
Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Ghost in the Gardens (A Flower Girl Mystery) by HL Carpenter.

Mirror World Publishing presents the cover reveal for The Ghost in the Gardens (A Flower Girl Mystery) by HL Carpenter.

About The Ghost in the Gardens:

Until the first spooky visit, ten year old Chrysantha Howe doesn't think about ghosts. She thinks about plants.




She has her future planned out, and that future includes plants. Chrys is going to be a plant scientist like her uncle and her favorite teacher, and she's determined to find the very rare Coralroot orchid.

The ghost is not in the plan.

But when her teacher disappears and the police suspect her uncle was involved, Chrys has to figure out what the ghost is trying to tell her—before it's too late.

Book Details:

Genre: Middle Grade Paranormal Mystery
Page Count: 152 pages
Publisher: Mirror World Publishing (

Pre-Order Links:

Mirror World Publishing

Meet the Author:

Florida-based mother/daughter author duo HL Carpenter writes family-friendly fiction. The Carpenters write from their studios in Carpenter Country, a magical place that, like their stories, is unreal but not untrue. When they’re not writing, the Carpenters enjoy exploring the Land of What-If and practicing the fine art of Curiosity. Visit to enjoy gift reads and excerpts and to find out what’s happening in Carpenter Country.

Connect with HL Carpenter:

The Bombshell Effect by Karla Sorensen

Title: The Bombshell Effect
Author: Karla Sorensen
Genre: Sports Romantic Comedy
Release Date: June 14, 2018
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber

Allie Sutton just got a new job. 

Not one she wants, and definitely not one she's prepared for. She hadn't seen her dad in years, so the last thing she expects upon his sudden death is to inherit the thing he loved more than anything (or anyone) ... the professional football team he owned for the last twenty years. 

Luke Pierson does not want a new boss. 

What he wants is to be a good father to his daughter, the best quarterback possible for his teammates. What he doesn't need is a blonde bombshell ruining the team's chances at another championship. Especially when that bombshell turns out to be his new neighbor. The neighbor he was a complete jerk to the first time they met. 

For the sake of the team, they treat each other like complete professionals. In public, at least. Behind closed doors, it's a different story. And the fallout of giving in to that heat is something neither one of them can see coming.

Just before they entered the room, something snapped through my ears at the sound of her voice, but it was nothing I could place, nothing I could pin down with certainty. We all stood to greet her, and as soon as I got the first glimpse of her dress, everything around me slowed to a sluggish, weighted crawl.
It was almost as if my brain couldn’t process what I was seeing, so the vision of her was reduced to blocks of color.
Tan shoes.
Tan legs.
Red dress.
Blond hair.
Red lips.
White teeth.
Blue-green eyes.
When it all snapped together, I lost my breath in a pained whoosh. This could not be happening.
As she smiled brightly at Dayvon, giving him her full attention, I realized she hadn’t seen me yet. My next-door neighbor, the one who had called me an arrogant asshole less than twenty-four hours earlier, was the new owner of the Washington Wolves. And she hadn’t seen me yet. 
Suddenly, I understood the rampant tug of nerves and the unshakable feeling that something was about to go very, very wrong. I swiped my hand over my mouth and let out a slow breath, straightening my shoulders and holding my head up high. I could do this. I’d stared down three hundred-pound linebackers who wanted to rip the helmet off my head as they tackled my ass to the ground.
I could do this. 
She turned in my direction, and I saw the moment it registered. The hitch in her step, the narrowing of her eyes, the slight purse in her scarlet red lips.
You,” she whispered.
Everything stopped. All eyes turned in my direction. The temperature in the room with that one hushed word from her went from cordial to downright glacial.
“Oh, shit,” I muttered under my breath. She crossed her arms tightly over her chest. The chest I’d ogled while she shoved cupcakes at me.
There was absolutely no part of this that could end well.

Well, let’s see ... I’m a wife and a mother. If the things that I write bring a smile to someone's face, then I've done my job. I am obsessed with Outlander (both the books and the show). I’m almost exclusively a romance reader, which means some people will never consider me a literary snob. If I could meet one historical figure, it would be Jane Austen. I received my Bachelors in Public Relations and worked in health care marketing before I had my babies. I hate Twitter. I do it, but I hate it. Also, if you want to get on my good side, bring me wine and I'll love you forever.


Surviving Eden by Virginia Wine

Title: Surviving Eden
Series: Surviving Series
Author: Virginia Wine
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 13, 2018 

Dr. Theodore Grant worked hard his entire life to achieve his goals. He was a prominent, renowned psychiatrist. He had it all: wealth, prestige, respect. Or so he thought.

When tragedy unexpectedly struck, he was forced to help his best friend’s daughter. She needed him. What he didn’t know was that he needed her, too—like his own breath.

How could he know it would all go so terribly wrong? That he would cross the line? He fought the desire leading him astray with everything he had, but in the end, he wanted only one thing: her.

To hell with what was right. Losing everything never even factored in his decision. All he wanted to do was live in the moment. Her moment.

She found his demons and slayed them with her innocence. The answer was clear now: he had done the right thing. He was certain of it. People would believe what they wanted to believe.

His notion of right and wrong was discarded the day Eden Barnett walked into his office. What he didn’t know was that it would be the day his life truly began.

The day he followed his heart, and it lead him into the garden… of Eden.

*Content warning: Contains adult content, language, and scenes that may not be suitable for all audiences. Intended for 18+ audience. *