Mystery / Thriller
Publisher: Elite Online Publishing
Date Published: 12-10-2019
Power Lies is a captivating thriller about power lines that kill and a corrupt industry that knows it. Follow Sterling Barrington, Public Relations Vice President for The Franklin Energy Institute, as she investigates this cover-up from within the bowels of the beast. The Institute’s archives lead Barrington to a retiree ready to reveal the industry’s lies. But he ends up dead before confessing. Sterling’s continued hunt for proof results in her being accused of murder, arrested, threatened, assaulted, and nearly assassinated. Despite these tribulations, she remains determined to expose the corruption and reveal the truth.
"The balcony door blew shut startling the young woman as she zipped up her black silk cocktail dress. Strong winds signaled oncoming storms. Tall and slender, Sterling Barrington, was getting ready for a date with Congressman Trevor Reese. She slipped on red leather heels and clicked across the dark wood floor, reopening the door. Lightning illuminated the skies. The enemy of power lines. Across from her apartment building, twilight settled over the glistening headstones of Arlington Cemetery. She heard Taps being played at the Iwo Jima Memorial nearby.
Sterling never tired of these sights and sounds. It reminded her that she wasn’t alone in tragically losing a loved one. A young boy’s smile flashed through her mind. She smoothed her long red hair and wiped tears away from her blue eyes.
While touching up her makeup, Sterling recalled how disappointing her trip to Baltimore had been. She wanted Harry Brown to have all the answers about electromagnetic fields (also known as EMFs), their tie to cancer, and the denial of said tie by the electric industry. Her industry.
She needed the truth."
About the Author

Jana Laird Phillips is a native Texan, who has lived and worked in Dallas, Washington DC and Houston. She is a BBA graduate of Baylor University with a double major in Marketing and Journalism. Ms. Phillips worked in the Energy Industry for several years, and has numerous articles published in Energy trade journals. She is currently the publisher/owner of an online magazine,
Ms. Phillips enjoys travel and resides with her husband in Houston, TX.
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