
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Rough Code by Kim Congram

Title: Rough Code

Series: Rough Edges #2
Author: Kim Congram
Genre: Standalone Romantic Suspense
Release Date: March 14, 2019


Franklin doesn’t know the meaning of home. On the run since her teens, Evie’s
whole life is built around a quick exit. After a violent attack leaves her
vulnerable, Evie’s forced to rely on the only man who makes her wish she could

Falco knew Evie was hiding something. The talented, beautiful hacker was a
puzzle Luc wanted to solve. Raised in a loving, close knit family, he’s always
known what’s he’s been looking for. But no woman has ever come close.

Until now.

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The Present

“You have a minute?” Paxton asked, leaning against my office
door. I sat back, opening my arms in a welcoming gesture.
“Only if you’re bringing me donuts.”
He entered, shutting the door. He sat, tossing a folder on
my desk.
“We have a situation.” He nodded at the folder.
Photos of mutilated dolls and letters with threats in thick
black ink.
I sobered, frowning. “Who is the client?”
“It’s not a client. They were sent to Evie.”
“What the fuck?” I re-examined the letters. “What’s our
“Mailroom reported it. They’ve been coming for the last
“Shit. These are –” I tossed the photos on the desk. “She
“Fuck.” I leaned back, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“Sawyer’s been digging up her past. There’s nothing. Literally nothing.”
Pax crossed his arms, pegging me with a glare. “And why is
one of my analysts doing that without my permission?”
“I’m her next of kin. Not an actual fucking family member.
You ever hear about her past? No. She deflects. All the fucking time. She
pushes you away. She keeps people at arm’s length, she–”
“No, it’s because you’re into her.”
“Fuck off.”
You fuck off,
douchebag.” Pax leaned forward. “You’re into her. I’ve been distracted, but I’m
not blind. Don’t bullshit a bullshitter. If you try to tell me you’re not into
her, then you’re a fucking idiot and I’ll take you outside.”
“Well, fuck.” I offered a wry smile. “Can’t pull one over
“You idiot.” He tossed a pen at me. I caught it, spinning it
with one hand.
“What are we doing about this?” I tapped the photos.
“We need to find the threat.”
“Maybe.” Pax reached for one of the photos. “This is
disturbing.” He held it up. The dolls genitals were melted, its mouth covered
by duct tape.
“It’s personal. And angry. There’s a lot of rage in this
picture. That’s dangerous.”
“She needs protection.”
“She’s leaving. Got her official resignation letter today.”
The words tasted like sawdust. “London.”
“What’s the new job?”
“Some start-up.”
“You didn’t do the referee check?”
I frowned. “No. I assumed you did.”
Pax leaned forward, tapping a hand against his knee. “Do you
know the name of the company?”
I shook my head. “Let me call Sawyer.” I hit the digits on
my handset, leaving it on loudspeaker.
“Yel-low?” Sawyer answered.
“Sawyer, I’m here with Pax. Which start-up is Evie working
for in London.”
Sawyer paused. “I… I don’t think she’s said.”
I exchanged a look with Pax. “Can you find out? Quietly?”
“Give me five.”
We waited, hearing his keys as he typed, muttering to
“Umm, this is unexpected.” He murmured down the phoneline.
“What is?” I prompted.
“She doesn’t have a passport. Or any flights booked. There
are no visa applications either.”
“She’s meant to be leaving at the end of the month.”
“Dude. She may be leaving us, but there is no evidence that she’s
leaving the country.”
“Thanks.” I hung up, looking over at Pax. “She’s hiding.”
Pax nodded. “This.” He tapped a picture on the table. “And
her leaving? Too coincidental.”
“Fuck.” I ran a hand through my hair. “Just… fuck.”
“You’re gonna need to get the full story.”
“If she’s been planning this, I highly doubt she’s going to
do anything but run.”
“Way I see it, you have two options. One, you tell her and
she runs. Or two, you tell her and she stays. Either way, you need to tell her.
Learn from my mistakes. Don’t keep her in the dark.”
“You dick.” I threw the pen back at him. He caught it
mid-air, sending me a shit-eating grin.
“Am I wrong?”
I rubbed a hand over my mouth, frowning. “Fine. But I’ll
handle it.”
“And if she runs?”
“We’ll find her.”
Pax grinned. “Finally. You have your balls back.”

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Author Bio

Book Lover. Puppy
Mumma. Tea-Swilling Author. 

Kim is an introvert who loves writing about fierce women and the men
who love them. Her favourite kind of story is the one where Red Riding Hood
rescues herself.

Kim writes political thrillers, romance and everything in between. She's been
an event coordinator, bar manager, shop assistant and an intern too many times
to count. These days, she works part-time while writing the kind
of stories she loves to read.

Kim is a transplant to Canberra where she lives with her husband and their
sausage dog in their house full of books.

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