
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Flower Dog Man by Kirk Abner Blitz

Self Help / Non-Fiction
Mindfulness, Spirituality, Relationships, Motivation, Personal Growth
Date Published: March 2018

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Nicolas Copernicus rocked the world in 1543 with his realization that the earth was not the center of the universe. The discovery was especially startling because his pronouncement shattered beliefs, beliefs long held by institutions and individuals the world over. Flower Dog Man can have that same impact as the latest instrument to sever fiction from fact for a desperate global audience; one who simply wants peace.

In only 6207 words, Kirk cracks the theological code while bringing the airy notions of spirituality to the readers proverbial door-step. It really is possible to change a person’s life in 45 minutes; and how fitting for a generation hooked on instant gratification. Flower Dog Man leads us on an inspiring journey and gives us the tools for facing the hellish hurdles of the moment to planting our very own Garden of Eden.

There will be thousands of books published this year, but none will have the lasting, genuine affect as Flower Dog Man. If the perpetrators at Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Parkland, Columbine, Charleston, and Orlando had read and understood the principles of Flower Dog Man, hundreds of people would not have died by their gunfire. If Ratko Mladic, Adolph Hitler, and Bashar al- Assad had read and understood the principles of Flower Dog Man, millions would have been spared their genocide. If Chris Brown, Charlie Sheen, and OJ Simpson had read and understood the principles of Flower Dog Man, their spouses would not have borne the brunt of their domestic violence. If Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, and Hillary Clinton had read and understood the principles of Flower Dog Man, their public profiles would be greatly toned down from the weight of their tremendous egos.

The message of Flower Dog Man is already changing lives. Here’s what other are saying:

•"This might just be the best most enlightening read I've read in 63 years"- Phil B Nashville

•Your testimony is great and should be heard or read by many. In my opinion, you are right on target!"- Dr Roy Nicks, former President of East Tennessee State University and Chancellor of the Tennessee Board of Regents

•“24 hours after your presentation and we are still glowing”- Laura George– Director of the Oracle Institute

•“I love your messages and life lessons. I am a recovering alcoholic and this spiritual way of looking at life is a gift for me”- follower on Facebook

•“What a great revelation…All ages need to grasp”

•“Kirk, you are a God send”- Member,

• Mercy Triune Mission, Greenville, SC

•“Kirk your profound message has given us all something to think about”- Associate Pastor- Mercy Triune Mission, Greenville, SC

•“You came through as if taught by the Holy Spirit”

Far, far away from the noise and squabble of talk radio, internet blogs, reality tv, and sensational headline news, Flower Dog Man is the new message for the world; and it’s truly a message of peace.

About the Author

From his college days selling Bibles door-to-door to software consulting throughout the country, Kirk has tried to do it all. He’s worked on oil rigs, been a stockbroker, driven 18 wheelers, fathered twin boys, been awarded by President Ronald Reagan, owned his own business, and created Travel Tapes. He has worked overseas and been to every major city in America. Despite the excitement that goes with such an eclectic and independent life journey, Kirk has seen his share of personal frustration and disappointment resulting in a near death experience in 1997. The gift of a friend would help turn his life around and begin a recovery that is nothing less than remarkable. Kirk shares his insight and the lessons learned in his The Awareness Series, which is comprised of two children’s books- Thinking Like Jesus and Norman’s Names, and now Flower Dog Man.

When he’s not on the road, Kirk loves being home in Southwest Virginia with his wonderful wife Tina and their dogs Bear and Saban.

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Pick and Chews (A Barkery & Biscuits Mystery) by Linda O. Johnston

Pick and Chews (A Barkery & Biscuits Mystery)
by Linda O. Johnston

About the Book

Pick and Chews (A Barkery & Biscuits Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Midnight Ink (May 8, 2018)
Paperback: 288 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0738752457
Digital ASIN: B075W2BCW6

Carrie Kennersly tries to help her veterinarian boyfriend when he’s under suspicion of murder...Is he a keeper, or should she let him go off-leash for good?
As a technician for a local vet and the owner of the Barkery & Biscuits dog bakery, Carrie Kennersly is excited to host a rescue animal adoption event. She’s also excited to be in a relationship with veterinarian Dr. Reed Storme, despite his pleas for her to butt out of the murder cases she keeps finding herself involved with. Yet when Reed is accused of killing his former veterinary colleague, he seems a lot more agreeable to having amateur detective Carrie butt back in. Can Carrie clear Reed, or does she care too much for a killer?
Includes recipes for dog treats and people treats!

About the Author

Linda O. Johnston, a former lawyer who is now a full-time writer, currently writes the Barkery & Biscuits Mystery Series for Midnight Ink. She has also written the Superstition Mysteries for Midnight Ink, and the Pet Rescue Mystery Series and Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mysteries for Berkley Prime Crime. Linda also writes the K-9 Ranch Rescue miniseries for Harlequin Romantic Suspense as well as a paranormal romance miniseries for Harlequin Nocturne. And all her current stories involve dogs.
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Purchase Links:

Amazon B&N BookBub Kobo

Interview with Linda O. Johnston

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reins of the story?

I'm always willing to listen to my characters, even though I start out knowing what's likely to happen next.  Sometimes they make suggestions, or even give me orders, so my thoughts on whodunit or other important factors change.  I enjoy interacting with my characters!

Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.

Because I wrote it!  Okay, I realize that's not enough.  But one of the most important things about PICK AND CHEWS is that it involves dogs, as does everything I write these days.

PICK AND CHEWS is a cozy mystery, and in it the romantic interest of protagonist Carrie Kennersly is the main suspect, so of course she gets involved.  PICK AND CHEWS centers around a very special barkery where Carrie bakes and sells the very healthful dog treats she has developed as a veterinary technician.  And the book contains recipes for both a human treat and a dog treat.

Have you written any other books that are not published?

Many years ago, I started writing but it took me a while to get published.  I was the traditional writer with a dozen published novels waiting under the bed.  And yes, in those days, I printed out all the manuscripts so they were under the bed--or at least in boxes in my storeroom.

Pen or type writer or computer?

Today? Computer, of course--despite how non-techie I am.  Where I worked as a lawyer a long time ago I'd already started learning how to use computers so I was the first attorney in my law department to adopt one for my own use--rather than have my secretary do it all.  I still make a lot of notes, though, with pen on notecards to remind me what comes next.

Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?

Yes--read me!  and Come visit my website, and friend me on Facebook.  I also blog every Wednesday at Killer Hobbies, on the 6th of each month at A Slice of Orange, on the 18th of each month at Killer Characters, and on the first Monday of each month at Under Cover of Midnight, as well as periodically on the Writers in Residence blog.


May 29 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW

May 29 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT

May 30 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – GUEST POST


May 31 – Books Direct – GUEST POST

May 31 – T's Stuff – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 1 – Cinnamon, Sugar and a Little Bit of Murder – REVIEW

June 1 – Mallory Heart's Cozies – REVIEW

June 2 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 2 – The Power of Words – REVIEW

June 3 – Bibliophile Reviews – REVIEW, GUEST POST

June 4 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW

June 4 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT

June 5 – Laura's Interests – REVIEW

June 5 – Cozy Up With Kathy – CHARACTER GUEST POST

June 6 – Celticlady's Reviews - SPOTLIGHT

June 6 – Sneaky the Library Cat's Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

June 7 – MJB Reviewers – REVIEW

June 8 – Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – REVIEW

June 9 – The Montana Bookaholic – CHARACTER GUEST POST

June 9 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book - SPOTLIGHT

June 10 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST

June 11 – Island Confidential – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

June 11 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW

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For the Love of a Centaur Centaur Agency Book 1 by A.S. McGowan

the Love of a Centaur
Agency Book 1
A.S. McGowan

Romantic Suspense

woke up in the hospital to find that her parents were dead. Her
father’s business partner has inherited the ranch she grew up on.
To make matters worse her father’s will stipulates she cannot
receive her inheritance until she turns twenty-one. Now penniless and
homeless, she agrees to a marriage of convenience with her father’s
business partner. 

turning twenty-one and with her inheritance in hand, she no longer
wishes to be trapped in a loveless marriage. Moving out she builds a
life for herself away from the ranch and her husband. When her
husband shows up on her door step asking to give their marriage a
chance, she jumps at the idea of a marriage of love. The problem is:
everyone has been lying to her, her whole life. Now those lies may
very well get her killed.

**On Sale for .99 cents 5/1 – 5/8!!**

* Amazon

November 1997
Analise slowly awoke. Turning her head to the side, she heard the crinkle of a plastic pillow encased in the soft pillowcase beneath her head This was not her pillow. Slowly she took in her surroundings. This did not make sense. Where was she? Turning her head to the other side, she spotted Matt Duclain, sitting in a chair next to where she was laying. Why was her father’s business partner sitting in a chair? Wait, everything looked like a hospital room. Why was she in a hospital room? This had to be a weird dream, right?
“Matt?” she asked.
“You’re awake. How do you feel?”
“Everything feels sore. What happened? Why am I in a hospital room? What are you doing here?” She scanned the room again.
“Analise, there was an accident. The doctors said that you should be just fine. But you have a head injury and a few broken ribs.”
“Matt, where are my parents?” She did not like the look on his face. Something inside her sank, when he just stared at her. “Matt? Where are my parents?”
“Analise, I am so sorry.” He reached out and held her hand.
Sorry? No, no that did not sound right. Sorry was what you said when the news was bad. Like when someone dies. Her parents could not be dead. No, this could not be happening.
She tried to catch her breath. Her breathing became more rapid and shallow. She felt herself getting dizzy. She could see Matt standing by her bed. He was saying something but she could not hear him. Thoughts began to explode and swirl around inside her head. This was a dream, a terrible dream in which she would awake soon. Fight or flight instincts kicking in, she tried to get up out of bed. She felt hands push her back down. The dizziness increased, and she could feel her heart racing. The sound of her pulse pounding in her ears was the last thing she had heard before the dark oblivion began to pull her under.
When she came to, the reality of the situation sat heavy on her heart. What was she supposed to do? Matt, had to be mistaken, her parents could not be dead. It just did not make sense to her. She carefully wiped her palms on the blanket that covered her.
“I see you are awake again,” a voice next to her said.
Slowly turning her head, she saw Matt sitting beside her. She could not understand why he was still here. He was her father’s business partner, but why was he still here with her?
“Why are you here?”
“Because you are injured. I stayed to make sure you were alright. When you are ready we need to talk.”
“No time like the present. So, what could we possibly need to talk about?” She watched him as he sat there. Did the man really have to always look so good? Self-consciously, she raised the blanket a little higher across her chest.
“I hate to do this right now but things need to be put into place. Luther’s will left the ranch to me. The ranch needs to continue to operate, so I will be moving into the ranch house. Your parents left you a very sizeable inheritance but you cannot access it till you are twenty-one,” he began.
“What are you saying? That I not only lost my parents but that I no longer have a home?” Tears began to run down her cheeks. Angrily she wiped at them.
“No. Of course, you still have a home. I just wanted you to understand that I would be living at the ranch house as well. Geez, Analise, I would never throw you out of your home.”
“But you cannot live there. Matt, you are a single man, and I am a single female. We cannot live under the same roof. It would cause a scandal.”
“I thought about that. There is an alternative. It would prevent a scandal.” He smiled at her in a way that made her feel a little better.
“What alternative?”
“We could get married,” he started but quickly added, “on paper only.”
She shook her head. “Are you sure you are not the one with a head injury?” This man was out of his mind.
“Think about it Analise, it makes sense. I am moving into the ranch house. You still need your home. It would be the only way to protect your reputation. After all, you just said we couldn’t live under the same roof because it would cause a scandal.” He smiled at her again.
“Matt, please leave. I cannot deal with this right now.” She turned her head, looking away from him.
“OK but I will come back later and check in on you.”
She heard the door to her room close. This could not be happening. She is injured, lost her parents, and got a marriage proposal from her father’s sexy business partner all in one day. Only she could have such a screwed-up day. This would not be the first time she has had such a roller coaster of a day. Only before she always had her parents to turn to. Their sound advice and wisdom always helped guide her decisions. Now they were gone. Who could she turn to for advice on such major decisions as the one Matt, proposed to her?
There was always Stella. She loved their housekeeper just as if she were another mother. She did not want to discuss this with Stella though. In fact, she did not want to discuss this with anyone. She wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
Looking about she took in the room. Countless pieces of medical equipment so common for hospital rooms were in various locations in her room. Hanging from the chrome rail was a curtain that had been washed at least a thousand times. The colors so faded, they were barely there. Looking upward, she tried to distance herself from her thoughts by counting the cracks in the polystyrene tiles. It was no use; she could not shut off her thoughts. Too many of them, running around jumbled inside her brain.
She reached for the button to her pain pump. She could lay here and think about all that has happened, or she could just push the button. In the end, the relief offered by the pain medication won. She pressed the button and waited for the medicine to take over her brain. There could be worse things in life than being married to a sexy man that she already had feelings for, she thought, just before the pain meds pulled her under.
When she awoke later, she saw Matt was back in the chair. Well, she decided, guess it was time to face what life had thrown at me.
“Alright, Matt. I will marry you” she said.
“Good that settles that problem. You do realize this will not be a real marriage? Don’t get me wrong I will financially take care of you. Once you get your inheritance we can end the marriage and go on with our lives.”
“Of course, I understand. This is just something on paper to keep people from gossiping. After all, my mother’s country club friends sure do love to spread gossip.”
“I will take care of everything and we can get married as soon as the doctors release you.” Matt stood and left the room.
Two days later, Matt returned with clothes for Analise to change into. The doctors finally said she was free to go home, as long as she promised to come back in a week for additional tests. Ready to finally be free of the hospital with all its constant sounds and nauseating smell of disinfectants, she dressed as quickly as she could.
The nurse insisted on wheeling her out of the hospital. Sitting in the wheelchair, she took in the hospital with cautious eyes. The walls were the same color as those in her room. The same polystyrene tiles with various cracks made up the ceiling. Bland artwork decorated the walls. Someone must have thought the art would liven the place up. They were wrong. There was no way in which to liven a place up that was intended for the sick and the dying. It was here she was brought to recover. It was also here her parents’ bodies had been brought. There was no way art, framed and hung on a wall could change that.

Ghosts of a Centaur
Agency Book 2

left one life behind for another. Finding happiness in a new world,
Stella never thought anything could destroy her new life. Until a
package arrived containing a severed head. The threat was clear and
the stakes were high. Leaving her new life behind, Stella hoped her
choice would protect her loved ones.

twelve years later, someone had discovered Stella’s identity.
People she loves are starting to die at the hands of a very cold and
calculated killer. Forced out of hiding, Stella moves fast to protect
her family. Can the Centaur Agency discover the identity of the
killer in time? Or will Stella lose everyone she has ever loved?

Sale for .99 cents 5/1 – 5/8!!**

Making of a Centaur
Agency Book 3

beaten, "Lucky" wakes up with no memory of who she is or
where she came from. Rescued by the Centaur Agency, she sets out to
discover her identity. Plagued by violent flashbacks, she finds
herself afraid of the men around her. 

is one man though that makes her feel safe. However time is running
out for all of them. Will "Lucky" get her memories back in
time to stop a madman? Or will her past catch up with her, leaving
the most important person in her life to pay the price?

am a wife and mother, who lives in a small Southeast Missouri town. I
am the author of the Centaur Agency series. Currently I am working on
book 3 in the series The Making of a Centaur which will publish in
July 2017. I also have plans for a vampire trilogy that I am working
on. I will be publishing the trilogy after I finish the 4 book
Centaur Agency series. From there I also am working on a Werewolf
series. So much planned with a little bit for everyone. 

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Dares, Lies & Geminis By Kat Alexander

Dares, Lies & Geminis
By Kat Alexander
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 29th, 2018

Two women, different as night and day.
Tristana likes to keep to herself, devotedly working all day so she doesn’t think about all she is missing in life.
Seraphina, shrouded in mystery, hunts at night, surreptitiously looking for someone good, noble, and honest, while proving to herself they don’t exist.

Two men who won’t succumb to failure.
After his brother’s death, Peter spends his days trying to build a life as far away from the accusatory eyes of his hometown.
Nathan has a nightly obsession—Seraphina.

The truth that everyone is afraid to whisper.
As Peter starts to chip away at Tristana’s walls, one dare unknowingly releases something he thought he lost long ago.
And as Nathan moves in on Seraphina, one lie breaks apart the foundation of everything he thought he knew.

Meet the Geminis.

Pre-order/Buy links:




This is a story that bares all. It’s not just about me. It also includes Tristana, Peter, and Nathan. All our lives are entangled in a web of sorrow, deceit, despair, and love. Each strand is woven into a net that trapped all those around us, hurting many, ruining lives. Yet, new friends were made, new families forged.
There is always light in darkness, as there is always darkness where there is light.
I knew Tristana’s story. She did not know mine. Even then, I don’t think I know all of hers. Same could be said for Peter and Nathan. They certainly never knew everything.
This is a story about all the facets that drive human beings: vulnerability, courage, pain, love, hate, despair, family, friends, lovers, an opportunity.
This is a story about survival. About running from the nightmares humans are capable of inflicting on others. About running from the monsters out there who want to harm you, running from the monsters inside that you could become. Running from your past. Living with all the tools ingrained in your DNA. The need to survive, to adapt, to overcome.
This is a story. ~ Seraphina

About the Author:
Kat Alexander is a freelance editor for Indie authors. If she’s not editing or working on her own stories, then she’s a chauffeur for her busy children, or you can find her here:


The Boyfriend Experience by J.A. Huss blitz

The Boyfriend Experience
J.A. Huss
(Jordan’s Game, #3)
Publication date: May 30th 2018
Genres: New Adult Romance Comedy
From NYT Bestselling Author, JA Huss, comes a new sexy standalone in the Jordan’s Game series.
I NEED A BOYFRIEND… and I need one now…

One bad-ass man with boyfriend experience.

Must be willing to fight dirty and work weekends, nights, and overtime.

Bad attitude a must. Bonus points if you’re hot, athletic, and sporting tattoos.
When I asked Jordan Wells for a Boyfriend Experience game I didn’t expect to get stuck with billionaire real-estate agent, Lawton Ayers. He doesn’t exactly fit the job description.

One professional woman with business experience.

Must be willing to build a future together.

Successful entrepreneur a must. Bonus points if you’re a crazy local legend.
When Jordan Wells offered up Oaklee Ryan a last-minute business partner to seal a deal I’ve been working on for years, I didn’t expect beautiful, sexy, and multi-orgasmic to be on her list of qualifications.
But that’s what I got. And she’s perfect just the way she is.
Too bad she doesn’t want me to be HER boyfriend. Because she bought me for someone else…
She’s smiling up at me, her brown eyes turned slightly yellow from the glow of the lights, her cheeks pink. Flushed from the exertion of sex. Her breathing slower now, but not her heart. Because I can feel it underneath me.
Still pounding.
Waiting for more.
Trying to match mine.
So we can keep time together.
I think that’s what hearts do. Keep time. Keep everything together. Keep this crazy thing called life in perspective.
“One more time here,” I say. “Then I’ll take you inside so I can get you naked.”
It’s too cold to make her take her clothes off. Even though I know she’d do that if I asked her to. I can already feel the chill of her beneath me. But my body heat will help. Will protect her from the cold.
The deluxe package includes a boyfriend blanket on a cold night.
She opens her legs, reaches down between them to pull her panties aside, and my hips adjust enough to allow my cock to slide up to her opening. Her fingers are grabbing my shoulder now. And even through the leather I can feel them dig.
I want to take the jacket off so she can leave marks on me. I want there to be nothing between us. But I want her to be on the bottom at least once. So she can look up and see the surreal fantasy version of the underside of her water tower just like I did. So we can share that special feeling of being with someone you adore in a way that can’t be repeated.
No one will ever make love to her like this again. Not even me. Because this is a moment and moments pass into other moments and no two are ever alike.
She thrusts her hips upward, trying to force me to enter her. I just grin, because not gonna happen. Not until I say so, at least.
“Come on,” she whispers, watching me intently. “Let’s go.”
“We’ve got time. There’s no rush.”
She thrusts upward again. “There is a rush. A rush I want to experience again. Don’t make me beg, Lawton Ayers.”
“Begging?” I ask playfully. “Is that something you do?”
She giggles, then gets serious real quick. She frowns. Pouts her lips. Widens her eyes. “Please,” comes out like a whimper. Like she’s been wounded and needs relief. Relief only I can administer.
“Just take a moment, Oaklee. Feel it with me.”
Her eyes narrow slightly. Like she’s trying to figure out what I’m asking.
“The game is over,” I say. “That’s what I want you to feel. We passed it by some time ago. I’m not sure when, exactly. But the game is over.”
“OK,” she says, her face relaxing. The pout is gone. The confusion is gone. And all her expectations seem to melt away. “We’re real,” she whispers.

Author Bio:
JA Huss is the New York Times Bestselling author of 321 and has been on the USA Today Bestseller's list 21 times in the past four years. She writes characters with heart, plots with twists, and perfect endings.
Her books have sold millions of copies all over the world, the audio version of her semi-autobiographical book, Eighteen, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award and an Audie Award in 2016 and 2017 respectively, her audiobook, Mr. Perfect, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award in 2017, and her audiobook, Taking Turns, was nominated for an Audie Award in 2018.
She lives on a ranch in Central Colorado with her family.

