
Monday, April 6, 2020

Forever by Kindle Alexander

Title: Forever
Author: Kindle Alexander
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: April 6, 2020

, the continuation of the number 1 bestselling novel, Always is coming soon.

Dr. Robert Adams grew up with more advantages than most—the son of a former vice president, he had two loving fathers, a twin sister he adores and wonderfully doting grandparents. Life is good until one afternoon when his dreams flat-line. And no scalpel can repair the guilt and grief he carries with him for the first time in his life.

For Tech Sergeant Landon Russo, determination isn’t just a word, it’s a way of life. Joining the US Air Force allows him to prove his worth, and he takes the values of integrity, service and excellence to heart in every decision he makes. Until on one fateful night, in celebration of a much-deserved promotion, a simple misstep sends his life flying into a tailspin.

As both men fight to regain control of their lives, they’ll soon discover fate rules. Will they ignore the signs and risk everything or will they take a chance and trust they're destined to be together...forever? 

“You think you know me?” The words and tone said something different than the playfulness dancing in Dr. Adams’s eyes as he lifted a single brow.

Yeah, in another place and time, that look would have been sexy as hell. Now though, wasn’t that time. “No, I don’t know you, not at all. I don’t even know people like you, so I don’t know how to guess. It’s why I have to ask.” 

“What does ‘people like me’ mean?” Dr. Adams asked, the fun tone vanished as his eyes narrowed and his brow dropped into a hard V. The intensity coming off the man kind of impressed Landon who lifted his good hand in a peace offering. 

“Don’t get defensive. I meant sophisticated, if that’s the right word?” 

Dr. Adams did another one of his sudden visual mood shifts and started laughing. Shit, this wasn’t working out well for Landon at all. The man had a wonderful laugh, even if it was directed at him, and his dick took notice, plumping underneath his hospital gown. 

“You mean stuffy,” Dr. Adams corrected, his face filled with amusement as he gave Landon a racy teasing look. 

“You’re messing with me on purpose, and I can’t really tell if you’re joking, so let me tell you something I haven’t said because I didn’t know if I should. When you’re contemplating your signs and their meaning to your life and whether you should open yourself to understanding this world is bigger than you thought, you need to know I stood as the honor guard on duty the night you stayed with your father while he sat by your dad’s casket.”

The air stood completely still. The confession caused Landon’s heart to drum steadily in his chest as he stared at the utter shock filling Dr. Adams’s face. He waited through the range of emotion until disbelief hit, and he narrowed his eyes, shifting toward Landon for a closer look. “That was you?”

He clearly didn’t believe him. 

“I volunteered to stay all night with you both.” Landon scrunched his face into his serious I’m-a-badass-sergeant expression then put a hand to his brow partially covering his face like the brim of his wheel cap would do. Recognition instantly filled those blue eyes. 

“I tried to find you to thank you. Did you get my email?” Dr. Adams asked, sitting back in astonishment, like Landon had given the best possible gift. He seemed sincerely appreciative, not in the least bit angry that Landon hadn’t mentioned this before now. 

“I did. The email was forwarded to me by my CO, but I didn’t do it for a thank-you. I’m not kidding when I say your father was a great man. I moved heaven and earth to get there. I owed Vice President Adams my respect to watch over him as an honor guard, but when I watched his husband, in person with my own eyes, grieve like he did, I realized true love was possible for guys like me.” Landon didn’t waver in speaking his truth, damn the consequences of confessing his belief in something so filled with romance and lacking in any solid reason.

Best Selling Author Kindle Alexander is an innovative writer, and a genre-crosser who writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, and erotica in both the male/male and male/female genres. It's always a surprise to see what's coming next!

I live in the suburbs of Dallas where it's true, the only thing bigger than an over active imagination, may be women's hair!
Usually, I try for funny. Humor is a major part of my life - I love to laugh, and it seems to be the thing I do in most situations - regardless of the situation, but jokes are a tricky deal... I don't want to offend anyone and jokes tend to offend. So instead I'm going to tell you about Kindle.

I tragically lost my sixteen year old daughter to a drunk driver. She had just been at home, it was early in the night and I heard the accident happen. I'll never forget that moment. The sirens were immediate and something inside me just knew. I left my house, drove straight to the accident on nothing more than instinct. I got to be there when my little girl died - weirdly, I consider that a true gift from above. She didn't have to be alone.

That time in my life was terrible. It's everything you think it would be times about a billion. I love that kid. I loved being her mother and I loved watching her grow into this incredibly beautiful person, both inside and out. She was such a gift to me. To have it all ripped away so suddenly broke me.

Her name was Kindle. Honest to goodness - it was her name and she died a few weeks before Amazon released their brand new Kindle ereader. She had no idea it was coming out and she would have finally gotten her name on something! Try finding a ruler with the name Kindle on it.. It never happened.

Through the course of that crippling event I was lucky enough to begin to write with a dear friend in the fan fiction world of Facebook. She got me through those dark days with her unwavering support and friendship. There wasn't a time she wasn't there for me. Sometimes together and sometimes by myself, we built a world where Kindle lives and stands for peace, love and harmony. It's its own kind of support group. I know without question I wouldn't be here today without her.

Find out more by visiting or email me at




by Bethany-Kris
Andino + Haven, #1-2 + Companion Novella
Publication Date: April 6, 2020
Genres: Adult, Romantic Suspense, Organized Crime. Erotic Romance


Heavy is the head that wears the crown …
Andino Marcello’s world is turned upside down when overnight he goes from capo to boss-in-waiting for the Marcello empire. Here, duty waits on no one and with it comes expectations he isn’t sure he can fulfill. At least, not in a way the mafia expects.
Every choice in this life has consequences.
Even if that choice is love.
The one thing Andino won’t budge on is having Haven Murphy at his side. No matter the cost, she will be his. Whether that means starting a war, hurting the person he loves the most, or changing the very foundation upon which the Marcello legacy was built.
For her, he will do it.
It’s the only vow he might be able to keep.
Andino + Haven: The Complete Duet  features the full-length novels Duty  and Vow  as well as the companion novella, One Last Time.


“Five to one—Macey. Is that the fight in Vegas?”
The bookie nodded. “It is.”
“I heard those odds are actually one to five.”
A sly grin spread over Nathaniel’s lips. “You would be correct.”
“You’re purposely misleading a client?”
“I hate when he wastes my fucking time—minimum bet is actually three-hundred. Trust that in five minutes or so, he’ll call back with a proper apology, I’ll offer to halve the bet to five-hundred, and he’ll pay with the odds I told him to. He’ll lose, and it’ll be a good lesson for him about how to speak to me the next time he calls. And … he will call again. They always do.”
And this right here was why Andino let Nathaniel get away with some of his shit. The guy knew what he was doing, and he did it extremely well.
“And don’t go starting shit with any of the fucking young ones in here, yeah?” Nathaniel said, nodding at the table where Andino had stolen the chair from. “I actually like this joint, Andi. I might want to come back.”
Andino laughed. “Yeah, I’ll try.”
The bookie only sighed.
“On your issue—the lawyer—I cleaned it up. I was able to retrieve seventy percent of the debt through other means.”
For the first time since Andino sat down, Nathaniel’s cool demeanor cracked as his gaze narrowed, and a scowl fettered over his mouth. “That so?”
“It is. It’s not like you to get mixed up with someone who can’t pay their debts. What happened there?”
“He developed a habit, I guess.”
“That all?”
Nathaniel sucked in air through his teeth. “Favor to a friend, maybe.”
“That makes more sense,” Andino noted.
“Lesson learned.”
“You know the deal, huh?”
The bookie shrugged. “If you have to step in, and you don’t retrieve one-hundred percent of the debt, then my cut drops back to ten percent. Yeah, I got it, Andi.”
“You do good business, Nathaniel. Keep doing that.”
Nathaniel didn’t even seem to hear Andino—his attention was focused on something else over Andino’s shoulder, and the widening of his eyes before a low whistle split through his lips cut through the noise in the room.
“Damn, girl,” Nathaniel muttered appreciatively, “it’s been a hot minute since you danced, hasn’t it?”
What in the hell?
Turning to see what had the bookie distracted was probably Andino’s biggest mistake of the evening. He couldn’t afford to be off his game when he was doing business, even if it was with someone he trusted, but the second he saw her on the stage dancing, that’s exactly where Andino found himself.
Off balance.
And entirely stupid, too.
He hadn’t seen the woman since that day he walked Snaps in the park. And she certainly didn’t look like she did that day, either.
Then, she’d been wearing running clothes, with her blonde hair streaked in bright colors pulled up into a pony, and little makeup.
Tonight, she wore a black leather body suit that was made out of criss-crossed strips that covered her body from her ankles to her neck. The strips of leather strategically covered any part of her that someone might really want to see—but it still left enough to look at that there was nothing for the imagination to wonder about.
As she did a quick spin around the pole by using one hand to keep herself steady against the metal, he got a peek at how the strips of leather fell below the curves of her ass, and the G-string she wore under it. And the colorful spread of multi-colored stars tattooed across her back, and down her spine.
He suddenly found himself to be ridiculously interested in just how many stars he might be able to count on her body if given the chance.
Those patent black pumps on her feet had to be at least six inches tall, but every step she took made her body sway in the best fucking way possible.
She was soft curves.
Toned lines.
Creamy skin.
Covered in ink.
Black hair pin-straight down to her sexy-as-fuck ass.
The black hair was new.


Bethany-Kris is a Canadian author, lover of much, and mother to four young sons, one cat, and two dogs. A small town in Eastern Canada where she was born and raised is where she has always called home. With her boys under her feet, snuggling cat, barking dogs, and a hubby calling over his shoulder, she is nearly always writing something … when she can find the time.
To keep up-to-date with new releases from Bethany-Kris, sign up to her New Release Newsletter here:

Scars & Sins by Melanie Munton blitz

Scars & Sins
Melanie Munton
(Brooklyn Brothers, #2)
Publication date: March 31st 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

We are the Rossetti’s.

The exiled “sixth” family of the New York mafia. We’re the good guys.

People don’t fear us…much. They respect us.

The five of us? We’re the Brooklyn Brothers.

And we protect what’s ours.

You know when you have a little sister and she has that one friend that always follows you around like a puppy? For me, that was Roxanna “Roxy” D’Angelo. That was years ago, back when our fathers didn’t hate each other. Then they became enemies and she went off to boarding school in Connecticut.

Now, she’s back…and looking nothing like the shy girl I remember.

Cavorting with anyone from the five families is strictly forbidden to someone like me. So, I can’t figure out why I keep finding myself in situations with Roxy that could bring the force of the entire mafia syndicate down on our heads. Even if those situations are the wildest, most intoxicating experiences of my life.

But with the Sicilians in town and out for blood, times have never been more dangerous. If they find out about our relationship, they won’t hesitate to remove both of us from the equation so they can restore order.

We’re not Romeo and Juliet. They both died. And I refuse to let anything happen to Roxy. I have to protect her. From my family. From hers.

I hope she won’t hate me for what I have to do.

Because it might just kill her before any bullet can.

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“How’s Gia?”

His eyes softened. “She’s good, other than being annoyed all the time. She’ll be a senior at NYU. Pre-law and she hates it.”

She and I had been best friends for our entire childhoods. Inseparable up until one disastrous night five years ago. That was why I’d been around Ace so much over the years. Any time she and I had hung out, I’d always begged to come over to her place. My house had never held much appeal because after all, Ace wasn’t in it. And knowing Gia as well as I did—or used to—she would have definitely hated going pre-law.

God, I missed her.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Um,”—I bit my lower lip— “can you tell her I said hi?”

His expression turned to that of an adoring older brother. “Of course.”

And that was why my crush had never gone further than a crush.

I was just another little sister to him.

Gia and I were the same age, three years younger than Ace. He had basically lumped me into the same category as her years ago: annoying younger sister. Trailing after him, hanging onto his every word, I had made a giant fool of myself. Even worse, I knew his four older brothers had teased him to no end about it. If Ace had ever been protective of me, it was always in an angry, brotherly way, not in a jealous, possessive type of way. Which was what I’d always secretly longed for.

Because I’d never—not once—thought of him as my older brother.

Not for one second.

“Maybe you guys could hang out sometime,” he added. “She’d love to see you.”

My heart ached.

There had been a gaping hole there ever since I lost her years ago to the rising tension between our families. Our fathers had once been good friends, then they had a falling out, and any connection between the D’Angelos and the Rossettis had been obliterated in an instant.

“I think you and I both know that’s not possible.” My voice was resigned. “Nothing has changed.”

To my astonishment, his eyes flared as they slowly raked down my body.

Okay, I’m definitely not imagining that heat.

Was he really looking at me like that? Like he did in my pathetic, hopeless dreams? But where was it coming from?

“Oh, I don’t know,” he rasped, his gaze once again landing on my mouth. “I’d say some things have definitely changed.”

Whaaaaaaaat actually is happening here?

His words knocked the air right out of my lungs.

The level of bafflement on my face was surely making me look like an idiot, but nothing could have been done about it.

He took a meaningful step toward me. “Have you been a bad girl, Roxy?”

I’d been staring at his mouth, the way the corner of it twitched with a hint of a grin, but my eyes flew up to his at those words.

Because they dripped with innuendo.

Since when did Ace speak to me with innuendo? Did he suddenly forget who he was talking to?

Embarrassingly, I felt my cheeks heat. He probably thought I was an inexperienced, naïve child at seeing how easily I could still blush.

But I was only one of those things, thank you very much.

My voice unintentionally came out as a whisper. “Excuse me?”

His eyes briefly flitted to the confessional booth. Then that grin came back. “What kind of sins does a girl like you need to confess?”

There was one thing about Ace that had always stood out for me above so many others.

That inquisitive expression of his I mentioned earlier was one that could swiftly turn very intense. Particularly when he was looking at a girl he was interested in. His eyes would go molten, his jaw would harden, his lips would tighten, and when his chin dipped almost imperceptibly lower, he really meant business. And by business, I meant he was turned on. It was like his signature look that he always gave pretty girls.

For years, I’d desperately hoped Ace would one day look at me like that.

That I would make his jaw clench, make his mouth firm. That I could cause the kind of visceral reaction in him that made his hands fist with the uncontrollable urge to grab me and haul me to him. I wanted his need to kiss me to light a fire in him so hot he’d do anything to relieve the burn.

I’d seen him look at so many other girls just like that, and it had broken my heart each and every time. I’d fallen asleep countless nights, praying that I would eventually be the recipient of his heated inspection.

And for the first time in my life…Ace was looking at me.




Author Bio:

Traveler. Reader. Beach-goer. St. Louis Cardinals fan. Pasta-obsessed. North Carolina resident. Sarcastic. Bit of a nerd.

Author of the Cruz Brothers, Possession and Politics, and Timid Souls series, Melanie loves all things romance, comedies and suspense in particular because it’s boring to only stick to one sub-genre! From light-hearted comedies to sexy thrillers, she likes to mix it up, but loves her some strong alpha males and sassy heroines.

Go visit Melanie’s website and sign up for her newsletter to stay updated on release dates, teasers, and other details for all of her projects!

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Voices & Visions by Lashell Collins blitz

Voices & Visions
Lashell Collins
(Touched, #1)
Publication date: March 27th 2020
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
A psychic so powerful his abilities come at a cost. A woman so special she alone has the power to touch him.
Detective Isaac Taylor is a broken man. Isolated by his strange abilities and what others perceive as weird behavior, he keeps his head down and excels at his job. But he hears the whispers of his colleagues and family members, and he feels like a freak among them. Then one wrong number phone call changes everything.
Sidney Fairchild is no stranger to danger. She’s a woman on the run, in hiding and existing below the radar. Despite her efforts to stay invisible, she witnesses a crime she knows could get her killed. Then she answers a wrong number phone call that changes her life.
Bound by their undeniable connection, Isaac and Sidney forge a bond stronger than anything either has ever known. But will his psychic abilities save her or lead to their mutual destruction?
Voices & Visions is book 1 in Touched, a new romantic suspense series. If you like compelling characters, realistic dialogue, and heartwarming bromances, then you’ll love this new thought-provoking series from Lashell Collins.
“Can we talk about what happened back at the safe house?” she asked, finally breaking the awkward silence.
“I’m not sure rehashing that shootout is such a good idea, Sid. It’s only going to make you feel lower than you already do.”
“No, I don’t mean that.”
“Oh.” He glanced at her again and knew immediately what she wanted to talk about.
“You said that when you touch someone, you can see things about their life somehow? Things about their past or what’s going on with them.”
“That’s right.”
“When we met at the restaurant and you shook my hand… you saw something then, didn’t you? That’s why you looked at me the way you did.”
The intrigue in her light brown eyes held his attention captive for a moment, but the certainty in her voice told him there was no point in trying to sidestep her question. He pulled his gaze away from hers and swallowed.
“Yeah, I did.” His reply was quiet, resigned to the notion that their earlier conversation on this subject wasn’t quite finished.
“What did you see?”
The images came back to him in technicolor, every detail crisp and fresh in his mind. But he knew he couldn’t tell her about them. Not until he’d had a chance to sort them out. He couldn’t tell her that the flashes he’d seen involved him. Involved them. Together. Scenes from their future presumably.
But what was it they always said in those science fiction shows he and Adam loved to watch as kids? That the future wasn’t set in stone, and any glimpse of it was just one possible outcome.
Of course, that was science fiction. This?
He had no clue what the hell this was.

Author Bio:
Lashell Collins is an American author of romantic suspense, paranormal romance and rockstar romance. She walks to the beat of her own drum, but that's okay 'cause she's got a pretty good sense of rhythm. Basically, she's a geeky, quirky, laid-back, rocker-loving kinda girl who's married to a retired cop, motorcycle-riding, bad-boy alpha all her own, and she likes to write about sexy police officers, werewolves and rockstars, or some inventive combination of the three!
When she's not busy tapping away on her laptop and living vicariously through her characters, she can usually be found watching Grimm, rocking out to Slash, stuffing her face full of Chinese food, or riding on the back of her husband's Harley-Davidson. Between her book characters and the ones she knows in real life, her plate stays pretty full. But she loves to hear from readers, so give her a shout sometime!


Bourbon on the Rocks by Shari J. Ryan

Title: Bourbon on the Rocks
Series: Barrel House #2
Author: Shari J. Ryan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 6, 2020


Life isn’t a game.

Life isn’t an empty bottle of bourbon spinning on a warehouse floor as I hold
my breath.

I feel weak when others perceive me as strong.

I’m passionate though I appear to hate the world around me.

I see the beauty in all ugly things.

I feel pain when I laugh.

No one knows the truth.

Well, no one knew the truth until now.

Somehow, Brody Pearson understands more about me than anyone else in my life.
The severed connection should mean something significant, but I don’t know if I
can forget all my self-proclaimed promises.

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$3.99 for a limited time!


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Also Available


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Coming Soon

Releasing July 20

$3.99 for a limited time!


Author Bio

Shari J. Ryan is USA Today bestselling
author. She lives in Massachusetts with her wicked awesome husband, and two
wild sons who fill her life with non-stop comedy.

With a life full of love, writing, drawing, TV binging,
reading, and Starbucks, Shari is living her best life.

Author Links

Her Tempting Protector by Caitlyn O'Leary

Title: Her Tempting Protector
Series: Night Storm #2
Author: Caitlyn O’Leary
Genre: Romantic Military Suspense
Release Date: March 31, 2020



Navy SEAL, Cullen Lyons, knew the moment he saw Dr. Carys Adams treating her
patients in an African war zone that she was stubborn, selfless and
extraordinary. Ignoring the danger surrounding her, she concentrated on keeping
the young mother and newborn alive. Now it was Cullen’s job to evade the brutal
rebel forces who had targeted Carys and the young family and get them to


Carys knows that a three day journey to Khartoum could kill her patients, but
staying in hiding would sign their death warrant. She had never met a man like
Cullen Lyons, every instinct told her that she could trust him, that she had
finally found someone she could lean on, but what if she was wrong? Was he
really the hero he seemed to be?

Purchase Links




Kissing and
kissing and kissing.  She was losing
herself in a whirlwind of sensation as his hands stroked her neck, her
shoulders, trailing down her spine and finally those powerful hands molded her
butt and she about lost her mind. 
She whimpered
as she tried to get her hands under his shirt, but her body was in the
“Baby, what
is it?”
“I want to
feel you,” she wailed as she tried tugging again at the front of his
sweater.  Then she sighed in relief as
she worked around to his back and lifted it up and felt the smooth, taut,
muscled skin of his back.  He felt so
The afghan
slipped onto the deck.  “Honey, we have
to take this inside, are you good with that?”
peppered kisses up the side of his neck, her tongue licking up the taste of
him.  “Oh yes, inside.  Hurry, Cullen.”  She struggled to get up.
He flexed
his muscles and her eyes went wide as she found herself in his arms as he stood
up on the deck.  “You’re not supposed to
be able to do that.”
“Carys, we
kind of do a lot of physical training in my job,” he chuckled as he tucked one
arm under her bottom and easily opened the door to the house. 
is good.  I like strong. 
She melted
against him, secure in the knowledge that he would take care of her.  She didn’t pay any attention as to where they
were going.  She continued to stroke the
warm heat of his back and lick the sweet and salty skin of his neck.
Her world
dipped and she found herself on her back.
“Are you
okay, Sweetheart?”
wouldn’t I be?”
traced the contours of her face with his fingers, as he stared down at
her.  Then she realized he was
“I’ve never
felt so safe, or so aroused,” she confessed. 
good, because nothing in my life has ever felt as good as this moment.” 
He meant
it, she could see it in his eyes.  Carys
blinked fast, not wanting to ruin the moment with tears.  Now was a time of joy. 
With his
eyes on hers, he lowered his head and their lips met.  Kiss after kiss and she was once again lost
in a maelstrom of desire.  When his lips
left hers, she realized her top was gone and he had moved to brush his tongue
across her over-sensitive nipple. 
Her back
arched so far off the bed she thought she might break in half.  So good, it was glorious.
Was that my voice?
mouth surrounded the tip of her breast and he lashed at her with his
tongue.  Vaguely she heard her whimpers
of pleasure.  She wanted to tell him not
to stop.   She wanted to beg him for
something more because she was coming apart, but she couldn’t make words
form.  She tried to lift her hands to
guide him, but they wouldn’t work.
She watched
through slitted eyes as he pulled off her jeans and panties.  Every nerve in her body tingled, and she felt
every rub of cloth.  Her skin was too sensitive.  It was all too much.  It wasn’t enough. 
you’re gorgeous,” he breathed.
“Take…”  She languidly lifted one arm.
“You now.”
He bent
over her, his clothes rasping along her tender skin.
“What do
you want, Carys?”
“You.  Naked. 
laugh was throaty.  She shivered as it
hit every erogenous zone in her body.

Also Available



Author Bio

Who am I? I'm the woman married to John, daughter of Pat and
Vicki, and sister to three brothers and one sister. I've been writing
professionally for six years, have written over thirty books and am a USA Today
Bestseller. But the truth? The absolute truth?

I'm just a book junkie. I love, love, love to read. I read
every Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys book, but Trixie Belden was my favorite. I read
the World Book Encyclopaedia set when I was in middle school and had pneumonia.
Books have been my escape and saviour on many occasions.

It's my hope that my books can bring you happiness. That's
it. Can you grin? Can you be uplifted? Can you be entertained? Will they make
you think about life a little bit differently? Then Yay! Be sure to keep in
touch, I actually answer my e-mails.

Author Links