
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Homecoming by Jennifer Allis Provost

Book Three
Jennifer Allis Provost

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Bellatrix Press

Date of Publication: July 17, 2018


Number of pages: 300
Word Count: 75k

Cover Artist: Deranged Doctor Design

Tagline: Who wields the power behind the Wild Court?

Book Description:

After months of dealing with gods and monsters in New York, Karina and Robert return to their cottage in Scotland. Chris makes the move as well to start fresh with his girlfriend, Anya—but when they arrive Anya isn’t there. He tracks her down at the pub where her mother, Beira, works, and finds out that Beria’s been holding a grudge against his family for the past few hundred years. Since Beira’s the Cailleach Bheur— the Celtic Queen of Winter—her grudges are a rather big deal.

While Chris deals with Beira, Karina and Robert learn that when Robert was freed from the Minster’s Pine Karina inadvertently left a portal to Elphame open. Now Doon Hill is covered in fairies who are organizing themselves into a new court free of Seelie rule, akin to the Wild Fae of old. What’s worse, Karina’s long-lost uncle appears to be organizing this new court.

Karina closes the door to Elphame, but that only angers the unseen powers behind the fledgling Wild Court, forcing her and Robert to forge alliances with those who’d been their enemies not so long ago. Who can Karina and her gallowglass trust, and who is only out to deceive them?

About the Author:

Jennifer Allis Provost writes books about faeries, orcs and elves. Zombies too. She grew up in the wilds of Western Massachusetts and had read every book in the local library by age twelve. (It was a small library). An early love of mythology and folklore led to her epic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Parthalan, and her day job as a cubicle monkey helped shape her urban fantasy, Copper Girl. When she’s not writing about things that go bump in the night (and sometimes during the day) she’s working on her MFA in Creative Nonfiction.

Hot Pursuit by Kay Marie

Hot Pursuit
Kay Marie
(To Catch a Thief #1)
Publication date: August 27th 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
**Special pre-order price of $0.99! Save $3!**
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days meets White Collar in this sassy and sweet romantic comedy, new from bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis, writing as Kay Marie.
All Jolene Carter has ever wanted is to own a bakery of her own. There’s only one problem. Her father, Robert Carter, is a world-renowned art thief and she’s, well, sort of his protégé. But he’s promised her that this next job in New York will be their last, and she won’t let anyone get in the way of her dreams…especially not the distractingly delicious FBI agent hot on her tail.
Agent Nate Parker has been on the Robert Carter case for years, and if the rumors of the aging criminal’s retirement are true, this might be his last chance to nail him. With the legacy of his late father in the back of his mind, the stakes are more personal than anyone realizes. He won’t let anything stand in the way of justice…especially not the red-headed vixen who keeps giving him the slip.
He’s a cop who’d never bend. She’s a con who’ll never break. But all’s fair in love and larceny…

Author Bio:
Kaitlyn Davis, a bestselling author with over a quarter of a million books sold, writes young adult fantasy novels under the name Kaitlyn Davis and contemporary romance novels under the name Kay Marie. Publishers Weekly has said, "Davis writes with confidence and poise," while USA Today has recommended her work as "must-read romance."
Always blessed with an overactive imagination, Kaitlyn has been writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and is overjoyed to share her work with the world. When she's not daydreaming, typing stories, or getting lost in fictional worlds, Kaitlyn can be found playing fetch with her puppy, watching a little too much television, or spending time with her family. If you have any questions for her--about her books, about scheduling an event, or just in general--you may contact her at:
Sign up for Kaitlyn's newsletter to stay up-to-date with all of her new releases, to receive exclusive subscriber bonus content, and more!


The Offspring by Bill Pinnell Blitz

Contemporary Fiction
Date Published: April 2018
Publisher: Page Publishing

The Offspring is a gripping narrative filled with convoluted schemes and a secret that destroyed so many lives.

Terrifying family secrets have plagued Hughie Decker for as long as he can remember. Now, just as his life and career have finally begun to make strides, a seemingly innocent story from his hometown newspaper leaves Decker with no choice. He must return to his boyhood home to confront the horrid truth that destroyed so many lives.



He could not bring himself to open the door. It felt much safer to remain inside, even though the air was oppressively warm and cloying. He glanced through the windshield to that spot, to where he knew he must go. He took a deep breath. Steeling his resolve, he opened the door and stepped down to the ground. He took another deep breath then forced himself to walk through the trees to near the water’s edge. He looked around. Considering the years that had passed since he last stood on this spot, some things obviously had changed, and yet there was an eerie sameness to the place. Despite the heat, a shiver ran up his spine. He did not belong here, but remain he must, even though he felt like an intruder. Sutter’s Pool looked the worse for wear. Some trees had toppled over and lay barren. Twists of bark peeled from the trunks and only desiccated brown leaves clung to splintered branches. He looked up at the one exception to the ravages of time and neglect, the one unfortunate constant: that magnificent giant elm, towering before him, more majestic than ever, and still rooted firmly to that spot in a contrasting effusion of glorious green splendor. High above, a burst of sunlight illuminated a short length of rope. It was secured to the limb by a large slipknot, its dangling end tattered and worn. As he stared at it, memories, or what he imagined to be memories (for he was not here when that most tragic of events happened) swirled in his head like a swarm of wasps bent on revenge. Slowly, as the wind picked up, the dangling rope flicked in lazy circles, gaining momentum in the frenzy of its own macabre dance.

The sky, only a moment before the essence of cerulean blue, clouded over, not in portentous gray but hazy-like, as if seen through the gauze of time. The breeze slowed, but its effect could still be heard through the gently rustling leaves of the elm. As the man lost him- self in the hypnotic swing of the threads of dangling rope, suddenly a voice rang out. No, two voices. Two male voices. Their laughter trilled through the afternoon air, joyous in abandon, epitomizing all that is carefree youth. The sounds swayed back and forth overhead, like that piece of rope, as if tethered to a giant pendulum. Suddenly there came a loud splash—kuh-thunk-kuh!—and the man turned toward the pond just as a boy’s torso broke the surface with a powerful thrust. How he managed to laugh without swallowing mouthfuls of water was a wonder. The boy swept the waves of hair from his eyes and pointed to his left. “I bet you can’t beat that somersault, little brother!” The man turned to see another boy, this one a few years younger than the valiant swimmer, standing near the water’s edge. The younger boy was trying in vain to grab hold of the swinging rope. The man looked up to see a rope swing knotted to that same limb high above where moments before had hung only a remnant. In a desperate attempt to catch the rope swing, the younger boy lunged too far and awkwardly cartwheeled into the pond. He clumsily pulled himself onto the bank, while the older brother effortlessly treaded water and was laughing hysterically. “Oh, yeah?” cried the younger boy, picking up a clod of dirt. “Incoming torpedo! Fire one!” he yelled, whipping it at the cackling swimmer. But the older one was too fast and jackknifed below as the dirt bomb splattered harmlessly on the surface. The boy picked up another clod and waited for his brother to come up for air. But he didn’t. The boy waited. The seconds ticked by. “Come on, Tommy, quit it. Here. I’m throwing the dirt bomb away.” And he did. “Game’s over, okay?” Still nothing. He knew his brother was a strong swimmer, but the boy grew worried. “Tommy!” 

Then, as if driven by a monstrous clap of thunder, the sky grew dark. Only there was no thunder, for it had become eerily quiet. The man called out to the young boy, who seemed not to hear. Suddenly, as if someone had opened a door to a wind tunnel, a mighty gust began to race around the perimeter of the pond. The man looked to the water’s surface, but still no sign of the swimmer. Fearing the worst, he called out again to the other boy. “Don’t worry, son, I’ll save your brother!” The man turned quickly toward the boy, but he had vanished. He was nowhere to be found. Just then, the water broke and the swimmer surfaced, desperately gasping for air. The man called to the swimmer, who, like his younger brother, seemed oblivious of the man. In a frightening instant, the entire pond began to churn, first swirling about in eddies then merging into a singular, violent whirlpool. The circle tightened around the struggling boy, closing ever so quickly in diameter as the rotation and froth gained momentum. It tightened further like the giant, unforgiving iris of a massive camera lens. The current escalated, engulfing the boy’s legs like so much quicksand, pulling him down, ever down. The man tried to run to the water’s edge to save the drowning boy, but he could not move. It was as if his feet were cemented into the soggy ground. He watched in sheer helplessness as the swimmer was sucked deep into the swirling abyss. The water closed over the brown curls of hair, swallowing its prey as the pond slowly returned to deceitful serenity. 

And then he saw them, right where the younger boy had stood begging for his brother to break to the surface. The man’s mouth went dry as if filled with sand, his escalating pulse threatening to burst his throbbing heart. He squinted through the gauze of light to see lying on the ground a lifeless body—no, a dead body. A young black man knelt over the prostrate form, his hand cradling a rock splotched with gray pulp and dripping with blood. Both figures were drenched as if they had been tossed overboard into a turbulent sea or perhaps the raging pond that had swallowed the swimmer. Droplets of blood and gore fell from the rock onto the corpse as blotches of red spread over its clothes in a nightmarish version of a Jackson Pollock canvas. The black man slowly turned his head toward the intruder, his eyes seeming to glow like the fires of hell; he stood, never taking his eyes away yet tightening his hold on the bloody rock, which now resembled an oversize sticky softball. Slowly the black man (on closer look, was he merely a teenager?) began his approach, feet pulling from the ground’s suction in steady cadence. Stumbling backward, the intruder raised his hands in defense and croaked, “No, oh god, no. I couldn’t save him. I tried, but I couldn’t!” The man tripped, falling onto his back. He shut his eyes in an effort to escape the terror before him. There he lay, waiting for the rock to split his skull open when . . . nothing. No sound of approaching feet, no thudding of his own heartbeat. Nothing. He froze, afraid to open his eyes lest he see a hovering figure, the rock mercilessly poised to come crashing down. The smell of grass was unexpectedly sweet, powerfully sweet in fact, and oddly comforting. He slid a hand across his wet brow, fearing the moisture was his own blood. Slowly he opened his eyes. No blood. Lifting onto his elbows, he looked around. The black man (boy?) was gone. The dead body was gone. In its place the grass was dry, sparse blades waving gently in a reluctant breeze. Looking upward, the sky appeared to have returned to normal. Then he saw the dangling piece of rope lit softly once again by dappled sunlight. The man staggered to his feet. 

“Well, there’s trouble,” he heard from behind. The startled man whirled to confront that voice from his past.

About the Author

While teaching in a university theatre department, Pinnell accumulated both local and national awards for teaching excellence. He was a theatre director, designer and scenic artist, and also authored three textbooks and two plays. THE OFFSPRING is his first novel.

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Hounded By: Marla Braziel

Claire has lost her parents and now lives with her Aunt and Uncle. An orphan herself when she finds a puppy she adopts him. Her Aunt thinks the puppy will help her broken heart mend. Other people have other ideas about this. The puppy is nno normal mutt, he turns out to be a Hell Hound.

The story is very short but follows Clair from mid teens to adult as well as Fido. Sometimes a lot of short books feel rushed but this one did not. Marla Braziel does a great job packing just enough information and detail in the book to keep if flowing without being rushed. Kate Tyler's narration is spot on. She kept my attention all the way through. I love how she brought this story to life with her character voices and the narration.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.

The Raven Flies at Night Father Gunter, Demon Hunter, Book 2 By: Janine R. Pestel

The Raven Flies at Night is book 2 of the Father Gunter, Demon Hunter, series by Janine R. Pestel. This is a short book, it has a bit of comedy as well as horror to it. The book picks up where Bucktown Babes leaves off at the end of book 2. Father Gunter and his sidekick to to speak Bob are on the trail again, this time the demon is in the small town of Mountainview. The town is being over run by sadness, suicide, and ravens. They are given a talisman to help them rid the town of the demon.

John H Fehskens narrates the book and in my opinion does a great job with each of the character voices as well as the narration itself. He kept my interest throughout the story.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Sunset Beach by Christine Donovan

SUNSET BEACH by Christine Donovan, Contemporary Romance, 255 pp., $3.99 (kindle)


Author: Christine Donovan

Publisher: Independent

Pages: 328

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Until Sarah Kennedy is 17 she spends her summers at Sunset Beach with
a close-knit group of friends. They are young, carefree, and just a tad
wild—as teenagers tend to be. They share secrets, love, and a deep
connection. But that final summer life as the friends know it begins to
unravel. Domestic violence plagues one family, one of their group
becomes a criminal. Sarah severs all ties with her friends and

Fifteen years after the summer that changed Sarah’s life forever, she
receives a letter about a reunion. Can she bury her fears, curb her
anxiety enough to attend and finally unearth who attacked her and
changed the trajectory of her life forever? She also hopes to reconnect
with the one man she gave her heart and soul too—Jake Ferroli. She
wonders if his life faired any better than hers after his family tragedy
and his downfall into drugs and alcohol.

Sarah locks down her demons and rents a cottage for the summer. To
her surprise Jake is still single and they slowly reconnect. But so does
her attacker. He is good at eluding the police. Somehow he has gone on
attacking women for fifteen years without so much as being a suspect.
Pictures, letters, and threats against Sarah now come on a daily basis.
Jake and Sarah hire a private detective and as they get closer and
closer to revealing the identity of the perpetrator, he strikes. Can
Jake rescue Sarah before their so-called friend rapes her, or even
worse, kills her as he did to his last victim?

When he stepped close to her, he could
sense rather than see her retreat. Her eyes darted toward the door then back to
him, suddenly full of panic. Why? It tore at his heart to know someone or
something traumatized her.
“Why don’t you take a seat and relax.” He
reached out to touch her arm and she all but flinched. It appeared ever so quickly,
but he noticed it. On an exhale, he let his arm fall, frowned at her behavior,
and sat down. She slid into the chair opposite him.
“So, tell me why you’re so jumpy? Is it me,
or are you always like this?” God, please
don’t let it be me.
She shot him a look of disbelief. “I’m not
Clearing his throat, he said, “If you say
“Have you kept in touch with everyone?”
The desperation he witnessed flash in her
eyes nearly broke his heart. “Yeah, I have. You know about Drew and Alyssa. Tom’s
a doctor. He works at Mass General and he’s still single. Dylan lives in his
mother’s old house. He’s a local cop here. Had a nasty divorce a few years
back, but I don’t know all the details. I believe he has one kid, a daughter. Mitch
is a detective with the Boston Police Department. He married a fellow police
officer and they have two kids. Heather married some guy last year, I haven’t
met him.
Tracy’s single and I think she’s the only one
not coming.”
“I had no idea what became of anyone.”
Tears pooled in her eyes. “Except
Charlotte.” She closed her eyes and took a deep
breath. “You took me by surprise when I saw you pull up today.”
Exhaling, he said, “Likewise. I didn’t
expect you to come after fifteen years of silence.” He ran his hands threw his
hair and asked, “Why did you come?”
“I don’t know. I thought it was time.”
She had a strange, vacant look on her face,
so Jake decided to drop the subject. He would push for more answers later. And
he wanted answers. Something had been eating a hole in his heart all these
years, and he wanted to know why.

Christine Donovan is giving away
five free e-copies of SUNSET BEACH!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering
    the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • Five
    winners will be chosen via Rafflecopter
  • This
    giveaway ends midnight June 29.
  • Winner will
    be contacted via email on June 30.
  • Winner has 48
    hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Christine Donovan is an International Bestselling Author who writes
romance that touches the heart, soothes the soul and feeds the mind. She
is a PAN Member of RWA and belongs to Novelist, Inc. and Rhode Island
Romance Writers.

She lives on the Southeast Coast of Massachusetts with her husband,
four sons, four cats and one spoiled golden retriever. As well as
writing contemporary romance, she also writes historical and paranormal.
All her books have some degree of suspense. In her spare time, she can
be found reading, painting or gardening. She loves to tackle DIY



Sins of the Father Ravage Riders MC #1 by Nikki Landis

of the Father
Riders MC #1
Nikki Landis

SciFi Time Travel MC Romance

baby .
. .

was drunk, angry, and spoiling for a fight. The crowded bar was the
perfect distraction until all hell broke loose.

She walked in.
My world collapsed.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I
never thought I'd see her again. Rae never should have been there
that night . . . but 5 years of regret, loss, and vengeance have
waged war inside me, and the sins of our fathers won't stop me from
claiming what's mine: Rae Stenson.

She's my
addiction. I need her. Even if I have to lie, cheat, steal, or

But it may not be the past that we have to confront as
the real sins of our fathers wreak havoc in Providence, CA where
reality and fantasy collide.

Ravage Riders MC
, first in a series of Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romances with a
twist. Is there anything sexier than gun toting alpha male
bikers . . . who aren't quite human?

Love always
deserves a second chance...even if it's a little out of this world.


Neither of the guys indulged in this lifestyle when they could help it. Their
mutual problem was one that haunted both of their dreams . . . and their past.
The same girl.
Rage rushed through his veins like sharp poison, stinging and burning within
the vessels. Thoughts of her always brought the same reaction. Pete’s fist
clenched the red plastic cup, once full of beer, in his hand a little too tight. Good
thing he already downed it. Why were these cups always fucking red? His
patience was wearing thin and he was sick of the constant act around Rafe.
Alcohol was an easy escape and one he sought often.
He was an expert at getting drunk. Ask anyone.
And he had a temper too.
Pete used to be a different guy, one who gave a shit and cared about doing
the right thing. A low bitter chuckle rumbled in his throat as his best friend’s
gaze caught his across the room, appearing in the doorway with a frown. R.J.
glared in Rafe’s direction and ticked his head toward the exit, but Peter mouthed
the word ‘no.’ He wasn’t ready to leave quite yet.
There were a few things he needed to settle before he attempted to make all
his wrongs right. Not an easy choice for a man whose life was condemned, but
vengeance was bittersweet, and he intended to savor the moment once it arrived.
For now, he had a plan to enact, which meant taking necessary risks. Right or
wrong he was determined to avenge the wrongs done to him and those he loved.
Doing the right thing caused him to lose the only woman who ever meant
anything to him.
Rae was gone forever because of his choices . . .
So . . . fuck doing the right thing.
He didn’t give a shit anymore.
Time was ticking, his hatred burning deep and simmering low, ready to ignite
in a flame of righteous revenge. So much time had passed. Too many years to
No more waiting, it had been long enough. Rafe would answer for his
Five years.
Five long painful years.
An eternity.
But just like the Grim Reaper . . . death was about to seek retribution.
The name of vengeance was Peter “Edge” Harding.

IPPY Award Winner, Gold Medalist Best Romance/Erotica

Landis is the award winning author of over a dozen novels, mostly in
the romance genre. She grew up sneaking her mother’s romance novels
intrigued with the characters, the stories, and the historical
settings from authors that have greatly influenced her writing like
Johanna Lindsey, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, and Bertrice Small.
is also a fan of the classics and adores Jane Austen. Books like The
Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit have
shaped and molded her vision of fantasy and inspired it, contributing
to her popular series The Fight for Light novels.
holds two degrees, in Dietetics and Nutrition, and her Bachelor of
Science in Health Promotion and Wellness. She’s a wife and mother,
spending her free time reading, writing, and enjoying the outdoors.

the tour HERE
for exclusive teasers, excerpts and a giveaway!