
Thursday, April 11, 2019

When You Close Your Eyes by Roxanne D. Howard

You Close Your Eyes
D. Howard

Genre: Erotic Romance,
Contemporary Romance,
Fantasy Romance

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press,

Audio Narrated by: Geoffrey Boyes

Date of Publication: January 28,

ISBN-10: 1509223606
ISBN-13: 978-1509223602
ASIN: B07L162YB5

Number of pages: 422
Word Count: 114,000

Cover Artist: Diana Carlisle

Tagline: He’s stepping out of her
hot fantasies and into her life.

Book Description:

Dreams are the perfect shelter
for fantasies, safe havens to step inside without changing our daily lives. For
Lark Braithwaite, all that is about to change. During the last six months, Lark
has dreamt of a mysterious Irish lover who knows what she wants and gives her
exactly what she needs. In her waking life in busy London, things aren't as
ideal as her long-term relationship with her controlling fiancé Charles has hit
a dry spell.

When Lark is called home to
Oregon for her father's funeral, she comes face to face with the demons from
her past, but she never expects to meet her dream lover in the flesh. Niall
O'Hagan steps straight out of her fantasies and into her life, and the powerful
connection they share rocks her foundation. Although she's dealing with the
bitterness of her fiancé's betrayal and his jealousy, Niall soon stirs Lark's
awareness of her superficial existence and reawakens her sexuality....and her

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Her fantasy
lover is real…
“Why are you
wearing a suit and tie this time?” She squinted against the sunlight. Please,
God, let this be a dream. He moved his head and put her in shade.
“This time?” He
lifted an eyebrow, perplexed. “You’ll have to forgive me, lass, but I’ve no
idea what the devil you’re talking about.” He maneuvered himself off her and
sat upright at the end of the swing.
She tucked her
feet against her, sat up, and blinked at him in utter disbelief.
“I came to knock
on the door when I saw you on the swing. You tossed and turned, and with the
way you grunted, I assumed you were in the middle of some sort of a seizure.”
He turned his
head and licked his lips, full and abused by her kisses. A mushroom cloud of
mortification bloomed inside her, steadily bigger by the minute.
“Erm, you…begged
me to kiss you, and then you yanked me down. One thing led to another and,
well, that was pretty much the way of it. I am only human, though I know it’s
no excuse.” He swallowed and stared at her, his Adam’s apple moving in his
throat. “I apologize. I shouldn’t have gone down when you pulled me, but it was
strange—like you knew me or something.”
Lark leaned
forward and rubbed her eyes. This couldn’t be real. He had to be a
hallucination. When she opened her eyes, she’d see a man in his fifties with a
receding hairline, glasses, and a beer gut. She reopened her eyes, and there he
was: The full package.

the Author:

Roxanne D. Howard is a U.S. Army
veteran who has a bachelor's degree in Psychology and English. She loves to
read poetry, classical literature, and Stephen King. Also, she is an avid Star
Wars fan, musical theater nut, and marine biology geek. Roxanne resides in the
western U.S., and when she's not writing, she enjoys spending time with her
husband and children. Roxanne loves to hear from her readers, and encourages
you to contact her via her website and social media.

Interview with Roxanne D. Howard
Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?
Great question! For me, usually in the beginning I have the reins of the story. I like to outline and know where I’m going with the characters and plot, but I feel like the story doesn’t fully take off until the characters take over; that’s when it becomes solid, when if feels like I’m a scribe in a corner watching these people interact. I would say it’s a two-part process. It starts off with me in control, and by the end, the characters take on a life of their own.
Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.
This quote is from Coffee Time Romance, who awarded the novel the (CTRR) Reviewer Award: “"This story was so much more than the typical erotic story and I loved every part of it. Yes the love scenes were smoking hot, and I mean "omg" hot, but the romance and story itself stole the show for me. Niall's tender care of Lark was marvelous, he coaxed the real Lark out, showing her what love really was and how holding a grudge is basically pointless. This book is one of those rare erotic books that, along with having intense, delectable sex scenes, also come with a beautiful romance with fully developed characters and an enticing plot full of twists and turns. I highly recommend it!"
I’ve written insta-love books before, both novella and novel-length. But When You Close Your Eyes is a slow-burn, in-depth novel, and it’s about more than just the sex. It’s purposefully different than most erotic romances, in that it takes a close look at self-discovery, not only sexually, but emotionally. Often, we set ideals for ourselves when we’re young of what we want to be and where we want to go in our lives, and all the things we want to accomplish. But ten, fifteen years down the road, you find that you might have achieved what you set out to do, but it isn’t actually what your heart desires. There’s always more to you, a deeper yearning, and that’s what this book is about. The same thing happens to Lark when she meets Niall. Yes, the love scenes are hot and the sex is powerful, but the heart of the story dissects how we evolve as people and fall in love with the right person after being with the wrong one for so long. It’s about learning to truly love and be open again. And I think a lot of readers out there can identify with that.
In the audiobook, narrator Geoffrey Boyes does a phenomenal job with the characters and the story, and I’m excited to see what readers think of his outstanding performance.
Have you written any other books that are not published?
I do have a lot of books lined up which are nearly finished. Type Dirty to Me, which is my newest erotic rom-com novel, is nearly complete, and I’ll be submitting it soon. In the meantime, readers can always check out my backlist of six books on my website or Amazon.
Pen or type writer or computer?
Pen for a gratitude journal and random scribblings throughout the day, computer for writing the books. It’d be painstaking to write it all out by hand, although I am a sucker for a cool, Celtic-design journal.
Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?

Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to read and review my books. I’m so grateful to have you all along on my writing journey, and I sincerely hope you enjoy the novel and audiobook. I hope you’ll follow me on social media and join my monthly reader’s VIP group. Thank you!

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  1. Always fun to hear about another new great book. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you, James, and thanks so much for having me on the blog today! I'm available all day to answer any questions for readers. Publisher's Weekly recently reviewed the book and hailed it as "a skillfully woven contemporary erotic romance...Erotic romance fans will devour Howard’s suspenseful and heart-filled story." You can read the full review here:

  3. I am new to Roxanne. Thanks for the intro to her and her work. My baby sister's name is Roxanne.

  4. Hi, Audrey! Thanks for your comment. I love that your sister's name is Roxanne. :) I hope you enjoy the book! I do have six other novels published, if you want to check them out at Have a wonderful weekend!
    All the best,
    Roxanne D. Howard
