
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Notes to My Son by Eric Lynn

Join us for this tour from Mar 9 to Mar 27, 2020!

Book Details:

Book Title:  Notes to My Son by Eric Lynn

Category:  Adult Non-fiction 18 yrs +,  128 pages

Genre:  Parenting

Publisher:  Sharknado Prss

Release date:   September 9. 2019

Content Rating:  G: It's advice for what parents should talk to their children about.

Book Description:


“Your path is your own.”  “No one can tell you how to walk it.”  “Responsibility lies with you.”

 These are just some of the important conversations we are gently reminded to embrace within Notes to My Son.
With parenting, there are so many things we need to do and take care
of, but what conversations are we having to be sure we truly impart the
wisdom of our lives into our loved ones? Are we having difficult
conversations, asking hard questions, and talking about things without

 Don’t let another day pass by without this book.  

 In Notes to My Son,
you’ll discover twenty-five topics to inspire deeper, more meaningful
conversations throughout your child’s life, even if your child is now an
adult on their own. 

Buy the Book: 

Add to Goodreads

Meet the Author:

Eric Lynn spends his professional life managing workforce solutions for
small, mid-sized and Fortune 1000 companies. With years of professional
experience, Eric understands the value of preparation. Thus when his
wife, Ashley, became pregnant, Eric sought a way to prepare for his new
role as a father. Something shifted within him causing him to ask
different questions of life.

As he awaited the arrival of his first child, future conversations with
his son, Summit, began to take shape. Eager to prepare for this new
role, Notes to My Son was born.

The Lynn family lives in Colorado where they enjoy climbing 14ers,
skiing, playing tennis and appreciating the abundance of all nature has
to offer. Eric and his family hope that the relatable life wisdom shared
in this book touches the hearts of all who read it.

Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Facebook 

Guest Post by Eric Lynn 
What my son has taught me about …
I didn't realize how early on my son would become a master manipulator. I can't tell if he's just that good at recognizing nonverbal cues or tonality or the words, but let me tell you, he absolutely knows how to push all the right buttons. Especially with his mama. What I've realized thus far is that I have a better built-in governor than my wife. I typically respond rationally, and she typically reacts emotionally. I’m speaking of the majority of the time here, as for sure, sometimes this role is reversed. It's a mama-bear mentality that on the one hand, I totally respect, and on the other hand, I'm trying to chisel out some of that behavior.
 My son’s greatest weapon is his cry. He has variations to ensure he receives what he wants. It reminds me a bit of the Mandarin language. The same word pronounced in four different ways can have four different meanings. This is my son’s cry language. One sound (which I affectionately call the “Pavarotti” due to its high pitch) means food. No problem there: it makes sense and he needs nourishment. Another sound (which I affectionately call “Velociraptor”) means a diaper. Again, no issue there, as we all go potty. However, it’s the next two- sounds that typically mean he just wants more attention. I don’t have names for them yet, but they have variations in tenor. The reason why I know he is able to manipulate us is that I actually see a subtle yet noticeable smile after the decibels fly out and mama runs in to the rescue. And this is the kind of smile that is not innocent. It is 100 percent unadulterated mischievous in nature.
 So of course, now I'm trying to understand where this ability to manipulate came from? Is this just a natural characteristic or trait that is ordained in each of us? Or did his parents somehow convey this trait to him? It's got to be one of the two answers. My mind naturally starts looking holistically first. Is all of humanity wired to manipulate? Or is there an ability to expand or shedd this manipulation trait as you progress in life?
 My hope, or better yet—optimism, is that this ability he possesses turns into a positive opportunity. And by positive, I mean an ability to enhance his emotional intelligence and ask thought-provoking questions of those around him. These questions would be of positive intent to encourage diverse thought, which could lead to multiple solutions to problems, and most of all, encourage authentic behavior. I suppose that's up to Mom and Dad to help ensure this occurs. This would be an example of nurture-overcoming-nature. I'll report back in the future as to what success, or lack thereof, occurred. In the meantime, I’ll continue to take notes on my observations . . .

Tour Schedule:

Mar 9 – Rainy Day Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway

Mar 9 – michellemengsbookblog – book review

Mar 10 – Over Coffee Conversations – book review / author interview / giveaway

Mar 10 - Viviana MacKade – book spotlight / guest post

Mar 11 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway

Mar 11 - Splashes of Joy  - book reviewMar 11 -Books,Dreams,Life - book spotlight / author interview

Mar 12 – I'd Rather Be At The Beach – book review

Mar 12 - Sahar's Blog – book review

Mar 13 – Bookmark and fork – book spotlight / giveaway

Mar 16 – The avid reader – book spotlight / giveaway

Mar 17 – A Mama's Corner Of the World – book review / giveaway

Mar 18 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway

Mar 18 - T's Stuff - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway

Mar 19 – She Just Loves Books – book review / giveaway

Mar 20 – b for bookreview – book spotlight

Mar 23 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway

Mar 23 - Reading Authors Network – book review / giveaway

Mar 24 – Library of Clean Reads – book review / author interview / giveaway

Mar 25 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book review / giveaway

Mar 26 – eBook Addicts – book spotlight

Mar 26 - Olio by Marilyn - book review / giveaway

Mar 27 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway

Mar 27 - Adventurous Jessy - book review / giveaway

Enter the Giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful article that every parent, young and old, can identify with.
