
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Vis by PC Benson

Title: Vis
Series: Nephilim's Savior Book Two
Author: P.C. Benson
Genre: NA/Paranormal Romance/Dark Fantasy
Release Date: March 29, 2020

How does one go on after they have lost everything?

The Fallen had taken Lilly from me. I had protected and cared for her since our parents died. It had always been just the two of us. We were not just sisters; we were best friends that did everything together—us against the world.

However, Lilly had chosen a side and had embraced the darkness. I left everything behind and followed Lilly; I will sacrifice everything to get my sister back—including my mate. However, how can I save her without turning dark myself? 

What if there was nothing left to save? 
Am I strong enough for that possibility? 

Trigger warning. Also, contain violence, foul language, and adult scenes; any adult scenes are consensual.


P. C. Benson lives in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Although a Californian at heart, she is currently living in the suburbs of Denver with her husband and her son and a cat and a dog. Her daughter is about an hour away in college.

She is an avid reader. When in a book slump, she comes up with her own stories in her head. She hopes you enjoy her stories as much as she does; they keep her company in-between her next favorite series.


Double Blind by Sara Winkour

Mystery Thriller
Date Published: March 31, 2020
Publisher: Anchor House Publishing

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A young boy disappears in the chill of North Iceland. Twenty years later, a mysterious poem lands on the desk of his twin sister Brynja, a forensic geneticist, and rekindles her hopes that her brother might be alive. As Brynja unravels the clues, more poems arrive, each bearing dire consequences for those who receive them: the guard of the medieval manuscript of Icelandic sagas that possibly has the answer to her burning question, the prime minister’s secretary, the local pastor.

Is the poet out to stop Brynja from finding her brother and shut down her access to the DNA database? Or is the verse maker simply a psychopath copycat killer?

Fighting the visual auras that have plagued her since childhood and now threaten everything she holds dear, Brynja must summon the strength to navigate the twisted labyrinth of the poet’s mind and confront the dark secret buried in her family’s past.

DOUBLE BLIND is a wild ride through the cultural landscape of Iceland, from rural farmsteads to icy fjords to the high-tech world of DNA forensics. This crime thriller packed with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

About the Author

Sara Winkour is a geneticist and researcher who reinvented herself as an author. She writes historical fiction and informed cultural thrillers hoping to educate readers while they’re being entertained.  

Sara has a Masters in Psytogenetics for cancer diagnosis and a Ph.D. for her work on Muscular Dystrophy, identifying mutations that cause disease. She is also a consultant at the University of California and an Associate Researcher at Biological Chemistry School of Medicine at UCI, Irvine. She was part of the team that found the gene that causes Dwarfism and Huntington’s Disease. 

Sara is an avid reader of historical fiction, mystery-thrillers, and Scandinavian Noir. She also loves to travel and has already visited over 60 countries. 

Being an ovarian cancer survivor gives Sara a sense of gratitude, strength, and perspective that she extends to family, friends, work, and her writing.  A mother of three, she resides with her husband of 37 years in Southern California. 

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Bottleneck by Max Henry


by Max Henry
Publication Date: April 21, 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Womanizer. Player.
We all know them. And sometimes, we’ve loved one.

My first mistake was to trust the rocker with a charming smile. My second, believing he’d never hurt me.

My final mistake will not be to repeat steps one and two.

People change as they mature. They live, and they learn. Emery? He’s not one of those people.
He tells me that he needs me, and I wish I could say I didn’t feel the same.
Problem is, I’m also one of those people who never change. But I do learn …

And I know that the worst mistake I could make wouldn’t be to repeat the past.
It would be to let him go.

Also in the Series

About Max Henry

Born and bred in Canterbury, New Zealand, Max now resides with her family in beautiful and sunny Queensland, Australia.

Life with two young children can be hectic at times and, although she may not write as often as she would like, Max wouldn’t change a thing.

An avid lover of stories from a young age, she enjoys nothing more than to get lost in the pages while the characters dictate what direction she takes. Her favourite genre to write is young/new adult and the events in her stories may or may not be related to real life experiences (only she will ever know for sure).

In her down time, Max can be found at her local gym brainstorming through a session with the weights. If not, she’s probably out drooling over one of many classic cars on show that she wishes she owned.

Liar, Liar, Hearts on Fire by Pippa Grant

Title: Liar, Liar, Hearts on Fire

Series: Bro Code #3
Author: Pippa Grant
Genre: Romantic Comedy

 Release Date: March 24, 2020


Never borrow pants from your brother. Especially if he’s a
size smaller than you are, because all that pressure in the junk will
short-circuit your brain.

And you’ll lie to a woman in a club about your real name.

Leave her unsatisfied after making out in a bathroom.

Then find out that she’s the one thing standing in the way of your dreams. And
she very much doesn’t like being lied to.

Now I have to convince Lila Valentine—the woman I can’t stop thinking about, my
biggest regret, and my new boss—that I’m what’s best for the baseball team
she’s inherited.

If we can’t work together to save the Fireballs, the commissioner’s forcing a
sale and moving them across the country.

I’ll do anything to save my home team.

But the one thing I can’t do?

Keep my hands to myself.

Which would be fine, if she hadn’t been telling me lies this whole time too.

Liar, Liar, Hearts on Fire is a rocking fun romance between a single
dad obsessed with baseball, an heiress with secrets, baseball pants, a rundown
team, and rabid ducks. It stands alone and comes with a guaranteed

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The squawking erupts again nearby and saves me. There are no
visible chickens on the field, and it gets louder as we approach the dugout on
the first base side.
Louder and more intense.
Very intense.
Like, are there chicken police? Because we might need the
chicken police.
I drift directly behind Tripp while we approach the noise,
shameless in using him as a human shield if this is a chicken uprising. What's
that movie? The one with the apes that rebel and take over the world? That's
what this sounds like, except with feathers and clucks instead of
chest-pounding and grunts.
"Should we call security?" My self-defense classes
didn't cover protecting yourself from rabid chickens.
"That'd be a foul," he murmurs. And then chuckles
to himself, and oh my god.
"Foul—fowl? Like a bird-fowl? Did you just make
a dad joke at a time like this?"
"A time like this? You mean a random Tuesday night at a
deserted ball field?"
"At a time when the chickens are gathering for a
ritualistic sacrifice of one of their own."
His shoulders shake, and he seems to be struggling to cough.
"Oh, god, did you inhale a feather? Is that how this
starts? They shed their feathers to choke us to death?"
"Please don't talk about chickens and choking in the
same sentence."
"That was not a dad joke."
"No, it was—oh. Duck."
I squat low, spinning to see what I'm ducking from.
Tripp flips his flashlight on me. I squint and cover my
head. "Stop! I can't see! What's coming?"
"Lila. Ducks. Ducks. Not chickens. It's
mating ducks."
He swings the flashlight to the dugout, and—oh.
"Is it...supposed to be that violent?"
There are two ducks under the bench in the dugout, one
flapping its wings and chasing the other, who's squawking so loudly she could
wake the dead.
And— "Ohmygod, I did not need
to see that!"
Duck penis.
Duck penis.
Oh my god. Duck penis. Duck penis should not look
like that
Tripp's bent double laughing.
"Where's security?" I demand. "Hello?
Security? Security? I'll give whoever removes this duck a
ten-thousand-dollar bonus. Right now."
No one comes running for ten grand, because no one
can hear me
The squawking. It's a cry for help.
"It's nature," Tripp says. He's wiping his eyes
now, he's laughing so hard. "Give 'em a few. They'll finish up."
The girl duck is racing back and forth under the bench.
The boy duck is chasing her with that thing.
And I am not having it. "Shoo. Shoo!"
"Lila!" Tripp calls, but I'm already gone.
Flapping my arms. Yelling. Charging the dugout and the
Why are they even here? There's no pond here. Winter's
coming. They should be flying to the Caribbean for Mai Tais and sunshine.
And instead, they're ruining the sanctity of my ballpark.
"Shoo!" I yell again.
I hit the stairs down to the long covered bench, and the boy
duck suddenly seems to realize I'm coming at him.
He turns, pointing that thing at me, flaps
his wings, and gets this evil glint in his eyes that means I really should've
thought about what I was doing before I came in here.
"Woo her nicely," I snap.
He squawks—no, quacks at me.
I need to go back to kindergarten to learn my animal sounds
again. I'm a city girl. We don't do farm animals.
"And put that thing away!"
"Lila." Tripp's laughing so hard he's wheezing. He
grabs my elbow and tugs. "Let the ducks be."
"I'd let it be if he wasn't attacking her."
"Maybe that's how ducks have sex."
"Then maybe ducks shouldn't exist."
It's like a Braveheart yell, and I realize
I'm asking the wrong question.
I shouldn't be asking why is the duck assaulting the
other duck in a dugout?
I should be asking what have humans previously done
to this duck because he's going to kill me?
It charges, wings flapping.
I scream and take off running. Tripp mutters a
well-timed, oh, fuck and runs with me. "The other
dugout," he shouts, pointing to the dugout on the third base side.
Another light flashes up in the stands.
"Security!" I yell. "Arrest the duck! Arrest
the duck!
It's gaining on us. Quacking louder. And it can fly. It
can fly
It's going to swoop over us, poop on our heads, and whack us
with that—that—that mutant penis and then scoop us up in its
talons, and—"Aaah! It got me. It got me!"
It bit me on the butt.
"Don't fuck with nature," Tripp grunts.

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Author Bio

Pippa Grant is a USA Today
Bestselling author who writes romantic comedies that will make tears run down
your leg. When she's not reading, writing or sleeping, she's being crowned
employee of the month as a stay-at-home mom and housewife trying to prepare her
adorable demon spawn to be productive members of society, all the while
fantasizing about long walks on the beach with hot chocolate chip cookies.

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Surviving His Scars by Terri Anne Browning

Title: Surviving His Scars
Series: Angels Halo MC Next Gen #4
Author: Terri Anne Browning
Genre: New Adult/MC Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2020


I have a secret.

One that will get the man I’ve been crushing on for years killed if my
father ever finds out.

My sister says he’s a stalker—how else could he know exactly when I’m
in trouble and come to rescue me?

I don’t care. He’s saved me over and over again, so I know he doesn’t
want to harm me. And every time I get so much as a glimpse of him, my heart
becomes even more his.

Everyone who hears my name instantly thinks I’m a monster.

They don’t know the real me. The one who hated the men who tried to
make me just as evil as them.

All I wanted was to burn their empire to the ground.

Until I saw her.

My precious one.

Her family thinks I wanted to hurt her when all I want is to protect

The scars of my past aren’t pretty. They shroud me like a dark cloak,
making me feel like the devil I’ve been cast as. It would taint her sweetness
if I let them touch her.

But when she disappears on me, I can’t hold back any longer.

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Author Bio

Terri Anne
Browning is a USA TODAY bestselling author. Being dyslexic, she never thought a
career in writing would be possible, yet she has been on bestselling lists
multiple times since 2013. Reese: A Safe Haven Novella was her first Indie
published book. The Rocker Who Holds Me changed the tables and kicked off The
Rocker... series featuring the sinfully delicious members of Demon's Wings. The
Rocker... Series is now complete with 12 books and the occasional novella.
Other books by Terri Anne include the Angel's Halo MC Series, as well as The
Lucy & Harris Novella Series, The Vitucci Mafiosos Series, and The Tainted
Knights Rocker Series.

Terri Anne lives in Virginia with her husband, their three demons---err,
children--and a hyper Frenchie named Grunt.

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