
Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Torn Duet by Mia Kayla

Duet Title: The Torn Duet
Titles: Torn Between Two ~ Choosing Forever 
Author: Mia Kayla
Genre: Romance
Release Date: April 2, 2020

Bestselling author Mia Kayla delivers an emotionally charged love triangle featuring a young woman in a new city who finds herself torn between a famous sexy rockstar and a non-for-profit lawyer who is trying to save the world.

A rockstar versus a lawyer.

Fast and furious versus deliberate and calculated.

Intense and passionate versus strong and devoted.

Chaos versus stability.

I fell in love with one in the craziness of a concert.

I fell in love with the other in the silence of his compassion.

And now I am Torn Between Two.

Life is made up of choices.

Single choices like bricks laid out in a path. A path that leads to your future.

At twenty four years old, I would have never guessed I would be stuck between two men—two men from opposite spectrums of the universe.

Their lives, their worlds, their demeanor is as different as the darkest of nights and the lightest of days.

I love them both, but I have to choose.

There is only one choice I can make.

And I choose forever.

This story is simply the most beautiful, uplifting, heart-breaking, love-affirming, soul-shattering roller coaster I've ever read. - Kristy, Obsessed with Romance Blog
I absolutely loved this book. My heart was rooting for the rock star. Some books make you smile, some make you cry. This one does both. - Goodreads Review






Mia Kayla is a New Adult/Contemporary Romance writer who lives in Illinois. She is the wife to the husband of the year and mommy to three unbelievable cute little girls who have multiplied her grey hairs. 

In her free time she loves reading romance novels, jamming to boy bands, catching up on celebrity gossip and designing flowers for weddings.

Most of the time, she can be caught on the train with her nose in a book sporting a cheeky grin because the main characters finally get their happily-ever-after at the end. 

She loves reading about happy endings but has more fun writing them.


Alien Redemption by Gloria Oliver

Science Fiction
Date Published: February 2020
Publisher: Zumaya Otherworlds

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All Claudia wanted to do was escape the mistakes of the past and start over. But when she answers an ad for a medical officer on a merchant ship in the Fringes, the captain recognizes her and blackmails her into taking the job.

The Holiday’s Captain Bennet is amoral and has a short fuse. Claudia steers clear of him as much as possible, while trying to care for the crew he lashes out on. Then the rumors start that their latest mission is to a location Bennet won’t even share with the pilot.

The secret coordinates take the ship and crew to an uncharted system in the Fringes. To a planet that holds intelligent life, and despite the odds, also a humanoid one.

Bennet plans to use these aliens to climb up the power ladder at the borders of the Dominion. Even if it means placing the Avians into brutal servitude for the rest of their lives.

Can Claudia stop the impending exploitation of this newly discovered sentient species all on her own? Or is there a worse fate than blackmail waiting for her if she tries?


"Another accident, I presume?"

A flash of something crossed Stevens’ eyes. Whether it was good or bad, Claudia couldn’t tell. Instead of answering the question, the first mate placed the unconscious woman she was carrying onto the scanner bed. Her patient had a large lump on the side of the head, and her nose looked broken.

Claudia had just activated the bed and was checking the unconscious woman’s vitals when Stevens broke the silence.

“The captain doesn’t tolerate failure or disobedience well.”

Cold fury flared inside Claudia, her suspicions of abuse by the one who commanded them confirmed. She was amazed her hands didn’t shake as she programmed the scanner. Now that there was a medic onboard, was Bennet showing less restraint than usual? It would make her being here a boon and a bane to everyone on board. If the captain took things too far one too many times, might the crew decide the downside was worse than the benefits and turn on her?

Claudia shook her head. “You still work for him.” It wasn’t quite an accusation.
Stevens came up close. Claudia held her ground and didn’t step away.

“We all have our reasons for being here. Whether we like it or not.”

About the Author

Gloria Oliver lives in Texas, staying away from rolling tumbleweeds while bowing to the never-ending wishes of her feline and canine masters. She works full time shoveling numbers around for an oil & gas company and squeezes in some writing time when she can. 

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Hard Truth by Sybil Bartel

Hard Truth
Sybil Bartel
(Alpha Antihero #4)
Publication date: May 18th 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

I couldn’t escape the hard sins of my past.

I couldn’t unsee the truths in my mistakes.

Every breath she took was a reminder of the pain I’d caused.

Growing up at the mercy of a madman, I swore I would never give anyone that kind of power over me again. But here I was, on my knees, begging for a life I lost.

Except no amount of forgiveness would bring it back.

*HARD TRUTH is the fourth book in the Alpha Antihero Series, and it is not a standalone story.

The Alpha Antihero Series:





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Author Bio:

Sybil Bartel grew up in Northern California with her head in a book and her feet in the sand. She dreamt of becoming a painter but the heady scent of libraries with their shelves full of books drew her into the world of storytelling. She loves the New Adult genre, but any story about a love so desperately wrong and impossibly beautiful makes her swoon.

Sybil now resides in Southern Florida and while she doesn’t get to read as much as she likes, she still buries her toes in the sand. If she isn’t writing or fighting to contain the banana plantation in her backyard, you can find her spending time with her handsomely tattooed husband, her brilliantly practical son and a mischievous miniature boxer…

But Seriously?

Here are ten things you probably really want to know about Sybil.

She grew up a faculty brat. She can swear like a sailor. She loves men in uniform. She hates being told what to do. She can do your taxes (but don’t ask). The Bird Market in Hong Kong freaks her out. Her favorite word is desperate…or dirty, or both—she can’t decide. She has a thing for muscle cars. But never reply on her for driving directions, ever. And she has a new book boyfriend every week—don’t tell her husband.

To find out more about Sybil Bartel, be sure to follow her on Twitter (she loves to hear about your favorite book boyfriend!), visit her website, like her on Facebook or join her Facebook group Book Boyfriend Heroes for exclusive excerpts and giveaways.

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Charmer by Kayley Loring

Title: Charmer
Author: Kayley Loring
Genre: Steamy Romantic Comedy
Release Date: March 25, 2020



She serves me coffee late at night when I come around to write lyrics,
but it’s not the caffeine I’ve gotten addicted to.

We’ve got the spark, but she’s the only woman in town
who seems to be immune to my charms.

When it’s time for me to leave for my cross-country tour,
I just can’t imagine not seeing her for months.

So I offer her a job on the road with me.


Everyone in LA knows that Nico Todd has a way with songs and with the

What he doesn’t know is that I would love to let him have his way with

But my life can only revolve around one infuriatingly cute guy—
the six-year-old that I live with.

Imagine my surprise when Nico finds out about my little boy
and tells me to bring him and my mom on the road too.

And imagine Nico’s surprise when he realizes my son
is the biggest charmer of them all.

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Free in Kindle Unlimited


I may have studied to be on the wrong side of the camera, because I am
the Meryl Streep of acting like I don’t want to lock myself in a closet with
Nico Todd and lick him all over.
I can feel his beautiful brown eyes on me as I walk away, but I’m not
going to look back at him. If I look back at him, he’ll think I’m flirting. And
I’m not flirting. I’m just a really awesome waitress who obsesses about the
well-being and voice and eyelashes and butt and hands and full lips of all my
customers. I check in with my other table to see if these non-Nico people want
anything else, and quickly glance over my shoulder at him.
He’s scribbling in his notebook. Not looking at me. Good. Why should he?
But praise the Disney gods, he grew up good. I wasn’t a huge fan of that
wizard show—always more of a movie nerd—but I watched the first season if I was
at home when it was on. I was thirteen and my friends had pictures of Shane
Miller and Nico Todd up in their lockers. I may have had Annie Leibovitz
portraits and stills from Ken Burns documentaries taped to mine, but I had eyes
and hormones. Still do!
I didn’t recognize him immediately the first time I saw him walk into the
coffee shop, but my stomach flipped in a way that it hadn’t in years. We get
all kinds of celebrities in here pretty much every night, because Beachwood is
that kind of neighborhood. It’s a casual hipster restaurant, so most people
roll in here wearing T-shirts and jeans, unless they’re talent agency
doucheholes. But some people look better in T-shirts and jeans than others.
Some people have that glow about them, even in a dimly lit retro coffee shop.
And all the other waitresses who were on that shift were talking about Nico in
the back of the house. It seemed like every one of them knew someone or had
heard about someone who’d been out with him—once or twice. I’ve been somewhat
out of the loop for about six years, so that was the first I’d heard of him
becoming a musician, and that was when I knew for certain that he’d be
off-limits for me.
But I mean, it’s my job to take good care of him while he’s here. And to
occasionally wonder what the fuck he’s up to when he isn’t here. And to think
about him every time I take a shower.
Because once I had listened to him on Spotify, I became a fan.
I fell in love with the songs and tried to stay detached from the singer.
Which is impossible, because he’s so good. His voice is sexy, sure, but
he has this way of singing with his whole heart and soul even though he isn’t
usually belting things out. And he’s got magic fingers because the way he plays
guitar—I swear it feels like he’s strumming my clitoris. His songs are cool but
warm at the same time, like an ice cream sundae. They’re all about women, of
course, and it’s so easy to close your eyes and picture him singing to you.
Even the songs that are about things not working out with a girl are somehow
poignant and swoony.
But by the tenth time I’d listened to every song on all of his albums, I
realized something: even though he writes and sings love songs—he never once
says the words “I love you.”
Which is why he’d be nothing but trouble.
But I can still appreciate his talent when I’m alone, in the privacy of
my bedroom.
I can still have a crush on him.
Everyone needs a little crush to get through the day.

Also Available


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Before writing steamy romantic comedy novels, Kayley Loring
got a BFA in creative writing from a Canadian university and had a fifteen-year
career as a screenwriter in Los Angeles (under a different name). She mostly
wrote PG-13 family comedies that studios would pay her lots of money for and
then never make into movies. In 2017 she decided to move to the Pacific
Northwest and write about all the fun stuff that she wasn't allowed to write
about in those PG-13 scripts. Now she’s breathing cleaner air and writing
dirtier words. It’s an adjustment she’s happily getting used to.

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