
Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Witching Hour Anthology

Embark on a spellbinding journey with this collection of paranormal short stories dedicated to magic-wielding masters of the mystical arts. Armed with ancient power, they need only whisper arcane incantations to bend reality to their every desire.
THE WITCHING HOUR, the second action-packed anthology in the Summer of Supernaturals series featuring witches, warlocks, djinn, and more from six of today’s best urban fantasy and paranormal romance authors.

About The Book

The Witching Hourby Debra Elise, DJ Shaw, Grace White, Pepper McGraw, Kat Parrish, and A.B. Bloom.
Summer of Supernaturals #2
Urban Fantasy
Paranormal Fantasy
Paranormal Romance
Pure Textuality PR
Publication Date
June 1, 2018
Purchase Your Copy Today!
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A 4-Part Anthology Series Dedicated to the World of the Supernatural!


To celebrate the SUMMER OF SUPERNATURALS anthology series, we’re giving away a $50 Amazon gift card to four lucky winners!

GIVEAWAY TERMS & CONDITIONS:  Open internationally. Four winners will each receive a $50 Amazon gift card. This giveaway is administered by Pure Textuality PR on behalf of PTPR and Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Book Bargains.  Giveaway ends 8/31/2018 @ 11:59pm EST. Pure Textuality PR will send the prizes to the winner via email. Limit one entry per reader.  Duplicates will be deleted.  CLICK HERE TO ENTER!



Debra Elise lives with her husband and their two sons in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She is an Autism advocate, stay at home mom, full time writer, and is always on the lookout for inspiration in all its forms. She will release two more books in her Outlaws of Baseball series, MANAGING BLAKE and the final book in the series, LOVING NOEL, in 2018.
She is also writing in the paranormal romance genre. Stay tuned for more book info on this project.
Sharing what motivates her is a life passion (a close second to writing romance of course). A self-proclaimed extroverted introvert, when not writing or procrastinating, she enjoys hanging out with other author-type individuals and teasing her three ‘boys’ into displaying their killer smiles. Visit Debra at
Most days find her carpooling, avoiding laundry and spending too much time on Facebook and Twitter, and Pinterest, and Instagram. She will soon be starting a self-help group for social media addicts-maybe.
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Born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1977, DJ Shaw was 17 before she was able to see most of the United States. When she was 17, she decided to join the fair, traveling with them to Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Once the fair arrived in Lake Charles, DJ had decided it was time to go home, that she had had enough of traveling with the fair. She much rather preferred to sit around writing, or even telling, the lives of the people who lived in her head. She had been good at story-telling from the time she was about ten, when she scared herself so bad with her story of the Boogey-man that she couldn’t move off her bed. Her siblings would come to her for their scare fix, because they knew she could come up with something on the spot.
Having found what she loved to do at an early age, she continued to write down her stories and any poetry that came into her head. She had stacks upon stacks of notebooks filled with her work. Her love of horror movies made her stories that much more chilling.
When she’s not writing, she’s listening to music, supporting her favorite adopted brother and his band “Traveler in Pain”, playing with her five children, spending time with her husband of seven years or watching horror movies in the middle of the night just for the scare factor.
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Grace White is the paranormal pseudonym of romance writer, L A Cotton.
She resides in the UK with her family, and lives for binge watching series on her Firestick, losing herself in a good book, and reliving her younger days through trashy teenage movies … not necessarily in that order.
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Pepper McGraw wishes she were a shifter, but since she wasn’t lucky enough to be born that way, she chooses to write about them instead. She’s an advocate of animal rescue and supports local shelters and Trap-Neuter-Release programs for feral cats. She has had the supreme honor of winning occasional head butts and meows from the local ferals in her neighborhood and even of convincing a few to come inside and adopt her as their own.
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A book hoarder and coffee addict by heart Anna Bloom loves to write extraordinary stories about real love. Based south of London with her husband, three children and a dog with a beard, Anna likes to connect with readers, fan girl over her favourite authors and binge watch Supernatural while drinking lots of wine.
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Kat Parrish is a former reporter who prefers making things up! An Army brat, her motto is “Have passport, will travel.” She has lived in seven states and two foreign countries and would love to celebrate her 100th birthday with a trip into space. She lives in the Pacific Northwest near a haunted cemetery.
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Friday, June 1, 2018

Barnabas Tew and The Case Of The Missing Scarab

Barnabas Tew and The Case Of The Missing Scarab
by Columbkill Noonan

About the Book

Barnabas Tew and The Case Of The Missing Scarab
Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Published by Crooked Cat Books
Release Date - June 3, 2017
Paperback: 274 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1546786078
Digital ASIN: B072JMJV1F

Barnabas Tew is a private detective struggling to survive in his trade in Victorian London. Fearing that he is not as clever as he had hoped to be, he is plagued by a lack of confidence brought on in no small part by his failure to prevent the untimely deaths of several of his clients.
Matters only get worse when Anubis, the Egyptian God of the Dead, is referred to Barnabas by a former client (who perished in a terribly unfortunate incident which was almost certainly not Barnabas’ fault). Anubis sends for Barnabas (in a most uncivilized manner) and tells him that the scarab beetle in charge of rolling the sun across the sky every day has been kidnapped, and perhaps dismembered entirely.
The Land of the Dead is in chaos, which will soon spill over into the Land of the Living if Barnabas – together with his trusty assistant, Wilfred – cannot set matters to right. Pulled from his predictable (if unremarkable) life in Marylebone, Barnabas must match his wits against the capricious and dangerous Egyptian gods in order to unravel the mystery of the missing beetle and thereby save the world.

About the Author

Columbkill Noonan has an M.S. in Biology (she has, in turn, been a field biologist, an environmental compliance inspector, and a lecturer of Anatomy and Physiology).

When she's not teaching or writing, she can usually be found riding her rescue horse, Mittens, practicing yoga (on the ground, in an aerial silk, on a SUP board, and sometimes even on Mittens), or spending far too much time at the local organic, vegan market.

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1. What is your favorite part of this book and why? I love the parts where Barnabas interacts with Anubis’ minions. To me they represent Barnabas in a microcosm, if you will: he’s easily annoyed, and his feathers get ruffled, but he’s also got a brave heart and stands up for what he thinks is right, even against the smallest of infractions.
2. If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?I would hang out with Hathor, for sure. She’s a feminist goddess from Ancient Egypt, and she has just a bit of a chip on her shoulder; just enough to make her a real hoot.
3. If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose? Can I say War and Peace? Wouldn’t everyone say that?
4. Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination? That depends; do you consider mythological gods and goddesses to be real people? Many of the characters are based on real mythology. As for Barnabas, well, I do think he’s a bit like me. I too can be very anxious, and a bit impulsive, and this leads to all sorts of strange adventures, much like those that happen to Barnabas and Wilfred.
5. What made you want to become a writer? I’ve always loved books (I learned to read very young, and wrote my first book when I was five years old. Of course, it wasn’t very good, but still…)

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June 2 – A Blue Million Books – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

June 3 - Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

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Boy in the Mirror by Robert J. Duperre Blitz

Young Adult Urban Fantasy/Horror
Date Published: December 31, 2016
Publisher: TRO Publishing

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Fifteen-year-old Jacqueline Talbot’s boyfriend Mal lives in the mirror of her makeup case. There’s never been anything normal about Jacqueline; not during her time in foster care, and certainly not in her new hometown of Mercy Hills.

With rumors of actual monsters in the woods, the popular kids taking an unhealthy interest in her, and the revealing of her own dark past, all Jacqueline wants to do is run away forever with Mal. Too bad he’s trapped in the mirror.

But when she learns the ancient forces of the town want to destroy everything she loves, the race is on to free the boy in the mirror, because he just might be the only one who knows how to stop them.


Olivia tripped, falling on her rump with a yelp. Jacqueline continued to kick out her feet, trying to scurry away from the lurching monstrosity as fast as she could. She tried to get her anger to rise up again, to feel the strength of her rage as she had when Papa Gelick attacked her, but it remained hidden, locked away, out of reach. This wasn’t confronting some boisterous kid in a high school hallway. This was real. This was dangerous.

And Jacqueline was afraid.

“Get away!” Annette’s voice shouted. “Don’t come any closer!”

Jacqueline’s friends rushed forward. Ronni helped Jacqueline to her feet while Annette did the same for Olivia. Neil stepped toward the man with the knife with his phone held up, the flashlight on the back shining. The man held up his hand to shield his eyes. Jacqueline shrugged away from Ronni and joined Neil’s side, trying not to be completely terrified.

The man dropped his hand and leered at them. Neil kept his arm raised, the wavering light revealing a haggard, forty-something adult with a patchy beard, messed-up teeth, and beady eyes. The guy wore a beaten-up leather duster and grimy jeans. He took another step toward them, which prompted Neil to hastily retreat and stumble over his own feet.

“Little pig, little pig, let me in,” the man growled as Neil fell. His beady eyes shifted in Jacqueline’s direction. “Not by the hair of my—”

His mouth abruptly snapped shut, his jaw twitched, his cheeks sagged. Jacqueline froze, not sure what to do. Finally, the brute turned tail and dashed across the parking lot, looking like he was headed for the thin line of woods on the mall’s west end.

Jacqueline wasn’t sure if the danger was over. She heard Olivia sobbing behind her. “I’m so sorry…I’m so sorry…my cousin was mugged last week…what’s wrong with this town?” Jacqueline stepped toward the darkened area between the two cars, where the second shadow still lay. The victim. Jacqueline knelt on wet pavement. She touched the body, and it flinched.

“Please…” whispered a weak, female voice.

“Guys!” Jacqueline called out over her shoulder. “Neil, call 9-1-1!”

About the Author

Robert J. Duperre is an author from Connecticut, the land of insurance, tobacco, and unfulfilled dreams. Over his mildly interesting life, Robert has released seven novels that skirt the line between horror, science fiction, and fantasy, as well as edited and contributed to a pair of short story collections. His novel “Soultaker” was released in 2017 by Ragnarok Publications. He also co-wrote "The Breaking World" series with David Dalglish, which was picked up and published by 47North, a subsidiary of Amazon Publishing. And all this was accomplished while living happily ever after with his wife, the artist Jessica Torrant.

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Tainted by Amanda Cowen blitz

Amanda Cowen
(Wyatt #1)
Publication date: June 22nd 2018
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Rhys Wyatt is as arrogant as he is beautiful, and Ivy Bishop has been infatuated with him forever. The night Ivy makes her move, it ends horribly, leaving her utterly heartbroken.
Three years later, Ivy is dating Blaine Wyatt; Rhys’s loving and tender younger brother. With Rhys and their past somewhat out of her mind, everything about her relationship with Blaine seems perfect. But when Blaine leaves Ivy alone all summer; neither of them anticipated Rhys to return, or him and Ivy to be stuck living under the same roof…
Rhys never believed Ivy would be all grown up and everything he’s ever wanted – gorgeous, perfectly alluring, and an infuriatingly tempting beauty he has to keep his hands off of. But the more they try to resist each other, the more intense their urges become, until one night changes everything, and Wyatt brothers will never be the same.
I pushed open the front door, tossed my keys onto the entryway table and flicked on a light switch.
“Where were you?”
I let out a shrill scream and whipped around, even though I immediately recognized his smooth deep voice. Rhys sat on a bench along the opposite wall leaning back, legs apart and spread, with his muscular arms crossed in front of his chest. My green eyes locked with his blue ones, but his bare chest had my gaze slowly creeping below his neckline. My eyes travelled downwards to see tattooed forearms, a pair of gray sweat pants hanging loosely around his hips, and finally his bare feet.
I pressed my palms down on the table behind me to keep from melting to the floor. “What the hell are you still doing here?” I sputtered.
An amused grin curled on his lips, but he didn’t budge as if he were inviting me to straddle his open legs. “Where were you?” he repeated.
“Why are you sitting here in the dark?” I shot back, even though my voice was shaky.
“Do you always answer a question with a question?” He stroked the five o’clock shadow grown in around his lips with his thumb and index finger. He slouched down further on the bench like he was getting comfy.
“No, not always.” I said, finally able to gain my composure.
“Come on Ivy, don’t make me ask you again.” His smug smile made want to whip off one of Missy’s cowboy boots I was wearing and chuck it at him.
He slowly uncrossed his arms and pressed his palms flat against the bench beneath him on either side of long muscular legs. He leaned forward and tilted his head to the side with a cocky grin. “Your shift must have ended at least three hours ago.”
I just stood still welling up with irritation. What the hell was he still doing here? He bit down on his bottom lip and tucked his shoulder length hair behind his ears. Even though he looked scruffy and older, he still had the same boyish good looks I remembered falling in love with. His new appearance suited him better than his once clean-shaven face hidden under a baseball cap.
“It’s none of your business.” I pulled off my boots in case I really did need them for ammo.
“When my brother’s girlfriend gets dropped off by Charlie three hours after her shift ended, I think it’s more than my business. Especially when she stumbles in wearing the world’s shortest skirt.” Rhys’s gaze trailed up my legs as he rose to his feet. He was much taller than I remembered, and I had to tilt my chin upwards to meet his stare.
“I was at an employee bonfire behind the bunkhouse. I wanted to leave, so Charlie offered to drive me to the ranch. If I would’ve known you were still here, I would’ve rather slept in a dumpster than be graced with your presence.” I spun around to separate myself from his intense stare and headed off in the direction of the guest bedroom.
Who the hell did Rhys Wyatt think he was talking to me like that?
Rhys’s hand closed around my elbow, and my body trembled at his touch. I wasn’t expecting every tiny hair to stand on edge when his warm fingers melted into my skin but they did.
“No one knows I’m back in Moose Creek, and I’d like to keep it that way… for now.” Rhys’s voice lowered to a murmur. He gently tugged my backside against his hard groin and whispered in my ear. “Trust me. I don’t want to be here anymore than I want your little body floating around and bumping into me every which way I turn. When you walked in on me last night -” He stopped from continuing his sentence and paused. He let out a warm tense breath and growled against my ear. “This situation isn’t ideal for either of us. So keep your distance and don’t you dare tell anyone I’m back.”
I sucked a sharp breath. It felt like my knees were about to buckle. How could I let my body react to him like this?
“What are you hiding from?” I asked through clenched teeth.
Rhys released my elbow from his death grip. “I’m not hiding.”
I slowly turned around and watched his smooth muscular back arch as he ran both his hands through his brown hair. His chest was so defined that I wanted to reach out and trace my fingers around his prefect pecks. His eyes fell closed and he let out an angry noise from his throat.
“I’m not leaving, Ivy. I’m staying in Moose Creek for the summer and I’m living at the ranch. I’d really appreciate you keeping my presence to yourself right now. That means not telling Blaine either. I don’t need anyone asking questions, especially not Blaine.” When his eyes finally opened they softened. Rhys slowly moved his bare feet across the hardwood floors and I stood frozen in place, mesmerized by his tight body stalking in my direction. He stopped inches in front of me and ran a hand through his thick dark hair. “Do you understand?” he asked.
I nodded. “Understood.”
“Thank you.”
I stood speechless for a moment until he lifted his eyes to meet mine. I expected them to be filled with a proud and pompous smile, but there was something vulnerable in them that I had never seen in him before. His chest rose up and down and his lips stayed slightly parted.
“Goodnight Ivy,” he whispered and disappeared down the hallway.

Author Bio:
Amanda Cowen can be found eating cupcakes, singing off-key, or watching a good RomCom when she isn't trapped on her computer writing stories. She is an "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" fanatic, a hater of roller-coasters and a country music junkie. She lives in Thunder Bay, ON where the summers are short and the winters are long.
Amanda would love to hear from her readers. Become a fan on Facebook, follow her on Instagram @authoramandacowen, or follow her on Goodreads.
