
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Altered To Death (A Faith Hunter Scrap This Mystery)

Altered To Death (A Faith Hunter Scrap This Mystery)
by Christina Freeburn

Altered To Death (A Faith Hunter Scrap This Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
6th in Series
Henery Press (November 28, 2017)
Paperback: 276 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1635112795
E-Book ASIN: B0758DG23P

Looking for a craft cozy so memorable you’ll stay up late scrapping about it? Well, welcome to the town of Eden.
Faith Hunter, who is supposed to be planning her wedding, instead finds herself distracted by the town scrapbook she was commissioned to create. Eden’s oldest mystery, the founding family’s exodus nearly a hundred years ago, remains unsolved.
A search through the family’s abandoned mansion leads to the uncovering of bones on that very property. And then ex-boyfriend Steve Davis announces a surprise heir has staked a claim.
How can Faith not be distracted? Now she’s determined to dig up the truth left behind.
Because scrappers are multi-taskers extraordinaire, Faith can’t say no when family friend Wyatt Buford asks her to look into his deadbeat father’s disappearing act and his connection to the murder.
Her quest for answers unearths secrets past and present that some would prefer stay buried at any cost. Faith’s resolve to present the facts and nothing but about Eden’s history could lead to her own future being cut short.
See what I mean about memorable? Delve in to Eden and you’ll find a cozy you won’t soon forget.

About the Author
The Faith Hunter Scrap This Mystery series brings together Christina Freeburn’s love of mysteries, scrapbooking, and West Virginia. When not writing or reading, she can be found in her scrapbook room or at a crop. Alas, none of the real-life crops have had a sexy male prosecutor or a handsome police officer attending.
Christina served in the JAG Corps of the US Army and also worked as a paralegal, librarian, and church secretary. She lives in West Virginia with her husband, children, a dog, and a rarely seen cat except by those who are afraid or allergic to felines.
Author Links:
Purchase Links

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November 27 – Celticlady's Reviews - SPOTLIGHT, GIVEAWAY

November 27 – A Chick Who Reads – REVIEW

November 28 – Books,Dreams,Life - SPOTLIGHT, GIVEAWAY

November 28 – Deal Sharing Aunt – INTERVIEW

November 29 – Varietats - REVIEW, GUEST POST

November 29 – A Holland Reads - SPOTLIGHT, GIVEAWAY

November 30 – T's Stuff - SPOTLIGHT, GIVEAWAY

December 1 – Teresa Trent Author Blog - GUEST POST, GIVEAWAY

December 2 – Laura's Interests - REVIEW

December 3 – Babs Book Bistro - SPOTLIGHT, GIVEAWAY

December 4 – View from the Birdhouse - SPOTLIGHT, GIVEAWAY

December 5 – Melina's Book Blog – REVIEW

December 5 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! - SPOTLIGHT, GIVEAWAY

December 6 – Girl with Book Lungs - REVIEW

December 7 – A Blue Million Books – INTERVIEW

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Racine The Sisterhood Book 2 by Alison Clarke

Sisterhood Book 2
Alison Clarke

YA Fantasy

a world divided by fear, hate, and prejudice, Racine embarks on a
journey to discover who she really is. After a life time of
alienation and rejection because of the colour of her skin and her
Black heritage, she discovers the ultimate truth of good

wrapped up in the magic of the Story. Stories have the power to
change the world, but first, the stories need unlocking.

this thought-provoking, profoundly moving call-to-arms fantasy story,
Alison Clarke tells the story of Racine's self-discovery and coming
of age through her exploration of the 'Story' throughout time and
ages. As Racine travels from the Library of Congress through time and
space to lands both magical and real, she unlocks the mysteries of
her own heritage and comes to understand that there are more things
that join us than divide us. 

of Canada's Diversity Magazine Award 'Writer Of The Year Award 2017'
Alison Clarke writes inspirational, magical stories with a powerful
message about being the change in the world we would like to see. For
readers of all ages.

Sisterhood Book 1

by Award Winning Author Alison Clarke 'Writer of The Year 2017'
(Diversity Magazine. Canada.)

story full of magic, positivity, and a call to arms for women of all
ages and from all backgrounds, to be the change we want to see in the

Oppie and Aurie are faced with a terrible battle between good and
evil, they discover that friendship and sisterhood are the most
precious things in the world. 

a realm where magic and legend still exist, it's easy to think that
when you're just an ordinary girl, you'll never get the chance to be
written into the history books. But when Oppie, and her dragon friend
Aurie, find themselves on a mission to defeat the evil, oppressive
forces of darkness, in the form of the dragon, Royzendeus, they
discover that history is never made alone. As they travel, their army
of light grows, and Aurie discovers that as a girl, she is blessed
with an entire sisterhood she never realised existed.

Clarke is a writer who delves into different fields. She is a
children's author, but is now joining the world of young adult
literature. Her latest book, The Sisterhood, chronicles her latest
journey in this odyssey. A tale filled with Celtic, Greek, and
Ghanaian mythology, The Sisterhood will delight all audiences. Kids,
ten and up, as well as adults will be entranced with the story of
Oppie and Aurie. Oppie is the daughter of a sorceress, and Aurie, her
best friend, is a dragon. In the first book of this trilogy, they go
on a journey to save the universe. Alison Clarke's passion for the
Arthurian tales, as well as medieval literature like Chaucer, also
fuels her writing. Her first degree is in Sociology with a double
minor in French and English. She is now working on a Master's degree
in Children's literature. Storytelling is her calling, and whether
she is writing, painting, or drawing, story is key. Reading is
another passion, and many different genres interest her, including
biography, fantasy, poetry, art books, and so on. Alison believes
that the word is a powerful thing, and this is evident in many
different literary forms. She also believes that art, whether it's
literary or visual can change the world, can make the world a better

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

All of the Rogers by Erin Lockwood

of the Rogers
Erin Lockwood
YA Psychological Romance

can you love someone so much and need space from them at the same

alarm goes off at four am. It takes an hour to get to the studio, and
then my ballet training begins. I go to school for a few hours, and
then it’s back to the studio for more training. Go to bed. Repeat
the whole process the next day. 
hate it.
time at school is a blur, except for biology. I don’t rush through
that class, because I get to see Roger Byrnes. He probably doesn’t
even know I exist, but my heart beats a little faster when I see him
walk through the classroom door with his messy hair and carefree
attitude. He has so much energy. But then he stares off into the
distance, and I wonder what he’s thinking. It’s the highlight of
my day. 
wish I could quit ballet so I could be a normal teenager. Someone who
Roger would want to be with. I could use some excitement in my life…I
bet Roger could give that to me.

Lockwood grew up in Castro Valley, California and attended the
University of Oregon, where she graduated in 2003 with a degree in
journalism. From there she moved to Denver and spent the next seven
years searching for the love of her life and building the family of
her dreams.

wasn’t long until, with children starting preschool and more time
on her hands, Erin refocused on her career, beginning with a
successful entry into the world of residential real estate as a
Realtor. Free time was spent reading book after book (and
binge-watching the subsequent films) in the New Adult genre. Feeling
hopelessly in love with her husband, she wrote him a short story
leading up to their fifth wedding anniversary. That’s when she
discovered her tireless passion to share her experience of falling in
love through fictional characters. That story evolved into the first
novel in the Angles trilogy.

still lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband, Phil, and their
three children.

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Entangled Summer by Michele Barrow-Belisle

Michele Barrow-Belisle
NA Paranormal Romance

done everything to forget. 

He'll do anything to help her

say our dreams mask secrets. 

year old Nora Dultry’s dreams hide even more. They're a gateway to
the man of her dreams, and an escape from her painful past. She’s
fantasized about him for years, and when he mysteriously walks into
her summer teaching gig, she never dreamed she'd question whether he
was the one she truly wanted. 

her former fling Troy Bellisaro doesn't just own Wanderlust
Academy...he’s her boss, he still has her heart strings tied in
knots—and he’s hiding secrets of his own. 

of them will be her dream come true. One, her waking

the truth could make this dream, her last.

are the only creatures on earth, whose emotions are irrevocably
entangled with thier memories."

dreamer at heart, Michele Barrow-Belisle has always lived with one
foot in this reality and one foot in another, one of her own
imagining. So it follows that she would grow up to write about and
sculpt the characters from those enchanting worlds she knows and
loves so well. As a fan of everything romantic, her young adult
novels are populated with witches and vampires and faeries. Michele
resides in southern Canada with her hubby and son who indulge her
passions for writing, reading, lattes, and most of all

also loves shoes. 

we mention the chocolate?

the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

I Burned Down His House by Jessica Frances

I Burned Down His House
Jessica Frances
(Love at First Crime #3)
Publication date: November 28th 2017
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

She burned his house down, so he lit a fire between them that she could never extinguish.

So, I burned his house down.

It was an accident.

I mean, technically, the dog did it.

Well, the dog helped me to do it.

Did I mention it was an accident?

When circumstances mean I suddenly have a new housemate,

A man who is my ultimate fantasy,

And my entire world is turned upside down by new friends,

And a dog who likes to get me into trouble,

I have to wonder how my life got so crazy.

Add in my neighbor, who is under investigation;

Some unfinished business from the past, which just won’t go away;

Interfering family, who don’t know when to stop;

And mixed signals, making me wonder if fantasies really can come true,

And you have my new, hectic, crazy life.

But, when things take a dangerous turn,

And lives are on the line,

Will we all make it through in one piece?

Or is everything destined to crumble down around us?

Who would have thought that burning down a house would change everything so much?

Then again, as some people say: there is nothing quite like love at first … crime.

Goodreads / Amazon


Trying not to feel like a loser that I have Joey’s number memorized, I dial, hoping like hell he picks up. It has to be in the incredibly early hours of morning, so there is every chance, if he hasn’t come home yet, it’s because he’s out with someone and won’t answer.

After five, drawn-out, torturous rings, he finally picks up.

“What?” he grumbles. I can’t tell if I woke him up, or if he’s just annoyed to be disturbed.

“Hey, Joey, it’s Teagan—”


I pause, annoyed I’m so forgettable he can’t remember who he gave his house key to! “Teagan Bevon, the woman who lives next door?”

“Oh … Oh!” There is finally recognition in his voice. “Right. Look, Teags”—he sounds so distracted I don’t think he even noticed he gave me a nickname—“I’m kinda busy—”


“—so I’ll just see you later—”

“Wait!” I cry out, afraid I will hear the dial tone any second.

“Actually, you probably won’t see me later. I’m going to be—”

“I BURNED YOUR HOUSE DOWN!” I scream into the phone and am finally met with silence. “Joey?” I whisper, fearful he already hung up.

“Can you repeat that for me?” he finally gasps out.

“I …” Now I feel nervous. “I … umm … I accidently”—I use too much emphasis on the word, making me sound extra guilty—“burned down your house.”

“Are you okay?”

My heart skips a beat. I just told this man that I burned down his house and his first thought is if I’m okay?

“Some smoke inhalation, but nothing serious. I’m so sorry about your things—”

“How about Karma?”

“Karma got out fine. She’s with the Glovers,” So … maybe she’s not okay. The almost ninety-year-old couple may not be quite at the same speed as Karma.

As he sighs in relief, my hands begin to shake again.

“Joey, I’m so sorry.”

Author Bio:

Jessica lives in Adelaide, South Australia. When she is not writing, you can find her reading, napping or watching excessive amounts of TV. Connect with her on Facebook and Goodreads.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook



Ghost Slayer by Majanka Verstraete

Ghost Slayer
Majanka Verstraete

ISBN : 9781947649033

Release date: 24 April 2018

Genre: New Adult Paranormal

Publisher: Fire Quill Publishing

Book Description:

Twenty-one-year-old Kaelyn has spent half her life hunting ghosts and killing them. But she’s not like the other ghost hunters who have to rely on spells and curses to banish ghosts back to where they came from, hoping that they don’t come back. When Kaelyn kills a ghost, they stay dead.

But in Mortimer Hall, a behemoth of a house, Kaelyn is about to face the most powerful and life-threatening ghost she ever met, and what she doesn’t know is that the ghost has been waiting just for her…


The toddler's
wicked laugh echoed throughout the basement, bounced off the walls, and
traumatized my ear drums. I cringed and strengthened my grip on the dagger
until my knuckles turned white.

Despite the
danger I was in, I had trouble staying focused. Today had been a long day.
After spending six hours cooped up in class trying to wrap my mind around
criminal psychology, I had spent another two hours in the library crouched over
dusty newspapers with pages yellowed from age, trying to find out as much as I
could about the specter I'd dubbed the Main Street Basement Ghost. Then I
headed to Main Street, to an apartment building straight out of a
post-apocalyptic movie, and here I was, face to face with the ghost.

Well, maybe not
face to face, since the toddler-ghost was playing a game of hide and seek.

The toddler
laughed, and I followed the noise, farther into the darkness. I'd brought a
flashlight, but the batteries had died about five minutes into the
investigation. Usually, I had moonlight to guide me, but in this windowless
basement, stark darkness was the only thing greeting me as I groped my way
through stacks of boxes, mannequins, and things better left forgotten.

I caught a
glimpse of a white, glowing figure moving in the back of the room. Knocking
over several boxes, I rushed to the spot as fast I could.

The darkness
worked as a disadvantage for the ghost. He was crouched behind a tower of books
— nevertheless, the eerie glow surrounding him gave him away. In the daytime,
he would've been much harder to spot, but in the darkness, he was a glowing

I stopped in
front of the pile of hard covers and glanced at the glow resonating from behind
it. The eerie light barely reached my torso. Getting rid of adolescent ghosts
was never easy and a pang of guilt tugged at my heart. But this kid had killed
three people already, I reminded myself.

At that moment,
the kid launched himself at the books, toppling them over, crushing me. I
raised my hands to my head for protection while I was continuously bombarded,
trying to keep my balance at the same time.

He towered over
me. His dark hair was disheveled, and he wore nineteenth- century clothes
stained with blood. His head tilted slightly to the right. Half of it had been
cut off, as if whoever had decided to rid the kid of his head, didn't have the
stomach to complete the job. His eyes were dark and hollow, and they stared at
me with unmatched venom.

Leave me alone.

His lips didn't
move, but his voice was clear as day. Hatred glistened in his eyes. He snarled
and launched himself at me with his fingers clawed, growling like an animal.

I took a step
back and braced myself for the collision. His full weight hit me right in the
chest, and I fell backward. I grabbed the ghost and held him away from me,
while he gnarled, bit, spat, and clawed at me.

Go away!

Drops of sweat
dripped down my forehead, and blood oozed where he scratched me. I grimaced and
pushed the ghost away with all my strength. It flew several meters backward,
but instead of dropping to the floor, it hovered mid-air. Its eyes sparked with
black flames, and it hissed at me.

Guess I pissed
it off for real this time.

I scrambled
around on my knees in search of the dagger I dropped to the floor when the
ghost knocked me over. The search was proving useless as I couldn't spot it

The ghost's
mouth grew large enough to swallow a small person, forming a black, gaping
hole. Its eyes became small slits, like a snake's. It launched at me again, as
fast as a leopard.

Running was out
of the question. This thing, zigzagging toward me, its face the material of
nightmares, was a lot faster than I was.

My gaze darted
left and right, still in search of the dagger when I caught the silver
sparkling in the ghost's glow. It was behind him. Just my luck.

Lunging up, I
ran forward toward the ghost, dropped to the floor, and dove below the phantom,
straight at the dagger. My sleeve ripped and I bumped my elbow into the wall,
but at least I had my dagger back.

The ghost howled
like a wounded animal. Turning around, it pulled back its arm and swung at me.
I grabbed it mid-swing with my left hand, clenching my teeth as I used all my
strength to stop the attack, and with my right hand, I plunged the dagger
straight into its belly.

The spirit and I
stared at each other for a beat. He screamed, a sound that went through marrow
and bone. Then he vanished.

Relieved, I
stumbled backward. My knees were wobbly, and I had to hold on to the wall for
support. Taking deep breaths, I tried to steady my heartbeat. With the ghost
gone, the basement had gone from illuminated-by-eerie-ghost-glow to pitch black

When I'd
recovered a little, I fumbled through the pockets of my jacket until I found my
cell phone. The battery was almost dead, but I was hoping it would hold out
until I got out of here.

Groping my way
through the darkness, I bumped into a million different things, and almost suffered
a heart attack when I ran into a life-sized mannequin. It seemed to take
forever before I managed to make it out of the basement. I slipped twice on the
stairs going up, and by the time I reached the hallway, I felt as if I'd just
survived a year in Alcatraz. There were lights in the hallway, although they
were on emergency setting; they went on and off every few seconds.

My backpack
still lay where I'd left it, right outside the entrance to the basement. I
slumped down against the wall, opened up my backpack and grabbed a bottle of
water. I drank half of it, and poured the other half over my head in an attempt
to cool off. Next, I pulled out my pocket mirror and inspected the damage to my
face. Green eyes, thin, black eyebrows, a straight nose, high cheekbones, a
small bruise under my left eye, and a cracked lip stared back at me. But at
least my teeth seemed fine, and the bruise was small enough to cover up with
concealer. My hair was a mess, though.

I loosened my
ponytail and ruffled through my long, black hair. With caution, I searched my
scalp inch by inch, looking for wounds. I had hit my head pretty hard the first
time the ghost launched at me. But apart from a growing bump at the back of my
head, the rest seemed fine.

My arms hadn't
been so lucky. They were covered in scratch marks where my sleeve had ripped.
Another jacket ruined. My ankle throbbed and my head hurt, but all in all, the
damage was minimal. Which was to be expected, considering that the Main Street
Basement Ghost was a piece of cake compared to some of the other specters I'd

I stumbled a
little when I got back up. After hoisting my backpack over my shoulder, I
walked through the hallway and out of the abandoned apartment building.

Another ghost
had been sent straight back to the afterlife, and another paycheck awaited my
collection tomorrow. My employer would be glad his building was ghost free, and
that he could now safely find new tenants for the fourteen apartments above the
haunted basement. As for me, I was glad I'd be able to pay the rent for another
month, and buy some food for the table. A girl had to eat.

About the Author:

Author Majanka Verstraete has written more than twenty unique works of fiction. A native of Belgium, Majanka’s novels explore the true nature of monsters: the good, the bad, and just about every species in between. Her young adult books include the acclaimed Mirrorland (YA Dark Fantasy) and Angel of Death (YA Paranormal) series of novels.

Majanka is currently developing a new YA shifter series with a fresh take on fierce female detectives called THE ADVENTURES OF MARISOL HOLMES which will be published by Monster House Books in October 2018.

Her NA paranormal romance series, Ghost Slayer, has been picked up by Fire Quill Publishing. The first volume will be released in 2017.

When she’s not writing, Majanka is probably playing World of Warcraft or catching up with the dozens of TV series she’s addicted to.

Twitter: @iheartreads

I Like His Beard, I Like Her Butt Couples Mug - Funny Couple Mug - (2pc - 11OZ) By AW Fashions

 I love the fun sayings on these mugs. One says I like His Beard and the other says I like her Butt. The sayings are printed on both sides of the mug. AW Fashions has a whole line of sayings on their coffee cups, some funny, some cute, and some sweet, there is something for everyone.

I am always looking for cool fun things for my house and to use as gifts. Thee awesome coffee cups are perfect for both my house and as couples gifts. They come boxed together. They are 11 ounce mugs. They are made of premium class ceramic. They can take a bump or maybe even a drop before breaking. They are dishwasher safe also.

I am thrilled with the quality of these mugs. I am very happy to be giving these as gifts. I am positive the couple who will be receiving them will be happy with them also. I also have other sets of coffee mugs from AW Fashions for other couples on my gift giving list and for my husband and myself. These are great they are cute, funny, but mostly useful. These mugs would also make a great addition to a coffee, tea, or hot chocolate basket. They can be given for any occasion like holidays or even as a wedding gift.

Check these out on Amazon

I received this product for free or at a discounted price in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.