
Monday, August 3, 2020

Moth by Lana Sky

Title: Moth

Series: Dragon Triad Duet #1
Author: Lana Sky
Genre: Dark New Adult Romance

 Release Date: August 17, 2020


He thought he could make my life hell.
But it already was.

The one-time Hannah
Dewitt tries to live a little, she winds up in the crosshairs of a local thug
who seems hellbent on terrorizing her. As it turns out, there is more to Rafe
than meets the eye, and their connection stokes her creativity like nothing else.
Drawn to him despite the inherent risks, she can’t resist feeding the flames of
this unlikely attraction no matter how hot they burn.
But Rafe isn’t the
only monster in her life. Another looms in the background, and he won’t let her
go so easily…


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Finally, I
sigh in defeat and look up, meeting his watchful gaze directly. “I don’t have
any money.”
He raises
an eyebrow. “Did I ask for money?”
“I don’t
have anything else you might want either,” I snap.
“I doubt
that…” He pointedly eyes the neckline of my dress, and I shift uncomfortably.
It’s cut differently than my tried and true sweaters, displaying more of my
collarbone and a glimpse of the flesh beneath. I can’t stop myself from
crossing my arms over my chest, and he flashes that dangerous grin in triumph.
“In fact, I can think of a few things you could offer—”
“Get out.”
I slam the ledger shut and turn away as if just telling him to leave could make
it true.
But he
doesn’t. Neither does he creep toward my corner to drill in his taunt—and
that’s the worst part. I have to endure him, but without the tools I’m used to
utilizing. Silence and the safety of my own head don’t work where he is
breathing is too noisy, grating and raspy. His scent is overpowering, sneaking
into my lungs with every breath. Around him, my thoughts don’t form the
protective wall I’m used to hiding behind. They fracture. Splinter.
And he
breaks through easily.
“I want to
see you hop, bunny,” he murmurs, just when I think I might scream to counteract
his presence. “Without the dowdy little sweaters or the boring little mask. I
want to prove you wrong. I didn’t run last time. I just gave you a taste. It’s
up to you if you want more but with no excuses. No chance to cry assault.”
I bristle
at his tone, wrapping my arms around my waist even tighter. If I hope to find
comfort in the action…I don’t. His gaze slips beneath the barrier, creeping
over me without permission. I can practically feel his gaze rasping along my skin.
“What are you talking about?”
he repeats. “Dragon’s Head. You can even bring your little friend if you want.”
The name
conjures the image of neon lights and raucous dancing. “The club?” I frown.
“Why would I go there with you?”
He laughs,
and his steps resonate through the floor. Alarmed, I turn to watch him move,
but he takes his time, giving me every chance to cower and back away.
I don’t
recognize the way my breathing hitches as he comes closer. How my nerves tense
as he raises his hand, deliberately inching toward my cheek.
touch me—”
“I have
touched you,” he reminds me. “Don’t kid yourself into believing you don’t want
“More of
what?” I force myself to meet his gaze only to regret it.
I wish his
eyes gleamed in that mocking, cruel way, but their stare is flat and empty.
“More of what could happen the next time I have my fingers inside you.”

Author Bio

Lana Sky is a quirky writer from the US who dabbles in dark,
paranormal and contemporary romance. Her stories aren't always typical, but
contain a little something for everyone.

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