
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Dirty Dealer by Kacey Shea

Title: Dirty Dealer
Author: Kacey Shea
Genre: Romance
Release Date: June 28, 2020
Cover Design: Najla Qamber
Vote for June's Most Anticipated Romance

On paper I have it all. Wealth, security, and a collection of vehicles that spark envy, even amongst LA’s rich and famous. Money is all I ever wanted, but now that I have it in spades, I’m restless.

For the first time in my life, I want things cash can’t procure. I want a real relationship. Beauty and brains. A salacious little minx who isn’t afraid to call me out. My equal, in and out of the bedroom.

The problem is I have no clue where to find a woman like that.

Imagine my luck when I come upon a curvy, gorgeous maiden in distress, stranded on the side of I-10 like a mirage fashioned from my deepest desires. It’s fate. Kismet.

Only she isn’t impressed. Not by my money, my power, or my ability to make all her dreams come true. Hell, she won’t even accept my ride without an argument. But I’m not giving up. She doesn’t know who she’s dealing with, and I’m not afraid to play dirty. 

Dirty Dealer is an opposites attract, temporary roommates, contemporary romance standalone inspired by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward’s Cocky Bastard. It's published as part of the Cocky Hero Club world, a series of original works, written by various authors, and inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling series.

Jude Lawrence might not be a psychopath or serial killer, but he is delusional. “How have you never seen a Marvel movie?” I momentarily abandon the best milkshake I’ve had in years to throw my hands in the air. “Like, how is that even possible?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because I’m not a teenager?” During dinner he ditches his jacket, rolling the cuffs of his dress shirt. A simple, practical move before digging into these mammoth craft burgers, but also incredibly distracting.

A gasp leaves my lips. More from the shock he’s dissing my favorite franchise, and a little from how he fills out his dress shirt. I wish he didn’t look so good. It’d be easier to stay angry.

He only smiles smugly and shoves another fry into his mouth. “What? You can’t tell me you actually like those movies.”

Too far. “Take that back. Take it back now, or I am never speaking to you again.”

His brows lift. “You’re serious?”


“Fine.” He holds up his hands. “I am sorry I don’t like Batman.”

“Batman! Do you know nothing? I thought you were successful!”

He chuckles and swipes one of my fries. 

“Hey.” I tug my food closer to my side of the booth. “Next you’ll tell me you’re one of those adults who doesn’t dress up for Halloween.”

A laugh bursts from his lips, lighting his entire face with his smile. God, he’s beautiful. Even if he’s mocking me. “I haven’t dressed up since elementary school, maybe? I don’t even hand out candy.”

“Bah humbug. Aren’t you the regular Mr. Scrooge?”

“I think you have the wrong holiday.”

“Oh?” I tilt my head and level him with a mock glare. “Do you decorate for Christmas?”

“No comment.” He holds his smile, but for a split second he almost appears sad. Or maybe I only image it, because as soon as it’s there, it’s gone. “I don’t put up a tree for Christmas, but I do give really good gifts, so that has to count for something.”

It does. Though I’m not surprised. He’s been more than generous in our interactions, and I’m practically a stranger. Knowing he takes pride in his gift giving makes my heart warm a little more toward the man. “Okay, you get a point for that. But I’m still not over the fact you don’t share my love of Thor.”

His brow crinkles and he shakes his head, sending a few locks forward on his face. 

I almost sigh. Speaking of Thor. If Jude lightened his hair just a shade he’d make the perfect one. I don’t imagine he’d be caught dead in costume, but a girl can dream.

“You’re fun to tease, you know that?” He leans back into his seat. 

“Don’t mess with my movies. Holidays. Or my fries.” I take another bite of food, covering my mouth as I chew because he’s staring again. It’s a penetrating gaze in which he’s the match and I’m the kindling ready to be set ablaze. Unnerving. Knowing. As though he’s prepared to peel back all my layers, whether I want him to or not. And I kinda do. I divert my gaze back to my mostly eaten meal, because if there’s one thing I don’t need right now, it’s to lose control.

Kacey Shea is a USA Today bestselling author of steamy contemporary romance. She enjoys writing strong and smart heroines, heroes with hearts of gold, and stories that deliver a satisfying, well-earned happily ever after. 

Kacey has a free book for all newsletter subscribers along with bonus epilogues for her most beloved novels ➞

When she's not writing you will find her playing Uber to one of her three children, drinking iced tea by the gallon, or planning her next escape from the Arizona heat.


Screw: A Hell’s Handlers and No Prisoners MC Crossover by Lilly Atlas

Title - Screw: A Hell's Handlers and No Prisoners MC Crossover
Series - Hell's Handler's #8
Author - Lilly Atlas
Genre - MMF/MC Romance (Standalone)
Release Date - March 31, 2020

Jazmine lives with secrets she buries beneath conservative clothing and avoidance of relationships. Those secrets are just one reason she spends months resisting the advances of the Hell’s Handlers’ resident flirt, Screwball. Mostly, she can’t stand Screw’s constant parade of one-night stands and inability to be serious. But the man is charming, and her resolve is only so strong. When Gumby, a romantic interest from Jazz’s past, returns to her life, she suddenly finds herself stuck between two men who hate each other on sight yet seem inexplicably drawn together.

As the new enforcer for the Hell’s Handlers Motorcycle Club, Screwball faces a challenge he’s avoided his entire life: the heavy weight of leadership. Now he’s in charge of protecting his club as threats from an enemy MC mount. Even though he doubts himself, Screw wants the opportunity to prove his worth to his brothers. Meanwhile, he also finds himself attracted to Jazz in a way he’s never experienced. When Jazz’s eye-catching biker from Arizona shows up in town, Screw finds himself wondering if a future full of commitment might be worth leaving his comfort zone.

Having grown up with a brutal father who spoke with his fists, Gumby learned early to suppress certain sides of himself. When he crosses the country in search of a woman he can’t shake from his head, he not only finds her in danger but the object of one very appealing enforcer’s desire. He soon discovers denying his true identity can be impossible when faced with real temptation.

Can three wounded souls overcome their baggage in time to save the Hell’s Handlers MC and their relationship?

“I need to start having the prospect warm up my car before I leave,” Jazz grumbled as a full-body shiver ran through her. Though this was her second winter out of the toasty Arizona desert, she hadn’t gotten used to the cold.
At all.
And the seven-minute drive from work to home wasn’t enough time for her car to warm up. At least not when the day’s high never made it out of the thirties. Even with a hat, scarf, gloves, puffy down jacket, and wooly socks, she felt the chill. And not in a brisk, refreshing sort of way, but in an I’m-buried-under-an-avalanche-and-about-to-freeze-to-death way.
When it came to the cold, Jazz was a complete and utter wuss.
The good news was she only had half a mile left until she reached her home. The bad news was that it had snowed a good three inches while she’d been at work, so she now had to shovel the driveway, a task she loathed. Shell and Toni had laughed when she’d whined, telling her to make the prospect do it, but that felt all wrong. The poor guy was stuck watching her boring ass all day when she wasn’t even someone’s ol’ lady. How could she ask him to do manual labor on top of it? No, she’d suck it up and shovel her own driveway like the big girl she was. And if the prospect jumped in to help, well…she wouldn’t turn him away.
She wasn’t stupid.
As she turned onto her street, a smile lit her face. There in the driveway of her little rented house stood her next-door neighbor, Jeremy, using his snow blower to rid her driveway of her white nemesis.
What an angel.
She pulled into the snow-free driveway just as Jeremy was powering down his snow blower. After giving a little wave to the prospect as he parked next to a mound of plowed snow, she exited the car. “Seriously, Jeremy, you are the best. How has some lucky girl not snapped you up yet?”
He snorted as he set down the blower. Dressed in a leather jacket, biker boots, and black jeans, he looked like he’d fit right in at the Hell’s Handler’s clubhouse, but for some reason unknown to her, he’d been denied the opportunity to prospect.
“Been waiting on you, Jazzy, you know that.” He winked, then walked her way. “But you keep breaking my heart at every turn.” The words were spoken with a lightness to them, but the gaze that held hers conveyed a sincerity that had her face heating.
Thankfully, her cheeks had already reddened from the cold. Otherwise her blush would be obvious, and she’d hate to give the guy the wrong idea. Even if she’d been interested in Jeremy, dating him would have proven way too awkward, considering how close she was to the men of the MC. Supposedly, he’d attempted to prospect more than once and hadn’t made it through the door. “Flattery will get you everywhere,” she said with a wave of her gloved hand and an airy chuckle. “But I see the parade of chicas you’ve got coming and going from your bachelor pad over there. Pretty sure you’re loving your freedom.”
That made him smile. Teeth, a little on the yellow side gleamed at her. Overall, he wasn’t bad looking. Somewhat attractive, with buzzed brownish hair, a smooth-shaven jaw, and eyes on the greener side of hazel. His muscles were real as was his passion for motorcycles and desire to join the Handlers. The problem with Jeremy was how he always seemed to be trying just a little too hard, which often came off as needy. At least in Jazz’s opinion. She’d never say it aloud, but Jeremy was a beta male and Jazz was the kinda girl whose head only seemed to turn for alphas. Was it a good thing? Perhaps not considering she was twenty-nine and pathologically single.
“What can I say, Jazz? The ladies like what they see.”
She cocked her head, studying him. Were his neediness the only issue, perhaps she could have overlooked it and gone out with the guy, but it wasn’t the only problem. She had mountains of her own issues holding her back.
“Of course they do,” she said with a wink. “You’re a stud. Anyway, thanks for taking care of the driveway for me. I really appreciate it. I’ve dreaded the thought of shoveling out since the first flake fell.”
“Why shovel when you can blow?” Jeremy said wagging his eyebrows.
Jazz laughed. “I’m sure there’s a naughty joke in there somewhere, but I’m not gonna dig too deep for it.” When Jeremy groaned, she laughed again. “See what I did there? Shovel? Dig?”
“Unfortunately. Your comedy game needs work.” He slung an arm around her shoulders and propelled her toward her door. “Better get that sweet ass inside before it freezes off, Arizona-girl.”
Jazz dug out her key. “Thanks again, Jeremy.”
“My pleasure, babe. Long as I’m not out of town I’ll take care of your driveway, okay?”
God, why couldn’t she be attracted to this guy? He was so damn sweet. “You’re seriously the best, Jeremy,” she said before giving him a peck on the cheek. “I think Mrs. Sampson might actually have an old snow blower out back in the shed,” she said of her land lady. “I went out there once and found a snake staring at me so that was the last time I ventured back there. And I won’t ever be going again.” She shuddered and it had nothing to do with the chill for once. “I’d rather die than find another snake. That shed is off limits to me.”
Jeremy laughed. He kissed her back then started down her driveway, calling, “Don’t worry, I got your back. Unless I’m out of town, you won’t have to shovel or battle the snakes to look for the snow blower.” With a wave of his hand he reached the sidewalk and turned right toward his own home.
Monty, the prospect who’d been tasked with following her for the day, stared at him from his truck while chatting away on his phone. For his part, Jeremy glared back then flipped Monty the bird before making his way up his own snow-free driveway.
Interesting. Jazz would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious why the MC didn’t seem to care for Jeremy. Though she could see how he wouldn’t be such a great fit, she had a feeling the rejection came from more than just the fact Jeremy was a bit…weak. Ugh, just thinking the word made her feel like a bitch.
Well, none of it was any of her business. Time to get inside and get some coffee brewing to warm herself from the inside out. Just as she shoved the key in the lock, her phone rang. After digging it out of her overstuffed purse she held it to her ear without looking at the screen.
Her mistake.
“Crawly, really?” Screw’s disgusted voice entered her ear, stopped at her nipples to perk them up, then continued straight to her pussy which fucking fluttered at the sound.
Damn him.
Key still sticking out of her door, Jazz sighed. “What are you talking about, Screwball?”
“You put your fucking lips on Crawly. Let him put his lips on you.”
Jazz pinched the bridge of her nose as an ache began to form between her eyes. Of course the pain, it did nothing to squash the arousal brought on by his voice and the memory of another pair of lips on her. A set of lips that she’d given into in one very needy moment a few weeks back.
Another mistake because now that memory popped up at the most inconvenient times.
Like now.
“Okay, buddy, first of all where and on who my lips land is none of your business. And second of all, what the fuck are you talking about? Who the hell is Crawly?”
Screw practically growled as he said, “Jeremy Crawly. That pansy-assed mother fucker who was on your doorstep five fucking seconds ago.”
What the…
Jazz spun, scanning the street for an annoying biker. “You spying on me now?”
“That the kind of man you’re looking for?”
He wasn’t on her street. At least not in sight. Screw wasn’t subtle enough to be hiding in the bushes or some nonsense like that. He was too loud and too proud to hide from anyone. Had he actually been there, he’d probably have stormed out the moment she kissed Jeremy’s cheek and laid some ridiculous claim on her.
Your stomach did not just flutter at the thought of being Screw’s, you stupid silly girl.
She continued to scan the street, consciously ignoring Screw’s question, and as her eyes passed over the navy truck in front of her house, she scowled. “Really, you traitor?” she yelled at Monty.
When the prospect shrugged through the foggy windows, she flipped him off then stormed into her house. “Not that I owe you any explanations, asshole, but it was a kiss on the damn cheek to thank him for getting the snow off my driveway before I got home from work. He didn’t want me to do it myself and freeze my tits off. I didn’t see you out there actually doing something for someone else.”
“I was on my way with my blower when I got called into Copper’s office. He wanted to meet with me but was fine with waiting until I was done at your house. I called Monty to tell him to either sit on you so you wouldn’t shovel or get his lazy ass out of the truck and start shoveling until I got there. He let me know Crawly had already completed the job.”
If she were in a movie, the background noise would be a whistling sound as the wind left her sails. Every time she put Screw in the box called careless womanizer, he went and did something to surprise her.
Of course, ninety-nine-point nine percent of the time it was with the end goal of getting laid, which kinda negated the whole good deed thing.
“Damn you, Screw,” Jazz said as she sagged. Her back hit the closed door with a heavy thud she’d have felt if it weren’t for the thickness of her puffy jacket. “How many times do I have to tell you—”
“I know you’re not gonna fuck me if I shovel your driveway, Jazzy.”
“But you thought I’d fuck Jeremy for it?”
“What? No, shit.” He actually sounded frustrated with himself. “Look, I may like to fuck and it’s no goddamn secret that I want to fuck you, but I’m not an asshole. You hate the cold and live by yourself. You don’t have a blower and there’s about four inches out there. It’d have taken you all goddamned day to shovel, and who the hell knows if Monty is worth anything.”
“He’s been prospecting for two months.”
Screw snorted. “That don’t mean shit. The fucker’s got a long way to go before patching in.”
True enough.
Jazz sighed and the silence between them grew heavy.
“A thank you kiss on the cheek, huh?”
Jazz stared at the ceiling, willing herself to end the call. Just a quick goodbye and the push of one button and this conversation would be over and she could focus on not thinking about Screw for the rest of the day. But did she do that?
Of course not. That would be logical. Healthy, even.
“Yes. I’m not interested in Jeremy.” What the hell was wrong with her? Maybe the cold has frozen all the parts of her brain responsible for rational thinking.

“Good to know,” Screw said.

My Review:
Screw is the 8th book in the Hell's Handlers series and it is also a crossover book with the No Prisoners series all by Lilly Atlas. I have not read any of the other  books of either series but I have read several books by Lilly Atlas and have loved them all. I also do not read many gay or bisexual books. I have no problems with Gay or bisexual, 2 of my best friends are a a gay couple, it's just not something I have chose to read. I do love books about MC's, and snap up all of them I can find, I even married a biker. 

Lilly has done a great job with this book and I will be looking for the previous books in this series as well as the No Prisoners series. This book has a lot of humor to it but it also runs through all other emotions. You may even need a tissue or two. The book is also about secrets. Each of the main characters Jazz, who started out in the No Prisoners series and is now part of Hell's Handlers has her secrets from her past, Gumby also from No Prisoners has his secrets, and Screw from Hell's Handlers is hiding his secrets as well. In this book they all are finally able to share their secret with each other.

Their is a graphic menage relationship in this book as well as a lot of strong language. But you are not overly sensitive about those this is a really great book. But then again if you are looking to read any MC book, you are not overly sensitive to either. 


Lilly Atlas is a contemporary romance author, proud Navy wife, and mother of two spunky girls. By day she works as a physical therapist for a hospital in Virginia. Lilly is an avid romance reader, and expects her Kindle to beg for mercy every time she downloads a new eBook. Thankfully, it hasn’t happened yet, and she can often be found absorbed in a good book.


The Alpha's Woman Series by Carolyn Faulkner

Title: The Alpha's Woman
Series: The Alpha's Woman #1
Author: Carolyn Faulkner

Publisher: Blushing Books
Genre: Sci-Fi/Omegaverse Dark Romance


When she is released from the stasis she voluntarily entered, the world
that greets Emily Harding is far from what she expected. It more closely
resembles a post-apocalyptic novel than the rolling green Tennessee hills she’s
left behind.

Worse than that, it seems that the rule of law is a thing of the past,
and that society has devolved into what it was thousands of years ago – feudal
tribes warring with each other over precious and rare supplies, which includes
females. One type of female in particular.

It is raw, unforgiving, and animalistic. Much like the behavior of the
man who takes her captive and holds her there, forcing her to learn that even
she is not unaffected by the changes that have been wrought on the world,
proving to her time and time again that she is nothing more to him than a means
to obtain children.

And making her scream in agonizing pleasure as he does so.

Publisher’s Note: The Alpha's Woman is a dark tale with some explicit

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FREE for a VERY limited time!


Always free in Kindle Unlimited

Title: Kosh's Omega
Series: The Alpha's Woman #2
Author: Carolyn Faulkner
Publisher: Blushing Books
Genre: Sci-Fi/Omegaverse Dark Romance


termagant being brought into the small clinic isn’t exactly what second in
command and Alpha soldier, Kosh, envisioned as his perfect Omega, but he knows
beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is his. She’s a fierce little thing, more
of a threat than most would take her for, but he isn’t one of the unfortunate
ones who will get caught underestimating her.

They wouldn’t be given the chance to do so again.

Tura doesn’t want to be here, even though she knows it’s a well-controlled,
relatively safely run small city. And she most definitely doesn’t want to be
paired off with some giant who thinks he has a claim on her – no matter what
her lady parts want her to do.

She almost succeeded in taking him out like she had the others, but instead, he
will just wear the scar she’s given him for the rest of his life.

A life he
absolutely intends to spend taming her to the very hand she’s bitten.

Note: The second book in The Alpha's Woman series contains explicit scenes and
power exchange. If either of these offend you, please do not purchase.

Purchase Links


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Title: Red's Mate
Series: The Alpha's Woman #3
Author: Carolyn Faulkner
Publisher: Blushing Books
Genre: Sci-Fi/Omegaverse Dark Romance


In the
aftermath of the wars, pestilence, and famine that devastated the land, mankind
– and its genetically superior counterparts – huddled together in what passed
for civilization. Small bands of cutthroats and thieves roamed the landscape,
although there was the occasional enclave; small villages, some better
organized compounds, and even sometimes a decently run city-state, but they
were by far the fewest and farthest between.

It was in a
very tiny village that the Omega Ebby had grown up, surrounded by women who
knew what she would become, as well as a few men to whom she was unattractive,
all of whom participated in training her to defend herself. They had also all
vowed to protect her with their lives.

And in the
end, because of him, that was exactly what they had done.

Ciaran, an
Alpha born in one of those more successful city-states, had risen through the
ranks of what passed for the Army to command a battalion that combed the
wasteland; defeating enemies, making the occasional ally. Their military
mission was to collect whatever might benefit them immediately – or the base,
when they returned. But he was conducting a mission of his own for that which
he had wanted all his life: an Omega on which to breed sons.

They had
received intelligence that there was something very valuable hidden in a
village not far away.

And there


Note: This steamy, post-apocalyptic romance contains power exchange scenes.

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Free in Kindle Unlimited

Title: An Omega's Awakening
Series: The Alpha's Woman #4
Author: Carolyn Faulkner
Publisher: Blushing Books
Genre: Sci-Fi/Omegaverse Dark Romance


He didn't
even know her name. She looked – and acted – more like a man than a woman. He
wasn't looking for a new Omega.

She didn't
want what was happening to her, and it didn't help that the man who controlled
her career – and thus, her life – was the very one who seemed to be bringing
some kind of awakening to it.

Neither of
them wanted this, but he knew what he had to do.

Note: This steamy Omegaverse romance contains elements of power exchange. While
it is the fourth in the Alpha’s Woman series, it can be enjoyed as a

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Free in Kindle Unlimited

Title: The Omega Within
Series: The Alpha's Woman #5
Author: Carolyn Faulkner
Publisher: Blushing Books
Genre: Sci-Fi/Omegaverse Dark Romance


Olly, dressed as a young boy to keep her identity as an unclaimed omega a
secret, is searching for food when she is grabbed and taken to Garron, the
great commander, to work for him as a bought and paid for servant. But when he
discovers who and what she really is, he wastes no time in claiming her for his

Now, they must learn to exist as Alpha and omega while fighting the
biggest fight of Garron's life as a great warrior.

Enjoy how this fifth and final book in the Alpha's Woman series brings
together all the characters of the previous books for a spectacular ending.

Publisher's Note: This action filled Alpha/omega romance contains graphic
scenes and a theme of power exchange.

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Author Bio

The words
“spanking” and “discipline” have always sent a shiver up Carolyn Faulkner’s
spine. She knows she’s not alone. Writing started as a way to explore her feelings.
Soon short stories flowed from her pen featuring reluctant heroes taking the
leading lady in hand, but always for her own good.
Carolyn is the author of dozens of books. She writes from her home in Maine,
where she lives with her husband and leading man.

You can
read an interview with Carolyn here:

You may
check out her website while it’s under construction here: