
Friday, September 25, 2015

Mosquito Repellent Spray - All Organic Insect Deterrent by Gardencense

I am extremely happy with this bug repellent. Not only is it all natural but it works!! I live in Florida and there are tons of bugs and most of them bite. We don't go outside without using something to repel the bugs. Our mosquito's have daggers, they can bit through denim. Mosquito's as well as other bugs usually leave a very itchy bite which can become infected from scratching. The kids seem to be magnets every time they play outside. I do not like using chemicals on them. So I am always looking for natural, but a lot of the time natural doesn't seem to work as well. This is full of citronella and bugs hate that. You can really smell the citronella in this spray. I personally like the smell of it. The ingredients are: Soy Bean Oil, Citronella Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Cedar Oil, Water. So this is not unscented b no means but it is not offensive like the store brands with deet. And did I mention IT WORKS!!!

I received this product for free or  at a discounted price in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Amazing Sea Life: Adult Coloring Book by Tali Carmi

This book is amazing. While on the phone I have always been a doodler. I scribble all over what ever is laying there.  Now I can color these amazing sea life pictures. I love "adult" coloring books. This one you can copy and print the pictures so you never run out. The pictures are large enough to where I personally cannot finish one in one setting. I love this book. The pictures are all sea life. Each page even give you a little tidbit about the sea creature in the picture.

 I received this product for free or  at a discounted price in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Garden Lights - 8-pack Solar Path Lights by Ohuhu Direct

This set of path lights is just great. I have them placed down the walkway from my gate to my porch. They light my way very well. I love that there are 8 in the set. They are solar so no batteries required. There is a off and on switch under the lamp shade. Some of us didn't start off by reading directions at first and when nothing lit up on night 1 i thought maybe they weren't in the sun long enough, but then night 2 they didn't light either. At first I thought "junk" then I thought out of 8 lights at least some of them should light. So O quit being male and tead the directions and am so glad I did. These are very stylish and bright and I love being able to see at night if I have to go somewhere or have been somewhere.

 I received this product for free or  at a discounted price in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Coolife Kitchen Shears, Multifunction Stainless Steel Kitchen Scissors

I love these scissors. I tossed my old pair of kitchen shears as soon as these arrived. These are heavy duty, very sharp, and i love the magnetic case they come in. These scissors are also like a multitool. They have screwdrivers and more built right in. I am a from scratch cook and my kitchen shears are a very important part of my meal prep. I wish I had found these sooner.

I received this product for free or  at a discounted price in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Apple Slicer / Corer / Cutter by Fast and Swift

This apple slicer corer set is great. Now that fall is here and the baking season has begun i will be using this a lot. My favorite pie is apple pie. I love apple cake. I love fried apples. The little ones just love raw apples. And all of these ways of using apple's require a lot of work without a coring and cutting set. This one will get tons of use year round but definitely in the fall. The blades are very sharp so I don't really have to struggle to get the apples cored or cut. Just wish they peeled as easy.

 I received this product for free or  at a discounted price in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Shoe Deodorizer and Foot Deodorant Spray - Maximize Odor by Gardencense

I don't personally have stinky feet. It doesn't run anyone out of the room when the shoes come off. But all shoes need to freshened and actually sanitized. Think about it, your feet for the most part are encased in leather or plastic for at least 8 hours a day while at work or school. Then many people keep shoes on when they get home, if you do take them off, when you go out again whether it just be in the yard or shopping or whatever the shows go back on. Now think about this, you wear your clothes about as long as you wear your shoes in a days time, I change my clothes and shoes when I come home from work. Now when I take my clothes off they go in the clothes hamper to be washed, my shoes go on the shoe rack to wear tomorrow. How often do you wash your shoes? I'll admit mine do not get washed that often. So to me shoes are a nasty pit of bacteria, dirt, and germs. Think about where you put your shoes all day. I could go into some really nasty stuff I bet everyone steps in everyday but I wont.
 This foot spray is made of all natural essential oils and did you know:
"According to Shirley Price in "The Aromatherapy Workbook," all essential oils contain antiseptic properties and the majority of essential oils are also bactericidal. According to Patricia Davis in "Aromatherapy: An A-Z," the majority of essential oils are capable of killing bacteria or inhibiting growth of bacteria. Most essential oils, therefore, are suitable for sanitizing and disinfecting around the home."
So how can you go wrong.
Think about it!!!

I received this product for free or  at a discounted price in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

S6 Case, Wisdompro 3 in 1 Heavy Duty Hard case

Very sturdy case. My husband is using this at work and hasn't had a problem yet with it. It is a case, a clip on, and a stand. Plus it came with a cleaning cloth, screen protector, and a stylus. This is pretty much everything you need to protect your investment.The part that hugs your phone is a soft silicone material, it holds firmly but yet gently and will not mar your phone in any way.  The stylus is one of the 4 1/2 inch ink pen looking stylus with a shirt clip. The screen protector is the thin plastic coating, it goes on very easily and removes very easily when and if you want to remove it. There is a wire stand that folds up to turn the belt clip into a stand.

I received this product for free or  at a discounted price in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.