to be scratched. While
working on a cookbook, and reading her typical fantasy fiction novel,
the idea came to her. She took the love of all the books she has read
and turned then into a novel of her own. Published by Burning Horse
Media in 2014, Generation Son: Bridge of the Gods was born. Selling
over 100 copies in the first month. In 2015, Rose finished penning
the second novel in the series; To Rescue a King. Being new to the
game, Rose has struggled to do most of it on her own. One thing she
vows, is to never give up.

The focus of the novel series is to
not only bring her fantasy and ideas to life, but take those stories
and make them a fun learning experience for the younger generation.

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


Month Games

Hunt- Game starts May 1
st and
the deadline is May 5
th at
midnight. The first one to email all the correct items
to will
win the first surprise.
the following famous authors and the last book published before death
(Show your source. Wikipedia does not count)
·         Louisa
May Alcott
·         James
Fenimore Cooper
·         Charles
·         Nathaniel
·         Washington
·         Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow
·         Sir
Walter Scott
·         William
·         Robert
Louis Stevenson
·         Alfred,
Lord Tennyson
·         Mark
·         John
Greenleaf Whittier

Word Challenge- Game starts 
6th and the deadline is May 12th 
at midnight.
The first one to email all the correct items
to will
win the next surprise.
the digital copy of Book 1-Bridge of the Gods on
Amazon. (You
must send a screen shot of your receipt) Tell me what page the phrase
“Quite fascinating for someone so small is she not?”

Hunt- You must take a screenshot of each item and send in together.
Game starts 
13th and the deadline is May 19th 
at midnight.
The first one to email all the correct items
to will
win the next surprise.
to my blog. -Find
the Easter Special Edition Author of the Month.
up for the newsletter. Tell me what the recipe is for the May
the Facebook page. -Find
the picture of the three Goddesses of Springtime Growth.
me on Twitter. 
@generationson - Tell
me what event I was at on April 21
st 2018.
me on Instagram. Find the picture of 2 little girls holding book

Recipe Challenge- Game starts May 20th and the deadline
is May 26th at midnight. The first one to email all the correct
items to will
win their recipe in the cookbook’s next edition.
the Ultimate Companion Cookbook (digital) on
Amazon. (You
must send a screen shot of your receipt) Tell me what page the recipe
for Hestia’s Fire Pit Stew is on, then send me your favorite

Redeeming the Pirate A Pirates and Petticoats Novel by Chloe Flowers

the Pirate
Pirates and Petticoats Novel
Chloe Flowers

Action & Adventure Historical Romance


steals for the French crown.She heals for the Catholic church

will heal her heart.She will steal his.

Privateer, Captain
given one final mission from his employer, the king of France:
reclaim religious relics from a New Orleans cathedral and bring them
back. Trouble begins when he's forced by a mysterious, veiled,
novitiate nun to swear on the Bible to protect the very items he was
instructed to steal.
60 British warships have amassed in Negril Bay, Jamaica, preparing to
attack New Orleans. He must retrieve the sacred relics before the
British arrive and seize the city.
nun and healer, 
secrets, and hides more than her face behind the veil. The convent
has been her safe haven since she crawled, beaten and bloody, to its
door nine years ago. When an old enemy re-surfaces and threatens to
drag her back into the dark underworld from where she’d escaped,
both she and her dark pirate captain stand to lose everything they’ve
fought so hard to protect...including each other.
commit treason or betray the woman he secretly loves. Betraying one
sends him to the guillotine, the other straight to hell.
series is about spirited, independent women and rakish bad boy
pirates, wrapped up in women's action and adventure sea stories. If
you enjoy romantic action and adventure, action and action and
adventure romance fiction, historical romance or women's fiction,
you'll love the Pirates & Petticoats series.


Excerpt 2:
As if his thoughts connected with hers, he lifted her in his arms and gently placed her on the bed. He knelt and removed her boots while her heart hammered an uneven staccato in her chest. 
He caught her gaze again and she marveled at the way it turned molten, then flashed with heat when she didn’t stop him or object. Her mouth went dry and she licked her lips. His nostrils flared as his eyes dipped to follow her tongue before flicking back to hers. He attracted her to him with an invisible magnetism and before she could register what she was doing, her mouth covered his and her fingers wove around his neck.
He answered back with such savage tenderness the center of her belly coiled tightly, spreading warmth everywhere and sending a pool of moisture surging along with it. She sat on the edge of the bed. He still knelt between her thighs, one hand twisted in her hair, the other splayed across her back, covering half of it. She pushed his coat from his shoulders, her fingers craving skin. He dragged his lips down her neck creating a searing path of fire, pausing to lick her beating pulse. She lost all sense of space and motion, overcome by swirling sensations darting around her throat and tingling her spine.
“I can’t believe I finally have you,” he rasped, sending heated words over her skin. “You are everything to me, Eva. The sun, the wind, the earth and the sea.” He shrugged out of the coat and pulled his shirt over his head.
Mesmerized by the dark, chiseled chest with its light coating of hair she reached out and touched him. Crisp curls, not coarse. Drago sucked in a sharp breath then stopped breathing as she lightly swept the pads of her fingers across his fiery skin and over his nipple then down the ridges of his ribs. Exploring. Hard steel coated with hot velvet. He was warm and smooth and smelled like sun-warmed sand and leather. Just the contact with his hard chest and muscular arms had her longing for Drago in places he’d never seen, but at the same time, the unknown made her mouth dry and her pulse erratic.
“Eva.” He whispered her name like it tortured his lips. Sword-roughened palms skimmed over her knees, taking her tunic and robes with them and her breath caught in her lungs. As his hands moved upward, he made small circles with his thumbs on the tender skin of her thighs. Fear and desire spun together. She forgot to breathe.
Things pulsed inside her and the coil in her center twisted with need. “Drago, please…” Words were useless. The ones she needed didn’t even exist. There was no way to tell him what she wanted; she had no idea.
He pulled her to her feet and took off her robes, releasing her gaze only when her garments pooled on the floor. His perusal took in every inch of skin and as they moved with the speed of sun-warmed honey from her face down to her toes and excruciatingly slowly back up again. Every hair on her body seemed to vibrate.
He reached out and settled a hand on her ribs before sliding it up to the underside of her breast. “So beautiful,” he whispered.

Author~ Chloe Flowers writes historical women’s action and
adventure romance novels about scoundrels, pirates, and spunky,
independent heroines. She likes to challenge her characters by
tossing them the middle of actual historical events, or with real
historical characters. 

is a member of the Romance Writers of America, Northeast Ohio Romance
Writers and The Beau Monde Romance Writers group, where she serves as
secretary. In 2011, she formed the Sunshine Critique Group so that
she and other aspiring authors could motivate and challenge each
other to become better writers. Six members have been published. She
has given workshops and presentations on creating a critique group,
how to provide effective critiques, story structure, and
self-publishing lessons to writers groups, library patrons and
children. In 2014, she started her own small publishing company,
Flowers & Fullerton. Currently, she’s the publisher of record
for authors Sheridan Jeane, H.O. Knight as well as herself.

it’s dancing naked in a downpour at 3AM, zip-lining in a
rainforest, or racing ponies, Chloe’s always looking for the next
adventure. Her pets have always been named after favorite characters
or action heroes: Indiana, Luke, Gimli, Thelma, Rocket, Forrest, Al
Giordino, Severus, Mushu, Mérida, Gibbs, Jack…Dead Pool (he’s a

biggest fault is her apparent inability to say “no” whether it’s
in response to a call for aid or a double-dog-dare to hike home
through 30 acres of a snow-covered forest at midnight…during a full
moon. It was early morning during said adventure when she came upon a
group of sheriff’s deputies searching for a lost girl. So, of
course she offered to help. Turns out, they were searching for

addition to her addiction to adrenaline, she has a weakness for good
red wine, dark chocolate and brown-eyed guys with beards, which is
probably why she digs pirates and treasure hunters and writes about
action and adventure, pirates and romance (which is the greatest
adventure of all).

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Dating Rules by Keeley Holmes blitz

Dating Rules
Keeley Holmes
Publication date: May 29th 2018
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance
Losing control is not an option for Izzy Shaw, something past experience has taught her. When you’re not in control, bad things happen. So when Parker Cole comes bustling into her life with his carefree manner, no full time job and his terrible Hawaiian shirts, she knows she should stay away.
For Parker, seeing Izzy at Penelope’s wedding stirred something in him. Izzy intrigues him. She’s attracted to him but she holds back and she doesn’t realise he sees this as a challenge. Usually when he wants something, he goes for it.
For Izzy, being attracted to a man and allowing herself to act upon it is defined by her rules. She lives by her rules, they protect her…

Parker is a rule breaker.
Over the course of 10 dates Parker has to persuade Izzy that he’s worth the risk, he has to persuade her that sometimes life doesn’t have to be all about rules, sometimes you have to walk on the edge to really appreciate living…
He will prove this to her, one date at a time.

Author Bio:
I've loved reading and writing since before I can remember. It's always been a passion of mine to write for people and for them to enjoy my work.

I'm currently writing my way through an adult series and thinking about what I can do for the Young Adult/New Adult scene. There's always ideas floating around in my head.

When I'm not writing I'm reading or watching films and enjoying time with my boyfriend, little dog and family.


More From Life by SJ Crabb

More From Life

by SJ Crabb
Publication Date: May 28, 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romantic Comedy
Romance, humour and not just one happy-ever-after. A deliciously romantic and giggling read about love, loss and starting again by the Amazon Top 100 best-selling Author S J Crabb

My Kids live in Cyber Space and my mother lives in Cloud Cuckoo land. Me – I live in denial.
Somehow, I’ve got to the stage in life where my teenagers obviously hate me, my mother abandons me for exciting adventures and my ex-husband is getting re-married.
I am left gazing lustfully at just about any fit guy in an HRT induced belief that they would be attracted to me.
Is this really what I’ve become?
Have I reached the point in life where I should give up and accept my fate?
The trouble is, I always wanted more from life and now it appears to be on fast-forward.
So, it’s decision time. Do I just accept my lot with resignation and gratitude? Or do I take control and embrace the unknown?
What would you do?

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Follow Amanda’s path to re-discover the girl she once was before the woman she became took over.

About SJ Crabb

S J Crabb lives in the UK in Surrey and when she is not writing she likes to walk her dog and dream about playing guitar in a rock band. All of her books are Romantic Novels but switch between different genres depending on what is in her head at the time. From coming of age to comedy or suspense you should find something to suit your taste.

If You Say So by AR Myles

Title: If You Say So: A Novel
Author: A.R. Myles
Genre: NA Romance
Release Date: May 29, 2018

Sometimes life is a dream you don’t want to wake up from . . .

The night Alison Lockhart walks in to Undisputed, she only wants to have a drink, celebrate a friend’s birthday, and forget about the newest guy her mother tried to set her up with. It's why, when the infamous Jay “The Hurricane” Hamilton—one of the highest-ranking boxers at The Underground—labels her a ring rat, she writes him off as just another guy with an over-inflated ego.

Only she can’t stop thinking about him.

Or his steel-blue eyes.

Or the apology on his perfect lips. 

Their fall is fast and hard, but when Alison’s ex shows up and Jay starts keeping secrets, will they be able to find their way out of the nightmare?

I kept repeating it over and over in my head as I put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot. The whole way home, I constantly looked over my shoulder and in the mirror to make sure no one was following me. The drive was normally only fifteen minutes, but this one felt like an eternity since every set of the lights I came to turned red.
You’re okay.
I finally pulled up behind Undisputed and parked in my usual spot. Leaving my things on the front seat, I climbed out and made my way to the back door, my legs feeling unsteady with every step I took.
I yanked the door open and relief washed over me as I stumbled inside and bumped into an extra table Jay kept in back. The whole thing rocked, and the tray of glasses on top of it slid to the floor.
“What the hell,” Kelsey said, coming through the door, stopping when she saw me standing in a sea of broken glass. “Ali? What’s—are you okay?”
The moment she said my name, everything came undone, whatever energy or adrenaline I had used to get home was no longer with me. My legs shook, and as I began to collapse, she hurried to my side and caught me. “Jay!” she shouted. “Jay, get back here, now!”
A few seconds passed before he pushed through the door. “What is it now, Kel—Ali?” he said, rushing forward and taking me into his arms. “What the hell happened?”
I buried my face against his chest and curled my hand around his shirt, the tears flowing as a small sob rocked my body. I never felt safer than I did when his arms were tightly wrapped around me. I never wanted him to let me go.
“What happened?”
“No idea. I heard a crash, came back to see what happened, and found her. She just collapsed,” Kelsey said, taking a step back.
He smoothed his hand over my head, and when he spoke, his voice was soft. “Baby, what’s going on? What happened?”
The door swung open as Hollie and Vince entered, their eyes landing on Jay and me and then all the glass on the floor. “Lockhart, don’t cry, it’s just a little bit of glass,” Vince said with a laugh, but it quickly faded as he held his hands up. “Whoa, tough crowd.”

Hollie elbowed him in the ribs and looked at me. The worry was clear in her eyes. “Ali, what happened?”

The author of the Breathe Again and Blinded by Love series, both written under the pseudonym, Emma Grayson. If You Say So is my debut novel under A.R. Myles and my first standalone novel. I’m currently working on a few new novels as well as a new series, which is focused on single moms who are trying to make it in the dating world after being wronged by their loser exs.

Born and raised on the outskirts of Edmonton, Alberta, I reside in a small town with my family, my eleven-year-old son, and six cats. I love my romance with a twist of suspense, and when I’m not writing or reading or coming up with new plots, I spend most of my time binging all the shows on Netflix and drinking Starbucks coffee with my mom and best friends.